Dat foreshadowing, Sakura losing her arm when?
Why is Sakura shown doing something?
Shouldn't she be useless off of the cover?
Dat foreshadowing, Sakura losing her arm when?
The characters get some more development and there are some story arcs which elaborate on the origins of the bookstore, but overall it doesn't deviate too much from the beginning's formula, so if you haven't really liked the first two chapters I don't think the later ones will make you change your mind.
@ dani_dc
How about Takako Shimura works? I'm not expert in that field though but I did read some of her works and I love her character designs.
I'm not sure how they fix them. The movie cover has Naruto with a weird bandaged right arm.
Again not sure if doujin or realNaruto
Nearly a perfect ending. Sasuke finally getting his Naru after so many years of wanting. Those pages of his feelings in words and seeing the effects that Naruto has had on him for years. Perhaps thats why he lost, he just didnt want to end Naruto after and had made him go the distance to prove just how much he wanted him back too.
Cant wait to read vizs. They dont make embarrassing typos.
Again not sure if doujin or real
I'm gonna miss this series. Really enjoyed it. This mangaka will be back with a vengeance though.Mitsukubi Condor Manga to End Saturday
First causality of the new series and like totally no one saw it coming.
I'm gonna miss this series. Really enjoyed it. This mangaka will be back with a vengeance though.
I could see them cancelling Sporting Salt before Yokaemono though. I don't understand how this got serialized. I don't think even Comic Xenon would....
Nearly a perfect ending. Sasuke finally getting his Naru after so many years of wanting. Those pages of his feelings in words and seeing the effects that Naruto has had on him for years. Perhaps thats why he lost, he just didnt want to end Naruto after and had made him go the distance to prove just how much he wanted him back too.
Cant wait to read vizs. They dont make embarrassing typos.
Again not sure if doujin or real
Nodoes it matter?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxJxdp3fUfI (Ep1/v1 spoiler)
Is Bleach even supposed to make any goddamn sense anymore?
Did you try drinking Bleach while reading it?
Shit doesn't even try to make sense. You can criticize Naruto for any number of things (e.g. a 3 year war arc where the characters get like 8 power-ups a piece over 2 in-universe days; Kishi's attempt to depict a real friendship between 2 men coming off blatantly homoerotic rather than just real friendship; Madara just getting shanked out of nowhere and having no story resolution, ad nauseum), but I never stopped actually knowing what the plot was. I legit don't have a fucking clue what is supposed to be happening in Bleach, who any of these fucking characters are or why they are there, or why this is happening.
I haven't really been keeping up with naruto but they have prisons right? Sasuke is definitely going to prison after this is over right?
Is Bleach even supposed to make any goddamn sense anymore?
To be fair isn't it true that most manga series have a problem with that?
I feel like that's part of the reason why most sports manga haven't become more popular.
Tokyo Ghoul Vol 2 and 3
I'm sorry, but am I the only one finding it hard to sympathize with the Ghouls? They actively eat and murder innocent humans. I get the mother/daughter thing but otherwise I'm so disenchanted with the idea that "Ghouls are people too" in this manga it hurts. The setting is interesting as is the dynamic and struggle of the world in Tokyo Ghoul. The character development is solid thus-far. But the constant shoving down the throat that it's ok to eat and murder people because "they can't help it," fuck you Sui Ishida.
Also wat @ that afterlife scene at the end. I thought this series was supposed to be like a modern, somewhat realistic take on Ghoul mythology? Now they throw that out of the way by introducing a comedic afterlife scene which was amusing but kind of makes this more of the realm of complete modern fantasy. I'm not complaining, mind you, it just caught me off guard.
The art still sucks as well, kind of reminds me of Attack on Titan's art. Proportions get all fucked up when the manga-ka tries to do action scenes and movement. There's a lot of stuff that is supposed to look cool like the Ghoul powers but look awful because of the art.
I'm glad it's finally ending, but the the arm thing happened. So much cheese. F
But most ghouls do not obtain human meat peacefully. Honestly I'm more sympathetic to the mission of eradicating all of them than the struggle of the Ghouls itself. Obviously there's middle grounds but in the long term I say kill all of them. They're dangerous.You're misunderstanding the author's intentions when he wrote this. He wants readers to understand that no matter what it is, its not what you are, but who you are. There are ghouls who try to live peacefully and acquire human meat through non-violent means, such as getting humans that committed suicide so they won't have to kill anyone. Even though the blind fear from humans is warranted since ghouls try to blind in society AND kill them while other ghouls just try to blend in. The perspectives are butchered throughout the beginning of the manga but the mangaka gets better. Also, the necessity to eat human meat brings a strong dynamic that's relevant with humans, people need to eat to live and if you don't you die, this holds as an unshakable truth for both ghouls and humans.
Is Bleach even supposed to make any goddamn sense anymore?
Killing Bites 1-7
I had no idea honey badgers were so interesting.
But most ghouls do not obtain human meat peacefully. Honestly I'm more sympathetic to the mission of eradicating all of them than the struggle of the Ghouls itself. Obviously there's middle grounds but in the long term I say kill all of them. They're dangerous.
Also humans don't have to eat meat and live, which makes me question the premise of Ghouls who one can presume is just as much a living being as humans can ONLY eat humans. Especially taking evolutionary values in account, you think if Ghouls have been living intelligently alongside humans for so long that they would become omnivores like we are.
Killing Bites 1-7
I had no idea honey badgers were so interesting.
1. Musume-iri Bako (illustrated by Akatsuki Akira (illustrator of Medaka Box)) = going to release in Issue 49 of Shounen Jump
2. RKD-EK9 (illustrated by Obata Takeshi (illustrator of Hikaru no Go, Death Note, Bakuman)) = going to release in December Issue of Jump SQ.
3. 「Nanimade Nara Koroseru?」 (illustrated by Ikeda Akihisa (author of Rosario to Vampire)) = going to release in December Issue of Jump SQ.
4. Hunger Strike! (illustrated by Fukushima Teppei (author of Samurai Usagi)) = going to release in Issue 1 of Young Jump
5. Koi Aru Dougu-ya (illustrated by Yamakawa Aiji (author of Stand Up!)) = going to release in January Issue of Bessatsu Margaret
6. Offside wo Oshiete (illustrated by Nakayama Atsushi (author of Nejimaki Kagyuu)) = going to release in Issue 3 of Shounen Jump
7. Bokura wa Zatsu ni wa Manabanai (illustrated by Kawashita Mizuki (author of Ichigo 100% and illustrator of Te to Kuchi)) = going to release in Shounen Jump on January of 2015
8. Doushitemi Kanaetai Tatta Hitotsu no Negai to Warito Soudemonai 99 no Negai (illustrated by Nakamura Hikaru (author of Saint Oniisan, Arakawa Under the Bridge)) = going to release in Young Jump on January of 2015
9. Tomodachi Inai Doumei (illustrated by Kindaichi Renjuurou (author of Liar X Liar)) = going to release in Jump SQ. on February of 2015
It's true obviously if I were put in Kaneki's position I'd be somewhat sympathetic, but since I'm but a mere human if I were in this setting I would be completely ok with getting rid of Ghouls.The bold is a definitive statement that cannot be proven. I'm pretty confident there is a good percentage of ghouls that decide to live life peacefully. However, than the question arises, would you be just as sympathetic to the mission of eradicating all ghouls if you were to become one? The story is laid out so you can vicariously live it through Kaneki's eyes, its certainly difficult and unrelenting but if you want to live, you have to do so through means that allow you to survive, whether it be by violently or non-violently getting human meat. Plus, I didn't explain myself correctly, what I meant by humans eating is that they need sustenance to survive, sadly ghouls don't have many options (as of what's been explained in the manga).
Lastly, put your tinfoil hats on, I believe the ghouls were created, not brought about through evolution. If that was the case, all you would need are humans who have strong cannibalistic tendencies if it were to diminish populations, ghouls would have the same level of intelligence as humans (if they did descend from humans) and be able to combat them normally. My premise for all of this is... Well I don't want to spoil it but once you reach the end of the manga, some light will be shed on how integrated/powerful ghouls are in society.
The only thing I can't put my finger on is why eat humans? I'm assuming the mangaka has done their research on certain blood factors that only reside in humans or something and that can grant immortality, pretty cliche but not impossible. It'll be a roller coaster for this thread once we reach that point in a 2-3 years time.
Keijo 4
Typical show of skill but since its between these 2 i'm alright with it.
Seems like a friendship in the making here.
Yeah I'm digging that. It's kinda happening naturally.Keijo 4
Typical show of skill but since its between these 2 i'm alright with it.
Seems like a friendship in the making here.
Aizen: since when did you begin to think that bleach was making sense?Is Bleach even supposed to make any goddamn sense anymore?
And hopefully something more.
*wink wink nudge nudge*
Yeah I'm digging that. It's kinda happening naturally.
I haven't really been keeping up with naruto but they have prisons right? Sasuke is definitely going to prison after this is over right?
BTW, it looks like Mitsubuki Condor died so Naruto could have two chapters next week, lol
Bakemonogatari's NisiOisin Writes 9 Manga One-Shots in 4 Months
BTW, it looks like Mitsubuki Condor died so Naruto could have two chapters next week, lol
Bakemonogatari's NisiOisin Writes 9 Manga One-Shots in 4 Months