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Manga News/Discussion |OTS| Yeah I couldn't come up with a thread title ¯\_()_/¯

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Nah, I get that, I'm just wondering if the black hole thing was triggered by the MC or the brother.

The brother. It was two separate things. Lafalle stopped the sleeping tower, while the brother tried to stop the experiment.

Maga-Tsuki ch41.5

Well, uh, she got his email. That's progress, I suppose?


Since this is a collection of short stories, I'm gonna writer the impression for each chapter:

Perfect Girl (Jun)
Really, what a way to start a short stories collection. This is like reading Chekhov and got welcomed by Ward No. 6. Well not as depressing as that, but Perfect Girl really morbid in a kind of way on portraying man's obsession.

Golden Pin (Kawaguchi Madoka)
For a horror, this is a really excellent one considering the length. Even though the horror just appear exactly about pages away from the end, the ending able to deliver such impact that you can't no longer see this as nothing but a horror story.

Angel Study
A nice break from the previous two serious with much more serious tone. But it is just that, not anything special since the jokes employed are the usual one you can find in any other manga.


I Am An Assassin (Kazuhashi Tomo)
A good show of wits. Out of 6 stories I read so far, this is the only that could be turned into a series. Considering that, this probably feel more like of an oneshot than a tight closed short story.

Come Out (Saba Tamayumi)
One of those "mysterious thing appeared out of nowhere" that being handled in comedic way earlier, then realistically later. While there isn't anything really special, it still well executed in that amount of chapter to make the feel "shit gonna happen" quite strong at the end of it.

Afternoon Dinosaur (Shirai Hiroko)
My favorite story so far, at least in concept. I don't really buy the nuke war as something that could make the earth feels like "dying" but the concept that the author is really an exceptional one, as it overwhelming the whole manga.

Modern Life (Arita Kei)
Heh, I thought this would be one of those "inspiration" story until that twist in the end. Really nice, but it could be better if only the ending is different. What I mean, is that the thief man wouldn't be in police custody for too long since he can just show his real identity with various mean. Also, unless the man is escape and hide his identity, he would be come. The impact of the theme would be much stronger if the the thief man try to resist and died from a gunshot. By then, the man is practically dead in official revord and he could started a new life much easier, showing how he is a really Karma Houdini.

Living Maintenance (Shimura Takako)
This could be the strongest short story, if only the author put more detail of the world into it. The underlying tone is like, dystopish (not really dystopian since it's too strong for this) world that remind me of Never Let Me Go novel. But while NLMG subtly hinted there is something wrong underneath the character whom voice we heard along the story, Living Maintenance lack that detail. There isn't really any real force that justify the way how it happened in the story. The things like "avoiding overpopulation", "preventing war", or "natural selection" is just too broad to be a justification for maintaining a dystopish stability and society.

Incident At Night (Oda Hideji)'
Just like Angel Study, this is a nice break from previous story as we have a comedy short story here without anything special worth of mention. Well, the art is unique at least.



The volume shorts are incredibly hard to read now.

Speaking of which, Fuuka is probably going to be the name of their first hit. I can't believe the guys in the shop couldn't put two and two together and realize they were talking about the same band.


Box (Oda Hideji)
Oda Hideji almost redeemed himself to me, until the ending hit. The premise of this story is interesting as it tells a life of a woman that around herself on a box that supposedly to grant her any wish. There were numerous point in her life that makes her want to open it, but ended not to because of fear she will waste it that. The box become a carrot stick for the rest of the life. But not only that, it become a thing that makes reflect of her past deed. What the ending undone it to me is how the angel boy spout everything else out, which makes this short story unnecessarily feel preachy and inspiring.

The Gate The Space (Kitoh Mohiro
Seriously I never thought that a cover story for the second would become the weakest so far. It just to cliched through and through like something you have seen in countless of drama. For me this is weaker than the "nice break" stories before because at least they could entertain me whilst this story only make me cringe.

The Mirror (Haneo)
Well this is kinda cliched too, summoning a demon only in the end it turned out to be that the human themselves are the demon. At least it not cringeworthy and I kinda like the message about letting a bad habit as we please at the end of story.








lots of cancelled series releasing them volumes :p

Looks like the Soma volume is a continued spread from last months


the holder of the trombone
Also am I reading it wrong or did illegal rare managed to reach 4 volumes? I could have sworn that I read that it was canceled.
Also am I reading it wrong or did illegal rare managed to reach 4 volumes? I could have sworn that I read that it was canceled.

It did. And it was cancelled. It was the last of that batch of things to get cancelled.
RIP Stealth Symphony

Of course, I assume that everyone just forgot about it until they realized they needed to make room for a new series. ~_~
Everything looks ugly expect Soma's and that's only cause of background Soma.
I agree that they are bad covers... weird colour choices too
Also am I reading it wrong or did illegal rare managed to reach 4 volumes? I could have sworn that I read that it was canceled.
it is indeed cancelled.... likely this is the last few chapters (final volume)
One Piece shows nipples though.
Then again it's One Piece.
Oh, well what do you know.... the series I least expected to have it ;))


the funny thing is if you look closely that Sumo manga cover also shows no nipples

Guess it is a Shonen Jump thing :/

I wonder if Naruto (the series) shows man nipples... there was that shirtless Sasuke scene

One Piece shows nipples though.

Then again it's One Piece.


the holder of the trombone
It did. And it was cancelled. It was the last of that batch of things to get cancelled.
RIP Stealth Symphony

Of course, I assume that everyone just forgot about it until they realized they needed to make room for a new series. ~_~

I agree that they are bad covers

weird colour choices too

it is indeed cancelled.... likely this is the last few chapters (final volume)

Add right. Thanks for the info.


I'm too lazy to write down the rest of the impression. Unless I'm wrong or Doyman Sayman change his style, I don't find his name there nor his drawing.

Kingdom 409
So I suppose that this Hanoki guy is Ryofui lackey?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Shokugeki no Soma 93

I'd ask if the lewd implications of Kurokiba's demand to Alice was intentional, but its Shokugeki.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It really is.

Three weeks ago: oh this series is so cute and the characters are actually likeable; Fuuka is best girl

Today: Fuuka's dead. Main character is wandering around in depression getting his ass kicked by random street punks in back alleys.


Three weeks ago: oh this series is so cute and the characters are actually likeable; Fuuka is best girl

Today: Fuuka's dead. Main character is wandering around in depression getting his ass kicked by random street punks in back alleys.

A perfectly executed troll if I ever saw one.

I love how it retroactively ruins the ending of one of his previous mangas as well. He's really in for the long con it seems.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
You know, when people said the 3DMG reminded them of Spider-Man, I didn't expect Japan to take it literally!
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