Dedication Through Light
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer v2 (-16)
People need to tag series with character deaths or something, after getting excited by Hangetsu and all that he brought to the table with the Ally of Justice stuff to see him removed rather quickly (it all happened in litrally just two panels, could have been much longer than that), was abit too much and rather unexpected. I was thinking he could at least get up and come up or something, not just be left, mountain crushed and then replaced by the phenomenal crow knight. Well the time for mourning was short as I was quickly laughing with the younger brothers introduction, second best character so far and hilarious smile and antics. This is really fun now.
People need to tag series with character deaths or something, after getting excited by Hangetsu and all that he brought to the table with the Ally of Justice stuff to see him removed rather quickly (it all happened in litrally just two panels, could have been much longer than that), was abit too much and rather unexpected. I was thinking he could at least get up and come up or something, not just be left, mountain crushed and then replaced by the phenomenal crow knight. Well the time for mourning was short as I was quickly laughing with the younger brothers introduction, second best character so far and hilarious smile and antics. This is really fun now.