So my 2 choices that I like the best is BOOM, and Sweat Man.
BOOM looks really good in the art department, and the story is interesting. A guy with bomb powers sounds pretty cool, and his whole reasoning for adventuring is cool as well. To rid the world of dangerous bombs, to replace them with entertaining ones. Pretty nice. The only thing I disliked was the big earrings on the MC, but it's not a huge problem. Just a little pet peeve, nothing else.
Sweat Man has a nice story and is original in the "guy who sweats too much" part. I don't mind another super hero kind of story, especially if it ends up like Ratman. I am going to have to say that his power has been done in different forms. If anyone has read Rising X Rydeen, the main character has the power of gel. So he can slip and slide everywhere. Actually speaking of same powers, he kinds reminds me of Hakkan.
Even though I want to vote for the US guy, BOOM and Sweat Man impressed me way too much to vote for it. I do have to say that the story was at least adorable and creative.