Probably for the best. New series is awful so far.
I mean. We have Kaine back at least
Probably for the best. New series is awful so far.
Miles was fine in the Ultimate Universe. Merging his world into the main universe has just muddled his origin and story.
I guess the role they want him to play the high school version of Spider-man, so that he means he is never getting out of high school. He is also never gonna grow up because that would be aging Parker.
Stuff like this could have been avoided if they had just kept him in his own world.
It makes me happy they're going back to legacy numbering. Finally. Screw the constant #1 issues.
Did you miss the thread where everyone lost their shit at an Elseworld story where Batman is evil?And this is why Comics aren't ever going to improve.
There will never be experimentation or a change in status quo. Things just remain the same in perpetuity in both of the big two perpetual attempts at bringing in new readership.
But even the execution has been crap. And this Spider-man as mascot/bodyguard shit was just stupid.
Seriously Slott's writing can be so clumsy at times. Just look at the introduction of Silk.
Bendis has been writing Spider-Man since 2000.Yeah, but I was talking about Spider-Man. How long has Slott been on now? I'm assuming probably Stan Lee wrote more, but Slott's got to be up there. JMS wrote for a long time, too, I think.
You say that like the book won't double ship at times lol.Superior and Spider-Verse were after Ends of the Earth though.
Also, to quote Slott from the article in the OP:
He'll be on the book until at least #800, which means Slott is going to be staying on ASM until at least fall 2018.
Sorry guys!
That's probably what it is.Unless he is editor or owner of the Daily Bugle, they can fuck off
Only one of those is synergy lol.-Remember when Star Lord as straight laced space soldier
-Remember when Janet was the only Wasp?
-Remember when Rhodey was alive?
-Remember when Groot spoke more than 3 words?
Don't worry, they'll be back to new #1s next year.
Did you miss the thread where everyone lost their shit at an Elseworld story where Batman is evil?
The guy also ruined Ben Reilly.
Will never forgive them for that. Would rather he have just been dead.The guy also ruined Ben Reilly.
Speaking of venom... what happened to agent venom?
The Flash Venom status quo was a rare thing in superhero comics: actual character progression.
Eddie was a repentant civilian, working at a homeless shelter. The symbiote had been long ago confiscated by Shield. That's a pretty good, logical conclusion for the classic Venom.
Flash Thompson, the bully jock from the old days, joined the Army after high school, grew up a lot, and became far more nuanced a character, especially after he got both of his legs blown off in Iraq. That too is a pretty good progression for a classic, one dimensional character.
Then Flash as a war hero vet was asked by the government to take the symbiote for a spin. He got his legs back (while wearing the symbiote), went on missions, got to be one of the NY Supers that he always idolized.
Then he wound up in space on a mission, met Quill and the gang, and decided to quit his job, keep the symbiote, and stay in space. Chill on Knowhere for a while, meet exotic civilizations and learn more about the symbiote's species. Have space adventures with some Cosmic Marvel deep cuts.
All of it was a long, interesting story, and one that organically progressed. It was the opposite of what usually happens with most Marvel & DC characters, which is that they have to be corporate logos who never progress or change for decades, or when they do, have to be reset to what most people remember.
Eddie putting the suit back on and becoming Venom again after all this is dumb. It's that reset button that always has to be pressed sooner or later.
Adult Cyclops and Adult Jean Grey will come back to life someday, and they'll live in the mansion with Xavier. Peter Parker will be broke again. Logan will come back to life and Laura will disappear. Every time, the lazy creator who does it will do interviews and say "we're getting him/her back to his/her roots where he/she SHOULD BE!!". And we'll get a bunch of dumb, repetitious derivative stories, just like we're about to get with Eddie and the Symbiote.
A lot of people don't care for Miles including myself. I would rather have scrappy Parker because that's what i grew up with, it's like comfort food for me and many others.Its a return to the scrappy underdog status thats the Peter Parker we all know and love.
Fuuuuck. Off.
Seriously, this is why I stopped reading comics for a lot of years. These aren't actual story characters, sadly, they're corporate logos. They can't develop or progress, not for long. They always HAVE to be reset every few years back to whatever early part of their story they think people are most familiar with.
Hey Marvel? If you're going to tell stories about Peter Parker the guy who works at the Bugle and struggles to make ends meet? We've already read that. Many many many times.
We have a scrappy underdog/college student/girl problems Spider-Man already, too. His name is Miles. We don't need to regress Peter (even though we knew it was inevitable).
Quoting my rant from another thread several weeks ago, because it's relevant to this thread (but short answer is, big ol' reset button on Venom too):
And this is why Comics aren't ever going to improve.
There will never be experimentation or a change in status quo. Things just remain the same in perpetuity in both of the big two perpetual attempts at bringing in new readership.
Slott got death threats over that.And this is why comic threads in OT aren't ever going to improve.
The same people who cry about "things being the same" either don't read those books that actually experiment or foam at the fucking mouth whenever an attempt pops up.
Hell, Slott made a pretty fucking major status quo-shifting move with Spider-Man - and got shit for it from people who wanted the old Parker back. Hell, the GAF thread about that sounds a lot like the ones we see now, right down "this is why I don't/haven't read comics".
Yeah, but fuck me is Tradd Moore's art fantastic. I'm part of the problem![]()
Constant renumberings are even worseI don't like big numbering.
Adult Cyclops and Adult Jean Grey will come back to life someday, and they'll live in the mansion with Xavier. Peter Parker will be broke again. Logan will come back to life and Laura will disappear. Every time, the lazy creator who does it will do interviews and say "we're getting him/her back to his/her roots where he/she SHOULD BE!!". And we'll get a bunch of dumb, repetitious derivative stories, just like we're about to get with Eddie and the Symbiote.
Constant renumberings are even worse
I don't like big numbering.
The Daredevil book did a good job justifying him getting his secret identity back and the other changes from the Waid run.yeah, DD got his identity hidden again, too - because no one seemed to know what to do after Waid's run. i hate these things too, bu i gotta say: pretty much most things they've done since leaving the mansion (Messiah War onward) has felt like one big mistake to me, to the point where the x-men are just as easily forgettable for me as we know marvel wants them to be.
now, Old Man Logan going away for 616 wolvy is gonna piss me right off.
Every year is bad, but I wouldn't care if they reset every 50 - 100 issues.Constant renumberings are even worse
They've done stuff similar to that. The goal of this seems to be bringing the character to a more familiar setting with some of his older supporting cast.Peter can't own his own competing newspaper company or has that happened before already?
They aren't going to dump iconic characters like and there are comic fans who won't accept Miles, let alone someone new every decade.This sounds so bad... If they want to maintain a theme for specific heroes, how about passing down the mantle to a new character who fits that theme? We already have Miles Morales, but I mean like every 10 years they get a new plucky teenager who is trying to learn that "with great power comes great responsibility" and happens to have spider-themed powers. Peter Parker needs to move on with his life.
The Daredevil book did a good job justifying him getting his secret identity back and the other changes from the Waid run.
The real life reason iirc is that as a lawyer Soule didn't think a known vigilante operating as one made much sense. I may be getting that mixed up with another detail though.
Wow, I wasn't familiar with him but yeah his Instagram art is nuts. I read everything on Marvel Unlimited, so on my 6 months behind planet, Sandoval is still drawing it.
We're getting new creative team announcements every're right that it's why he put the cat back in the bag, but i didn't think using the purple kids to basically One More Day DD was so great - it was far less upsetting than mephisto but no less forced. really, that & the current arc have been the highlights of his run - he started out with a really shitty new villain in tenfingers, and Muse was alright but just there to maim blindspot.
honestly, following the incredible run of bends > burbaker > waid it's been a drop off, and im hopeful for a new creative team after the shift. speaking of, we really need to hear more about creative teams, this thread only tells me Slott is staying.
We're getting new creative team announcements every weekday.
I don't see Soule leaving because he's still early into his run.
I'm amazed that Marvel hasn't gone full Holywood and just flat out re-made their classic comics.
I'm not taking about Ultimate versions I'm talking taking the original storylines panel for panel and updating the art and giving the text and setting a more contemporary feel.
Parker Industries was a bad idea so I'm glad it's going away. Peter wasn't the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man anymore and basically replaced Iron Man. The concept takes Peter out of New York in favor of making him an international hero that arguably wasn't street level.
Bendis has been writing Spider-Man since 2000.
You say that like the book won't double ship at times lol.
That's probably what it is.
Only one of those is synergy lol.
...who's gonna be writing Moon Knight now?are we? what have i missed so far
and normally id be bummed to here soule's staying on but again, current arc gives promise - just wish lemire had stayed on moon knight
just wish lemire had stayed on moon knight
Quoting my rant from another thread several weeks ago, because it's relevant to this thread (but short answer is, big ol' reset button on Venom too):
are we? what have i missed so far
and normally id be bummed to here soule's staying on but again, current arc gives promise - just wish lemire had stayed on moon knight
hopefully spider man: chapter one scared them off this kind of idea
We don't know if he'll be struggling like that. I wish the Big Time status quo stuck around longer.I agree with this. I just do not want to see Peter regressing.
Being the editor or having a position of authority is great though.
The important thing is that Peter should no longer be living the struggle life. There are plenty of other heroes--some of them spiders--than can do that more convincingly.
They've written themselves into a corner with all the Robins in relation to Bruce's age. They can't really age up Damian much more.
I don't doubt they'll try to have some marketing thing when Infinity War comes out but they're not "relaunching."
They're not going to bring the big comics back to legacy numbering only to reset them with #1s again in 6 months. Slott in this interview even talks about #800, which would after Infinity War.
Someday Dick will have a son and he will be a new Robin. And somehow Batman still will be 30 years old.
Bruce has been deaged like three times in the past decade.Someday Dick will have a son and he will be a new Robin. And somehow Batman still will be 30 years old.
The fact that it's something they do for a few titles in a long time span says renumbering is still worse.Every year is bad, but I wouldn't care if they reset every 50 - 100 issues.
But going from number 30 something to 780 something is the absolute worst thing.
Did you miss the thread where everyone lost their shit at an Elseworld story where Batman is evil?
...who's gonna be writing Moon Knight now?
aw fuck, this pains me
I trade wait so I don't keep up with what's going on but lemire's moon knight has been so good
If you want to believe the rumors, don't expect much change in creative teams until after Legacy.