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Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign |OT| Welcome To Marvel [5m23s]!


Thor Patch Spidey? Thor Patch Magneto?

Im dying to know if I'm guessing ballpark on your team here for that character.

I sold Thor to level up Patch, actually, since he had 5 red and only 4 yellow anyway. Magneto with 5 red would be a fantastic addition but mine is 3/3/4 (still worth using but not a no-brainer). I like Spidey too and he'll probably get more use when I get another blue and purple for him after this round of the tournament. No, the team I'm running is Patch, Hood, and OBW. I have every color covered and maximize the speed at which I get skills up and running. Hood's black is also convenient as a relatively cheap ability that does damage (and so benefits from strike tiles). Typically I'm just aiming to keep Patch in front until I've saved up enough AP to wipe the enemy team, keeping an eye out for potential OBW cascades that can deal incredible damage with 6 strike tiles.

Edit: If Magneto had 5 blue I'd probably bring him as long as OBW was the one actually matching blue. Patch would be obscene with Espionage blues that I can create with Magneto in a self-sustaining way.


Junior Member
One other annoyance: They seem to have completely lost the plot with regards to the Marvel universe. How the fuck do three mafia guys (regardless of what "level" they may be) have any chance of beating Wolverine, Thor, and the Hulk in a fight? It's ridiculous!
One other annoyance: They seem to have completely lost the plot with regards to the Marvel universe. How the fuck do three mafia guys (regardless of what "level" they may be) have any chance of beating Wolverine, Thor, and the Hulk in a fight? It's ridiculous!

Well, at least they're not sticking to the Dark Reign story exclusively. Spoiler for all of Thick As Thieves:
Magneto in cahoots with Maggia? Okay! I love it!


Still lovin this game.

It looks like my current team will be:

OBW 3/5/5
Patch 3/2/0 <- yeah I know
Thor 4/4/5

Unlike you guys my Thor wasn't maxed out in skills so I can get his green to 5.

The trick to lower the enemies level by throwing lowbies into them currently works still. Just tried it for Thick as Thieves.


One other annoyance: They seem to have completely lost the plot with regards to the Marvel universe. How the fuck do three mafia guys (regardless of what "level" they may be) have any chance of beating Wolverine, Thor, and the Hulk in a fight? It's ridiculous!

It's more likely they don't car much about the Plot. Its more that they need these events to keep the fans happy while they work on actual PVE chapters. That's what I would like to see.

Casual PVE that isn't on a timer.


I wish the game wasn't Dark Avengers-centric, though. I mean, really, who would want Moonstone instead of Captain Marvel?

I'd take moonstone over captain marvel... but to be fair I don't really like captain marvel at all... I tend to find his character annoying in any show he shows up in :p
I'd take moonstone over captain marvel... but to be fair I don't really like captain marvel at all... I tend to find his character annoying in any show he shows up in :p

I mean this Captain Marvel:


(Moonstone is meant to be the Dark Avengers equivalent to her, I gather.)


I mean this Captain Marvel:


(Moonstone is meant to be the Dark Avengers equivalent to her, I gather.)[/QUOTE]

thinking about it.... the other captain marvel is DC and wouldn't show up in this game eh....
shows how heavily I am into the lore >.>;;

I don't know that captain marvel ^^;
I screw all the possibilities to get Patch, today, and also maybe to get 3 cards of DareDevil at the end of the event.

I thought that it would be better to made only the initial missions (to unlock the full map) and then wait until the end of the event to do all missions (starting from the higher one) twice, to optimize the score.

But now I realise that the missions weren't updating increasing the scores, at least, the last 8 hours. The "biggest" mission has been stucked at 567, so the event was already maxed. Of course, I assumed that they would be maxed in a more "exact number", the 567 gave me the impression that there was still more

I checked and the current leader of my bracket is at 2431. And I remembered that, 12 hours ago, he was already at 1700. It's impossible to get anywhere close to that score, so the current approach should have been to play the missions, at least once, when they reached the current score, then wait for the score grown, and do another round at the end.

But, of course, this is only duable if you guess when the missions reached the top score.

So, I'm screwed :( Tomorrow I'll try another tactic. Is my last chance to get the yellow patches that I need.


Hmmm...ya know a team that worked really well for me just now was Juggernaut/Thor/Fishnets Black Widow

Widow's blue heal ability meant Juggernaut never lost much for his rapid fire head butts...in fact he gained more than he lost. Thor was there to fuel Juggernaut with greens which he used to create a LOT of cascade scenarios. No AP for those he popped but still good damage and a lot of cascades/board management occurred. I started low health and finished high and it had 2 tanks. Not bad.


I screw all the possibilities to get Patch, today, and also maybe to get 3 cards of DareDevil at the end of the event.

I thought that it would be better to made only the initial missions (to unlock the full map) and then wait until the end of the event to do all missions (starting from the higher one) twice, to optimize the score.

But now I realise that the missions weren't updating increasing the scores, at least, the last 8 hours. The "biggest" mission has been stucked at 567, so the event was already maxed. Of course, I assumed that they would be maxed in a more "exact number", the 567 gave me the impression that there was still more

I checked and the current leader of my bracket is at 2431. And I remembered that, 12 hours ago, he was already at 1700. It's impossible to get anywhere close to that score, so the current approach should have been to play the missions, at least once, when they reached the current score, then wait for the score grown, and do another round at the end.

But, of course, this is only duable if you guess when the missions reached the top score.

So, I'm screwed :( Tomorrow I'll try another tactic. Is my last chance to get the yellow patches that I need.

I went from last to 4th place, in the last 30 mins that subevent, using that method you just described.


This Avengers Elite tourney has made lightning rounds a lot easier. Played two so far and placed top 25 in both without even hustling.


i don't think this was discussed.

two other changes coming to pvp soon
PvP Skip Feature

We have been working on a way to change the skip feature in order to compensate for the fact that players have been able to take advantage of the system to manipulate tournament results in their favor. The skip feature is often used repeatedly to allow players to choose their opponents based on rank or by selecting only matches they feel they can win with minimal damage to their teams.

To discourage this play style, we will be implementing a per-skip cost of 10 Iso-8. This will hopefully encourage players to take more risks when competing in PvP, while still allowing them to Skip a fight at a cost if they feel they've been unfairly matched(this change was initially announced in the following post: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2298).

PvP Iso-8 Rewards

Players will also see a change in the amount of Iso-8 awarded when completing any PvP match. As it currently stands, the player has an equal chance of receiving a reward of either 70 or 140 Iso-8. The future update will now give players an equal chance of receiving 70, 100, 140, or 200 Iso-8 for every PvP match completed.


The PVP ISO raise is a joke. It raises the average winning from 100 to 127.

Meanwhile, i have (soon to be) 12 three star characters and none are above level 100.


The PVP ISO raise is a joke. It raises the average winning from 100 to 127.

Meanwhile, i have (soon to be) 12 three star characters and none are above level 100.

the raise is fine, it means you can skip twice and still come out slightly ahead on average, and if you don't skip at all you will end up with 25% more crystals at the end from matches then before.

it was never going to be a massive amount to let you level your characters a ton... the point is to have to play lots so you can do stuff with your characters... they want you always playing :p

hmmmm I only have 11 3 stars, not likely going to be 12 soon as I don't think I will quite get daredevil... wonder which one i am missing.

edit: we should just be thankful there is an increase at all instead of just a skip tax implemented.


ISO is certainly the limiting factor. I'm not sure what to think about the pvp changes. The reward increase is pretty insignificant, but if it turns out that nobody skips much then there's no harm done - pvp is zero-sum in that regard. The scary equilibrium is one where skipping a lot is the only way to succeed.

I'm pretty much resigned to only bringing in much ISO from the pve events. PvP is for covers. An hour of playtime has been sufficient to easily secure 1st in each of the current sub-events (late entry, do missions at the last minute, etc), and that generates about 6k ISO.


What the PVP skip cost will do is bleed new players dry and train them not to go in there till they have characters over 30 to 40 in level.
I've been glued to the game for some time, but I'm getting tired of events involving the same characters over and over. How many times do I have to fight annoying ass Bullseye/Daken. Normally they're not too bad, but they've made this latest batch of matches a real chore. Very high level so I can't get them out of the fight fast enough, and once there are two shields up the rest of the match relies on luck (or swords with Daken). Loki helps things, but he's usually dead in a couple of hits, and I have him around level 70.

And I'm stuck against the Magneto/Hood fight. He's throwing up shields every turn and Storm is absolutely useless in the fight. Old School Widow and Patch just can't hold it up.


To me it seems like the developers have no idea how to fix their matchmaking system, so they're just changing things randomly to see if it works.
I went from last to 4th place, in the last 30 mins that subevent, using that method you just described.

Yep. Is way better than playing the missions as fast as possible, but 4th is not 1st. At the end, I entered also in top5, but I got only one card, instead of 3.

Now I'm checking the scores of the matches, in order to check when the score is topped, and then do (more or less) the same strategy as I'm already doing in the "main" event.
Definetively, the update made Ares way better than nerfed Thor.

The only good skill for Thor is now the green one. Ares, instead, has 3 good skills. Green that can one-shot a lot of enemies (and is very useful if the rest of enemies don't have green skills), Red can save a battle used when you're severely hurt, and yellow, combined with an OBW blue, give you a 2000 hit (+700 more after 2 turns), without any cost. Also, there are too few "yellow" good skills in the most used characters, so you always have that color in exclusive for this skill.

Also, the "scare" tactic for PVP (adding a character that is too annoying for the player, so he will skip the match) works also better with Ares. If you have to face Ares, is very difficult to avoid being severely hurt by the green or yellow. You don't have any problem defeating a l85 Ares, but the chances of defeat him without losing a lot of life are quite low.


The combination of charging ISO for skips and charging HP for boosts is so shitty. If they feel they must reduce people skipping at least give us a fighting chance to beat a more leveled team. Every change made in this game really feels like it just increases the abilities of top players to stay at the top.
The combination of charging ISO for skips and charging HP for boosts is so shitty. If they feel they must reduce people skipping at least give us a fighting chance to beat a more leveled team. Every change made in this game really feels like it just increases the abilities of top players to stay at the top.
Arguably, top players need skip the most.


I've been glued to the game for some time, but I'm getting tired of events involving the same characters over and over. How many times do I have to fight annoying ass Bullseye/Daken. Normally they're not too bad, but they've made this latest batch of matches a real chore. Very high level so I can't get them out of the fight fast enough, and once there are two shields up the rest of the match relies on luck (or swords with Daken). Loki helps things, but he's usually dead in a couple of hits, and I have him around level 70.

And I'm stuck against the Magneto/Hood fight. He's throwing up shields every turn and Storm is absolutely useless in the fight. Old School Widow and Patch just can't hold it up.

If you have them, Im finding for the Daken and Ares fights Juggernaut, fishnets widow, and Thor a nice team. Juggernaut can hit for over a grand for only 6 ap and fishnets heals him for 745 per blue ability and headbut only costs him 545. Thor is around as a tanky battery of sorts for juggs and his own green ability. Juggernaut's green is really good as it clears a lot of tiles at once and minimizes both the strike tiles Daken will place as well as pops those and protect tiles. When you dont need stuff cleared call the storm with Thor.

Failing this I suggest running Spidey, Venom, other and just going full dick and stunning them to death. If you got a classic storm leveled on green/blue it goes REAL smooth to pair her with a Thor and whatever suits you after that. If you pop purple or green while they are stunned it doesn't put down any protect or strike tiles. Really useful against those two to know that trick.


god... that sucked so hard.....
was doing the lightning round last night, was about to shield myself after getting into a top 10... and my freaken internet goes out.

The end result was I got a top 250 instead of the last move I was missing for mags :(


I'm in a bad spot because I'm facing 3 star all lvl 100+ teams in PvP now while my guys aren't near that level and since they took away tanking I don't really know what to do.
I'm in a bad spot because I'm facing 3 star all lvl 100+ teams in PvP now while my guys aren't near that level and since they took away tanking I don't really know what to do.

Just fight them. You'll lose and go down in level. Wait a half hour and try it again.

EDIT: Whoops, never mind, PVP not PVE


I'm in a bad spot because I'm facing 3 star all lvl 100+ teams in PvP now while my guys aren't near that level and since they took away tanking I don't really know what to do.

Developer response: If you are having trouble advancing in events you should try taking advantage of our cheep, super affordable store where you can buy iso and HP to take your characters to the next level. For a mere $99.99, THAT'S LESS THAN $100!, you can hit the mother load and get more than enough iso to level up your characters, of course if it's not enough we have no issues with you buying it again. You can also use the iso and HP on boosters which will give you an extra edge. For $99.99 you can net yourself enough HP to get 600 of the +3 to all color boosters, the bestest booster ever!. With the extra edge and iso you will preform better in the events and easily* earn your iso and HP back and get into an awesome cycle of awesomeness.

*Easily is conditional and based on time and luck. You will still have to pour a ton of time and energy into the game to get anywhere, especially after we finish nerfing everyone and getting bag man to his rightful place, the king of all heroes. As for luck, well paying money does not keep the enemies from cascading forever.

very poor joke aside... I would just raise up my right hand... wave to the game.... then drop my thumb, pointer, ring finger, and pinky, flip my hand around, and wave to the game some more. There really isn't to much you can do besides just pay some money to boost your character either via boosters or levels... or just wait for some new events so you can tank then/maybe win something in a PVE that isn't one of the worst designed PVE events in the history of gaming (though the next PVE will likely just be this same event)

Remind me one more time, what's the recommended Patch build? 3/5/5?

Im not sure what the recommended is but I am planning on going 5/3/5 with him (as I find the green skill more fun than the red and really want the healing)


If you have them, Im finding for the Daken and Ares fights Juggernaut, fishnets widow, and Thor a nice team. Juggernaut can hit for over a grand for only 6 ap and fishnets heals him for 745 per blue ability and headbut only costs him 545. Thor is around as a tanky battery of sorts for juggs and his own green ability. Juggernaut's green is really good as it clears a lot of tiles at once and minimizes both the strike tiles Daken will place as well as pops those and protect tiles. When you dont need stuff cleared call the storm with Thor.

I agree with this and my OBW isnt that high of lvl. I do find for the event that Bagman Spidey seems to be buffed pretty well too.


Hmmm...ya know a team that worked really well for me just now was Juggernaut/Thor/Fishnets Black Widow

Widow's blue heal ability meant Juggernaut never lost much for his rapid fire head butts...in fact he gained more than he lost. Thor was there to fuel Juggernaut with greens which he used to create a LOT of cascade scenarios. No AP for those he popped but still good damage and a lot of cascades/board management occurred. I started low health and finished high and it had 2 tanks. Not bad.

I'm starting to like this exact team also. But I use Patch instead of Thor. Mainly because Patch has been boosted for the PVE Event.


I've been glued to the game for some time, but I'm getting tired of events involving the same characters over and over. How many times do I have to fight annoying ass Bullseye/Daken. Normally they're not too bad, but they've made this latest batch of matches a real chore. Very high level so I can't get them out of the fight fast enough, and once there are two shields up the rest of the match relies on luck (or swords with Daken). Loki helps things, but he's usually dead in a couple of hits, and I have him around level 70.

And I'm stuck against the Magneto/Hood fight. He's throwing up shields every turn and Storm is absolutely useless in the fight. Old School Widow and Patch just can't hold it up.

I just beat this. You can win this if you take your time. The most important thing is to go in with boosters. Focus fire on hood so his yellow and black don't destory you and you get rid of Doramuu's aid which I think is sapping Purple. Charge patch to hit Hood with green and then his red in succession. You have to be careful with patch's green because at lvl 230 this can backfire if your'e unlucky. Instead of using Widow's blue, maybe use storms blue?

It might be better to use storms green instead of patchs green to stay safe and at damage levels that OBW can heal.


Do we know how Daredevil's skills change as he levels up? I'm starting to feel like OBW is holding my teams back, since she becomes a lot less useful when other members take the lead with black, purple, or blue, and she's lacking in HP. But she has excellent colors and fantastic abilities. There actually aren't very many 3* characters with blue and purple actives and purple damage (my core is Patch and Hood). Magneto, Spider-Man, and Grey Widow all come close but either don't have the right tile affinities or don't have a use for one kind of AP. I'm also eyeing Marvel Now Magneto, since he doesn't need to be in front to be effective and he presumably works well with Hood's black. But Daredevil has the right colors and adds some strong supporting abilities. If his blue upgrades to a team stun and his purple gets a bit more efficient I think he'd be really interesting.


Do we know how Daredevil's skills change as he levels up? I'm starting to feel like OBW is holding my teams back, since she becomes a lot less useful when other members take the lead with black, purple, or blue, and she's lacking in HP. But she has excellent colors and fantastic abilities. There actually aren't very many 3* characters with blue and purple actives and purple damage (my core is Patch and Hood). Magneto, Spider-Man, and Grey Widow all come close but either don't have the right tile affinities or don't have a use for one kind of AP. I'm also eyeing Marvel Now Magneto, since he doesn't need to be in front to be effective and he presumably works well with Hood's black. But Daredevil has the right colors and adds some strong supporting abilities. If his blue upgrades to a team stun and his purple gets a bit more efficient I think he'd be really interesting.

I can't find any info on his moves, i expect there won't be until after the event ends and someone buys all of the covers that one a top spot.

I think we could take a stab in the dark at them though
the purple likely has some sort of progression that goes like this
cover 2 = if you match you steal 2 ap and change locations
cover 3 = steal 3 of ap if matched by enemies + 1 ap cost
cover 4 = if you match you steal 4 ap and change locations
cover 5 = steal 4 of ap if matched by enemies or 1ap of all plus 2 more of purple if you match yourself, + 2 ap cost.

aka I expect a boost to how much you can steal as well as how much you get if you personally match it.

the blue likely goes something like
cover 2 = gain 2 blue
cover 3 stun for 3 turns
cover 4 = gain 3 blue
cover 5 = stun for 5 turns, plus 1 on other enemies (aka matching the 1 star widow skill just for cheaper since you need the enemy to trigger it)

and red likely just increases damage


I'm also eyeing Marvel Now Magneto, since he doesn't need to be in front to be effective and he presumably works well with Hood's black.

I've been using the following setup and it's worked well for me so far in the event, especially after they nerfed normal Wolverine.

Magneto (Marvel Now) - 5/4/4
Storm (Classic) - 4/5/4
Iron Man (Mark 40) - 2/1/5

Iron Man is nothing more than a battery to feed Magneto & Storm. I use Magneto's Polarity Shift to set up cascades and critical tiles while also serving as a second battery for Storm's Wind Storm. I can usually keep two of the three members of the opposing team stunned for the whole match after two or three turns.

If strike tiles or protect tiles become a problem, I use Mags' Iron Hammer to clear the board and generate more AP. Also, spam Magnetic Flux does 1855 with a single turn countdown and generates more AP.

Magneto is a beastly back row character.
With the recent changes to the game, I am thinking it may be time for me to quit. Nerfs to the characters don't bother me too much (though Thor/Storm was working so nice for me) but making the boosts cost HP is a major drag for me. I'm a fairly casual player anyway and I just see that, as the game progresses, if I don't spend enough time to get the latest characters (and to level them up) then I will not be able to be competitive in PVP. Even PVE will be tougher. I had fun for a little while, but this may be the end of the road for me. Good luck to everyone still playing!
I just beat this. You can win this if you take your time. The most important thing is to go in with boosters. Focus fire on hood so his yellow and black don't destory you and you get rid of Doramuu's aid which I think is sapping Purple. Charge patch to hit Hood with green and then his red in succession. You have to be careful with patch's green because at lvl 230 this can backfire if your'e unlucky. Instead of using Widow's blue, maybe use storms blue?

It might be better to use storms green instead of patchs green to stay safe and at damage levels that OBW can heal.

I was aiming for that, but I just don't think my characters are strong enough. I've been playing loads over the past couple of months, so it's pretty frustrating to feel like I still haven't been grinding enough.

Even more so after the update. I'm glad they toned down Thor and Wolverine because that was all people were using, but it has highlighted that all the other characters are made of glass. I'm looking at all my top level characters and they're all technical characters that die in a couple of hits even at high levels. Even someone like Juggernaut maxes out at level 40, making him pretty worthless past the beginning stages. Can't seem to be lucky enough to get more than two Hulk mags, or get a strong healing character like Spidey. Even my four star characters are useless.

I don't know. This game is really frustrating me right now.


I was aiming for that, but I just don't think my characters are strong enough. I've been playing loads over the past couple of months, so it's pretty frustrating to feel like I still haven't been grinding enough.

Even more so after the update. I'm glad they toned down Thor and Wolverine because that was all people were using, but it has highlighted that all the other characters are made of glass. I'm looking at all my top level characters and they're all technical characters that die in a couple of hits even at high levels. Even someone like Juggernaut maxes out at level 40, making him pretty worthless past the beginning stages. Can't seem to be lucky enough to get more than two Hulk mags, or get a strong healing character like Spidey. Even my four star characters are useless.

I don't know. This game is really frustrating me right now.

I bought like 20$ in HP and that's what allowed me to build my OBW to a 3/5/5. That maxed out black (espionage) helps me out greatly in the PVE event.
I bought like 20$ in HP and that's what allowed me to build my OBW to a 3/5/5. That maxed out black (espionage) helps me out greatly in the PVE event.

I think I'm a black short of maxing out her powers. Patch has some levels on him, but needs more mags to get stronger.

And I'm personally not so keen on dropping 20 bucks on a chance to get a characters power. I'd be willing to pay 20 for the whole game without IAP's, but not to make a situational character slightly stronger. I'll just have to call it a wash.

I have 3 Espionage. Seems pretty tame, power-wise. What's it do at 5?

It's amazing at feeding other characters powers and I'm pretty sure 4-5 add on extra damage.


I was aiming for that, but I just don't think my characters are strong enough. I've been playing loads over the past couple of months, so it's pretty frustrating to feel like I still haven't been grinding enough.

Even more so after the update. I'm glad they toned down Thor and Wolverine because that was all people were using, but it has highlighted that all the other characters are made of glass. I'm looking at all my top level characters and they're all technical characters that die in a couple of hits even at high levels. Even someone like Juggernaut maxes out at level 40, making him pretty worthless past the beginning stages. Can't seem to be lucky enough to get more than two Hulk mags, or get a strong healing character like Spidey. Even my four star characters are useless.

I don't know. This game is really frustrating me right now.

I feel like this is likely to be a bigger and bigger problem going forward. As the number of characters increases it becomes increasingly difficult to get enough covers for any given 2* (or 3*) to replace a 1*, and so I expect players are going to hit a wall with whatever 1* team they use for the prologue and will see only very slow progression after that.

My understanding is that before I started you could very easily get a large number of Wolverine and Thor covers. You can still get Wolverine and Thor covers from the prologue - maybe three of each, which is a lot better than nothing - but they're no longer very worthwhile until you get many more. I suppose the plan is either for new players to shell out for Heroic Tokens or for new-and-improved match-making to allow them to place well enough in PvP events to build a 2* roster.

Really, the same problem exists for people with 2* teams now. Wolverine and Thor could compete in Lightning Rounds and PvP events and secure 3* covers. Now, it's going to be harder to get 3* covers unless you already have high-level 3* characters. This is mostly a non-issue if they really fix match-making, but I don't think anybody's betting on that.

I have 3 Espionage. Seems pretty tame, power-wise. What's it do at 5?

Espionage is fantastic, IMO. The AP stealing component both denies blue/black/purple to the enemy and makes it a lot easier for Widow to get off her own heal and to use her other AP stealing power. You only need 2 matches to use level 3 Aggressive Recon or her heal, as long as the enemy has some AP. Level 4 and 5 just add damage to her matches, and the reason that it's so important to get Espionage to at least level 4 is that the extra damage benefits from strike tiles. OBW is like the 2* version of Modern Storm, in that she remains useful long after you've moved on to the next tier of characters for almost everything else. Until they nerf/fix Espionage, she's a strong complement to Patch, for example, since her AP stealing is level-independent and her matches do damage based in large part on Patch's level rather than her own, due to her interaction with strike tiles. And her heal is significant even for higher-level characters, though she's no Spider-Man.
Yea, I feel like this game has an insane rich-get-richer feel to it, where if you aren't already in the top percentage of players, you have no choice but to buy your way in at ridiculous prices.


I have 3 Espionage. Seems pretty tame, power-wise. What's it do at 5?

My girls at lvl 62 and each match of blue, purple or black steals 1 and does 82 damage. The beauty is, I think it's scaling (I think...). It's like double attacking.

NOW, combine that with patches green and she does monstrous damage. In the PVE event which is scaled up. Her espionage after using Patches green was doing 1200 damage per hit 600 regular dmg and 600 for espionage. Enough to burst enemies down before their timers go off.

She is the best 2 star in the game now, IMO.
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