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Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds |OT2| Sold exclusively at Dollar Tree

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Anyone seen a nice version of this out there on the internets? Or have a decent scanner to scan this image from the SE artbook? (not sure if that's a no-no or not.... but all the other art from the artbook is available it seems).


I just need the Deadpool part to put on my fight stick :(
I'm a dirty liar. You can plink/double tap C.Viper's thunder knuckle cancels. I thought that it you did the cancel too early, it would just cancel before the hit frames, but there's a gap in cancellable frames according to the guide so I started plinking and double tapping. It works.

It's actually reasonable now, like 1/2-frames in SSF4. So way easier than Jojo's.


You know what is fun. Having someone scream at you after you beat them with Viewtiful Joe online because Joe has a fully outlined man parts outline during his end pose.

I only won with Joe. I'm not the one who modeled him without a cup.

(loving the hate)
Ok, starting to get this shit together. Need to have this down by the time Shuma releases so I can really start working on my BnBs and setups.

My practice right now: (OTG)L Seismo, jump cancel H Thunder Knuckle, hit cancel, jump, xx burn cancel, xx double jump xx burn cancel xx burn cancel xx

I can only do about half of it right now -_-

C.Viper is hard but she has unlimited potential. I think she and Dante are really gonna be the maniac characters down the line. I don't think anyone else has weird cancels like that.


Had a massive session with a friend and I just want to say, it is so hard to keepaway Wesker once he has knocked you down once. That and he has the most ridiculously ambiguous crossup S. After a hard knockdown into Low Shot teleport, He teleports to the other side so i block but his Air S hits me as a cross up even though hes facing me fuck.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
do you have it on 360 or ps3? i would love to destroy you if you have it on 360! what's your gt?

also anyone else who wants to play i play quite a bit at night, gt = frenchmov


I'm pretty scrubbly. I have like no answer to sentinel.
Incendiary said:
Been training with Ammy/Iron Man/Dormaamu which has become my standard team. So I go into Ranked Match to try a few battles and lose. Not badly, which is a plus, but my record is 2-15. Decide to switch it up and go to my secondary team of Ammy/Dante/Phoenix. Playing keep away with Dante and Ammy to get my meter up then letting the Dark Phoenix out and win the first match I play with them. Of my three ranked wins, two of them are with Ammy/Dante/Phoenix even though I've put way more time into learning Iron Man and Dormaamu. Sigh.

Also, decide to futz around in Player Match and my first matchup I decide to try and get the Avengers Assemble achievement despite never having played with Thor before. And of course I win that match too.

I think what MvC3 is trying to tell me is that I do better when I just randomly select people I don't practice with.

I think you mean that if you put more time, your team of ammy/IM/dorm would do better in the long run than mashing with phoenix.


Hey people quick question. Should I keep Morrigan as my point character with my team of Dormammu and Iron Man or use another character? I'm finding as I climb the ranks, more people like to play projectile zoning games with Morrigan or catch her with a standard combo only to combo it into an assist, OTG, then super. I can only see her use as a decent battery with Dark Harmonizer but I'm thinking of replacing her with Dr. Doom. Any ideas?
Renewman said:
Hey people quick question. Should I keep Morrigan as my point character with my team of Dormammu and Iron Man or use another character? I'm finding as I climb the ranks, more people like to play projectile zoning games with Morrigan or catch her with a standard combo only to combo it into an assist, OTG, then super. I can only see her use as a decent battery with Dark Harmonizer but I'm thinking of replacing her with Dr. Doom. Any ideas?

Do whatever you think it's fit. Do you think Clockwork got good by listening to people who told him Strider sucks?


Prototype-03 said:
Do whatever you think it's fit. Do you think Clockwork got good by listening to people who told him Strider sucks?

It's just frustrating sometimes having to swap out Morrigan with Dormammu since my zoning game with Dorm is ridiculous, but my rushdown game with Morrigan is pretty spotty.
Renewman said:
It's just frustrating sometimes having to swap out Morrigan with Dormammu since my zoning game with Dorm is ridiculous, but my rushdown game with Morrigan is pretty spotty.

Let's just say that most team's point is rushdown and their 3rd character is strong hitters.


Prototype-03 said:
Let's just say that most team's point is rushdown and their 3rd character is strong hitters.
Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, Nya, you're in for a world of hurt!

My team is backwards :D


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I currently enjoy keeping Morrigan in the back as an anchor because

- constant meter assist benefits everybody
- doesn't have any glaring weaknesses, and thus I'm more confident with her on point in any match-up as a closer than any other character
- XF3 Astral Vision is silly


Just finished a 3 hour session in the lab with C.Viper, yay. Managed to get down a 650,000 combo that takes two meters, but it pretty much builds one meter by itself so it isn't bad. Just a basic ground into air combo into l. seismic hammer into jumping m,m,h and then double jump into m,m,h then ex burn kick and then re-launch into air and then burst time, so fun. :O probably going to just remove the second relaunch and just burst time though, so much easier to hit burst time then a launch when you can't see yourself. >_> I just need to learn how to do l.seismic hammer + forward air dash combos and it'll be a good time.


Sixfortyfive said:
I currently enjoy keeping Morrigan in the back as an anchor because

- constant meter assist benefits everybody
- doesn't have any glaring weaknesses, and thus I'm more confident with her on point in any match-up as a closer than any other character
- XF3 Astral Vision is silly

I was of the the same thinking for a while but I kept running into the problem of whenever my point character got killed, my second character would essentially be assist-less. How do you get around that problem? Is your second character just strong enough solo that it doesn't matter?


Tier Whore
Ploid 3.0 said:
Astral vision should require 3 bars. Hate it.

Fully agree, its way too long for one and can lead to a major combo. 1 bar seems a bit off for the power this has. X factor and this is the thing of nightmares...


corrosivefrost said:
Ranked is a wasteland.
Hulk + Sentinel + random character of choice.

Sodium level rising.
What??? nooooo

Kindly tell them all that they have ganked Degen's scrub-strategy and he doesn't like it one bit
I've come to a conclusion. You can't really hate something all that much if you can't provide an objective opinion or a creative opinion that makes sense.

Everyone should just criticize the things they hate the most in two forms instead of a one liner. A highly technical and thorough analysis or in simplistic and beautiful Haiku form that gets to the point.

I'd look forward to seeing what you guys could say about Spectator mode(the lack of), the netcode and Sentinel with these rules in place.


SolarPowered said:
I've come to a conclusion. You can't really hate something all that much if you can't provide an objective opinion or a creative opinion that makes sense.

Everyone should just criticize the things they hate the most in two forms. A highly technical and thorough analysis or in simplistic and beautiful Haiku form that gets to the point.

I'd look forward to seeing what you guys could say about Spectator mode, the netcode and Sentinel with these rules in place.

Lol rules. It's the internet man. People can bitch about things however they see fit. Even if someone drops a novel of points against something, people just do a TL;DR, or can just type one sentence back to be a smart ass to try and "disprove" you.

Here's the skimmy:

Sentinel is really strong. He's not impossible to beat. He has a lot going for him. Putting him on your team improves your chance for winning a lot in a lot of situations if you know how to play him well.

The netcode goes on a person by person situation. Mine is 90% not laggy games. The games I get into have been better than SSF4 in stability---that may not be the same for anyone else.

Not having spectator mode is a big loss for a lot of players, especially those of us who like to play together with a group of friends. People get bored faster in lobbies. This will result in a good amount of people losing interest in the game as well, especially if they have bad net code experiences. Capcom needs to invest more time and bring it out somehow,someway.
Ranked is a wasteland.
Hulk + Sentinel + random character of choice.

Sodium level rising.
Hulk+Sentinel+Phoenix. Maximum saltiness. No matter who your last character is, a level 3 X-Factor comeback is just an attack away!

It's just frustrating sometimes having to swap out Morrigan with Dormammu since my zoning game with Dorm is ridiculous, but my rushdown game with Morrigan is pretty spotty.
Morrigan has a solid zoning game. Are you Flight-canceling everything? Astral Vision plus Flight-canceled Soul Fists is really hard to deal with.

I've come to a conclusion. You can't really hate something all that much if you can't provide an objective opinion or a creative opinion that makes sense.

Everyone should just criticize the things they hate the most in two forms instead of a one liner. A highly technical and thorough analysis or in simplistic and beautiful Haiku form that gets to the point.

I'd look forward to seeing what you guys could say about Spectator mode(the lack of), the netcode and Sentinel with these rules in place.
An "objective opinion"? A creative opinion that "makes sense"? To who? There always has to be an interpreter.
zlatko said:
Lol rules. It's the internet man. People can bitch about things however they see fit. Even if someone drops a novel of points against something, people just do a TL;DR, or can just type one sentence back to be a smart ass to try and "disprove" you.
I'm just looking to spice things up a bit. You'll come to know that I'm not all that aggressive when it comes to the internet.
zlatko said:
Not having spectator mode is a big loss for a lot of players, especially those of us who like to play together with a group of friends. People get bored faster in lobbies. This will result in a good amount of people losing interest in the game as well, especially if they have bad net code experiences. Capcom needs to invest more time and bring it out somehow,someway.
This is a funny thing for me. I know a few people who are on and off again because of the lack of spectator mode. I think their habits with the game say a lot.

I play with a lot of frustrated friends who swear up and down that they are not bothering with the game at all anymore even though they come back to the game just two hours later. Most people are probably experiencing a really funny love/hate relationship with the game at the moment and it says a lot about the game itself. I think it's a really great piece of work in it's fighting design(the exception is X-factor level 3) and it is one of the smoothest experiences I've had in any game throughout this generation. But the turd interior(lack of spec, no customization options in player match, and horrible netcode) is eating at everyone's nerves.
Karsticles said:
Hulk+Sentinel+Phoenix. Maximum saltiness. No matter who your last character is, a level 3 X-Factor comeback is just an attack away!
This is why I learned to block well. People were bitching about my bionic fingers and their blocking ability all day because I was not getting caught in their cookie cutter combos.

It's really hilarious to hear people complain that Morrigan is "broken" when you can anticipate and block quickly while seemingly in the middle of a dash.
Karsticles said:
Morrigan has a solid zoning game. Are you Flight-canceling everything? Astral Vision plus Flight-canceled Soul Fists is really hard to deal with.
Her game is pretty sick once you've got this and her overheads down.
Karsticles said:
An "objective opinion"? A creative opinion that "makes sense"? To who? There always has to be an interpreter.
Something more than "X is super cheap and needs to be removed", but I won't go so far as to verbally assault people for just that. See my response above.


So ever since yesterday, I thought you had to mash S to get Crazy Dance after Reverb Shock/Revolver/Jet Stream with Dante. Turns out that you have to time it, haha.

Quick question though. I looked up on the SRK wiki and it says that it's a "just frame" move. Does that mean it's one-frame or, from what I looked up, a 1/3 of a second?


I don't think Sentinel is broken/overpowered but he is at least upper tier. On paper no matter how you dice it, he is a powerful character.


*Highest stamina in the game

*2nd highest average damage output (1st being Hulk)

*Has Flight mode for increased mobility adding extra flavor to his combos and air game.

*Normals have huge hitbox. Stomps and frying pan still cover a lot of screen.

*Super armor on some normals and launchers

*HSF is generally safe on block and can punish from full screen. Continues OTG combo from Low Rocket Punch.

*Decent block damage/chip game as a lot of his moves do chip damage

*One of the best assists in the game. Perfect for rushdown teams

*One of the highest boosts in damage from X Factor

*Really fast dash on the ground

*Command throw that can be comboed off of

*Air hyper Drive (forgot its name) is completely invulnerable and beats everything (just about)

*In corners Sentinel's hypers combo into each other super easily for insane damage and combos that usually kill off a character.

*As far as his ranks compared to other "heavy" characters go, he is far more mobile and can zone better than most of them (compared with She Hulk, Hulk, Thor, Tron, Haggar). He is not as assist dependent nor is his game dependent on getting up close for grabs or putting opponents into corner. He is solid all around.


*Poor anti-air game. Sentinel cannot deal effectively with anything coming from the skies as he has no genuine anti-air move.

*While he has an amazing assist, it keeps him out for a very long time and if he gets hit the drones are cancelled. This is the time when it's the easiest to kill a full health Sentinel.

*Extremely large size means landing combos are easy on him and every infinite/loop/combo is going to work on him. Same thing for instant overheads.

*Low mix up game. It is difficult for Sentinel to "open up" a tight defense without assists. A good defense that is also good at punishing mistakes easily beats Sentinel.

*Defensively, Sentinel is exposed to crossovers, mix ups, set ups and a lot of shenanigans in the game. During Flight mode he can't block so he is most vulnerable there.

*Sentinel isn't the fastest, most mobile, best grappler, best zoner, best rushdown or best "comeback" character in the game.

He is however the most mobile tank in the game and a character with dangerous comeback potential as an anchored assist character.


Karsticles said:
Hulk+Sentinel+Phoenix. Maximum saltiness. No matter who your last character is, a level 3 X-Factor comeback is just an attack away!
I hate that team. Hulk and Sentinel have the most stamina, and therefore gain the most bar from dying, thus making Dark Pheonix easier to get.
Degen said:
What??? nooooo

Kindly tell them all that they have ganked Degen's scrub-strategy and he doesn't like it one bit

There were a couple bastards doing strong rushdown with wolverine and zero... I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't figure out how to get them off me and get a hit it and the level of people I was playing, whether or not you consider their team to be a dickmove or not, were good enough to keep comboing once they hit you and never let off till you're dead.

The rest of the asshats were Hulk + Sent + (Tron|Zero|Dante|Wolvie|Haggar|whoever).
I almost killed the guy using Tron as his third, but the online dropped the xfactor DHC I started when I caught sentinel as an assist and left it with a sliver of life.

Worst was the assmonkey who corner raped me with hulk... he had the distance down for perfecting smashing team mate replacements on death... if I block, I was stuck back in the corner taking chip... try to hit him and the super armor kept him safe, combo started, ended with gamma quake and my death. Ugh.

*Extremely large size means landing combos are easy on him and every infinite/loop/combo is going to work on him. Same thing for instant overheads.

For the record, the guide states Jill's infinite does NOT work on Sentinel (Sent or Dormammu being the only ones).


Quick advice to people having problems against rushdowns: practice your advancing guard! Its too easy to forget that you can do it and I run into a lot of people that don't know how to get me out of their face when I have them cornered. Sometimes it can be enough to get you the space you need to swap characters or just get a little breathing room to get out of the corner.


Neo Member
What order should I be using Dante/X-23/Arthur? I'm thinking of putting X-23 on point and maybe Arthur second to spam assists and lances. I really like Dante but I find that I fall behind early if I don't pull off a rush or projectiles.


Santa May Claus
corrosivefrost said:
There were a couple bastards doing strong rushdown with wolverine and zero... I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't figure out how to get them off me and get a hit it and the level of people I was playing, whether or not you consider their team to be a dickmove or not, were good enough to keep comboing once they hit you and never let off till you're dead.

The rest of the asshats were Hulk + Sent + (Tron|Zero|Dante|Wolvie|Haggar|whoever).
I almost killed the guy using Tron as his third, but the online dropped the xfactor DHC I started when I caught sentinel as an assist and left it with a sliver of life.

Worst was the assmonkey who corner raped me with hulk... he had the distance down for perfecting smashing team mate replacements on death... if I block, I was stuck back in the corner taking chip... try to hit him and the super armor kept him safe, combo started, ended with gamma quake and my death. Ugh.

I fought 20 or so matches yesterday, and lost 5 of them. My worst Ranked run thus far. 4 of those losses were from X-Factor Sentinel. 3 of them were from Hulk+Sentinel teams. Maybe Sentinel isn't overpowered, but I'm sure terrible against him. I need to hit the lab and adjust accordingly.
I could add some basic things to that list, things that should only take changes in a few lines of code (WHY cant I change my 4 pre-set comments?! I just want to be able to say "BRB" or "AFK"), but I dislike ranting. Okay, I'll indulge in one more: why can't I edit my saved teams in the lobby? When I'm experimenting with a new team, sometimes I want to fool around with the different assist options between matches; I have to completely leave the lobby to do this.
LakeEarth said:
I hate that team. Hulk and Sentinel have the most stamina, and therefore gain the most bar from dying, thus making Dark Pheonix easier to get.
Explain. You mean basically when characters die, you get some more meter to use?
Explain. You mean basically when characters die, you get some more meter to use?
Meter gained is proportional to damage done. Higher health total means you are guaranteed to get more meter just by being beat up.


Karsticles said:
Meter gained is proportional to damage done. Higher health total means you are guaranteed to get more meter just by being beat up.
just another reason Sent/Phoenix works.


Nert said:
People are still salty about Sentinel? Someone won a tournament recently (against a team with Sentinel) with fucking Ryu on their team: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kowmdZV9TeU&feature=feedu
Still? It's been what, 3 weeks? I think I see more people complaining about this than the actual sentinel complaints. Wait a few months - people will still be saying the same shit man.

People will always have something to complain about.. and it will almost never be as bad as they want to think it is. Except everything related to the online functionality of this game.


hitsugi said:
Still? It's been what, 3 weeks? I think I see more people complaining about this than the actual sentinel complaints. Wait a few months - people will still be saying the same shit man.

People will always have something to complain about.. and it will almost never be as bad as they want to think it is. Except everything related to the online functionality of this game.

I'm more surprised/confused than I am upset or "complaining about complaining," but point taken.
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