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Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds |OT2| Sold exclusively at Dollar Tree

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He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Going to copy/paste my Final Round experience here:

We couldn't leave until Friday afternoon 'cause one of my friends couldn't get off of work early. Didn't get to Atl until really late Friday night, so we didn't have time to stop by the tournament until yesterday morning.

All of our pools were supposed to start at 10 AM but my first match didn't happen until 3:15 PM. >_> Pools were understaffed and it was hard to get information out of anybody, so I couldn't leave to get something to eat or anything out of fear that I'd be DQ'd. >___> This did give me time to get plenty of casuals in and get some jitters out of my system, though. At one point I had an 11-game streak and a 10-set streak going. I was in pool 4 and ran Taskmaster/Felicia/Morrigan the entire time. Summary of my tournament matches:

1) vs Kazujiro - Wore an SRK Tech Talk shirt. Nice guy, but he didn't offer much more than target practice. Two easy Taskmaster OCVs.

2) Got a bye because my opponent didn't show.

3) vs Too Much Damage - I took it to the last game but then I had a brain freeze. I wouldn't stop doing the same things even though it was apparent that he wasn't having a problem dealing with them. Really good player though; pretty sure he made it through our pool without a loss.

4, 5) vs Krono, DBX - The next three matches happened immediately one after another 'cause people were finally showing up at pools and staying there. These two matches blend together in my head. Pretty sure I won 2-0 both times but the games were close. DBX seemed mad salty about it 'cause I barely lamed him out via time over twice, lol.

6) vs fubarduck - Probably the best-constructed team I faced all day, in either tournament or casuals. It was built around the DHC damage scaling reset glitch: combo into Storm's wind hyper, DHC to Wesker's counter (whiff), shoot 'em off the ground and then keep the combo going. I knew I was in trouble when he 100%ed one of my characters rather easily. He took it 2-1 and knocked me out of the tournament. My highlight in this match was taking his Sentinel from 100 to 0 upon entry with XF3 Felicia in like 10 seconds tops, though. lol. I also completely forgot that fubarduck was a GAFfer until later that night. I knew I had seen his username around somewhere but it escaped me at the time.

Filipino Champ was in my pool and I chatted with him a bit. Nice guy when he's not building up his heel persona. The last match of our pool was FChamp vs Tokido to see who would make it out of losers; I didn't even know Tokido was in my pool until then because he had registered under the name "Happy Set" instead. They played 3 out of 5 instead of 2 out of 3 for some reason. Champ took the first 2 games rather convincingly and was on track to win the 3rd, but Tokido threw out a beam to KO Phoenix during the one moment Champ decided not to block or something, and then Tokido went on to win the set. He kept performing consistently better as the set went on, too. Complete reversal of momentum. Tokido played Wolverine/Akuma/Sent and FChamp played something/Sent/Phoenix. I really would have liked to play either of them to see how I could have done. Champ plays Phoenix in the exact same manner one of my friends does.

That friend of mine also tore up his pool pretty hard with Wesker/Tron(or Haggar)/Phoenix until Marn knocked him into losers. I think he was only 2 games away from making it to top 16. I think I would have had to have won either 3 or 4 more. Not a bad showing, I think. Would have liked to have done better or to at least get the chance to play against some big names but at least I mostly kept myself together and didn't get randomed out. I learned that I have no idea how to safely punish or approach Wesker; both players I lost to used him. I also learned that my chance of winning basically hinges on whether I can land more throws than my opponent; in every match where I could throw with impunity, it was an easy win, whereas I was out-thrown in both games that I lost.

Other thoughts and notes:

- There were a lot of pad warriors out and several of them were doing well. I rocked a Saturn USB myself.

- Proper assist usage is probably the one thing that separates good players from mediocre ones. I would basically spend the first 10 seconds of each match getting a feel for whether my opponent (a) knew how to use assists to cover his point character and (b) knew how to protect his assist from punishment. If he was bad at either of those I could basically relax, turn on auto-pilot, and just shoot arrows and call meter assist from full-screen all day.

- I saw every character used in tournament play at least once. A good Thor took a round off of me in casuals. One player actually knew how to play Hsien-Ko on point and get mileage out of it.

- I only saw Sentinel in about two-thirds of the matches I witnessed instead of the ~95% I see on streams. I also no longer find Sentinel to be threatening personally, at all. Too many people use him as a crutch and are thus predictable and easy to adapt to.

- I only ran into one Hidden Missile assist user, which I was eternally grateful for because our monitors had no sound and the place was too loud to hear anything clearly anyway. When you've trained yourself to punish that assist on reaction to audio cues, that's a huge issue. Fortunately the guy I was playing was still predictable about using it.

- I asked Mike Ross for a game in casuals but he had to leave before I got the opportunity. At one point JWong, apparently disgusted with Mike's play, booted him off the station they were at and picked Mike's team to show him how he's supposed to play the game. Wong thus demoed some Sent combos that I had actually never seen before, and out of all the players I watched he still looks the most solid overall. I didn't do much spectating though.

- Said hi to MarkMan.

- I was happy to have a crowd in casuals and my later tournament matches who were impressed with my team and performance. Taskmaster makes a great early-game bruiser and Felicia & Morrigan both make great XF anchors. I managed to 100% somebody with nothing but Felicia throw resets once. Some people had no way to get around Taskmaster's zoning and I could thus fire off arrow hypers and rebuild meter via assist with impunity. I combo'd 13 Morrigan fireballs in a row via Astral Vision once. Landed a lot of XF Guard Cancel hypers (which very few people are using as often as they should, btw). Probably my best moment in casuals was when I had one guy down to just Sent, used Kitty Helper, and then just stayed on the opposite side of the screen using Felicia's meter charge for the rest of the match while the other cat just kept jumping on Sent, preventing him from knocking me out of the meter charge with a beam and eventually netting the KO. That got a laugh.

- Pretty much everyone I met and talked to was having a great time with both the tournament and the game, which makes all the bickering about what needs to be "fixed" in MvC3 that you see on the Internet all the more funny.

- Ran into some of the TvC players I met in Columbus last year (Kurasa, Frankie G, Action Hank, and of course RyRy). Most of them seem to be doing well in MvC3, though I think only RyRy made it out of pools.

- Running SF4 and MvC3 pools simultaneously is the stupidest thing ever. At least half the delays in all of the pools were due to people registered in both games and having to bounce back and forth between them.

- Judging from comments in the FR thread, Marn was wasted all day. I only caught a couple of glimpses of him from a distance so I wasn't quite sure if he was out of it or if he was just being Marn.

- Yipes absolutely loves seeing Sentinel lay on the hurt. Like, I saw him glance at a TV as he was walking by, and the moment a Sent on the screen pops XF3 and connects a launcher Yipes just stops in his tracks and starts dancing, lol.

We left a little after midnight last night. Didn't seem worth it to spend another night on a hotel when we'd have to leave before much of the finals action on Sunday anyway. I'll be spending today streaming with the rest of you.

You guys should make it out to tournaments; they're pretty rad. :3


Sixfortyfive said:
- Running SF4 and MvC3 pools simultaneously is the stupidest thing ever. At least half the delays in all of the pools were due to people registered in both games and having to bounce back and forth between them.

I was at a small tourney last week and every single time I started my SSF4 match I got called for MvC3. That was annoying.


Managed to give Dorm super armor throughout the entirety of his chaos flame hyper. Going to test it out later and get down the specifics.


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
What is the DHC trick?

you can cancel out of cinematic supers (storms power of gaia etc) or moves that put the opponent in a "captured" state (magneto hyper grav) into supers where the character doesnt actually touch the opponent like HSF. from here, it resets the damage and hit stun which typically will result in a one combo kill. i was doing it with magneto and sentinel in that video i just posted, though I kind of fucked it up a few times as i was trying to finish with a fly combo. lmao.

you can read more about it on SRK front page and forums. there are a few posts that go into greater detail.


Bacon of Hope
I dont think they need to fix it imo. Its pretty strong but I dont find it to be completely broken like the zero stuff. part of me wonders if the DHC trick was intentionally put in there. lol


I disagree.
haunts said:
I dont think they need to fix it imo. Its pretty strong but I dont find it to be completely broken like the zero stuff. part of me wonders if the DHC trick was intentionally put in there. lol
One of their design goals was to make every character viable once Marvel 3 ages I also agree teams that can abuse this the most will be most powerful. This will limit character diversity at top level so I could see Capcom patching it out.

I love the broken stuff in this game personally shit is too fun and hype. :)


capcom could not have intentionally meant for damage to be reset by a level 1 DHC while the combo counter is at 30+ or whatever. it has to be something that slipped by them.

if capcom is not going to patch this out then we're going to have a very small pool of characters who are actually viable at top play since, using those particular characters you would be able to kill nearly any character with as long as you have at least 2 meters and can do a good combo into level 1 -> DHC and then combo again. as other have said it'll feel a bit like mvc2 with a limited viable character picks


Bacon of Hope
i thought that too but at the same time there is actually a lot of characters that can use this, and as I mentioned above you can -still- have another character who may not use the DHC trick on the team who still has great synergy.

yeah it would be kind of odd if this was intentional since it seems pretty glitchy in the first place but i wouldn't be hurt if they didnt patch it as i think its kind of cool esp if we find out even more characters can utilize it.

it also makes me wonder if maybe there is something similar with other characters that we just dont know about yet. hell, the whole hyper grav thing with magneto was just found a day or two ago. so yeah. i dunno, we'll see. lmao.

also you generally have to burn a few bars -- sometimes three -- for it to kill a character anyway
Cels said:
capcom could not have intentionally meant for damage to be reset by a level 1 DHC while the combo counter is at 30+ or whatever. it has to be something that slipped by them.

if capcom is not going to patch this out then we're going to have a very small pool of characters who are actually viable at top play since, using those particular characters you would be able to kill nearly any character with as long as you have at least 2 meters and can do a good combo into level 1 -> DHC and then combo again. as other have said it'll feel a bit like mvc2 with a limited viable character picks

A number of the supers with no hit require you to xfc out of them to continue the combo (Wesker/Tasky counter, Thor throw, etc.). So when it comes down to it, you still have to burn xfactor to do it.


lol ep 4 of marvelous adventures is pretty funny and i'm only 10 min in

mike ross, president of the sentinel fan club!

"he didn't block the frying pan even though i called it"
"it's unblockable. you didn't know that? it's unblockable."


The Many Faces of Misery of Ryan Gutierrez






Laughter, sorrow, remorse. And that's only half of the head-in-hands moments from the past two episodes.

Also, I need to try boba milk tea. Mike Ross is talking about it all the time.


nilbog21 said:
hey guys i'm prety dam bad, how do i counter dante/whesker/dormammu teleport? :[

Just learn his different teleports and their ranges. They're set distances so if you know that you can form counters for it.

For wesker that is.


I took Juicebox Abel's suggestion in a podcast he did on how to play Street Fighter which was to listen to music while playing and it's definitely made missions in MvC3 much more enjoyable. I'm no longer getting frustrated by timing, because hey, at least I'm listening to my music and it's helped me realize that it's going to take practice, practice, practice to get good at this genre.

I guess that's why I sometimes see tournament players wearing headphones during a match? They're listening to music?


vidal said:
I guess that's why I sometimes see tournament players wearing headphones during a match? They're listening to music?
Usually it's music, yeah. A lot of people I know listen to headphones at tourneys to block outside noises and avoid being distracted, since there's usually many matches being played and it is always very loud.


Anyone know how to deal with X-23 j.qcf +m spam? I can't get in on that and it always seems like it has high priority, so easy to hit confirm and when she hits the ground the low l comes out so fast when I need to block the overhead.


GatorBait said:
Currently giving X-23/Doom/Deadpool a shot. My question is: do I go with Doom rocks or missiles?

Doom's beam is actually not bad either. You can have someone in block stun and call out the beam, and use X-23's command dash to switch sides for an instant crossup. Can also combo after it too.


Duelist said:
Doom's beam is actually not bad either. You can have someone in block stun and call out the beam, and use X-23's command dash to switch sides for an instant crossup. Can also combo after it too.
Great...I thought I had it narrowed down to two assists for Doom, and then you lay this on me!


GatorBait said:
Great...I thought I had it narrowed down to two assists for Doom, and then you lay this on me!

Haha, sorry. :)

I only brought it up because I use it with my point character over the hidden missiles because missiles tend to interrupt my combos if I hit confirm.


MidnightCowboy said:
So I realized yesterday that Chun is the best character in the game.

assist-less, xfactor-less chun-li is one of the least threatening characters in the game but with otg assist support i would have to agree that she's very good


Yeah Doom is probably one of the only characters in the game who has all 3 great assists in different conditions.

A few things to touch on:

*I am fine with the DHC trick as of now. You are still burning at least 2 meters to kill off a character and with the way that it works, you will generally only be using it near the beginning of the game when your team is still alive and in order. And a lot of the characters can use it, my only slight concern is that it seems that generally all the already upper tier characters can use it making them even more powerful. Off the top of my head these characters can use it:

She Hulk
Hsien Ko
Tron (not useful with her cuz you have to make her LVL3 wiff)
Haggar (prob works with him as well)
Viewtiful Joe

So over half of the cast can use it right now and to utilize it you only really need 2 of these so you can easily have a 3rd character on anchor/assist who doesn't use it. Have people tried it with Chris yet? Isn't his "all weapons" hyper or whatever its called cinematic? What about Dormammu's Giant Ball hyper? It should work like Trish's Harvest hyper. I bet soon a lot more characters can use it to some degree. Spider Man can half use it supposedly.

*Going in the lab with Spencer now. I am inspired to play him. Before the game came out I never thought I would be playing with him.

*Nice tourney impressions 645. You should've stayed for the EPIC Marvel single finals though, I know I would've. :)


I don't fight many phoenixs, so I had my first snapback on one today... that shit is hilarious.

Cels said:
assist-less, xfactor-less chun-li is one of the least threatening characters in the game but with otg assist support i would have to agree that she's very good

I cannot figure out a way to punish her legs with shehulk, seems the damn hitbox catches me no matter what I try. Pisses me off.
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