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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite announced (PC/XB1/PS4, 2017) [Update: Info In OP]


Junior Member
Basically what I got from it. Not gonna try and get my hopes up to think otherwise.

I want Leon and Ada to take over for Chris and Jill.

YES. Ada's grapple gun also gives her more uniqueness to stand out (she can manuever around or use her grapple gun in combat "GET OVA HERE").



all I know is that all those who were mad about SFV's lack of arcade mode and story at launch better be in on this...

Capcom could use a straight success about now


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
To be fair, Fchamp, Clockw0rk and Apologyman are pretty open minded about the game.

Open minded about something they only saw 1 minute of edited gameplay and has one of their own working on it (combo)?

Thats crazy talk.

To be fair, Justin changes his mind pretty quickly. Didn't he say MvC3 was trash?

A lot of people said 3 was trash pre release.

A lot of people in this very thread that are now praising it to high heaven in fact :3
Hm, if they really are reusing assets from MvC3 instead of completely building it from the ground up, then this gives me hope that the roster really will be huge.

And it will heighten the chances of my boy Phoenix Wright coming back!

Highlighting this post, because I think there's a strong chance that a lot of MvC3 assets will be touched up for this rather than remade from scratch. I want to see more gameplay footage before I say anything for sure, but it does kinda look like Ryu is using near-identical animations and graphical assets... his model even looks like it was just cleaned up and given new less stylized textures.

If that is the case, it could save some time in bringing veterans forward. However, recycling some assets doesn't mean that people should expect everyone from UMvC3 to come back or anything, it just might explain why Capcom could hit a reasonably sized roster with a (potentially) more limited budget and development time.

That also doesn't necessarily mean that Eighting is involved, as another poster suggested.


Junior Member


They kept Iron Avenger? I saw the unibeam super but didn't see the part where he flys at them and tackles them.

I agree with you on his armor design. Something about it looks off.

Finally, I'm frankly disappointed that he still has proton cannon and what is likely going to be his same move set. Really hoping they at least add one or two new moves. The same old moves again for the 3rd game in a row. I also love how the trailer shows him using hand blasts but the gameplay is the same-old-same-old that we've seen for years.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still hype for the game, but Iron Man is by far my favorite character in the Marvel Universe and it's lame to constantly seem him get dissed like this.

I was hoping for some compelete move set redesigns. Kinda bummed he and likely others will be stuck with the same moveset from MSH. If Iron Man had never been made the first time with a gaint canon for a super, there's no way that would have been a super based on current material. He would probably be completely different.

The art style looks not great. I thought MvC3's style was aweseome. This looks like it could be somewhat inconsistent.

I'm somewhat skeptical about them having enough time for a 2017 release.


Junior Member
I was hoping for some compelete move set redesigns. Kinda bummed he and likely others will be stuck with the same moveset from MSH. If Iron Man had never been made the first time with a gaint canon for a super, there's no way that would have been a super based on current material. He would probably be completely different.

The art style looks not great. I thought MvC3's style was aweseome. This looks like it could be somewhat inconsistent.
Funny that you mention the Proton Cannon, it's actually been somewhat incorporated into other forms of media. Take Avengers Assemble for example...


Even then, the new Proton Cannon seems modeled after what Tony uses for his most recent armor (before Civil War II happened).



i hope capcom is lobbying sony and ms hard for cross console online. (assuming pc x console is a given)

gotta try and do something (outside of single player content) to shore up that online population so that newer players aren't always getting matched up with veterans and getting bodied every match, getting discouraged quickly, and dropping the game quick.
But there's nothing more satisfying than x-factoring during ur opponent's combo and palm uppercut them to death with Wesker's launcher.

I need Wesker in this game so bad. His buttons get me hype.
Dante X-Factor Jam Session, I'm good aren't I?I'm good aren't I?I'm good aren't I?I'm good aren't I?I'm good aren't I?I'm good aren't I?I'm good aren't I?

Man, if Asura gets shown for tomorrow..

Oh my, yes!
I mean Ryu...is Ryu...so shouldn't his animations look nearly the same?

They SHOULD, sure. Ryu should always do the same basic motions for a Hadoken and a Shoryuken. But this doesn't look similar, the Shin Shoryuken appears to be identical. I mean, somebody earlier was able to grab identical screens from the super in MvC3 and the MvCI gameplay trailer. And the model appeared to be just touched up, not new.

I'm not saying there's anything WRONG with the practice, I'm just saying cribbing assets as a base to build off of is a smart way to save a little time and money. They can take finished MvC3 characters and use them as a starting point, clean up models, make new textures, add and remove a few moves, use old frame data as a reference, etc.
Most competitive players also thought SFxT was amazing pre-release, even though it was clearly trash. This is just a repackaged SFxT. I can't believe we aren't even getting a TvC-quality game.

IIRC he still felt that way throughout, no? He just also so happened to be good at it...and thus win money.

To be fair, Justin changes his mind pretty quickly. Didn't he say MvC3 was trash?
No, JWong got upset because he thought Sentinel was OP on release. Then he piloted a ton of anti-Sentinel tech, destroyed everyone who used him, and fell in love with the game.

I don't get the SFXT comparison at all. That game was plagued by time-outs, OP gems, and gamebreaking (Rolento) glitches. There was also the issue with all of the DLC characters being found on disc. By the time it got a 2013 update, it became one of the most respectable games out. It was just too little too late.

It's rather silly to compare footage from a 1 min video to SFXT because of a tag out combo. Like, seriously.


Neo Member
Considering the characters literally scream 'power stone' in gameplay, it'd be a huge missed opportunity to not have a Power Stone character.
Most competitive players also thought SFxT was amazing pre-release, even though it was clearly trash. This is just a repackaged SFxT. I can't believe we aren't even getting a TvC-quality game.
Nah, SFxT was universally loved until the Lili build which completely changed how the game worked and played, toning down the crazyness. Pre release SFxT had full cancels from chains and a whole lot other Vs game things, like having full control over Cross Assault.

Lili build was a massive downgrade.
Amazing the kind of difference one character can make. :D I skipped out on MvC 3 and UMvC 3 with Zero regrets, but I'm getting Infinite second one and learning it to the best of my scrubby ability solely because X is finally, fucking FINALLY (!!!) here. Capcom made it right. Just like that, they wiped the slate clean and got my $60!

I'll not dare to ask for anything more than X, as I don't want to push my luck. :p But I'll be looking forward to the character reveals and quietly hoping that Zero, Tron, Amaterasu, and Phoenix Wright all survive any roster cuts. Because a 2v2 fighting game in which I can run a team of X and Zero...

Oh. My. God. Yes.
There's zero chances of MCU actors.

Carol sounds more like Grey DeLeslie, and Tony sounds like Eric Loomis.

Eh, I'd put it at

MCU Movie actors: 12 percent
MCU TV/Netflix actors: 60 percent

Nibel made a post saying his source name dropped Hemsworth and Pratt. As far fetched as the idea is, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Pratt recently reprised both his Lego Movie and Jurassic World characters for Lego Dimensions. Even saying once he'd be up for guest starring on Agents of SHIELD if given the chance.

It's really perplexing to me they'd have Loomis voice Iron Man again rather than just getting one of his recent VAs like Adrian Pasdar (their go to guy for most Marvel games the past few years), Mick Wingert, or Matt Mercer (and it's not reused audio from 3 either, definitely a new recording). It really goes against their "latest cartoon VA" track record they stuck to so closely in 3 (and Captain Marvel so far) barring a couple of exceptions. It's a very peculiar move.

Basically, the jury is still out and I want to wait until more characters are revealed. MAYBE there will be some MCU actors here and there and they got Eric Loomis because they couldn't get RDJ). Our maybe the guy at Marvel in charge for the choices in this just wanted to use Loomis for some reason and everyone else well just be their recent cartoon choices. *shrug*

Anyway, I'm excited for the game. I loved using the different grooves in CvS2 so the Infinity Gem system seems right up my alley.

Also, when is that ESPN showing. I know it's tomorrow but there's no time listed.


Neo Member
If Iron Man can be Eric Loomis, then Frank can still be TJ Rotolo!

(Plus, Brian Bloom for Cap, and Drake Bell for Spiderman pls)
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