CalgaryThis Ontario?
This video could pretty much sum up this thread as well![]()
This Ontario?
Well there are quite some rumors of families starving to death at home during the lockdown, though like always nothing can really be verified with regards to things going on there.BTW, China managed not to have any food shortages despite having over 1.3 billion mouths to feed, so there's no need to stock up on two months of food (unless you think that your own government is much inferior to China's)
With the way people are reacting, you’d think we were calling it the “ching chong ding dong squinty eyes” virus.
Like, Wuhan is just the name of the place. lmao
Gas here is 83.9 in the GTA
Gas here is 83.9 in the GTA
This video could pretty much sum up this thread as well![]()
I don't think it's been that low in 20 years, lmao.
I do remember back in the early 2000s it was like 40-50c a liter.
Pretty sure it was this price when the market crashed in 2008.
Wtf is this????
Pretty sure it was this price when the market crashed in 2008.
Google is developing the nationwide website that the media said Trump was lying about yesterday.
I wonder if the USA would just SHUT IT DOWN for 2 weeks like Italy.
I mean it if it's the only way to do it, I don't think it be a bad idea.
“The term ‘lock-down’ isn’t a technical term used by public health officials or lawyers,” Lindsay Wiley, a health law professor at the Washington College of Law, said in an email. “It could be used to refer to anything from mandatory geographic quarantine (which would probably be unconstitutional under most scenarios in the US), to non-mandatory recommendations to shelter in place (which are totally legal and can be issued by health officials at the federal, state, or local level), to anything in between (e.g. ordering certain events or types of businesses to close, which is generally constitutional if deemed necessary to stop the spread of disease based on available evidence).”
But whether any level of government could enforce the wholesale closing of a region or city (whether or not that decision is ill-advised) is a question courts would have to weigh in on.
“As a matter of constitutional law, the courts would typically require government officials to try voluntary measures first, as a way of proving that mandatory measures are actually necessary,” Wiley said. “Furthermore, any mandated measures would have to be narrowly tailored and backed by evidence. ... To pass constitutional muster, an order not just urging but requiring all people within a particular area to stay home would have to be justified by strong evidence that it was absolutely necessary and that other, less restrictive measures would be inadequate to slow the spread of disease.”
These measures include postponing or canceling mass gatherings like sporting events, concerts, or religious gatherings. It could mean closing schools or encouraging telework. (Other good practices during any outbreak: Stay home if you’re sick, cover your coughs and sneezes, and wash your hands.)
“A local health department may ask — or order — private businesses and organizations to cancel events where large crowds are expected to gather,” Wiley says. “Or, if it is determined that children play an important role in transmitting infection, state and local officials may order public and private schools and daycares to close. These decisions would be made primarily at the local level — city by city, county by county.”
I'm pretty sure that when it was the highest it's ever been.
I know here in the states it was like 4 dollars a gallon for 87
Media never said they were lying about it. Media is just playing stupid. Google said they are testing it locally Bay area first then grow it into a nationwide thing. Media expected it to be launched overnight for use nationwide right away that is what most of them reported on saying Trump mislead them.
It is good to correct the media on bullshit but don't over correct because both sides are playing politics right now.
It did sound like you could just go on a website and fill out some forms right away. But that website is still months away. That is the facts.
Google is not working with the US government in building a nationwide website to help people determine whether and how to get a novel coronavirus test, despite what President Donald Trump said in the course of issuing an emergency declaration for the coronavirus pandemic.
Contrary to Trump’s claim, Google is not building a nationwide coronavirus screening website
Instead, Verily is building a triage website just for the Bay
Contrary to Trump’s claim, Google is not building a nationwide coronavirus screening website
Instead, Verily is building a triage website just for the Bay
With no food?
It went from a slight cough to a rough cough in less than 24 hours. I went in early, stocked up, and got out. The only things I made contact with were the things I bought, and I ran them through the checkout myself.
And fuck the Tories. Their strategy is basically ‘let’s do an Italy’. Give it two weeks and the news from the UK will be about the NHS being overrun. Feel free to quote me on that.
What kind of thinking is this , it not a fucking experiment in a class room , don’t care if your tactic works , in theory. There are proven examples China , SK and a couple of others. It’s human lives you are taking about , not numbers .
Lock down, curb the curve.
Because it has, for now. Other provinces were put under almost total lock-down soon after Wuhan was quarantined. The place where I live is over 1000 km from Wuhan, but everybody has been pretty much confined to their own homes for the past 6 weeks. Only one person per household was allowed to leave their residential complex once every 2 days, although pretty much everyone I know just made a big shop once a week. The daily number of newly confirmed cases still rose for about two weeks, and then gradually became fewer and fewer. The city where I am has now gone 3 weeks with zero newly confirmed infections. Things are just beginning to relax where I am (shops reopening etc), although the amount of traffic and people in the shops is still much less than usual.
I was quite happy and optimistic about the whole thing, until I started looking at predictions from some western experts about how the virus will just come back again. People here took the first quarantine period with patience and understanding, but a second round would be really disappointing. Those doctor/nurses unmasking videos have a slight hint of Bush's "mission accomplished" banner to them right now.
Whatever one thinks of the Chinese government, that shouldn't stop everyone from being pleased for these health workers. Many from the whole of China went to Wuhan to help wirth the outbreak, and it must have been hell.
In times such as this, its the least we can do![]()
With the way people are reacting, you’d think we were calling it the “ching chong ding dong squinty eyes” virus.
Like, Wuhan is just the name of the place. lmao
The Philippines' capital region goes under partial lockdown today
The Philippines' capital region goes under partial lockdown today
Starting today, the Metro Manila region of the Philippines is going under partial lockdown to contain the coronavirus
The idea that China, of all places, should be held up as the example to follow here is pretty wild to me.
I'd be surprised if they have been 100% honest about ANYTHING surrounding this situation so far.
You know you are fucked when "let's deal with it in the same way as China" is the prevailing opinion.
Article’s a little outdated since we have 111 cases now. Plenty of cities are also implementing partial quarantines now.
That's sort of what I was getting at regarding the news articles bring so positive - we don't know if a quarantined region is simply delaying infection or not. It's too early to judge success. I mean, sure, hard quarantine will obviously reduce spread for as long as the hard quarantine is in place, but it does not immunize the people once quarantine is lifted.
My area seems to have pretty much shut down in the social / school areas. Stores are still open. That definitely will slow spread too, but until we are past the hump, have some actual solutions in place, it's not over.
In times such as this, its the least we can do
All this because the Chinese will eat anything with a face.
nsture fights back, too bad the polution will return to China very soon.