So, IGN's guide says that your galactic readiness doesn't matter for the ending. Here's what they said (I'll spoiler it but there really are zero spoilers other than telling you how many endings there are according to them):There are 3 different endings for Mass Effect 3 based on a single choice you make in the final stretch. Your Paragon and Renegade status do not matter, nor does your Galactic Readiness rating.
This goes against what I had previously heard, so what's the deal? I thought you had to have your readiness at 100% for the best ending?
One of the devs on the Bioware forums responded to the confusion:
Hi everyone,
I've seen some posts where there is a bit of confusion about the ability to get the "perfect ending" by only playing single-player, because if you don't play multiplayer (or the iOS game, Infiltrator) your Galactic Readiness stays at 50%.
You do NOT have to play multiplayer to get the best single-player endings.
Here's a bit of clarification:
Your ending(s) are determined by your "Effective Military Strength" (let's call it EMS for now) bar. Focus on that bar - that is your indicator of how well you will do in the end-game.
You can maximize your EMS just by collecting War Assets in the single-player game. There is a certain threshhold of these you would need to exceed (I can't get too specific) but I can tell you there are MORE than the required amount that can be gathered in the single-player campaign.
"Galactic Readiness" is a modifier you can improve by playing multiplayer. That is to say, if you play a lot of multiplayer, you will need less War Assets from single-player to fill up your EMS bar (ie it will balance out the requirements to account for you playing in both modes). Single-player game play does not impact that bar.
EMS = success. EMS can be maximized via collecting war assets alone, even if your Galactic Readiness is 50%.