20 hours in, I'm confused about theQuarian missions. Why was Legion helping us? Why did uploading the Reaper code mean the Quarians had to die? I thought I was going to be able to get both upgraded Geth and the Quarians on my side, but Legion said something about "We regret the death of the Creators", so I panicked, told him to stop, and Tali killed him.
Uploading the Reaper improved code would have simply made the Geth completely outclass the Quarians. Keep in mind that they are attacking the Geth while Legion is uploading the code. If they are still attacking, and then the Geth are still being attacked by the Quarians (and their entire fleet, and almost all Quarians in general, are there), the Geth will be forced to defend themselves, and they would win handily. Uploading the code doesn't necessarily mean the Quarians have to die, but if they're still fighting when the code is uploaded, that's what will happen.
On another note, with that coalesced edit that unlocks Javik, is that something that EA/Origin has the capability to detect, and potentially lock me out of the game altogether? I don't plan to pirate From Ashes, I am fine with not having the mission, but if the mission is really all you purchase, and everything else about Javik is already in the game I purchased and downloaded, that's a different situation in my eyes. But if Origin can detect that I've unlocked him without purchasing the DLC, and lock me out of my account for it, I'd rather not take that risk.