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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


20 hours in, I'm confused about the
Quarian missions. Why was Legion helping us? Why did uploading the Reaper code mean the Quarians had to die? I thought I was going to be able to get both upgraded Geth and the Quarians on my side, but Legion said something about "We regret the death of the Creators", so I panicked, told him to stop, and Tali killed him.

Uploading the Reaper improved code would have simply made the Geth completely outclass the Quarians. Keep in mind that they are attacking the Geth while Legion is uploading the code. If they are still attacking, and then the Geth are still being attacked by the Quarians (and their entire fleet, and almost all Quarians in general, are there), the Geth will be forced to defend themselves, and they would win handily. Uploading the code doesn't necessarily mean the Quarians have to die, but if they're still fighting when the code is uploaded, that's what will happen.

On another note, with that coalesced edit that unlocks Javik, is that something that EA/Origin has the capability to detect, and potentially lock me out of the game altogether? I don't plan to pirate From Ashes, I am fine with not having the mission, but if the mission is really all you purchase, and everything else about Javik is already in the game I purchased and downloaded, that's a different situation in my eyes. But if Origin can detect that I've unlocked him without purchasing the DLC, and lock me out of my account for it, I'd rather not take that risk.


Finished it, took me 26 hours.

Was about ready to say it's the best ME game, then I got to the ending. I was hoping I wouldn't find it terrible like a lot of people here do, but I did. It was awful.

According to a post a few about I'm 75% in around 34 hours.

Are you not going to your crew after missions? Not doing the side missions?
Finished it, took me 26 hours.

Was about ready to say it's the best ME game, then I got to the ending. I was hoping I wouldn't find it terrible like a lot of people here do, but I did. It was awful.

More or less my sentiments. I really want to believe the entire ending sequence was just a figment of imagination or a vision or a dream.


I can't wait to love the shit out of the ending.

As long as it's not an upside down sudoku puzzle, I don't think I'll be pissed.


To clarify: I honestly don't care about the story in Mass Effect. I think the universe Bioware has created is great, but the story is one unimaginative, generic sci-fi snoozefest. A troll ending could improve things for me.


According to a post a few about I'm 75% in around 34 hours.

Are you not going to your crew after missions? Not doing the side missions?

I did everything I could find, dunno what else to say. I don't linger around in games though, I rushed through a lot of it while still taking it all in.

More or less my sentiments. I really want to believe the entire ending sequence was just a figment of imagination or a vision or a dream.

I don't even understand what the fuck happened really. I
watched the other endings and they're barely different to the one I chose. It's like whatever you choose doesn't even fucking matter.

So disappointed as I really enjoyed the game, the content sans ending blew ME2 and 1 out the water imo.

As long as it's not an upside down sudoku puzzle, I don't think I'll be pissed.

I had the same thoughts

And here I am, extremely annoyed by what I just saw


Considering how fast you people chow through the game, I am forced to conclude that I am the only true Mass Effect fan in this place.

Just started, 12 hours in, expect to go 60+ hours, elite Mass Effect gamer.


So what are peoples opinions on the best class for an insanity playthrough? Vanguard was a lot of fun on normal, but rushing in on insanity gets me blown apart pretty fast.


Considering how fast you people chow through the game, I am forced to conclude that I am the only true Mass Effect fan in this place.

Just started, 12 hours in, expect to go 60+ hours, elite Mass Effect gamer.

To be fair, 80% of your time spent is playing Pokemon Snap: Mass Effect Edition.
Diana is simply more evidence, on top of the web layout, that IGN didn't review the game, but instead market it. She doesn't need to be in the game at all. And, despite actually quite liking Chobot, she did a terrible job at the voice acting. Arguably the most throw away character in the game.

Oh, so that was the 'can't resist an exclusive' reference.

But that can't be right because IGN was just as embargoed as anyone else. You give a person 'away', even allowing their fysical representation to simply be there to get banged (it's going to be interesting to watch the fallout of ME3 for Chobot personally. I can imagine that talking to "fans" is going to be or become very creepy for her at some point), and you get.... nothing?
(yeah, marketing for her person and the outlet, but also "we'ld do anything for views", so I'm not sure you could call that a good exchange)

I'm going to say 'didn't happen that way' to this idea, EC.


Considering how fast you people chow through the game, I am forced to conclude that I am the only true Mass Effect fan in this place.

Just started, 12 hours in, expect to go 60+ hours, elite Mass Effect gamer.
It took you like a week to do the first hour of crysis 2. I don't think your opinion in this matter is very accurate of everyone else


I think I'm about thirty or so minutes from the ending.
Met Anderson in London, now defending the missiles.
Will finish it tonight, hope it's as bad as everyone says it is.

A part of me doesn't really care--the entire thing was a macguffin hunt I never cared about, anyways--and I do want to see just how bad it can possibly get.

Also I really wish Earth was never in the game. The final mission needed something better than this dreary wreck.


I'm surprised to see how much backlash there is against ME3

reading through the comments, it seems that many of the complaints here are the same as with ME2 (story, writing, corridor level design, gunplay). The ending really does seem to have left a terrible impression.

still haven't played the game yet, but I think I might have been spoiled on the ending, so at least I go in prepared, heh


Can someone tell me what the advantage of the
black widow sniper is over a fully upgraded mantis?

In terms of stats they are very similar at level 5, except the black widow weighs a lot more.


So what are peoples opinions on the best class for an insanity playthrough? Vanguard was a lot of fun on normal, but rushing in on insanity gets me blown apart pretty fast.

My Engineer made pretty quick work with Insanity, and my Adept is just slaughtering everything so far. Both started at 30, for the record. Best class? Hard to say, but so far, my gut says Adept. They were decent to begin with in ME2 (despite what people say, they were pretty effective overall), and the changes to the gameplay/abilities/squadmates really improve how Adept plays to an absurd degree. To be more specific: the weight system means drastically lowered cooldowns. Throw, which has an insanely low cooldown compared to ME2 Warp can set off detonations. You start off with a squadmate who has Singularity (which can also hit someone in cover or behind a pillar, which Pull in the previous game couldn't do), on an extremely low cooldown. To be more specific, with maxed out Throw/passive, and Liara's maxed out Singularity/passive, I can take a look at an Assault Trooper or Cannibal, hit her Singularity, and Throw. Throw is on a roughly 1s cooldown, Singularity is a bit over 3 seconds, and this is a guaranteed kill. Oftentimes a guaranteed double kill. Not everyone has shields/barriers. You can set up detonations on a protected target via Warp -> Throw.

Adept's a lot of fun, and absurdly effective. I think other classes might be stronger if you're starting at level 1, but I wouldn't know.


I'm surprised to see how much backlash there is against ME3

reading through the comments, it seems that many of the complaints here are the same as with ME2 (story, writing, corridor level design, gunplay). The ending really does seem to have left a terrible impression.

still haven't played the game yet, but I think I might have been spoiled on the ending, so at least I go in prepared, heh

Aside from the shit PC port, horrendously bad ending and too much auto dialogue I don't have many issues with the game.

It's much, much better than ME2.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Shepard has had a bathroom in his room this entire time?

I find it weird and funny how the DLC character basically
breaks all preconceived notions of the Protheans. Though then again you are talking to a militaristic guy, so who knows what the rest of his race's opinions were.


Can someone tell me what the advantage of the
black widow sniper is over a fully upgraded mantis?

In terms of stats they are very similar at level 5, except the black widow weighs a lot more.

Black Widow has three shots per clip, and if it behaves like the regular Widow does, which I assume is the case, it goes through thin cover, Guardian shields (without having to hit the window), and regular enemies (I've seen people get two kills with one Widow shot in MP).


You can sleep with her. Fade to black.

Probably not. I think I've locked myself out of casual sex now that I "completed" the romance with Jack, according to the paramour achievement.

Considering how fast you people chow through the game, I am forced to conclude that I am the only true Mass Effect fan in this place.

Just started, 12 hours in, expect to go 60+ hours, elite Mass Effect gamer.

Don't make me bring up Witcher 2.


I can't wait to love the shit out of the ending.

As long as it's not an upside down sudoku puzzle, I don't think I'll be pissed.


Also, does anyone know of a ME2 save editor that lets you change the outcome of Legion's loyalty mission and have it carry over into ME3? I'd like to change it for my Paragade Shepard. (Note: I haven't even gotten to any quarian/geth stuff yet so I have no idea if it has any real effect, but if it does I'd like to have an opportunity to experience that without replaying the suicide mission + DLC.)


Considering how fast you people chow through the game, I am forced to conclude that I am the only true Mass Effect fan in this place.

Just started, 12 hours in, expect to go 60+ hours, elite Mass Effect gamer.

20 hours in, just finished the first plot progression. Eat it :p


More or less my sentiments. I really want to believe the entire ending sequence was just a figment of imagination or a vision or a dream.

Personally, I am just going to forget the ending entirely. I had such a good experience with the rest of the game that as far as I am concerned, the game ends at the scene with (major spoilers)
Shepard and Anderson.


My Engineer made pretty quick work with Insanity, and my Adept is just slaughtering everything so far. Both started at 30, for the record. Best class? Hard to say, but so far, my gut says Adept. They were decent to begin with in ME2 (despite what people say, they were pretty effective overall), and the changes to the gameplay/abilities/squadmates really improve how Adept plays to an absurd degree. To be more specific: the weight system means drastically lowered cooldowns. Throw, which has an insanely low cooldown compared to ME2 Warp can set off detonations. You start off with a squadmate who has Singularity (which can also hit someone in cover or behind a pillar, which Pull in the previous game couldn't do), on an extremely low cooldown. To be more specific, with maxed out Throw/passive, and Liara's maxed out Singularity/passive, I can take a look at an Assault Trooper or Cannibal, hit her Singularity, and Throw. Throw is on a roughly 1s cooldown, Singularity is a bit over 3 seconds, and this is a guaranteed kill. Oftentimes a guaranteed double kill. Not everyone has shields/barriers. You can set up detonations on a protected target via Warp -> Throw.

Adept's a lot of fun, and absurdly effective. I think other classes might be stronger if you're starting at level 1, but I wouldn't know.

I also went with adept for my insanity playthrough and I found that lift works even better than singularity, and recharges faster too. Double lift followed by double throw was my bread and butter combo. With one team mate that has something against shields, you're unstoppable.


Major spoiler alert with this question but
is there a way I can have an outcome where Anderson and the gay pilot dude could live?


25-30 hours in and I just finished tuchanka. Taking my sweet time with this.

The shroud was such a cool level,
I'm assuming Wreav and Mordin have to die regardless of your choices
and the final scene was really, really great. I wonder how differently this plays out with Wreav.

I was totally expecting the reaper to come back up to the surface though, I recall the gameinformer article mentioning that in the footage they saw, Shepard's truck was leaving and after the maw took the reaper inside, it's laser started shooting from the ground.

Also, does anyone know of a ME2 save editor that lets you change the outcome of Legion's loyalty mission and have it carry over into ME3? I'd like to change it for my Paragade Shepard. (Note: I haven't even gotten to any quarian/geth stuff yet so I have no idea if it has any real effect, but if it does I'd like to have an opportunity to experience that without replaying the suicide mission + DLC.)
The newest version of Pordis Shepard's modded Gibbed editor can do this I think.


Major spoiler alert with this question but
is there a way I can have an outcome where Anderson and the gay pilot dude could live?

Steve lived in my game, I talked him out of slump, his shuttle still crashed, but he was alive(you can contact him via the comms building in London). But I don't think you can have Anderson live


Black Widow has three shots per clip, and if it behaves like the regular Widow does, which I assume is the case, it goes through thin cover, Guardian shields (without having to hit the window), and regular enemies (I've seen people get two kills with one Widow shot in MP).

Hmmm I haven't found the regular widow. Interesting, thanks.


Tiny tiny spoiler, if any.

Garrus/Male Sheppard bromance is so good,"My name is Garrus and this is my favorite spot on the Citadel"
Haven't finished the game, should be doing that tonight...

I was just re-watching the Thessia scene with the DLC Character present, and the VI said something about the Crucible that made me take a guess at what the ending is, or part of it.

My guess at the ending:
As the VI says, the Crucible isn't of Prothean design, it's been worked on by countless races over millions of years... Was the Cycle set up by some completely previously un-hinted at 'God being/race" that created the Reapers and the cycle of extinction, and the Crucible is a 'test' to see if the races of the galaxy can co-operate and learn to love one another?

Like that episode of Star Trek TNG, "The Chase," "When the alien race first explored the Alpha Quadrant there had been no humanoid based life other than themselves, and so they had populated various planets to create a legacy and to try to maintain their way of life after they had gone. The alien ends its message by saying that it hopes that the knowledge of a common origin will help produce peace." [from the wiki].



I also missed grabbing the Talon on
the cerberus attack on the citadel
since it was in a locked room, is there another opportunity to get one and how was I supposed to do it?
Personally, I am just going to forget the ending entirely. I had such a good experience with the rest of the game that as far as I am concerned, the game ends at the scene with (major spoilers)
Shepard and Anderson.

Yep. Would have been 100% satisfied with the ending if
the crucible were to simply destroy only the reapers, and then the game ends with Anderson and Shepard talking about how they finally did it, and that the galaxy would finally be able to live in peace


[minor character spoiler]
"I'm Garrus Valkyrian and this is my favorite spot on the Citadel"
I lol'd.
Ha just saw it right now Cyren

25-30 hours in and I just finished tuchanka. Taking my sweet time with this.

The shroud was such a cool level,
I'm assuming Wreav and Mordin have to die regardless of your choices
and the final scene was really, really great. I wonder how differently this plays out with Wreav.
Damn, and I thought I was taking my sweet time with the game! There's a way for this not to happen
if Wrex died in the previous games or if you destroyed the genophage cure in ME2
Haven't finished the game, should be doing that tonight...

I was just re-watching the Thessia scene with the DLC Character present, and the VI said something about the Crucible that made me take a guess at what the ending is, or part of it.

My guess at the ending:
As the VI says, the Crucible isn't of Prothean design, it's been worked on by countless races over millions of years... Was the Cycle set up by some completely previously un-hinted at 'God being/race" that created the Reapers and the cycle of extinction, and the Crucible is a 'test' to see if the races of the galaxy can co-operate and learn to love one another?

Like that episode of Star Trek TNG, "The Chase," "When the alien race first explored the Alpha Quadrant there had been no humanoid based life other than themselves, and so they had populated various planets to create a legacy and to try to maintain their way of life after they had gone. The alien ends its message by saying that it hopes that the knowledge of a common origin will help produce peace." [from the wiki].


Way off.
25-30 hours in and I just finished tuchanka. Taking my sweet time with this.

The shroud was such a cool level,
I'm assuming Wreav and Mordin have to die regardless of your choices
and the final scene was really, really great. I wonder how differently this plays out with Wreav.

I was totally expecting the reaper to come back up to the surface though, I recall the gameinformer article mentioning that in the footage they saw, Shepard's truck was leaving and after the maw took the reaper inside, it's laser started shooting from the ground.

Regarding Tuchanka,
You can convince Mordin to leave the shroud (and survive) with a paragon conversation option. But I think this might only be possible if you didn't tell Wrex/Wreav, Eve, and Mordin that the Salarians sabotaged the shroud.


Steve lived in my game, I talked him out of slump, his shuttle still crashed, but he was alive(you can contact him via the comms building in London). But I don't think you can have Anderson live
I don't know what I did wrong then.
I talked him out of his slump as well, but he still got blown up, or maybe I missed communicating with him after the crash, I didn't see an option to speak with him at the comms building though. Messed up about Anderson though
I think I fucked up and need some questions answered. This enormous black rectangle of text is going to be up to mid-game in spoilers (my MS is like 2800, and EMS is half that so 1900):

So I used a save from masseffect2saves.com because I didn't have mine. It was a paragon save and had all the same decisions just like mine except Anderson being on the council. Problem is I didn't realize when I started the game that this bastard Udina was on the council and not Anderson. I just forgot, been so long, and played like 20 hours at least already. So what happens with the Udina betrayal at the Citadel if Anderson is the one on the council? Does all that shit still happen? I'm assuming it does because it would be way too much development time to create that huge attack from Cerberus only if you kept Udina on there. Anyway, I shot him dead when he had the gun pointed at the Asari councilor (my first renegade move but damn if I wasn't pissed as this was the point I realized it was Anderson who should've been on the council). I'm just wondering what's different with Anderson on the council. Who does all those briefings from Earth if not Anderson? What happens with Udina if he's not on the council? Does Kelly Chambers still die if Anderson is on there instead of Udina Does Thane still die from the assassin? My mass effect world is shattered right now and I have no idea what to do, like if I should start all over and find a save with Anderson on the council like my old one. Can't believe I didn't notice that earlier.
I think I fucked up and need some questions answered. This enormous black rectangle of text is going to be up to mid-game in spoilers (my MS is like 2800, and EMS is half that so 1900):

So I used a save from masseffect2saves.com because I didn't have mine. It was a paragon save and had all the same decisions just like mine except Anderson being on the council. Problem is I didn't realize when I started the game that this bastard Udina was on the council and not Anderson. I just forgot, been so long, and played like 20 hours at least already. So what happens with the Udina betrayal at the Citadel if Anderson is the one on the council? Does all that shit still happen? I'm assuming it does because it would be way too much development time to create that huge attack from Cerberus only if you kept Udina on there. Anyway, I shot him dead when he had the gun pointed at the Asari councilor (my first renegade move but damn if I wasn't pissed as this was the point I realized it was Anderson who should've been on the council). I'm just wondering what's different with Anderson on the council. Who does all those briefings from Earth if not Anderson? What happens with Udina if he's not on the council? Does Kelly Chambers still die if Anderson is on there instead of Udina Does Thane still die from the assassin? My mass effect world is shattered right now and I have no idea what to do, like if I should start all over and find a save with Anderson on the council like my old one. Can't believe I didn't notice that earlier.

Naw, regardless of who you chose to be the councilor in ME1, it doesn't change anything. Anderson gives up his council seat, because as he says in ME2, he's not much of a politician, and Udina takes the seat.
I see some people complaining that the importing got screwed up and that some characters that were alive died and some dead people turned out alive. I just started the game. Besides
the ashley/kaidan choice and whether Wrex is alive choices being present on the import screen
, is there any way of knowing early on if the import went well? I don't want to play for 10 hours and find out everything is fucked up. Otherwise i might just wait for a patch and restart those two hours i have played.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Tiny tiny spoiler, if any.

Garrus/Male Sheppard bromance is so good,"My name is Garrus and this is my favorite spot on the Citadel"

I assume you're talking about them
shooting cans up above that walkway?
Yup, I loved that, too! Did you let Garrus
"win", and purposefully miss? If you do, Garrus starts bragging about being the best can shooter, and Shep says "Yeah, you never know when the cans might revolt.


I see some people complaining that the importing got screwed up and that some characters that were alive died and some dead people turned out alive. I just started the game. Besides
the ashley/kaidan choice and whether Wrex is alive choices being present on the import screen
, is there any way of knowing early on if the import went well? I don't want to play for 10 hours and find out everything is fucked up. Otherwise i might just wait for a patch and restart those two hours i have played.

In the menu, the game gives you a rundown as soon as you import the save? You should see the list on the right as to your previous choices.


So I just wanna get an idea how how far into the game, I'm pretty sure i'm like .0002% in but just wanna get an idea:

Finish that second level from the demo with the female Korgan.
Naw, regardless of who you chose to be the councilor in ME1, it doesn't change anything. Anderson gives up his council seat, because as he says in ME2, he's not much of a politician, and Udina takes the seat.

Ohhhhh yeahhh I forgot about that from ME2. Man I jump to conclusions way too fast. So everything is cool

Poor Kelly... what the fuck


Am I the only one that found this pretty hilarious?


Shepard kept staring at Liara's boobs for a good 5 seconds when you first meet her.
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