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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


Question about a mission on the Citadel for Aria T'Loak:

I need to get this Salarian arms dealer to sell his best stuff to C-Sec, or else General Oraka is going to keep harassing the Blue Suns and get himself killed. What are these rare items the Salarian is going to need in exchange for his best weapons?

You gotta go planet probing. The general will still be around when you get back. Don't worry it was just a poorly worded quest.
So, I've just finished it. I... uh... don't know what to say. I've tried to ignore all the hyperbolic crap surrounding it but I am speechless... and not in a good way.

Know that feel, bro. Know that feel.

It kinda is though, for the people who feel that way. As said, I can appreciate people disliking it immensely and see their perspective. I just didn't feel that way, quite probably because my standard had been set so low from all the complaining, and because I don't really care enough to get into a huge debate about it.

My advise is to just play the game, enjoy the journey, and try not to listen to what other people are saying. Don't try to derive the plot from their vague, spoiler free opinions, myself included. Just play it, have fun, and see how you feel at the end.

This. Play the game, enjoy the ride. It's a great one. Don't try to guess what the ending is... You'll fail. You need to see it for yourself. And who knows, maybe you'll like it.

But probably not.


Well hey look at that. The Origin store for PC decided not to be a bitch anymore and actually let me buy the DLC.. without giving me errors saying I had the wrong info for my Mastercard. Glad I waited on really getting into the game before I got this.

Now I just can't decide on male or female Shepard.


It kinda is though, for the people who feel that way. As said, I can appreciate people disliking it immensely and see their perspective. I just didn't feel that way, quite probably because my standard had been set so low from all the complaining, and because I don't really care enough to get into a huge debate about it.

My advise is to just play the game, enjoy the journey, and try not to listen to what other people are saying. Don't try to derive the plot from their vague, spoiler free opinions, myself included. Just play it, have fun, and see how you feel at the end.

Fair enough, i'm absolutly loving the game so far, so many awesome smal things, tie ins with the books, great finale's to series long debates, it's amazing. Ending isn't the most important thing.

Because his opinion is a fact, right?

EatChildren is clearly right, the many people in these threads saying how shit is are obviously just haters

No offcourse not, but after years of reading his opinions on the books, dlc etc. i do trust his opinion a lot.
Fair enough, i'm absolutly loving the game so far, so many awesome smal things, tie ins with the books, great finale's to series long debates, it's amazing. Ending isn't the most important thing.
The ending was like the WC finale against Spain: it was an amazing journey filled with hope, laughter, fear and love, only to completely fumble and end up with nothing in extra time. :(


Hey, I just wanna know how far I am so if anybody can give me a ROUGH estimate of how close I am. I would appreciate that.

Rigth now I finished all side missions and
I just visited the Asari homeworld and the Cerberus assassin stole the information I needed. Now my next mission is to find Cerberus on Horizon.

So I wanna know how close I am to the end,

Still a way to go
Nearing it
Almost there
Very close

Use one of those :p

I'm really liking it so far, and I want to finish it, but also not since I know it's the last game for Shepard in the series. Think I might wanna end it tonight though.. I guess..
The thing you mentioned at the end of your spoiler is the point of no return. Wrap up any lose ends.


The ending was like the WC finale against Spain: it was an amazing journey filled with hope, laughter, fear and love, only to completely fumble and end up with nothing in extra time. :(

WC finale was crap from the kick-off, there was no laughter only a lot of yelling ;)
But i get your point.
I'm pretty sure it's been answered before, but it's impossible to get
the 10,000 ships necessary for the perfect ending, without playing multiplayer, right? I swear I've done everything and still have "only" 7,000 ships. Galactic Readiness mechanic sucks.
So the opinions about the ending are unanimous? I haven't read one good thing about it. Why would they go the limit and make three awesome games with an epic, spanning storyline and make a shit ending?


So the opinions about the ending are unanimous? I haven't read one good thing about it. Why would they go the limit and make three awesome games with an epic, spanning storyline and make a shit ending?

I guarantee the writer of the ending thought it was a good ending.

However, I've also read that the endings were written by the two main writers alone, with minimal vetting as compared to the rest of the script.
So the opinions about the ending are unanimous? I haven't read one good thing about it. Why would they go the limit and make three awesome games with an epic, spanning storyline and make a shit ending?

Some people are defending it, but that usually comes down to them making extreme simplifications about how we all wanted "a cliched predictable ending," and that we're too simple to appreciate the metaphors and drama Bioware created.


erotic butter maelstrom
Heh, now I'm really curious about the ending but I'm still a week or two from finishing the game. Too busy with work and other stuff. Oh well, guess I better just avoid Mass Effect threads and Twitter for awhile lol.
So the opinions about the ending are unanimous? I haven't read one good thing about it. Why would they go the limit and make three awesome games with an epic, spanning storyline and make a shit ending?
Pretty much. It seems to range from 'meh, ok' to 'this is fucking bullshit. Im going to write 200 posts on forums about it (but will also buy any DLC which promises to improve the ending)'. That last part is me. :(


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Everyone who loves these games should avoid end-game spoilers. You need to experience that for yourself.

Pretty much. It seems to range from 'meh, ok' to 'this is fucking bullshit. Im going to write 200 posts on forums about it (but will also buy any DLC which promises to improve the ending)'. That last part is me. :(

You're part of the problem! :p

Though we're all hopeless, sad, and broken. Even if just a bit.
I am 90% through, and reading some of the hate about the ending has made me sit back and appreciate just how well the ride has been in this game so far. So much more variety and importance to all im doing than in the past 2 games. My only real gripes are the minor quest bugs and horrible loading on the armor customization screens.

It disappoints me that people cant appreciate the journey, and let a cut scene sour their game experience.
Why does my stupid quest journal start so far in the bottom? Having to slowly scroll back up to the top to see active quests is EXTREMELY annoying.

Edit: Well shit, now for some reason it's starting at the top.. wtf.

EDIT: And now it's back to the bottom.

Are you on the 360? If you press the Y button it instantly goes to the top.


I'm pretty sure it's been answered before, but it's impossible to get
the 10,000 ships necessary for the perfect ending, without playing multiplayer, right? I swear I've done everything and still have "only" 7,000 ships. Galactic Readiness mechanic sucks.

Wait, what? Can somebody settle once and for all how much damn
war assets you need? First I heard 4000, then 5000, now 10000? I've only got like 6000ish before adjustment by the GaW percentage?
just going through mass effect 2 on the ps3 and they have done such a piss poor job of bringing it over, for example in a cut scene a when someone is speaking they get cut off randomly and don't finish what they were saying and this happens mostly everytime.

And there's the out of sync audio that happens randomly as well in cut scenes which is ANNOYING!!

frame rate is GARBAGE most of the time, when ever i'm turning it starts to go down or it'll totally go to 0 in a action heavy scene or in cut scenes and most of the time gameplay

and lastly most of the textures are a horrible mess which i dont remember them being on the 360 and PC versions.

it really is a shame Bioware haven't put out a patch for this mess!!

luckily i'm halfway through and i really really hope Mass Effect 3 PS3 is in alot better shape.

I find it funny how IGN said that Mass effect 2 Ps3 was the better version to get lol
what a bunch of nobs.
When is the Master and Commander achievement supposed to pop? I started the mission that you're supposed to receive it on with 3331 assets and 100% readiness. Do I really need 4000 assets? How can I get them up quickly?


Speaking of Insanity, I couldn't finish the game on Insanity for the absolute stupidest reason. After a relatively easy time through the entire game (considering the difficulty of the previous two on Insanity and my sucking at games), I gave up at the very end. I couldn't for the life of me
kill the last fucking marauder with a stupid pistol. Not even close. Best I could do was take down its shields. Since I was playing on 360, which means shitty load times, everything about that seciont is slow, and I had stayed up to 10 in the morning to finish, I just flipped it to Narrative and finished the game
. I probably wouldn't have gotten the achievement anyway, since I don't remember if I changed the difficulty before leaving Earth or not, but I'm still not happy about it.

Had the same issue, but it's doable with headshots, took me about ten tries though.

this guy

Bioware has fixed my problem, now I have to make up for lost time. Rank 70 with a promoted character and my galactic readiness is only now able to increase. I want to get it to 100% for the "best" ending!


I have not seen one customized Shep face (without the use of mods) that looks better than the default Shep.

It's not about looking better, more like, this is my Shepard.

My azn shep might have bulging eyes with eyeshadow (no idea where that came from), but that's my main character, dammit.
What a load of shit!

Cerberus has just invaded Council
, the game crashes after the loading screen twice, and then Joker/Shepard are having what I assume is an important conversation, and there's NO SPEECH SOUND. And now, black screen. Fucking a.

FUCK. Hairline scratch on Disc 2. I can't be this unlucky surely. Please.


I have not seen one customized Shep face (without the use of mods) that looks better than the default Shep.
Eh, I think in some scenes mine look more appropriately emotive compared to Sheploo's wooden, stoic face. If you're talking about shader/texture then yeah obviously none of the customs can match the personalized Shep made by Bioware. Although that's for male Shep. Default female Shep looks Godawful.
Installing Disc 2, as the disc itself loads up fine, it's just whenever I get to that cutscene the game freezes up.

I will be beyond upset if it's broken already. I've not done anything out of the ordinary, except change the disc about 12 fucking times.
Man, this game runs terribly on the ps3. I'm only an hour in so for but, yeah, the framerate
had been the worst I've seen in a major console release in a long time. I'm not sure how any development team can think that this is acceptable.
Nope, disc definitely scratched.

So yeah, weeks and month of fucking waiting, for nothing. My game's dead. This is unbelievable. This whole experience has been an absolute joke to be honest.
Okay so I could use some information to help me with this decision. I'm fairly early on, on the Citadel.

I just encountered Miranda. I romanced her in ME2 and romanced Ash in ME1. Can someone tell me without spoiling anything, if by "leading Miranda on" so to speak, would that ruin my chances with Ashley? Alternatively, would ending things right then with Miranda lock me out of any content or anything? I tried both options just to see Miranda's immediate reaction, and by telling her that I want her in my life I was able to converse with her about her sister/Cerberus etc. (which makes it seem like something will happen regarding that later on in the game), but by saying that we needed to focus on work she just left without a word.


Okay so I could use some information to help me with this decision. I'm fairly early on, on the Citadel.

I just encountered Miranda. I romanced her in ME2 and romanced Ash in ME1. Can someone tell me without spoiling anything, if by "leading Miranda on" so to speak, would that ruin my chances with Ashley? Alternatively, would ending things right then with Miranda lock me out of any content or anything? I tried both options just to see Miranda's immediate reaction, and by telling her that I want her in my life I was able to converse with her about her sister/Cerberus etc. (which makes it seem like something will happen regarding that later on in the game), but by saying that we needed to focus on work she just left without a word.
Ashley was killed in action on the planet Virmire.

- J - D -

Please elaborate...my brother is considering getting it!

Unless you really want it to boost your Galactic Readiness in ME3, I would avoid it. ME:I is only similar to the ME series in that it shares some artistic elements, some of the aliens, and biotics. It doesn't have much of anything that makes the ME series great. No dialogue options, the morality choices are paper-thin and repeat too many times without any purpose.

The shooting isn't even the standard 3rd-person that I thought it'd to be. You tap on an enemy and Randall, the hero, will automatically shoot. You can chain kills thisay. It wouldnt be too bad if The controls werent so bad and on my iPad 2 the frame rate is choppy.
just going through mass effect 2 on the ps3 and they have done such a piss poor job of bringing it over, for example in a cut scene a when someone is speaking they get cut off randomly and don't finish what they were saying and this happens mostly everytime.

And there's the out of sync audio that happens randomly as well in cut scenes which is ANNOYING!!

frame rate is GARBAGE most of the time, when ever i'm turning it starts to go down or it'll totally go to 0 in a action heavy scene or in cut scenes and most of the time gameplay

and lastly most of the textures are a horrible mess which i dont remember them being on the 360 and PC versions.

it really is a shame Bioware haven't put out a patch for this mess!!

luckily i'm halfway through and i really really hope Mass Effect 3 PS3 is in alot better shape.

I find it funny how IGN said that Mass effect 2 Ps3 was the better version to get lol
what a bunch of nobs.

Hit the square button if the audio gets out of sync
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