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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

I think James has a thing for me, or I'm just getting the wrong vibe. Is a romance with him even possible if I'm a male Shepherd? If so, sorry James, but my heart belongs to Liara.

EDIT: I mean James.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I understand I'm really late here... but uh, is that reporter... Jessica Chobot? It kinda looks like a more rounded-face version of her, and it uh, totally sounds like her
I'm operating on Vinny-time when it comes to where I'm at on gametime and where I think I'm at.
I'm legitimately at 15 hours now. Last accomplished things I did in first line of spoilers, but not written in a spoilery way.

Just finished up all the sidequests before Tuchanka and finished the main quests on Tuchanka.

Dang, sad to see Mordin go. At least it was a fitting sendoff for him.
Decided to let the Krogan have the cure for the genophage. Screw you, Salarian leader person. I don't need your friggin' scientists if they're going to be helping because I screwed over and entire race. What the heck?

Victus' son thing was completely unsurprising. Oh man, who would have guessed? He sacrificed himself to make the bomb stop. Yup.

Also, don't think I updated last time I played, but I found and rescued the Rachni. I DIDN'T BUST MY BUTT TO SAVE YOU IN ME1 AND LET YOU DIE HERE! Hopefully that amounts to something.

Getting tired of these sidequests that are only possible to find things for when you land on a planet. I don't like the idea of messing up an entire quest because you didn't know you were supposed to pick up something during an unrelated mission. What were they thinking? It'd be one thing if it were like ME1 and could land anytime you wanted, but there's seemingly no way back, at the moment, to any of the places I've visited. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

Combats really starting to bore me now. It feels like I've faced the exact same rotation and lineup of enemies for hours now. I need something, desperately, to make me care again during combat.

Where are you, Tali? I keep hoping and praying something about the Quarian and Geth show up soon, because there's only so much waiting I can take!


I'm operating on Vinny-time when it comes to where I'm at on gametime and where I think I'm at.
I'm legitimately at 15 hours now. Last accomplished things I did in first line of spoilers, but not written in a spoilery way.

Just finished up all the sidequests before Tuchanka and finished the main quests on Tuchanka.

Dang, sad to see Mordin go. At least it was a fitting sendoff for him.
Decided to let the Krogan have the cure for the genophage. Screw you, Salarian leader person. I don't need your friggin' scientists if they're going to be helping because I screwed over and entire race. What the heck?

Victus' son thing was completely unsurprising. Oh man, who would have guessed? He sacrificed himself to make the bomb stop. Yup.

Also, don't think I updated last time I played, but I found and rescued the Rachni. I DIDN'T BUST MY BUTT TO SAVE YOU IN ME1 AND LET YOU DIE HERE! Hopefully that amounts to something.

Getting tired of these sidequests that are only possible to find things for when you land on a planet. I don't like the idea of messing up an entire quest because you didn't know you were supposed to pick up something during an unrelated mission. What were they thinking? It'd be one thing if it were like ME1 and could land anytime you wanted, but there's seemingly no way back, at the moment, to any of the places I've visited. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

Combats really starting to bore me now. It feels like I've faced the exact same rotation and lineup of enemies for hours now. I need something, desperately, to make me care again during combat.

Where are you, Tali? I keep hoping and praying something about the Quarian and Geth show up soon, because there's only so much waiting I can take!

For some of the side missions, the item you need to acquire might show up in the Spectre Requisitions tab


I understand I'm really late here... but uh, is that reporter... Jessica Chobot? It kinda looks like a more rounded-face version of her, and it uh, totally sounds like her

She voiced the character and it was directly modeled after her a la Miranda and Yvonne Strahovski.


Not Wario
Getting tired of these sidequests that are only possible to find things for when you land on a planet. I don't like the idea of messing up an entire quest because you didn't know you were supposed to pick up something during an unrelated mission. What were they thinking? It'd be one thing if it were like ME1 and could land anytime you wanted, but there's seemingly no way back, at the moment, to any of the places I've visited. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

Check the Spectre requisitions store either at the Citadel or at your Normandy armory after each mission.

Edit: Beaten. Oh well. I'll leave it untagged. Figure more people might be overlooking this as well.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I understand I'm really late here... but uh, is that reporter... Jessica Chobot? It kinda looks like a more rounded-face version of her, and it uh, totally sounds like her

Yes. It is. Complete with horrible voice acting.

EDIT: I'm late obviously but my voice acting comment still stands.


Is there any comparison between the performance of the PSN version versus the Blu Ray version of this game anywhere?


I skipped the gun and started on ME3 without playing 2 so i'm back tracking. Is this game worth a play through on the PC? Or should i look for a ps3 copy? I already bought it for 9 bucks on origin but i'm hesistant about the lack of controller support.
For some of the side missions, the item you need to acquire might show up in the Spectre Requisitions tab

Check the Spectre requisitions store either at the Citadel or at your Normandy armory after each mission.

Edit: Beaten. Oh well. I'll leave it untagged. Figure more people might be overlooking this as well.
Good to know that there's at least a chance of it.
However, my specific incident of it happening is from the DLC...

Freaking From Ashes... I must have missed checking a single computer, because I still have a quest for Eden Prime. I had tried to go back to it, but it wouldn't let me land. I searched it on GameFAQs to see if I was doing something wrong, and it was apparently only able to be fulfilled during the quest to get Javik. AUGH! Now it's stuck in my list forever. : (

Just bothers me in general how they have it built like that. I'd rather be getting a quest to find something instead of getting something to walk around the citadel with, hoping I find the person it corresponds to.


Do I have this right?

My total military strength is 6977 and my readiness rating is 50%, making my effective military strength 3488. To get the best ending, I need EMS of over 5000? So I need to play multiplayer until readiness roughly 73%

Any rough idea of how long it takes to go form 50% to 73%? I dont know what the hell I missed but I did encounter 2 glitched quests and lost a bunch thanks to Priority Citadel wiping a bunch of them so I guess thats why Im so low.
By the way, to anyone who kept Wrex alive:
Mordin will die, either by your hand (you heartless bastard) or when he insists on releasing the cure in Tuchanka. There are no other options.

If Wrex was killed on Virmire, then you can change that outcome and still not be a douchebag (paragon route).
You basically betray Wreav (who cares? that guy's a douche who's only after revenge once the genophage is cured). You convince Mordin to hold off on the cure until a better leader than Wreav comes about.
It's pretty quick. Something like 4% a game on bronze, one game is 15 or 20 minutes. I think you still get partial credit if you die.

Supposedly you can get to 5,000 (I think that is for the best ending, right?) without doing multi, but I don't know. I have just crossed 5,000, but I'm not sure exactly where I am in the game, so I don't know how much is left on the board.

Chobot voice acting is god awful. She sounds like she is narrating a shitty ET or some other entertainment show rather than being, you know, a journalist.

I love the game. Two big complaints- sidequests suck.

Retcons of everything you did in earlier games, Rachni and Geth in particular.
Yeah I get that they needed set pieces for some missions, but it just feels like, oh you made this decision. Well, you still have to do the mission. Now you can either be a nice guy again, or change your mind. Bleh.
Tuchanka was handled well, though, I thought. Best part of the game thus far.
Do I have this right?

My total military strength is 6977 and my readiness rating is 50%, making my effective military strength 3488. To get the best ending, I need EMS of over 5000? So I need to play multiplayer until readiness roughly 73%

Any rough idea of how long it takes to go form 50% to 73%? I dont know what the hell I missed but I did encounter 2 glitched quests and lost a bunch thanks to Priority Citadel wiping a bunch of them so I guess thats why Im so low.

If you really don't want to play the multiplayer, you can change your save file to bump up your EMS to get the best ending.
Oh damn, really? Is that this save editor:

Yeah. You can do the following:
1. Load your save file.
2. Go to the "Raw" tab.
3. Under the "Squad" subheading, expand the "Player" option.
4. Find the entry labelled, "GAWAssets" with "(Collection)" in the next column.
5. Click on the ellipses beside "(Collection)".
6. You'll see a dialog box. On the right side, change the value beside "Strength" to whatever you want.

This ends up increasing how much one of the subassets of the Alliance fleet contributes to your EMS.


Yeah. You can do the following:
1. Load your save file.
2. Go to the "Raw" tab.
3. Under the "Squad" subheading, expand the "Player" option.
4. Find the entry labelled, "GAWAssets" with "(Collection)" in the next column.
5. Click on the ellipses beside "(Collection)".
6. You'll see a dialog box. On the right side, change the value beside "Strength" to whatever you want.

This ends up increasing how much one of the subassets of the Alliance fleet contributes to your EMS.

Thats so much better. Thanks a lot!


Just made this, it belongs to this thread!


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Depending on what the ending is (I have not played through it) but if it is just as bad as people are making it out to be then I, um, welcome an extended conclusion DLC to try to repair any lore-breaking, canon-crunching story of the original ending just so that this series can end on a good note. The end for the Mass Effect trilogy should have been the single, biggest concern on BioWare's mind when developing ME3. Everything should have revolved around whatever ending(s) that they were considering.


Mass Effect combat rocks? Heh.

I quite love the combat in ME3. My only beef is the fact that cover/roll/run are all bound to the same button. That has caused headache at times in combat. Other than that, it's a hell of a lot of fun - faced-paced, good-looking, and there are solid tactical options if you choose to take advantage of them. I would take it over almost every modern console-focused shooter except for excellent stuff like Vanquish.


I think James has a thing for me, or I'm just getting the wrong vibe. Is a romance with him even possible if I'm a male Shepherd? If so, sorry James, but my heart belongs to Liara.

EDIT: I mean James.

No. James is not a LI for either male or female Shep. So it's all in your imagination. You probably want him deep down in your subconscious. :p


I think the system behind ME3's combat is pretty solid now, asides from having one god-button for all your neeeds. Enemy variety is what desperately needs work, along with better AI.


Neo Member
Playing through the main quest at Rannoch....
So disappointed. Apparently I didn't do the right things in ME2 because I don't have any other options when Legion is uploading the code besides let him do it or don't. No "Rally the fleet". So I either stop him, which I don't want to do, or I lose Tali. I looked up all the decisions that factor in being able to save her & allow Legion to upload the code... I guess they weren't kidding when they said your decisions in the previous games were going to come back to haunt you :( I'm not sure what to do. The "right" thing is to let him upload the code, but I really hate the idea of losing Tali.


corporate swill
Playing through the main quest at Rannoch....
So disappointed. Apparently I didn't do the right things in ME2 because I don't have any other options when Legion is uploading the code besides let him do it or don't. No "Rally the fleet". So I either stop him, which I don't want to do, or I lose Tali. I looked up all the decisions that factor in being able to save her & allow Legion to upload the code... I guess they weren't kidding when they said your decisions in the previous games were going to come back to haunt you :( I'm not sure what to do. The "right" thing is to let him upload the code, but I really hate the idea of losing Tali.

Fuck the Quarians.


No. James is not a LI for either male or female Shep. So it's all in your imagination. You probably want him deep down in your subconscious. :p

No one want James at all. No one. He is as forgettable as Jacob. The only saving grace that Jacob had was his loyalty mission. But James didn't get that, he didn't even get a proper introduction, he was just THERE at the Normandy when the reaper attacked. The only thing I remember about James is that
he give weird nick names to people, play poker and get tattoos.
. I know they gave him a backstory in some mini-comic but to those who haven't seen them, James is totally a random solider that was forced upon for the Normandy crew.

Also I don't even know why they added another human crew member, having Ashley or Kaidan is more than enough. A salarian crew member would be much better. It would give us more insight in how their race view the reaper and the events of the game.


Fuck the Quarians.

Comin' straight from the underground

Man, that choice is harsh. Not having the
Paragon/Renegade options
there makes for a hell of a decision you're forced into.

I think the system behind ME3's combat is pretty solid now, asides from having one god-button for all your neeeds. Enemy variety is what desperately needs work, along with better AI.

The AI in 3 is actually surprisingly decent, at least on Insanity. Now granted that's more due to super-aggressiveness than anything incredibly clever that they do, but they tend to put up a decent fight. Grenades to knock you out of cover, smoke grenades to obscure view, aggressive flanking attempts, solid use of cover, etc.

Actually they do one thing that's pretty clever, which is that the engineers tend to place turrets in annoyingly perfect spots. The enemies in general are certainly far more active than in the previous games, especially since they greatly encourage you to move around the now-bigger levels.

More enemy variety would be nice, definitely, though I did appreciate that each enemy race had distinct "types" to throw at you. But probably too many fights against Cerberus, overall.


No one want James at all. No one. He is as forgettable as Jacob. The only saving grace that Jacob had was his loyalty mission. But James didn't get that, he didn't even get a proper introduction, he was just THERE at the Normandy when the reaper attacked. The only thing I remember about James is that
he give weird nick names to people, play poker and get tattoos.
. I know they gave him a backstory in some mini-comic but to those who haven't seen them, James is totally a random solider that was forced upon for the Normandy crew.

Also I don't even know why they added another human crew member, having Ashley or Kaidan is more than enough. A salarian crew member would be much better. It would give us more insight in how their race view the reaper and the events of the game.

He is much better character than Ashley, Kaidan or Jacob.


He is much better character than Ashley, Kaidan or Jacob.

I really don't see how. His interaction with
was pretty funny, but that's about it. I couldn't even find him in

I think Kaidan's scenes are done pretty well relative to others (I'm biased tho).


corporate swill
Yeah, that's what I decided too. Still... :(

After seeing all the historical videos from Legion's memory, I don't see how people could not choose to save the Geth, outside of doing whatever it takes to save Tali. Plus, the Quarians totally brought it on themselves by not retreating when given they were supposed to.
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