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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


I can't deal with my hackjob shepard face so it's back to multiplayer until the patch. I guess I'll hit youtube for the original ending (I'm assuming that Bioware's ending patch & the face patch will hit at the same time).
Is grinding through multiplayer really the only way to boost the 5000 kill achievement? It's the only achievement I need for the Platinum.

Grinding the end of the opening on Earth would probably be quicker (though way more boring). If you kill them with biotics instead of your guns you never run out of ammo which never triggers Joker.


This infinite respawn grind method on Earth is really tedious but it's doing the job. :lol

On 4600 kills I believe. Was just below 4000 when I first posted further up.
Halfway through the game, i only finally realized that the biotic charge fully recharges your shield, no matter how low they were. I finally understand why vanguard is completely overpowered, especially with a light but powerful shotgun (and no side gun).

In the sense, it's kind of sad, because I feel i kind of 'broke' the game (while the game became the most fun as I intuitively discovered that the riskier i played - i.e. the more i would charge - the better i seemed to be :) ).

Only enemy which still gives me trouble is those horrible
ardat yakshi husks. The look they give me before they grab me after i charged onto them.. :(


Guys, I'm with a problem.

During the mission Priority: Earth, after I take the AA gun and have to survive until the shuttle arrive, when Anderson starts talking to me, the dialog has no audio, I can only hear the engine of the shuttle, and then when the scene is over, I get stuck into a black screen.

Anyone faced this bug? I've tried again 3 times already..


Finally finished the game. Made the mistake of starting on Insane, but luckily it got easier around midgame.

had the lowest expectations of all time regarding the ending; barring that, it was a blast
Finally beat the game in Hardcore. The ending felt as if they swept some dust under the rug. Other than that, the whole final mission was fucking nuts. I haven't said, "OMG" so much during a game.

I was praying for the last Banshee i'd have to kill. ...bitches.


So long, old friend.
Just did one more mission. I'm around 29 hours in. The first line of the spoilers is my last activity in the least spoilery way possible.

I did the mission on Horizon. Yup.

Well, I'm glad Mrrndrr's lame voice messaging wasn't completely pointless. Her dad seems like one (wild and) crazy guy. The mission was okay. It didn't really have any interesting set pieces, the videos were pretty straight forward, and it just felt like more of the same.

I will say, I was impressed at how well I was doing in combat. I took on a ton of stuff in really tight quarters without breaking a sweat. I don't know if it's a testament to me playing on normal, getting used to everything, or just getting lucky. Either way, I freaking needed my Tali/Garrus team the whole game. Liara just doesn't function how I use Tali. Plus, her health blows.

Indoctrination... I'm starting to suspect this is somehow important. I mean, they've only been name dropping it the entire game, and the whole quest was centered around it. I'm not entirely sure what all I got from the research (if anything at all), so great.

Feels like there's going to be about 3 or 4 main things before the end of the game. I'm guessing there'll be the whole "LET'S GET THE ILLUSIVE MAN," "all our base are belong to reapers," "let's rally together for the final fight!," and "the final fight." However the heck that plays out. At least, that's what I'm feeling it'll do, currently.


Guys, I'm with a problem.

During the mission Priority: Earth, after I take the AA gun and have to survive until the shuttle arrive, when Anderson starts talking to me, the dialog has no audio, I can only hear the engine of the shuttle, and then when the scene is over, I get stuck into a black screen.

Anyone faced this bug? I've tried again 3 times already..

I've been plagued with bugs so much at the end, if it doesn't advance the best you can do is just reload and pray to god it doesn't get stuck somewhere.
Around 28.5/29 hours in. The first line of my spoilers is my most recent activity in the least spoilery way possible.

SHEP IS SAD BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DYING IN THIS WAR. I don't get why the kid and Thessia have affected him so deeply. He's more aware of the implications of the current events than anyone, yet he takes this stuff like he never realized it was possible. It's really getting on my nerves.

He may be aware of it but that doesn't mean he was ready for the out come. If you were Shepard and all that happened to you, do you think you would just be like "well, it was bound to happen, so lets just move on"?

In real life, Parents see there kids off to war knowing they may never come back but it isn't until they actually receive that notice that it hits them the hardest. It is the same thing here in my opinion. Few stories, in any medium convey this level of humanity within their characters.


He may be aware of it but that doesn't mean he was ready for the out come. If you were Shepard and all that happened to you, do you think you would just be like "well, it was bound to happen, so lets just move on"?

In real life, Parents see there kids off to war knowing they may never come back but it isn't until they actually receive that notice that it hits them the hardest. It is the same thing here in my opinion. Few stories, in any medium convey this level of humanity within their characters.

Still, the kid dream bits are tacky and clumsy
He may be aware of it but that doesn't mean he was ready for the out come. If you were Shepard and all that happened to you, do you think you would just be like "well, it was bound to happen, so lets just move on"?

In real life, Parents see there kids off to war knowing they may never come back but it isn't until they actually receive that notice that it hits them the hardest. It is the same thing here in my opinion. Few stories, in any medium convey this level of humanity within their characters.
So all of the times when Shepard
could have seen his crew get turned into slushies, his team on Akuze get destroyed, all of his squad get killed, all of the refugees on Horizon, and on and on never bothered him, but the moment he sees some kid get into a ship that gets shot down suddenly leaves him with PTSD? It feels misplaced and poorly done for the character, since my Shep has been through a heck of a lot more. One could argue that it's because the reapers are really here and it's actually happening, but the collector threat was on the same level of stakes because it was "an impossible suicide mission that could never be done!"

Heck, it's not even consistent in the game. When all the Turians are dying around him on Palavin, he doesn't bat an eye. Suddenly, Thessia breaks his poor, little heart. All I'm asking for is some consistency with the character I've played as, and I'm not getting it.


So all of the times when Shepard
could have seen his crew get turned into slushies, his team on Akuze get destroyed, all of his squad get killed, all of the refugees on Horizon, and on and on never bothered him, but the moment he sees some kid get into a ship that gets shot down suddenly leaves him with PTSD? It feels misplaced and poorly done for the character, since my Shep has been through a heck of a lot more. One could argue that it's because the reapers are really here and it's actually happening, but the collector threat was on the same level of stakes because it was "an impossible suicide mission that could never be done!"

Heck, it's not even consistent in the game. When all the Turians are dying around him on Palavin, he doesn't bat an eye. Suddenly, Thessia breaks his poor, little heart. All I'm asking for is some consistency with the character I've played as, and I'm not getting it.

It's all about the tipping point. How long has Shepard been dealing with mountains of stress at this point? It's only a matter of time before anyone breaks when dealing with things of this significance. The straw that breaks the camels back doesn't have to be a nuclear missile blowing up your mother on your birthday, it can be something as simple as seeing one too many innocents getting slaughtered after spending years trying to stop it.


I have 6k Military Strength right now, but 50% Readiness

will I get Ending 2 or 1?

wats the difference between ending 1 and 2? Is ending 1 worth it?
So, I got through the Academy fairly easily on Insanity. Last time I was a Sentinel I got ripped to shreds, but this time I'm an Infiltrator with maxed out Tactical Cloak with Squad Cryo and Incinerate... exploding frozen bodies... everywhere. And I'm pretty much untouchable since my Tac Cloak recharges in like 2 seconds. I also get a 100% headshot damage bonus while in Cloak, so enemies without shields/armor are one-shotted.
It's all about the tipping point. How long has Shepard been dealing with mountains of stress at this point? It's only a matter of time before anyone breaks when dealing with things of this significance. The straw that breaks the camels back doesn't have to be a nuclear missile blowing up your mother on your birthday, it can be something as simple as seeing one too many innocents getting slaughtered after spending years trying to stop it.
Regardless of how it's justified, I personally feel it's extremely heavy-handed and inconsistent with the character I have personally played as.


@ Typographenia, the whole Vent Kid
part is extremely flawed and is basically evidence of how shitty the writing in ME3 can be. Everyone mostly agree that his presence simply screams hack writing.
Okay, so at the risk of being overly bloggy and boring, I just wanted to put my thoughts on this game down here. It has been kind of a strange time, as the past few weeks I've been doing nothing but taking care of a newborn and playing Mass Effect 3. (Don't get too judgy... the downside is I haven't really been sleeping.) So it has really had an effect on my psyche. It really has been one of the most intense game experiences of my life, in good and bad ways; so much so that 2 days after finishing it I'm still thinking about it and even had a couple of dreams about it.

Anyway... blog over... here is what I thought. No spoilers.

GAMEPLAY -- A -- The best in the series. Playing as a soldier (true to my original Shepard from ME1; also the default class the game recommends), I found this to be what BioWare was really shooting for with the original game. That is, a solid combat shooter with role-playing combat elements, combined with a robust conversation/travel/upgrade system in true BioWare style. Whereas Mass Effect 1, at least on 360, had huge issues with the shooter mechanics and the upgrade system, while Mass Effect 2 solidified the shooting (with still rather simplistic level design) but skimped on the upgrade system, Mass Effect 3 is the perfect combination of the two.

The upgrade system is satisfying and not too shallow but not needlessly complex, and it has a nice simple UI. The combat system makes perfect sense. Level designs have been made more varied; certainly not to the levels of a dedicates shooter like Uncharted, but still more open and vertical. The enemy set is by far the best of the series; you get to fight 3 different sets of enemies (geth/Cerberus/reapers), and all feature nice hierarchies of enemy types that are more fun to fight by far than any previous enemies. There are even a few fairly challenging fights even on Normal, usually involving Banshees or Brutes, but in general the game is still pretty easy on that difficulty -- yet still fun. So in short, best combat of the series and finally in the ballpark of dedicated third-person shooters, for the first time IMO. (I realize that playing as non-soldier might move it beyond that standard into more of an RPG, but, again, soldier is the default class, and that is what I played.)

So of course the other huge part of any BioWare game is the world traversal and conversation systems. Since as far as I'm concerned ME2 was nearly perfect (minus the horrible scanning) in this regard already (and even ME1 was among the best at this), it's no surprise ME3 was very strong too. Lots of carryover from ME1 and ME2, plenty of interesting interactions with various characters, and nicely improved Normandy and Citadel (I particularly enjoyed how characters moved around the ship and the Citadel instead of always sitting in their rooms as in previous games). Even the side quests, typically a liability for any RPG including ME1 and ME2, were pretty good in this game, in that they were usually at least a little fun and were usually somewhat plausible in the story. It generally made sense that getting this or that would yield you a certain War Asset, which it would make sense for you to want to acquire when assembling a big galactic army for the final confrontation. Sure, some of the "get this random holy book for a random elcor" type quests were lame, but they weren't such a big deal. At least not compared to the Mako or planetary scanning.

I also enjoyed that the actual mission side quests (like the N7 ones) were somewhat integrated into the story and into War Assets. In ME1 they were typically completely disconnected from everything; in ME2 usually as well.

The largest complaint is probably what Onslaught brought up which was the lack of any hub worlds other than the Citadel; by hub world I mean large or semi-large locations where you can talk to people and do some relaxing and fetch-questing. Both ME1 and ME2 were full of them (with Omega and Ilium being some of the best ones). ME3 really only has the Citadel, a really nice version of it, but that's it. So that sucks. However I'd still give the gameplay an A.

VISUALS -- B+ -- I may be a little jaded, but I didn't find myself all the impressed through most of it. I think it's one of the best-looking RPGs and shooters but mostly due to the art style and things like the skyboxes/background art. Some technical aspects show their age, like the running animations and even facial animation (which is still among the best but not as relatively impressive as it used to be). On the plus side the performance of the game was solid through all but a couple of busy Citadel areas. I still love the look of the game which doesn't really have an equivalent in other games. The Citadel and the Normandy never lose their luster to me, nor do characters like Liara, Garrus, and my female Shepard.

MUSIC -- A -- Spot on as always. I still think ME1 was more memorable however.

VALUE -- B+ -- While I play slowly compared to others (e.g., I religiously go to the Citadel after every mission, I scan the galaxy map for available areas everytime, etc.), my final play time was something like 52 hours. That's certainly a good length for a game like this and for me right in line with the other Mass Effects. On the other hand I really don't want to play it again, whereas with ME1 and ME2 I still did. This is not because the game wasn't fun, or I wouldn't want to see what happens if I select other characters or make different decisions; it really has to do with...

STORY/VOICE ACTING/WRITING -- B- -- Man. This was a big surprise for me. What makes it worse is that if the last 15 minutes weren't in the game, but something else were, it would be easily on par with the first two games IMO. Possibly even better; as the main conceit of the plot actually makes sense for the first time since ME1... compiling war assets and getting the galaxy together for the final push makes sense at this stage. Even every quest basically makes sense due to the Effective Military Strenght mechanic. Hell, even the MP kind of makes sense in context (though it is annoying that it is required to view the super-bonus ending). All this potential, however, is seriously damaged by the endings.

Personally I've never thought that endings were the be-all and end-all of a story, not in movies and not in games. Plenty of games I really loved (FF VI/VII, Halo 3, God of War II) had mediocre to poor to meh endings, yet it usually didn't matter too much to me, because it's not about the destination but about the journey. Typically I just shrug my shoulders and move on.

I don't know why Mass Effect 3 is different but it just is. Maybe it's a credit to the world and character attachments BioWare has allowed me to build through 2.99 games, but I just can't get over the damned endings. I'm not saying BioWare owes me anything, or that I want my money back or anything, but I just feel... bad about the whole thing. The buildup to the final 15 minutes was seriously nearly perfect. It was a dire situation perfectly played out, from the beginning of the game (after the silly intro) with a slow burn before the apocalyptic tension of the last few hours. By the time this tension reached an apex, I was ready for a real reward for the 150 hours I'd spent on the series. And then BioWare just took the reward away from me, with a vaguely bleak and incredibly similar set of endings that, to top it off, seem to make no sense given what has come before and/or leave a bunch of room for speculation. I don't understand it. I don't get the sudden change of tone. It's just odd. (Note: The conspiracy theory about some of the endings doesn't make this any better... even if true... and it probably isn't IMO.)

So as much as I'd love to just say, fuck it, the last 15 minutes don't matter, my real feeling is they do. And they really mar this game and the whole series.

OVERALL: I don't know. "Objectively" speaking this is one of the best games of the generation and the best Mass Effect. But it doesn't feel like it. It should be an easy A on paper. But to me, right now, it feels like a B.
@ Typographenia, the whole Vent Kid
part is extremely flawed and is basically evidence of how shitty the writing in ME3 can be. Everyone mostly agree that his presence simply screams hack writing.
But it's the big finale, and you've gotta make it hit home. If you didn't see stuff like that happening on earf, how would you ever know your character had any kind of motivation or stakes in the outcome of the situation?
I have 6k Military Strength right now, but 50% Readiness

will I get Ending 2 or 1?

wats the difference between ending 1 and 2? Is ending 1 worth it?

Regarding endings, you only need
4k military strength, that's the maximum. you need to peak 100% Readiness to get the achievement and some more assets, dunno. But all in all, they don't affect endings, only some cutscenes.


Please spoil as little as possible (and put it behind spoiler marks); my readiness rating hasn't changed at all until now (20 odd hours in), does it increase via main quests, or secondary/scavenger hunting?

Jedeye Sniv





Regarding endings, you only need
4k military strength, that's the maximum. you need to peak 100% Readiness to get the achievement and some more assets, dunno. But all in all, they don't affect endings, only some cutscenes.

After doing all the side-quests, the max military strength - right now - is 7k.






Well, you know. Videogames.

Also ME3 is a military shooter so it's not as interested in building an elaborate and believable world to explore as say, a sci-fi RPG would be.

oh, that's dumb!
I like your style.

Jedeye Sniv

Well, you know. Videogames.

Also ME3 is a military shooter so it's not as interested in building an elaborate and believable world to explore as say, a sci-fi RPG would be.

I like your style.

Yeah, I know :) It's all fun (apart from the vid thing which really annoys me for some reason...) I've just been exclaiming these to myself (in future-voice) while playing. GAF is the only place I know nerdy enough to get it.


This game has actual consequences for your actions! IT IS AWESOME! *hasn't gotten to the end*

I love that (Post Quarian missions)
Wrex randomly showed up at the Citadel and tried to gun down Shepard for screwing the Krogan over. And then renegade Shep just ices him. So good.

Anyone know what happens if you don't pull the renegade trigger there? Does C-Sec just end up shooting him?
just listened to the ME3 soundtrack that I got with CE. such a letdown. Jack Wall's ME1 and ME2 scores were SO MUCH better. ME3 is basically a huge rehash of common (although good) themes from ME1 and ME2.
oh, and after that bombastic announcement that Clint M. will be scoring the game I was hyped (even though I was still sad that Jack Wall won't be doing the score), and now I see he only did two tracks.

anyone agrees? disagrees?
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