This is somewhat correct. I adore ME games but when compared to the others, there is an extraordinary number of situations where you should have a choice and it picks for you. After checking through the various types of gameplay RPG does offer more, but, at least the first 4-6 hours is far less dialogue or even explanation of things that I ever expected. As well as some trully questionable cuts, editing, and cutscene issues. So far I have had 7 cutscenes that have no explanation or reason. Then you have the character introductions and backstory which is lacking to be sure.
So far, compared to 1 and 2, I would say I am liking this a good deal less. If they fix the bugs (lip synch, wrong voices randomly for some responses, NPC sticking in the geometry which happens a shit-ton) it will go up. But currently if ME1 and 2 were 9's this is probably a 7 or a 6 to me. That is only after maybe 5+ hours of gameplay.
Also the writing is not as good as I expected. I felt that the ME games handled writing as well as they could, yet the number of times I see "Wow that's rough. Or Wow sucks" in relation to world ending events, makes me want to scream.
I am stoked for some multiplayer though. Just to see how that works. I am sure I will lead the charge in deaths