This week wil be brutal, buch of people wil have it tomorrow, while we Euros have to wait till thursday.
If it comes out on thursday, I'm betting you can find it tomorrow or wednesday.
You still need to wait till Friday for Origin unlock.
Actually 1 hour left to unlock with vpn.
Sorry, I didn't have a ME1 or 2 save carried over, I started from scratch. I've played the series on 3 separate systems, so there was really no chance for me to port my saves.
Mike Gamble said:however, you may have issues if you did not adjust or touch up your face when starting me2.You will have to regenerate then
If it comes out on thursday, I'm betting you can find it tomorrow or wednesday.
My case exactly, I played ME1 on X360, then ME2 on PC and now I'm buying ME3 for PS3. I was curious whether ME3 gives you any way to influence past events from ME1 and 2, for example via some in-game dialogues or during character creation?
Hopefully, there will be a detailed breakdown of the story/action/rpg option before I can start the game by the end of the week.
Combat was never the reason why I loved the franchise, so whatever gives me the most dialog/decision options will be the way I go.
So when does the review embargo lift for this?
What's the best way to do that btw?Actually 1 hour left to unlock with vpn.
Did this guy ever played ME2? If you accept a directly imported face, you can't "adjust or touch up". It just goes straight to class selection.
What's the best way to do that btw?
I forgot what programs to use.
If I walk into Best Buy tomorrow, what are the odds I'm going to be able to score a CE?
Check your inbox. 10mins left to unlock!
I was just about to post the exact same thing. Glad to see I'm not the only one losing it.
Sue Amazon. 12 times.
Mine just has an ambiguous "Not Yet Shipped"![]()
Except now you can adjust faces. People have said so in the thread.
Check your inbox. 10mins left to unlock!
Anybody have an idea of how much the MP affects the SP? I want to get ME3, and have it preordered, but I'm seriously considering holding off for a couple months while I clear out a few backlog games.
But if the MP affects the SP story, then I'll just stick with my preorder and get the game tomorrow. (X360 version for me)
Thanks a lot!
Can't wait.
If I walk into Best Buy tomorrow, what are the odds I'm going to be able to score a CE?
Noon Eastern time.
Anybody have an idea of how much the MP affects the SP? I want to get ME3, and have it preordered, but I'm seriously considering holding off for a couple months while I clear out a few backlog games.
But if the MP affects the SP story, then I'll just stick with my preorder and get the game tomorrow. (X360 version for me)
Anyone mind firing those details over to me too? D:
Edit: Scratch that. I'm in it works.
So is there an actual offline mode in Origin? Similar to the Steam one? I never checked and I'm curious to see since it would be useful for tonight.
IIRC it doesn't at all - it just helps you with arming the galaxy and you can do that by just playing SP, it's just a little bit easier with mp.
The MP does affect the "Galactic Readiness" rating. This rating is determined by a bunch of other online components such as Co-op play, Facebook mini games, the iOS game etc. If you're a completionist, you don't need it. I was able to fill up the rating to about 95% without having to touch the online component at all.
I've decided to buy some blue cheese, maybe some dip, and crackers to go with my beer for when I pick up ME3.
That's all I have to contribute.
Oh wait, one last thing.
To hell with everyone about to unlock it.
This includes faces that were imported from ME1 or only faces that were created in ME2?
To hell with everyone about to unlock it.