And Bioware doesn't want to make that game, obviously.
It now has more in common with gears or halo than any normal rpg out there. The worst part is it doesn't even emulate THOSE things well either. It's a poor man's TPS with a conversation wheel.Sorry, but ME is like nothing else I've ever played. Don't know what the hell you could draw a comparison with. Gears? Not really. Halo? Absolutely not. What's your clever comparison that shows ME is so similar?
Do reviews drop today?
And we're all poorer for it, though the improve skill tree in ME3 shows that they at least understand ME2's skill system was too simplistic.
It now has more in common with gears or halo than any normal rpg out there. The worst part is it doesn't even emulate THOSE things well either. It's a poor man's TPS with a conversation wheel.
And they're intellectually poorer for it.
It now has more in common with gears or halo than any normal rpg out there. The worst part is it doesn't even emulate THOSE things well either. It's a poor man's TPS with a conversation wheel.
RPG is my favorite genre and I sympathize with people who want Mass Effect to be a true space opera RPG, which is something we basically never get. But it's just as clear that Bioware doesn't want to make that game, so I don't personally see the point in wishing for it.
They want Mass Effect to sell much more than it already does and all of their design decisions and marketing tactics are geared toward increasing mainstream acceptance for the franchise. With ME3 they removed any pretense otherwise with those Action/Story/RPG playthrough options. When that was revealed it was totally unsurprising.
Maybe if they lend the Mass Effect franchise to Obsidian to mess with we'll get something truly interesting, though I don't see that ever happening.
As it stands I'm okay with the Mass Effect franchise as a solid third-person shooter, and a shooter that's much more interesting than most that we get. Some people view that as an insult though I don't particularly see why, given Bioware's intentions.
I've said this before - ME2 is disappointing relative to your typical RPG, but relative to your typical shooter, it's a gem. Vastly more interesting characters, dialogue, world and general art design/music than you'll find in 90% of shooters this gen. Approaching it from that viewpoint, the series is generally fine by me, outside of the misjudged combat of the first.
RPG is my favorite genre and I sympathize with people who want Mass Effect to be a true space opera RPG, which is something we basically never get. But it's just as clear that Bioware doesn't want to make that game, so I don't personally see the point in wishing for it.
They want Mass Effect to sell much more than it already does and all of their design decisions and marketing tactics are geared toward increasing mainstream acceptance for the franchise. With ME3 they removed any pretense otherwise with those Action/Story/RPG playthrough options. When that was revealed it was totally unsurprising.
Maybe if they lend the Mass Effect franchise to Obsidian to mess with we'll get something truly interesting, though I don't see that ever happening.
As it stands I'm okay with the Mass Effect franchise as a solid third-person shooter, and a shooter that's much more interesting than most that we get. Some people view that as an insult though I don't particularly see why, given Bioware's intentions.
I've said this before - ME2 is disappointing relative to your typical RPG, but relative to your typical shooter, it's a gem. Vastly more interesting characters, dialogue, world and general art design/music than you'll find in 90% of shooters this gen. Approaching it from that viewpoint, the series is generally fine by me, outside of the misjudged combat of the first.
I disagree with that. I'm going through an Insanity run right now and ME2's combat feels very solid outside of some of the primitive elements of the cover system (like not being able to bounce cover-to-cover), which I understand has been tweaked in ME3.
It'll ship today, you guys. It always does.
Not for Canadians it won't. It won't even ship till the 9th for some fucking reason. Last time I buy from Amazon.
Not for Canadians it won't. It won't even ship till the 9th for some fucking reason. Last time I buy from Amazon.
Not for Canadians it won't. It won't even ship till the 9th for some fucking reason. Last time I buy from Amazon.
Not for Canadians it won't. It won't even ship till the 9th for some fucking reason. Last time I buy from Amazon.
Logic? In a Mass Effect thread? Well I never!RPG is my favorite genre and I sympathize with people who want Mass Effect to be a true space opera RPG, which is something we basically never get. But it's just as clear that Bioware doesn't want to make that game, so I don't personally see the point in wishing for it.
They want Mass Effect to sell much more than it already does and all of their design decisions and marketing tactics are geared toward increasing mainstream acceptance for the franchise. With ME3 they removed any pretense otherwise with those Action/Story/RPG playthrough options. When that was revealed it was totally unsurprising.
Maybe if they lend the Mass Effect franchise to Obsidian to mess with we'll get something truly interesting, though I don't see that ever happening.
As it stands I'm okay with the Mass Effect franchise as a solid third-person shooter, and a shooter that's much more interesting than most that we get. Some people view that as an insult though I don't particularly see why, given Bioware's intentions.
I've said this before - ME2 is disappointing relative to your typical RPG, but relative to your typical shooter, it's a gem. Vastly more interesting characters, dialogue, world and general art design/music than you'll find in 90% of shooters this gen. Approaching it from that viewpoint, the series is generally fine by me, outside of the misjudged combat of the first.
Not for Canadians it won't. It won't even ship till the 9th for some fucking reason. Last time I buy from Amazon.
That's pretty neat that they did that. Looked neat.
Come on. EVERY GAME RELEASE we see these types of posts, and 99.99% of the time, Amazon gets it there the day of release.
RPG is my favorite genre and I sympathize with people who want Mass Effect to be a true space opera RPG, which is something we basically never get. But it's just as clear that Bioware doesn't want to make that game, so I don't personally see the point in wishing for it.
They want Mass Effect to sell much more than it already does and all of their design decisions and marketing tactics are geared toward increasing mainstream acceptance for the franchise. With ME3 they removed any pretense otherwise with those Action/Story/RPG playthrough options. When that was revealed it was totally unsurprising.
Maybe if they lend the Mass Effect franchise to Obsidian to mess with we'll get something truly interesting, though I don't see that ever happening.
As it stands I'm okay with the Mass Effect franchise as a solid third-person shooter, and a shooter that's much more interesting than most that we get. Some people view that as an insult though I don't particularly see why, given Bioware's intentions.
I've said this before - ME2 is disappointing relative to your typical RPG, but relative to your typical shooter, it's a gem. Vastly more interesting characters, dialogue, world and general art design/music than you'll find in 90% of shooters this gen. Approaching it from that viewpoint, the series is generally fine by me, outside of the misjudged combat of the first.
I disagree with that. I'm going through an Insanity run right now and ME2's combat feels very solid outside of some of the primitive elements of the cover system (like not being able to bounce cover-to-cover), which I understand has been tweaked in ME3.
Skipping over ME 1 or ME 2 would be tragic. ME1 was an excellent introduction to the ME universe, ME 2 was more action packed and was more about the characters you gathered for this dangerous mission. I place the Mass Effect series among some of the greatest pieces of entertainment ever released. Before you die you should experience the entire ME trilogy and also:
TV - Lonesome Dove
Music- Stevie Wonder Songs in the Key of Life
Movies- The Godfather trilogy (yes, even 3)
These are pieces of entertainment that every man or woman should experience in their entirety before they leave this earth. In short, do not skip ME 1 or 2. Thanks for your time.
Cancel your order to get it from a brick and mortar. Unless you're a CE guy.
Come on. EVERY GAME RELEASE we see these types of posts, and 99.99% of the time, Amazon gets it there the day of release.
I don't know which Reaper Emily Wong is seeing on the ANN tweet, but what a slow noob. All other Reapers attacked in a matter of seconds. This one is taking almost an hour to start shooting at something. doesn't do this. Or at least they've never done this for me.And if they don't get it there on release day, people have generally been able to get a free gift certificate or credited part of the purchase back after talking with Amazon Customer Service.
So I'm like 2 hours in...when the hell do we actually start getting dialogue choices? So far it's been pretty much entirely auto-dialogue with only a handful of choices, it's about the same ratio as the demo.just met the reporter"recruiting" the reporter was just Shepard hearing two sentences from her and going "derp sounds good" smh
lol I was reaching a bit with that one. Glad to see someone else who recognizes the awesomeness of Lonesome Dove.I like Mass Effect as much as the next dude, but to compare it to Lonesome Dove....I dunno man.
Mass Effect turned to a decent TPS with a solid story and RPG-lite elements. Its fun, its entertaining, I enjoy playing it, but it does not satisfy the hardcore RPGer in me.
I still don't get the "Mass Effect isn't an RPG anymore" crowd, it never was it was conceived as an RPG/Shooter hybrid from the get go, part of his appeal was the concept of making it appealing to the masses and that's exactly what the franchise has accomplished as it's insanely popular today..
Does the game begin at level 26 for everyone or only for those who imported from ME2? I am asking because I don't want some super easy beginning where the balancing is weird. doesn't do this. Or at least they've never done this for me.
in short, fuck amazon canada.
From what i read from a 7 hour playthrough, dialogue choices were limited so far even in rpg mode, alignment choices amount to only one so far in 7 hours... also the demo is word for word exactly like the full game, bioware didnt improve a thing in the final version.
It's a shame Mass Effect 3 is the last game in the series
Here's the level up screen from Mass Effect 1. You increase your proficiency in all the different weapon types and you also have some speech skills in there. Having a low level at a certain weapon type made Shepard incompetent at using that weapon. It's a shooter, but also an RPG.
Now look at the one from ME2. You get a choice between fire bullets and ice bullets. You don't have to use either because shooting people in the face works well.