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Mass Effect Review Discussion Thread: Cry about ur almost-perfects in here


posting on contract only
citrus lump said:
If someone were to give me a free 360 under the circumstance that I play through one of Bioware's games, I'd give the thing back and say, "No thanks."
That's neat, citrus lump.
kaching said:
Are we sure the window is closed on this? I've got Thanksgiving travel plans so it'd sure be nice to get a jump start on the game this weekend.

It's worth a shot, I guess. Don't get your hopes up though.

Robert R1

My local kmart is useless. No 360 Elites for the 20% coupon and no damn Mass Effect. Although the old lady at the counter said people won't stop calling/walking in asking for it.

Btw, I hadn't walked into that store for atleast 5+ years now and yep! not a thing changed. Everything in the same exact spot with same garbage. Didn't count but I think they had more crt's than flat panel displays for sales. Progress, I smite thee!!!!! (how the fuck are they still in business!?)


Robert R1 said:
My local kmart is useless. No 360 Elites for the 20% coupon and no damn Mass Effect. Although the old lady at the counter said people won't stop calling/walking in asking for it.

Btw, I hadn't walked into that store for atleast 5+ years now and yep! not a thing changed. Everything in the same exact spot with same garbage. Didn't count but I think they had more crt's than flat panel displays for sales. Progress, I smite thee!!!!! (how the fuck are they still in business!?)

i feel dirty when i walk into a kmart store


I skimmed the last two posts and read it as, "I feel Martha Stewart when i walk into a kmart store".

And now I feel dirty.



citrus lump said:
If someone were to give me a free 360 under the circumstance that I play through one of Bioware's games, I'd give the thing back and say, "No thanks."
citrus lump
pre-emptive bitter tears
(Today, 12:29 AM)
Reply | Quote
citrus lump said:
how original

There'll be plenty of bitter tears when the game bombs

You're a funny guy.

Now I remember, you're the dude who said that Mass Effect was going to "bomb like Blue Dragon." Still sticking by that one?


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
What the fuck. Isn't there some Zelda thread you could be masturbating to?



Just a quick heads up on the screen tearing, I should be posting this on the official thread but since it was asked;

It isn't that apparent (screen tearing). There were a few instances where you'd see it but it happens so fast that I did a double take on it, and low and behold, it was gone. It doesn't happen very often.YMMV.

I play with the grain filter on, to me it looks better, cinematic even (duh :p) and the npc's so far are great, such subtle facial animations. I love it. So many personalities, and a wealth of Sci-fi lore in there too.

Hell there is even a race ripped right out of
Battlestar Galactica, complete with it's own version of Cylons and "humans"

Some good shit people, especially if you're a Sci-fi fan.

8 hours in and I'm loving it, if it weren't for the multiplayer heaven that is COD4 you wouldn't be able to tear this away from me, RROD or not.


citrus lump said:
Boring gameplay, uninteresting character designs, bad art, etc.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this is one case where an opinion is completely wrong. It's really obvious this guy is trying to get a rise out of people though. I too am weary of this game though, especially after John Davidsons comments on 1up yours.


Thanks about the screen tearing update. I thought it looked pretty bad from those combat class videos MS released, but I just watched the gameplay videos on GT and it looked like a non issue.


Treo360 said:
Hell there is even a race ripped right out of
Battlestar Galactica, complete with it's own version of Cylons and "humans"

I shouldn't have read that. But I did. Awesome.


chriskun said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this is one case where an opinion is completely wrong. It's really obvious this guy is trying to get a rise out of people though. I too am weary of this game though, especially after John Davidsons comments on 1up yours.

is he still doing reviews for EGM, because if he is he gave it at-least a 9, maybe 9.5. He must of liked enough to give it a great score. All he said was it wasn't his game of the year.


chriskun said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this is one case where an opinion is completely wrong. It's really obvious this guy is trying to get a rise out of people though. I too am weary of this game though, especially after John Davidsons comments on 1up yours.

is he still doing reviews for EGM, because if he is he gave it at-least a 9, maybe 9.5. I wonder whether it was something he felt was wrong with mass effect, or how great COD4 and orange box are.
Damn Citrus Lump was an annoying twit.

Liking the scores, still wondering where I'll find the time for all of these 11/20 releases at once.


Quincey said:
is he still doing reviews for EGM, because if he is he gave it at-least a 9, maybe 9.5. I wonder whether it was something he felt was wrong with mass effect, or how great COD4 and orange box are.
I don't believe he is. But I recall him saying that it was pretty short, and that it wasn't in his top five games of the year anymore.


chriskun said:
I don't believe he is. But I recall him saying that it was pretty short, and that it wasn't in his top five games of the year anymore.
He didn't say the last part, he said it's not his GOTY anymore like he thought it would be (either Orange Box or COD4), but it's still in his top5. He did do one of the EGM reviews, skip confirmed this.

Rolf NB

Did any reviewer ever say anything positive about the combat, or do they still avoid touching upon that at all?
bcn-ron said:
Did any reviewer ever say anything positive about the combat, or do they still avoid touching upon that at all?

There's combat in the game? After reading the available reviews and previews and watching videos I assumed conficts were resolved by looking at exposed breasts.


bcn-ron said:
Did any reviewer ever say anything positive about the combat, or do they still avoid touching upon that at all?

I'm pretty sure they gave the game 9s and 9.5s just for the 40% of the game that's not combat : it's an X360 game after all. I actually wonder what Microsoft sent to reviewers with this game to "encourage" them to do so, a couple of free copies? An Elite? A new car? A spaceship?!?
I've been watching my roommate play a bunch (he got it at K-Mart on Saturday). Overall I think the game looks really good but there are definitely some things that bug the ever-living crap out of me:

- Squad AI is pretty meh. They often times seem to take the best cover (that should be reserved for the player), get in the way of your shots, or don't take cover when they should. It's even worse when you use Wrex because he's huge and if he's next to you, his shield can block your shots.

- The mini-game for decrypting is horribly simple and boring. They couldn't come up with anything better? I honestly am guessing they didn't have one, saw Bioshock's mini-game, and then decided they better put one in. Regardless, in a couple of months left of development you'd hope they could come up with something better. And my roommate's character was on a planet and had to use the mini-game to search a random corpse he found? Really? I need to play a mini-game to successfully search a dead body? Really?

- Camera control? Is there any sort of automated camera movement at all? I haven't noticed any... IMO it could really benefit from a Eternal Darkness or, dare I say it, Too Human camera. Not only would that make it a bit easier on the player, it would also present the game world in a more dynamic and dramatic fashion.

- Space exploration isn't nearly as cool as I originally thought it would be -- a lot of planets, but most can't be visited. And I haven't seen a planet with a tree on it yet, but maybe I just missed it.

- Facial animations and lip-syncing is hit and miss. Sometimes it looks great, sometimes it's uncanny valley ahoy!

- Combat is usually pretty unexciting, but there are definitely some cool abilities.

Very cool story though, lot of depth to the world and characters. Cool scenarios too and a solid leveling system. I can't help but think they could make an awesome Star Trek game with the same engine.


Tieno said:
He didn't say the last part, he said it's not his GOTY anymore like he thought it would be (either Orange Box or COD4), but it's still in his top5. He did do one of the EGM reviews, skip confirmed this.
thank you for clearing that up, my mind has been a bit foggy since seeing DANAVA and SAVIORS play this past Saturday. Well, if he was one of the reviewers for the EGM scores consider my chubber for this game petrified wood now!!!!! holy shit, COD4 and now Mass Effect, November is to games as Peter North is to facials, I can't wait to rub it into my chest!!

Rolf NB

BenjaminBirdie said:
There's combat in the game? After reading the available reviews and previews and watching videos I assumed conficts were resolved by looking at exposed breasts.
I know you're attempting to be funny, and smart, but that didn't really answer my question. The OP is lacking links to the reviews. The choice quotes focus exclusively on story and character interaction. Most of the video coverage has been about the dialog system.
The few combat scenes, which is the gameplay of Mass Effect, looked rather like Mass Effect combat. I'm curious to see how our beloved professional review authors value these gameplay portions of the product.


bcn-ron said:
I know you're attempting to be funny, and smart, but that didn't really answer my question. The OP is lacking links to the reviews. The choice quotes focus exclusively on story and character interaction. Most of the video coverage has been about the dialog system.
The few combat scenes, which is the gameplay of Mass Effect, looked rather like Mass Effect combat. I'm curious to see how our beloved professional review authors value these gameplay portions of the product.
Didn't know you were so interested in Mass Effect. Combat looks pretty decent, especially for an RPG. The Dialog (role-playing) and interaction with NPC's is also the gameplay btw.

Rolf NB

Tieno said:
Didn't know you were so interested in Mass Effect. Combat looks pretty decent, especially for an RPG. The Dialog (role-playing) and interaction with NPC's is also the gameplay btw.
Well I've bought both KOTORs and the same thing could happen for this game. But combat is an important part in that, especially after me buying both the KOTORs.
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