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Mass Effect Review Discussion Thread: Cry about ur almost-perfects in here


Psychotext said:
Someone did post that they thought the gamespot review was going to be an 8.5... maybe that was it.

I actually remember reading specific lines in that review. Maybe they reused bits of their preview?


Our review is up:


Mass Effect is undoubtedly one of those games that will be talked about for a very long time. BioWare have set a new standard in storytelling, and if you have even the faintest interest in RPGs or science fiction, then this game simply demands to be played. While there are some technical issues and awkward gameplay decisions that are hard to ignore, when it comes down to it, Mass Effect is so compelling that most people will be able to push the issues aside and immerse themselves in one of the most detailed game worlds every created. A story of this quality should be experienced by all Xbox 360 owners.

Overall: 9.0


dabbled in the jelly
As low a score as that PC World review was the actual text was well written imo. He was a little too harsh on some aspects of the game but he genuinely found some game glitches that would certainly hinder the experience one being the elevator glitch. One of the few reviews to spend more than a couple sentences on the combat and actually describes it in enough detail as to understand why some people have problems with it. Even though I still don't agree with the score he gave it the review text will always be more important in deciding on a purchase than any number.


Neo Member
Slide #4 of that PC Word review:
Less Shoot-'Em-Up, More Interactive Cinema
Strip away the graphics and generally well-played voice acting, and Mass Effect still tells the second best sci-fi story you'll experience in a video game this year (BioShock is the first). If you have $60 and a couple dozen hours to kill, you might find Mass Effect curiously engaging--if only to compare its gritty austerity with the cartoony esotericism of Halo 3. On the other hand, save for the old "multiple-different-endings" shtick developers have been trotting out like a reward for enduring linear gameplay for decades, choosing different responses in Mass Effect merely unlocks alternative dialogue choices that shape the narrative tone but virtually none of the game mechanics. Play Mass Effect more than once and, while you can unlock tougher difficulty settings that make the abbreviated action sequences more punitive, you'll still have the same story experience, start to finish.


Hasn't Bioware been touting how certain sections of the game play out entirely differently depending on if (and how) you complete some side quests and whether you've met certain NPCs or not? I think I also remember John on 1up yours talking about how Bioware demonstrated this at some point.

Did they (Bioware) mislead us or is this guy flat out wrong? I haven't played it yet (arrives tomorrow from Amazon).

Something about the above snippet doesn't seem right. They've had branching story paths since the Baldur's Gate days. Why would they regress?


Bioware has placed a hex on reviewers or something. I can't believe how easily they overlook (or don't dock points for) flaws in their games. Same game from any other developer would be getting an average of 10-15% less, no doubt.

Still, ME looks interested enough for me to look forward to the hopefully much improved PC port.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Of course I haven't played the game, and I'm never the type to question someone's opinion like this, but a 60% is really uncalled for, technical issues or not... plus some parts of the review seem to be very wrong with facts about the game...

Oh well...
Just quoting my response to the Edge's review.

PepsimanVsJoe said:
I agree with SMGs 10.
I can also agree with Mass Effect's 7.

My beefs so far with ME:

-Framerate absolutely blows in some areas(I went to this ice planet that's under a constant snow storm and the framerate just chugged like hell. Combine this with having to fight some tough enemies and I'm hating life.)
-Autosave kind of sucks.
-Constant loading textures like whoa.(Remember those awful screenshots shown awhile back? Reminds me of that at times)
-Some combat situations just don't make sense. In one area I took out a handful of husks and next thing I knew I was completely surrounded by Geth on all sides. What gets me is that I was inside a building at the time. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this section on the harder difficulties.
-A handful of other things that may or may not be an issue because I'm still early in the game and I'm a bit of a noob.
-Exploring the surface of planets is really repetitive. Get in your moon buggie, check out all of the hotspots(ooh mining, wow some random doodads, neat). I also really like how using the cannon has a habit of obscuring your vision.
-Lots of waiting. Elevators are absurdly slow even a hundred billion years in the future.

Everything else on the other hand is great. I need to buy the soundtrack badly.

But that's just IMO.
Didn't post this in the Official thread because...
A: It's probably a spoilerfest
B: I don't feel like shitting up a thread just yet
C: I haven't finished the game yet so maybe things can change


How stupid is it,

when I have a teammate who has high tech skills while I don't.

I come to a locker I can't unlock. Why the fuck can't I get my teammate to do it?
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