What does forced even mean? One of the worst buzz word criticisms on the internet these days.
The whole premise, setup and chosen actors for the cast feels like WB just wanted another matrix movie without thinking maybe we can make something smarter in the universe and not go down the tried and true Neo route. The fact they specifically show Blue Pills, and a lot of the same intro shit as first matrix, makes it feel like those are in there so people recognize its a matrix movie making it feel forced.
The beauty of the first matrix movie is it was a enigma, you had no clue what the movie was about from trailers. once you go down the rabbit hole with neo everyone is surprised and excited for the possibilities that can come from having your mind freed.
This literally just hits you with all the same imagery to let you know its the matrix, its literally called Matrix resurrections as we know Neo died at the end of the third film.
Whole movie feels forced. Would rather they went with Animatrix type of intro/story and we know nothing of the character and slowly again go through the realization as movie goes on that nothing is real.
Dont even call it the matrix. I feel that would have been the big holly shit moment by the end is connecting it to the matrix by the character meeting neo on the street and watching him super jump a building, end credits.
Similar to the ending of Split where we see David Dunn at a diner, who says one line.
To me thats why that movie is great on its own outside of that one scene you had no clue of its connection to M.Nights Unbreakable.