I'm voting in the constituency nearest my family home, in the safest of safe Tory seats (Tunbridge Wells!), so whatever I do makes no difference whatsoever. My alternative was Vauxhall, where I live normally, but I'd rather not vote for the Tories than not vote for Labour, as idiotic as that is (also, being with the family for the election is usually fun). I voted for the Tories last time after Labour's irresponsibility left the country in a terrible position going into a recession, but the Tories' behaviour has been absolutely repulsive, targeting the poorest and most vulnerable (aka those who can't fight back) to cover the cost of the arrogance of the richest. That's to say nothing of the 'recovery' (very tenuous) being felt by absolutely no-one but those at the top, who have been given greater freedom than ever to exploit those at the bottom of the ladder. Austerity makes absolutely no sense, in an economic downturn at least, and their rhetoric of division, discrimination and fear has been disgusting.
Definitely not voting for the Tories, then; Miliband shows no understanding of what went long last time and has caved into every one of Cameron's traps rather than standing up for what, if anything, he believes in; the Lib Dems are cowards and cannot be trusted; UKIP have a small number of interesting ideas, but many more truly awful ones, some nasty people in their ranks, and are obviously even further to the right than even they let on; I was close to voting Green at one point, but every time they've opened their mouths since, they've dug themselves into an ever-deeper hole.
Long story short, there's no-one I feel is close to deserving even what will nevertheless be an entirely wasted vote, so I'm almost certain to spoil my ballot in some rudimentary form of protest. Spoilt ballots are counted, so it won't make any more or less difference than voting for an actual party and at least represents my complete lack of trust and faith in the current stable of Westminster charlatans.