Will move to Scotland after they go independent
I'd genuinely be in favour of a secessionist movement for the North. We are nowhere near in step with the South any more.
Will move to Scotland after they go independent
Will there be any hypothetical reports published showing what would have happened if every vote = 1.
Hopefully the whole UK implodes, it deserves to at this point.
Just to confirm when will we know the finals?
Hopefully Yorkshire will become its own country
Approx 40,000 used food banks in 2010. 500.000 in 2015. Just one of the many reasons for the Tory hate
Hopeful for eventual Welsh independence now lol
BBC isnt even hiding their dissapointment heh
Didn't Scotland recently vote against independence?
Try being poor whilst the Tories are in power, then you understand why people think they're utter cunts.
Try working in any kind of civil service, or having to rely on the civil service. In the past five years the civil service has been decimated by cuts. Cuts which the country didn't need. Cuts in the place of spending which has been repeatedly proven by economists to be the only way to fix the fucking economy.
So please, if you don't understand the Tory hate, feel thankful that you're privileged enough to not be the target of their ire.
The Conservatives are set to be the largest party in the Commons but just short of a majority, according to the general election exit poll.
The survey taken at polling stations across the UK suggests the Tories will get 316 MPs to Labour's 239 when all the results have been counted.
It suggests the Lib Dems will get 10 MPs, the SNP 58, Plaid Cymru 4, UKIP 2 and the Greens two.
The exit poll was conducted by NOP/MORI for the BBC, ITV and Sky.
The first election results are due before midnight with the final result on Friday afternoon.
The finishing line needed to form a majority is 326.
The survey taken at polling stations across the UK suggests the Tories will get 316 MPs to Labour's 239 when all the results have been counted.
Tories will get 316 MPs
Didn't Scotland recently vote against independence?
In a Yes Vs No vote where the loss was by only 4%
Now you have the Yes supporters Vs a 3+ way split No vote where the No's 4% win suddenly get diluted and then nullified between them.
BBC isnt even hiding their dissapointment heh
Yes lance
Centenary Square will be like Trafalgar.
Didn't Scotland recently vote against independence?
John 3:16 - 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.'
I know people who are, it isn't fun in any economic climate. Hating on the party in power is always going to be the thing to do though.Try being poor whilst the Tories are in power, then you understand why people think they're utter cunts.
Try working in any kind of civil service, or having to rely on the civil service. In the past five years the civil service has been decimated by cuts. Cuts which the country didn't need. Cuts in the place of spending which has been repeatedly proven by economists to be the only way to fix the fucking economy.
So please, if you don't understand the Tory hate, feel thankful that you're privileged enough to not be the target of their ire.
Exit poll fight:
YouGov polled 6,000, BBC 20,000
In a Yes Vs No vote where the loss was by only 4%
Now you have the Yes supporters Vs a 3+ way split No vote where the No's 4% win suddenly get diluted and then nullified between them.
Didn't Scotland recently vote against independence?
I think half of the problem is that those facts AREN'T in most peoples faces. They're there, but you have to look for them (and be willing to read a little to understand) and that's frankly more effort than a huge amount of people are willing to make.People actually expect the same old shit to change things... For the better? I'm sorry, but if the exit polls are true (likely), then fuck you, England. The facts were in front of your faces, and you disregarded them, likely in fear of a non-existent 'threat' from evil Scottish monsters.
I'm going bed. Seriously, we have failed as a nation if the Conservatives win.
Well it kind of depends where they did the poll too.Oh snap, that actually seems to be a pretty decent sample size :/
Anyone know when the first tory/lab marginal is due? That should tell us whether the exit poll is right.
The first indication of whos won Britains general election will be an exit poll commissioned by news broadcasters. According to one of the academics putting it together, its likely to be imprecise and may well be wrong.
The findings of the countrys only exit poll will be released by the BBC, ITV and Sky News at 10 p.m. on the night of May 7, just as polls close across the U.K.
After successfully calling the election results of 2005 and 2010, the team who generate the poll face a much tougher challenge this time, as traditional voting patterns fracture amid the rise of insurgent groups such as the Scottish Nationalists and the U.K. Independence Party. The pollsters are preparing to hedge their bets.
Dont be surprised if the headline is very circumspect, which basically means: Who knows? John Curtice, the professor of politics at Strathclyde University who will be analyzing the numbers for the BBC, said in an interview. Unless the polls are wrong, this is the closest election in 40 years.
The exit poll, which predicts seat numbers in Parliament rather than vote share, is conducted by interviewing voters at each of 140 carefully selected polling stations -- a total of 20,000 people across Britain -- and measuring the change in voting behavior since the last election.
Never Before
One difficulty the statisticians face is that much of the expected change in voting patterns in this election is happening in places where they havent conducted surveys before. Previously, data from a handful of swing seats -- marginals as theyre known in Britain -- could be extrapolated to produce a nationwide picture.
Once upon a time, you could concentrate on Conservative-Labour marginals, throw in a few Lib Dem seats and basically get it right, Curtice said. Until now you could ignore Scotland. You cant ignore it any more.
Whereas previous exit polls have only offered predictions for the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats, this years will also attempt to say how many seats the Scottish National Party and UKIP will pick up.
Polling stations in Scotland and UKIP target seats -- such as in eastern England -- have been added to the sample to assist in this. Ten more constituencies are being covered than in 2010.
But with UKIP especially, the team is effectively being asked to predict the result of specific local races, something its sample isnt large enough for.
Prepare for disappointment, said Curtice. Its almost guaranteed.
Yep a five point swing.Didn't Scotland recently vote against independence?
Shut up with your rational thinking!I don't get this mentality. If a large proportion want Conservative government then why is that wrong. Why is it a failure just because your party of choice hasn't won?
Tories make people value certain luxuries like mobile phone contracts, tv subscription, cigarettes and alcohol over a well stocked fridge* So people have to resort to going to food banks?
Damn evil tories!
(*Based purely on the two people I know who use a food bank)