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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


How hyped are you guys going to be when Cena wheels out Bo during a promo for Bray and talks about 'someone he left behind at the crib.' Then he says, 'And I don't think you ever paid your taxes, did you?' then he has Bray's dad come out in IRS garb

Wyatt gimmick is already dead. Might as well.

Shave Luke Harper, give him a new name and gimmick and re-debut him while you're at it.


I can't find the Total Divas discussion here. I am watching it right now and the date Summer has with Fandango is hilarious. Next to her I must look like a social engineering genius.


Wyatt gimmick is already dead. Might as well.

Shave Luke Harper, give him a new name and gimmick and re-debut him while you're at it.

I think that's a little dramatic, but I do feel like all of the Wyatts have been hurt by this Cena feud. Mind you, Bray has given the best promos of his career over the past month or so, but the matches, results, and Cena promos have taken a lot of the shine off The Wyatts.


So not worth it
How about this then? Bray breaks Cena, he totally loses faith in life and his fans and out comes BO DALLAS to give him a pep-talk and coach him to restore his faith in the fans, all Cena has to do is change and BO-LIEVE!


I think Cena and Bo in comedy skits is the best way to feed the Cena machine right now. So what if Cena talks shit about Bo? His entire character is based on him spinning people shitting on him in a oblivious way.

"Bo, I am not being ironic, you are a bad wrestler, you are not funny, I don't know how many times I have to make this clear"

"You say that, but I almost defeated you, I just need to bolieve a little more"

*recap of Cena squashing Bo* *Cena does a horrible acting face not believing this dude does not get that John Cena is so better than him and never gives up*

Photoshop montages, raps, motivationals, never give up, bolieve, back and forth, children laugh, Cena gets to AA someone every week.

It's not like Bo's character wasn't made to be fodder to someone. Might as well to the person that causes the most damage to his fodders.

I can't find the Total Divas discussion here. I am watching it right now and the date Summer has with Fandango is hilarious. Next to her I must look like a social engineering genius.

Beautiful people have no game, they're just beautiful.
Wyatt gimmick is very narrow. it won't work as a face gimmick, no kids and folks with jobs will cheer for a swamp cult.

it's something out of 1994 but looks better cause Bray makes it work.
Its midnight somewhere

Just watched the Adam Rose debut segment, and what a surprise, the commentators ruined it. We all know the people just flock to what's "cool" when Cole and Lawler tell us how cool this is and try to act cool with it.

R.I.P. Adam Rose.


Wyatt gimmick is very narrow. it won't work as a face gimmick, no kids and folks with jobs will cheer for a swamp cult.

it's something out of 1994 but looks better cause Bray makes it work.

It is, but I'm asking this honestly, wouldn't you say there's gotta be someone who is sctrictly a heel? It being limited is what makes the babyface working with him important, because you gotta respect the gimmick. Hogan would be over the top selling the children in sheep mask and he would be pissed... he would be ANGRY that this is being done to his little hulkamaniacs.

Daniel Bryan went as far as changing how he wrestle to respect the gimmick while he was brainwashed, he ran around less, he was more stiff, he tuned down his selling. And when he "shed the skin" at the cage match, he immediately reverted back to mark the difference between being Daniel Wyatt and Daniel Bryan. And then he lost clean right at the start to the build to wrestlemania.

The Rock would have crapped all over him and then lost.

The character itself is indeed shallow, he is a cult leader who thinks he is a god and wants to burn everything and do evil things because evil is evil and he is evil. If you go and say "silly Wyatt, you are not a god, you are just a weird fat man, oh you're so silly" and proceed to defeat him 10 times a month no matter what, then yeah, the gimmick is over. Same with Sandow. Megalomaniacal gimmicks can survive either losing only when it matters the most (and after being built into being a credible threat and then only in a match where they show that they could have won if only the hero wasn't so resilient) or being crapped on and made fun of only to prove the face wrong in the ring forcing them to be taken seriously.

Wyatt didn't came out dead out of Wrestlemania, the narrative that he could keep going despiste that loss where he almost brought the evil inside of Cena out wasn't bad, even if the match could have ended in something better than AA from nowhere into pin; but then he gets squashed for a straight month while being made fun of and there you go. Which midcard face wants to feud now with the guys who can't defeat Cena on 3 - 1 matches to save their lives and have little kids with weird voices winning their battles for them? Feuding with Bray would make Kofi look bad at this point.


Just watched the Adam Rose debut segment, and what a surprise, the commentators ruined it. We all know the people just flock to what's "cool" when Cole and Lawler tell us how cool this is and try to act cool with it.

R.I.P. Adam Rose.

It immediately felt better on Main Event where the commentators weren't trying to be "hip" with it, and the crowd actually chanted his catchphrase with him. Unfortunately that's one show out of three on the main roster, the other two will have Cole telling us how FUN AND COOL it is.
New Japan should probably do that for all their house shows - it's always good to have recent, free content available. Easier to entice new fans.

Incidentally, yottsume mentioned that there's a Yano & Yujiro KinPuro card opening that won't be released because Yujiro joined Bullet Club.

And a trailer for the Return to Yokohama Arena show on 05/25;



So Nintendo are predicting only 3.6 mil Wii Us to sell next year.

Man, I ain't even mad about buying the thing. But that's just pathetic.

I wonder if WWE will lower their forecast for the Network as well. I don't see them ever reaching one million honestly, even though I love it.

It's such a great service. Too bad 14.99 is coming up :(
Will still pay.


Wyatt's problem feuding with Cena isn't losing; it's that he's turned into a cartoon caricature of his gimmick just two months prior, because feuding with Cena demands it.


John Sina appears to actually believe that it's the audience reacting in general that matters because there aren't faces and heels anymore. JBL says essentially this sometimes on commentary so it's obviously how Vince justifies it.

I don't think this is what Edge and Jericho said at all. On the contrary, Cena going over was the original idea, and Cena stuck with it because he always sticks with the company plan. The concrete DDT may have been his idea, but the original plan was absolutely Cena going over and Jericho was arguing against that. Or Jericho's lying to look better to his internet fans but Edge sort of agreeing with him makes that unlikely.

Hey home boy
gather around
some serious stuff
is gonna go down

I meant Vince might not know why people have turned so hard on JonSina.fuck.com/tabu.

it's still presented as a sport.

Well, that's the point. Imagine if the fights in the Rocky movies weren't presented as real fights within that universe. WWE doesn't present its content as a real sport to the outside world. It is presented as a real sport in universe only. It's basically like going to see a live movie with a lot of fight scenes, wrapped with a framing device of it being a real sport.


I never understood people taking pleasure in gaming companies like Nintendo's misfortune. Do you want less variety and competition?

At least for me, I'd like to see Nintendo learn from their mistakes and become a solid market leader again. If you take the Wii out of the equation (because I think it's safe to say now that the Wii was a fad/fluke), Nintendo has had diminishing returns on their home consoles since the N64.
Not wasting money on stupid outdated technology with short shelf lives =/= poor

Yeah! This is why I've still got my Wii U still hooked up in my living room and am using it and my 3DS daily while my PS4 is disconnected on the side so I can still leave my PS3 plugged in to watch Blu-Rays on!

Wait, what?

Ground Zeroes was fun for the hour and fifteen minutes it took me to beat it.

Towerfall Ascension is amazing
when I have company over to play it with me

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Yeah! This is why I've still got my Wii U still hooked up in my living room and am using it and my 3DS daily while my PS4 is disconnected on the side so I can still leave my PS3 plugged in to watch Blu-Rays on!

Wait, what?

Ground Zeroes was fun for the hour and fifteen minutes it took me to beat it.

Towerfall Ascension is amazing
when I have company over to play it with me

Well, let's hope 3.6 million people are as big of Nintendo fanboys as you are then. :)
Well, let's hope 3.6 million people are as big of Nintendo fanboys as you are then. :)

I know Nintendo is struggling right now, but their actual software quality across Wii U and 3DS is the best I've ever seen in my entire life. It's a damn shame more people aren't experiencing it and I understand that it's Nintendo's own damn fault it's happening.

The entire industry is in a weird place right now and I fear for our mobile future.


I know Nintendo is struggling right now, but their actual software quality across Wii U and 3DS is the best I've ever seen in my entire life. It's a damn shame more people aren't experiencing it and I understand that it's Nintendo's own damn fault it's happening.

The entire industry is in a weird place right now and I fear for our mobile future.

As long as Marvel Puzzle Quest exists in this future you speak of I think I'll be alright.
I wanted to let you guys know instead of just disappearing like CM Punk or something.

I'm taking a break from Neogaf for a while. I'll still appear in the rafters from time to time.....so I'll be around.

Take care brotherjackdood <3

Guys, I'm getting really excited about the ROH/NJPW show this weekend in Toronto. Really debating plopping down 160 bucks and getting individual pics with everybody on the card. This is my Wrestlemania and probably the one show I'll go to in 2014.

I was debating that as well. In the end though, o rather spend more money on merch and just get pics with Okada, Nak, and Tanahashi.


I think you guys are seriously overreacting to the Wyatt Cena feud. Wyatt has not been buried. He still looks credible. The feud has a long way to go. Both guys are being protected to lengthen the fued. I agree that Cena is slightly more protected. But by no means, have the Wyatts lost credibility.
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