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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Here's something I like

Fujita Jr. Hayato vs Koji Kanemoto (42:33)
Really cool kind of 'mentor vs student' match. I always thought Koji and Minoru (Tanaka, not Suzuki) were going to be huge in NJPW. Like equal to Tanahashi and Nakamura a la your new Three Musketeers, but I guess something must have happened along the way. Minoru seemed like a star in the making especially, and the fans loved, and still love, Koji. That's part of my worry about Naito. When I see him, I see 2004 Minoru every time, and I'd hate to see them miss the boat again.

Dangan Yankees make such a great pairing, would love to see them in New Japan, but that match against Sekimoto and K. Hash should be awwsome as well. Kazuki's impressed a lot over the past year. He seems to be doing better than Daichi Hashimoto, who keeps getting injured.

Just like Bo, Daichi is another guy who should have been gotten rid of long ago but has his daddy('s legacy) to vouch for him. No love for Daichi. He underperforms in every match and is given opportunities he doesn't deserve.




Any good graham stuff on the network ?

I don't think there is much on there yet. He is on at least one or two of the Old School shows. Hogan stole EVERYTHING from him. At all stages, too. If you see any pre-Hulkamania stuff, Hulk was straight up doing an imitation for his promos. Even down to trying to do Superstar's lisp. And then during the Hulkamania era, he was just doing Superstar, but louder and with more coke. After he went Hollywood, dude was COMPLETELY SHAMELESS of ripping off Superstar's look from the mid to late 80s.

Steiner, too, but he at least referenced and paid homage to Superstar instead of flat out stealing the look wholesale. Especially since he had made his entire career out of stealing everything from Superstar. I'm amazed there isn't heat between Hogan/Superstar. It seems like there would have had to have been at some point. I would imagine that could have added to the tension between Vince/Superstar, since Vince was running with a dude who was stealing everything from Superstar with no credit being given for years.

It's really sad what has become of Superstar over the past 20-25 years, both physically and emotionally. I would have thought he would have been the example for everyone NOT to go bananas on steroids and drugs, but he's still around when so many from the generation after him died from them. I can't even imagine how crazy the steroid scene must have been in the late 60s-early 80s.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Steiner also said that he hadn't seen any of Superstar's promos when he went for the look. He just saw pictures of him in magazines and thought he looked awesome, so he took it and said as much.

Speaking of sweet jackets
Hayato languishing in M-Pro makes me real sad, not sure what happened between him and New Japan, but the ownership's changed since then so hopefully he can return at some point. Ibushi needs legitimate contenders and, until Desperado's ready, Fujita would be perfect in the rival role.

Koji's someone I'd like to see return as well, but he's accomplished all he's going to in New Japan and probably wouldn't be satisfied with a smaller veteran role.

Incidentally, we REALLY need one or two of the mid-level promotions to implode - NOAH have no main event worth speaking of, no trainees or rising stars and only the jr's as a highlight. W-1 have some good talent, but Mutoh's a shit booker and isn't using that talent right. The whole thing already reeks of mid 2000's All Japan. ZERO1 are just coasting along and, while AJPW's product is improving, it has yet to translate to financial success for them. Plus, Kobashi's Fortune K thing. One or more of those groups going under could really benefit the remainder.


To no surprise, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt and Bad News Barrett are the three favorites among Vince McMahon, Triple H, Kevin Dunn and others. One source said it's a race to see which of those three gets the world title first.

I love Reigns but please not him, not yet

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hayato languishing in M-Pro makes me real sad, not sure what happened between him and New Japan, but the ownership's changed since then so hopefully he can return at some point. Ibushi needs legitimate contenders and, until Desperado's ready, Fujita would be perfect in the rival role.

Koji's someone I'd like to see return as well, but he's accomplished all he's going to in New Japan and probably wouldn't be satisfied with a smaller veteran role.

Incidentally, we REALLY need one or two of the mid-level promotions to implode - NOAH have no main event worth speaking of, no trainees or rising stars and only the jr's as a highlight. W-1 have some good talent, but Mutoh's a shit booker and isn't using that talent right. The whole thing already reeks of mid 2000's All Japan. ZERO1 are just coasting along and, while AJPW's product is improving, it has yet to translate to financial success for them. Plus, Kobashi's Fortune K thing. One or more of those groups going under could really benefit the remainder.
On one hand, I'd love to see Hayato win Super Jr.

On the other hand, I can already imagine my rage when they dub some crappy generic song over Seal - the greatest entrance theme in modern wrestling. Fuji has one thing a lot of Jr Heavyweights in Japan don't have. He has a really unique look.


I don't think there is much on there yet. He is on at least one or two of the Old School shows. Hogan stole EVERYTHING from him. At all stages, too. If you see any pre-Hulkamania stuff, Hulk was straight up doing an imitation for his promos. Even down to trying to do Superstar's lisp. And then during the Hulkamania era, he was just doing Superstar, but louder and with more coke. After he went Hollywood, dude was COMPLETELY SHAMELESS of ripping off Superstar's look from the mid to late 80s.

Steiner, too, but he at least referenced and paid homage to Superstar instead of flat out stealing the look wholesale. Especially since he had made his entire career out of stealing everything from Superstar. I'm amazed there isn't heat between Hogan/Superstar. It seems like there would have had to have been at some point. I would imagine that could have added to the tension between Vince/Superstar, since Vince was running with a dude who was stealing everything from Superstar with no credit being given for years.

It's really sad what has become of Superstar over the past 20-25 years, both physically and emotionally. I would have thought he would have been the example for everyone NOT to go bananas on steroids and drugs, but he's still around when so many from the generation after him died from them. I can't even imagine how crazy the steroid scene must have been in the late 60s-early 80s.

Any good book with this stuff? If there isn't, care to write one?
Looks like I'll be stuck without a computer for a while :(

Gonna miss the Chikara and New Japan iPPVs, unless the magically work on my phone or the PS4s shitty browser.

Just like Bo, Daichi is another guy who should have been gotten rid of long ago but has his daddy('s legacy) to vouch for him. No love for Daichi. He underperforms in every match and is given opportunities he doesn't deserve.

I'd put some of the blame on Otani - should've worked with New Japan from the beginning and got Daichi a place in the dojo. Wonder how things would have turned out if Daichi didn't get injured before WK7 and we got the Otani/Daichi vs TenKoji match that was originally supposed to happen.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I love Reigns but please not him, not yet
Reigns needs more time and a couple more elements thrown in to get a stew going. I'd argue that Bray also needs more time especially once he gets out of this Cena feud. While Wade seems to have his gimmick down pact and isn't tied to any other programs atm. It would also be nice to see him feud with Dabry and throw in a little Nexus connection.
Looks like I'll be stuck without a computer for a while :(

Gonna miss the Chikara and New Japan iPPVs, unless the magically work on my phone or the PS4s shitty browser.

How does Chikara stream their events? I know that with NJPW, you can watch live through the Ustream app (on iOS at least), but you can't view on-demand content. You just have to purchase the event through a web browser first.


Reigns needs more time and a couple more elements thrown in to get a stew going. I'd argue that Bray also needs more time especially once he gets out of this Cena feud. While Wade seems to have his gimmick down pact and isn't tied to any other programs atm. It would also be nice to see him feud with Dabry and throw in a little Nexus connection.

Bray definitely needs a few months of rehab at the very least after all the damage Cena has done to him

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'll say this about M-Pro, the sound is incredible. I don't know if it's the venue or the mat or the kickpads or what, but the pins sound so good, and the guys screaming at each other is easy to hear. And the ring itself doesn't sound so bouncy like in most wrestling promotions. And Fuji's kicks sound beautiful. I don't know if it's the pads or what, but you hear them pop against flesh and it sounds like a baseball bat hitting a padded wall. It's not like a Syuri match where I'm constantly wincing and thinking about that poor girl's skull getting cracked.


How does Chikara stream their events? I know that with NJPW, you can watch live through the Ustream app (on iOS at least), but you can't view on-demand content. You just have to purchase the event through a web browser first.

Chikara do theirs via www.smvod.com - the previous ones worked on the PS3's browser, so I'm hoping the upcoming show will work on my phone at least. Little hope for the PS4 browser, it's truly abysmal.

Haven't had much luck with the Ustream app. Buffered like crazy for the ROH ippv, but it played well enough using my phone's browser. Just sucks having to watch on such a small screen, but better than nothing I suppose.
Chikara do theirs via www.smvod.com - the previous ones worked on the PS3's browser, so I'm hoping the upcoming show will work on my phone at least. Little hope for the PS4 browser, it's truly abysmal.

Haven't had much luck with the Ustream app. Buffered like crazy for the ROH ippv, but it played well enough using my phone's browser. Just sucks having to watch on such a small screen, but better than nothing I suppose.

Hmm... well I've used the app for the last two NJPW events and had no issues. Either way, hope it works out for you.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Tiger suplex reversed into a guillotine choke. That was fucking awesome.

I'm also surprised Elgin thinks he 'popularized' deadlifting and being a heavy lifter style wrestler when Sekimoto was doing that shit in like... what, 2004?


Regarding the role Flair would have on television, there are several rumors/ideas floating around — the first being to pair him back up with The Miz to continue their story from several months ago. However, some are worried that joining those two up again would waste Flair's talent, while others still think The Miz could be a top babyface in the company.

Ric Flair reportedly wants to manage Dolph Ziggler, but it's unclear whether WWE management believes in Ziggler enough to go there, as he hasn't been given much creative help in the past year.

Finally, the idea of Ric Flair managing The Shield has been brought up to play off of his appearance from a few weeks ago on RAW, but that works best if Evolution remains together long enough, and their future is uncertain, at best.

All of these ideas are hilariously bad
Ric Flair managing Ziggler is the lesser of all those evils though.

Actually, shit, I could picture Ziggler as the next Nature Boy of this generation.

Dean Ambrose got the Figure Four down pat though. Fuck The Miz for even TRYING that shit.


Drunken Ric Flair + Starved For Fame Dolph Ziggler trying to be relevant would be funny (or really really sad) by itself.

They should just put a camera on their brainstorm sessions:

Flair: "You know what would help your Show-Off persona? If you were to invite all your Hollywood friends to the greatest party ever"
Ziggler: "They aren't really really my friends and I don't think WWE would give me the money for that"
Flair: "Don't you worry about money."
Ziggler: "But--"
Flair: "Never worry about money." *starts ordering large ammounts of alcohol*


How do people with this opinion have a job with WWE?

I remember an article someone posted here last fall where they showed the most Googled wrestlers and how that strongly correlated with PPV buyrates/drawing power. Miz was a hell of a lot higher on that list than you'd think, as was Big Show, which is why they keep getting pushed.

My only gripe with Zayn atm is that his music seems really generic and I can never understand what its saying.

I look forward to them changing it. Bores me to tears.
I remember an article someone posted here last fall where they showed the most Googled wrestlers and how that strongly correlated with PPV buyrates/drawing power. Miz was a hell of a lot higher on that list than you'd think, as was Big Show, which is why they keep getting pushed.

That sounds like an interesting article, but no data in the world would convince me that people want to see a babyface Miz in a top position. Heel Miz is plausible because everyone would want to see him lose.


The Miz could be a top heel. But I don't really think the problem is the talent, not even the Miz lack of talent, the problem is WWE either pushing people to the moon or leaving them out of TV for months.

Bryan is fine as top face, Cena is fine (or would be if he could feud with people without destroying their character and forcing a gimmick change) as the children champion and The Shield is more than fine as the top face stable.

WWE's problems are top heels and midcard everything. They should stop worrying about who is the next face of the company and start worrying about who is the next backbone.
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