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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

I have a confession to make. Allow me to shoot with you brothers. Last year I was watching an old episode of Nitro from 1999. I searched the internet to find more about this episode and stumbled upon a site called LEGITSHOOK.COM and I thought it was kind of cool.

Then I found it was you guys.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I have a confession to make. Allow me to shoot with you brothers. Last year I was watching an old episode of Nitro from 1999. I searched the internet to find more about this episode and stumbled upon a site called LEGITSHOOK.COM and I thought it was kind of cool.

Then I found it was you guys.

This is where I know you're telling a lie.


So not worth it
I have a confession to make. Allow me to shoot with you brothers. Last year I was watching an old episode of Nitro from 1999. I searched the internet to find more about this episode and stumbled upon a site called LEGITSHOOK.COM and I thought it was kind of cool.

Then I found it was you guys.

Damnit, as if Sunny's ego needed another boost.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have a confession to make. Allow me to shoot with you brothers. Last year I was watching an old episode of Nitro from 1999. I searched the internet to find more about this episode and stumbled upon a site called LEGITSHOOK.COM and I thought it was kind of cool.

Then I found it was you guys.

Which one was you?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've been meaning to ask, are these from Google Webmaster tools or from the on-site analytics? Because if it's the latter, it won't include Google anymore, which probably shows what your average Bing/Ask Jeeves user searches for...

on-site, I never did add google analytics. jeeeezus that's scary.


Watching last week's NXT. El Locale doesn't even pretend he isn't Ricardo under that mask. Also funny that Tyler Breeze made fun of Sami Zayn and Tyson Kidd for being Canadian when he's Canadian himself.


I thought about getting a NJPW shirt at the ROH/NJPW show. I decided against it and now regret doing so. I have no idea what Tenso is. Bottom line, how much $ would it cost?


Yeesh. I mean, I can afford it, but just on principle alone hard to justify paying $50 for a t-shirt.

Yeah, it's a little rich for my blood even if it is about what you'd pay for a WWE shirt buying it at a show. I might give that Yottsume bloke a shout, thanks Boots.


So not worth it
Still mentally preparing to not fall asleep during Kane vs Big show on Saturday. Not sure how I will manage yet.


Any girl that gives you shade (am I using that correctly?) for watching porn is a girl you shouldn't be around. It means either she

A. Doesn't ever watch porn, which is weird
B. Does watch porn and is a liar
C. Probably has shame and guilt issues and is very judgmental
D. All of the above


He's absolutely right. Most likely, it's the "they're not allowed" part, because there's several opportunities for guys to get this better heat but don't do so for whatever reason. Combine that along with the faces winning majority of the matches, you wonder why the the heels aren't very good, and often times are the ones getting cheered because the faces aren't the underdogs.

Besides maybe Rock, I would say HHH has bested everyone in their post wrestling careers.
He hasn't stopped wrestling, though. It would be better to compare guys who've actually left the wrestling business.


So not worth it
I was joking mates, the girl is a good friend and pretty much the only reason she wanted to come along is because of the naked muscled men, so I am sure there is no taboo there heh.
The excerpts from Takahashi's autobiography are real interesting, he makes some good points about Naito's muddled persona and mentions Okada's need to build a better physique. His comments on Shibata and strong style are telling, but I think he's on the money. While I'm most definitely a fan of that style, Tana's probably right that it's more effective in small doses. The Ishii vs Shibata match wouldn't have stood out at the G1 last year if everyone was working that way.
Shibata and I passed the tryout on the same day, but I entered NJPW a year after when I graduated from college, so that made him senior to me by a year. Age-wise, he is three years younger than me. Back then, I used to call him “Shibata-san” and he used to call me “Tanahashi-kun” (‘san’ is superior to ‘kun’ in terms of prefix).

When he stated, “I’m starting to enjoy pro-wrestling” in 2013 G1 CLIMAX, I snapped at him and said “Cut the crap!” On one hand, this was a rage against him for leaving the company at desperate times. “Of course you’ll enjoy wrestling in front of a full packed hectic crowd!” But to be honest, I wanted him to realize that long before this.
He should have realized sooner. Only if he would have stayed in NJPW and worked together with us to make things better...
I’m fully aware of the reason why he couldn’t come to enjoy wrestling at that time, and that he left the company after much agonizing. So on the other hand, I feel happy for what he’s said.
But I found his last word in NJPW (2005) “I’m not going to be a white-collar (yes-man) wrestler” offensive.

Tanahashi yelling cut the crap to Shibata is his " it's no about you moment"
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