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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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It was a really fun game. I wouldn't remotely consider it a Metal Gear game but it was great for what it was and people who hate on it are morons.

I wish they had more time to develop it though, you can tell it had a rough development cycle. Also, please finish MGS: Rising Kojima.


Please, I need it.

Or as a consolation, give us mod tools with MGS5.

So I'm a moron because I don't share your opinion of it being great?

And yes, I absolutely agree that MGS: Rising looked amazing. I was excited for that one. When I saw the new Rising, my hype train derailed so hard.


I pay no attention to those streamers honestly.

What makes Rising more MG to you that some (which?) other MGS titles?

The intros/set up to boss fights and the bosses fantasizing their leader is like MGS1.

The codec was like MGS1,2 and 3, something servery lacked in MGS4.

The bosses felt like bosses, reminded of MGS1 and 2.

The game was a parody of the series lol.


So I'm a moron because I don't share your opinion of it being great?

And yes, I absolutely agree that MGS: Rising looked amazing. I was excited for that one. When I saw the new Rising, my hype train derailed so hard.

Let me clarify, you're a moron if you irrationally hate the game because it isn't a traditional Metal Gear.


The intros/set up to boss fights and the bosses fantasizing their leader is like MGS1.

The codec was like MGS1,2 and 3, something servery lacked in MGS4.

The bosses felt like bosses, reminded of MGS1 and 2.

The game was a parody of the series lol.

Ah yeah, that makes more sense. Clearly inspired and definitely a parody.

Let me clarify, you're a moron if you irrationally hate the game because it isn't a traditional Metal Gear.

That makes a lot more sense. I don't like Rising, but I most definitely have my reasons. None so trivial as, "it isn't traditional metal gear".


Oh wow I forgot about that tweet, yeah there's gotta be some flashback sequence perhaps even playable... I'm calling a recreation of the battle between her and Boss right before we come out of the coma, mostly because I think Big Boss wakes up and he hallucinates the petals(which look to be from the same kind of flowers that were around where Big Boss and The Boss fought) because he was dreaming about the fight.


Without wanting to stamp all over our recent exchange of olive branches and utterly destroy our mutual new found attempt to respect and understand each other's opinions in all future discussions...


Before our beneficial exchange, I'd be quick to question why in a hostile manner. But as I read it, I smiled :)

No, but really, how come?


I understand wanting the opportunity to play as someone of your gender when given the option, but to completely dismiss every game featuring female protagonists on the pretext that you are too invested in roleplay is abnormal. You can't fault people for perceiving you as weird.

How deep does this peculiarity of yours go ? Do you not watch movies with female leads ? How about books ?

I don't think that I'm all that weird. Well maybe it's not typical that I freely admit it and explore the why I react the way I do to female protagonists. Consider that the industry itself caters specifically to people like me. Most developers will make a game with a male protagonist because it's more likely to sell versus a game staring a female protagonist. I believe when the Last of Us was in development there was some controversy about featuring Ellie prominently on the cover.

As far as other media is concerned, female protags never bothered me there. One of my favorite books (and movies for that matter) is White Oleander. This is purely an issue with interactive media for me. I should also point out that I've thoroughly enjoyed Telltale's Walking Dead.

Edit: If you demand it I could start citing sources, but all the research I've done indicates that games with a male lead sell around 75% better than games with a female lead. Wouldn't this indicate that my behavior isn't peculiar, but typical? It's certainly not unique to me.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think that I'm all that weird. Well maybe it's not typical that I freely admit it and explore the why I react the way I do to female protagonists. Consider that the industry itself caters specifically to people like me. Most developers will make a game with a male protagonist because it's more likely to sell versus a game staring a female protagonist. I believe when the Last of Us was in development there was some controversy about featuring Ellie prominently on the cover.

As far as other media is concerned, female protags never bothered me there. One of my favorite books (and movies for that matter) is White Oleander. This is purely an issue with interactive media for me. I should also point out that I've thoroughly enjoyed Telltale's Walking Dead.

Edit: If you demand it I could start citing sources, but all the research I've done indicates that games with a male lead sell around 75% better than games with a female lead. Wouldn't this indicate that my behavior isn't peculiar, but typical? It's certainly not unique to me.
Just because tons of people do it doesn't mean it's right, this is middle-school level fallcies dude.


Just because tons of people do it doesn't mean it's right, this is middle-school level fallcies dude.

Where did I argue it was right? The other poster called my behavior peculiar, and I pointed out that it was typical, not peculiar. If you want to talk about middle school, let's talk about your reading comprehension.
So I'm a moron because I don't share your opinion of it being great?

And yes, I absolutely agree that MGS: Rising looked amazing. I was excited for that one. When I saw the new Rising, my hype train derailed so hard.

As far as opinions are concerned, I'm just glad I FINALLY am able to at least express my own in these forums. I have nothing against anyone who's all for fun, I'm glad they enjoyed the game, but consider me in the camp of folks who were let down by what it ultimately turned into. I felt that it seemed logical for them to tell his story between 2 and 4 after 4 had resolved. I did not want to see what became of the world post mgs 4 but because platinum decided that was too constraining, that world was indeed imagined, and in doing so, tarnished 20 years worth of storytelling(even if that story telling is overly expository etc,etc..).

I waited for MGS:R. I waited for what seemed like an eternity, and this was BEFORE I even knew gaf existed. Finally, when it re-emerged I was beaming with excitement. The excitement of an 11 year old kid who poured thousands of hours into the VR Missions just for the sole purpose of playing those three short but sweet Frank Jaeger missions. Then I watched the trailer, and within the first few seconds, I knew something was wrong. The 11 year old me just got bitch slapped. hard.

The engine. To see metal gear rendered in a different engine was harrowing. To see Yoji Shinkawa's art transcribed into something.....it was like Chris Nolan handing the bat keys to Michael Bay. Like a high schooler who rambunctiously draws laser weapons and chainsaw hands on Aubrey Beardsly pictures in textbooks.

Then the music kicked in. Oh the music. Someone saw the Metal preceding Gear and took it quite literally. I thought we were a little more evolved than this, even in the mindless action forefront. I mean if cheese is what your going for, that's one thing, but hiring DragonForce to do the soundtrack after getting Ennio Morricone to score your franchise for years was like......it was akin to the feeling of watching groupies fuck a sand shark for Korn tickets......that's literally how it felt. I'm not a highschooler anymore. I can't go back to that world. I just can't do it. I'm sorry. And this was all punctuated with the line " It's time for Jack to let her rip!". Face. Palm.

Look at that gif. Just look at it. I wanted to play that game. Zone of the Enders (2nd runner) was a terrific, highly kinetic action game. The team obviously has clout, just not the focus. I would have loved to see an action game of that caliber by them. See, for years now i've seen arguments about this game and everyone always mentions that its a spinoff, that it's a love letter to the series, that it amps up the cheese. Well let me just say, there's two, supremely different kinds of crazy. There's Kojima's productions kooky, 4th wall breaking, self aware b-movie rationale, and then there's Platinum games who are about as restrained as Tarantino is when it comes to acting in his own movies. And I will always prefer the former over the latter.

In the spirit of The Phantom Pain, I'm gonna go ahead and use a Melville quote here:
"...with hate, I spit my last breath at thee!" (I mean that against the game, not the people who like it). Again, I have nothing against anybody who loves this game. I did play the demo, and I knew , just knew that it was going to succeed. Even if I didn't want to, the important thing is that people had fun with it. And lo and behold, so many of you dudes have. That being said though, Infinity P, you have my salute good sir, and you aren't alone.

Metal Gear Tang Clan?



Rising is awesome. I knew just from the footage that it wasn't going to be "serious" Metal Gear material and with that in mind I had a blast playing it. It's intentionally juvenile/tongue and cheek and a self aware parody, it's great.

I used to be a bit stiff and I only wanted to consume super serious entertainment, this game helped me lighten up and start enjoying more light hearted and humorous things.


As far as opinions are concerned, I'm just glad I FINALLY am able to at least express my own in these forums. I have nothing against anyone who's all for fun, I'm glad they enjoyed the game, but consider me in the camp of folks who were let down by what it ultimately turned into. I felt that it seemed logical for them to tell his story between 2 and 4 after 4 had resolved. I did not want to see what became of the world post mgs 4 but because platinum decided that was too constraining, that world was indeed imagined, and in doing so, tarnished 20 years worth of storytelling(even if that story telling is overly expository etc,etc..).

I waited for MGS:R. I waited for what seemed like an eternity, and this was BEFORE I even knew gaf existed. Finally, when it re-emerged I was beaming with excitement. The excitement of an 11 year old kid who poured thousands of hours into the VR Missions just for the sole purpose of playing those three short but sweet Frank Jaeger missions. Then I watched the trailer, and within the first few seconds, I knew something was wrong. The 11 year old me just got bitch slapped. hard.

The engine. To see metal gear rendered in a different engine was harrowing. To see Yoji Shinkawa's art transcribed into something.....it was like Chris Nolan handing the bat keys to Michael Bay. Like a high schooler who rambunctiously draws laser weapons and chainsaw hands on Aubrey Beardsly pictures in textbooks.

Then the music kicked in. Oh the music. Someone saw the Metal preceding Gear and took it quite literally. I thought we were a little more evolved than this, even in the mindless action forefront. I mean if cheese is what your going for, that's one thing, but hiring DragonForce to do the soundtrack after getting Ennio Morricone to score your franchise for years was like......it was akin to the feeling of watching groupies fuck a sand shark for Korn tickets......that's literally how it felt. I'm not a highschooler anymore. I can't go back to that world. I just can't do it. I'm sorry. And this was all punctuated with the line " It's time for Jack to let her rip!". Face. Palm.

Look at that gif. Just look at it. I wanted to play that game. Zone of the Enders (2nd runner) was a terrific, highly kinetic action game. The team obviously has clout, just not the focus. I would have loved to see an action game of that caliber by them. See, for years now i've seen arguments about this game and everyone always mentions that its a spinoff, that it's a love letter to the series, that it amps up the cheese. Well let me just say, there's two, supremely different kinds of crazy. There's Kojima's productions kooky, 4th wall breaking, self aware b-movie rationale, and then there's Platinum games who are about as restrained as Tarantino is when it comes to acting in his own movies. And I will always prefer the former over the latter.

In the spirit of The Phantom Pain, I'm gonna go ahead and use a Melville quote here:
"...with hate, I spit my last breath at thee!" (I mean that against the game, not the people who like it). Again, I have nothing against anybody who loves this game. I did play the demo, and I knew , just knew that it was going to succeed. Even if I didn't want to, the important thing is that people had fun with it. And lo and behold, so many of you dudes have. That being said though, Infinity P, you have my salute good sir, and you aren't alone.

Metal Gear Tang Clan?


I enjoyed Rising for what it was. But that terrible music... I was told I "don't understand" when I expressed a similar opinion. A lot of people rave about the sound track, so be prepared for differing opinions.


Although I loved Rising's battle / boss themes, the stage and cutscene tracks were notably lacking. Considering Platinum's strong relationship with Norihiko Hibino, they really should have called him in to contribute.


As far as opinions are concerned, I'm just glad I FINALLY am able to at least express my own in these forums. I have nothing against anyone who's all for fun, I'm glad they enjoyed the game, but consider me in the camp of folks who were let down by what it ultimately turned into. I felt that it seemed logical for them to tell his story between 2 and 4 after 4 had resolved. I did not want to see what became of the world post mgs 4 but because platinum decided that was too constraining, that world was indeed imagined, and in doing so, tarnished 20 years worth of storytelling(even if that story telling is overly expository etc,etc..).

I waited for MGS:R. I waited for what seemed like an eternity, and this was BEFORE I even knew gaf existed. Finally, when it re-emerged I was beaming with excitement. The excitement of an 11 year old kid who poured thousands of hours into the VR Missions just for the sole purpose of playing those three short but sweet Frank Jaeger missions. Then I watched the trailer, and within the first few seconds, I knew something was wrong. The 11 year old me just got bitch slapped. hard.

The engine. To see metal gear rendered in a different engine was harrowing. To see Yoji Shinkawa's art transcribed into something.....it was like Chris Nolan handing the bat keys to Michael Bay. Like a high schooler who rambunctiously draws laser weapons and chainsaw hands on Aubrey Beardsly pictures in textbooks.

Then the music kicked in. Oh the music. Someone saw the Metal preceding Gear and took it quite literally. I thought we were a little more evolved than this, even in the mindless action forefront. I mean if cheese is what your going for, that's one thing, but hiring DragonForce to do the soundtrack after getting Ennio Morricone to score your franchise for years was like......it was akin to the feeling of watching groupies fuck a sand shark for Korn tickets......that's literally how it felt. I'm not a highschooler anymore. I can't go back to that world. I just can't do it. I'm sorry. And this was all punctuated with the line " It's time for Jack to let her rip!". Face. Palm.

Look at that gif. Just look at it. I wanted to play that game. Zone of the Enders (2nd runner) was a terrific, highly kinetic action game. The team obviously has clout, just not the focus. I would have loved to see an action game of that caliber by them. See, for years now i've seen arguments about this game and everyone always mentions that its a spinoff, that it's a love letter to the series, that it amps up the cheese. Well let me just say, there's two, supremely different kinds of crazy. There's Kojima's productions kooky, 4th wall breaking, self aware b-movie rationale, and then there's Platinum games who are about as restrained as Tarantino is when it comes to acting in his own movies. And I will always prefer the former over the latter.

In the spirit of The Phantom Pain, I'm gonna go ahead and use a Melville quote here:
"...with hate, I spit my last breath at thee!" (I mean that against the game, not the people who like it). Again, I have nothing against anybody who loves this game. I did play the demo, and I knew , just knew that it was going to succeed. Even if I didn't want to, the important thing is that people had fun with it. And lo and behold, so many of you dudes have. That being said though, Infinity P, you have my salute good sir, and you aren't alone.

Metal Gear Tang Clan?


DRK pls.

I enjoyed Rising for what it was. But that terrible music... I was told I "don't understand" when I expressed a similar opinion. A lot of people rave about the sound track, so be prepared for differing opinions.

Woah dude, Maynard is a cool guy. Did you ever see the faux interview between him and Tim and Eric? Guy is bro as shit, like his music or not.

I got nothing against Maynard. He is an intelligent human being. It was more a quip about Tool. Being infatuated with metal when your an adolescent, etc. Don't get me wrong, metal has it's place in music. You know, I should have instead said " I remember my first beer". I'm joking. let's have fun with this.
Everything is great about Metal Gear Rising, especially that soundtrack. I personally love when spinoffs are parodies of what they're spinning off from so I was very happy with the direction MGR took. Senator Armstrong is a bunch of Metal Gear villains rolled into one anarchist crazy mad man. As much as I want MGS5, I would also be pretty hyped for MGR2.

Also, I'm glad to see some people share my views on DRK and the knight guy. They're so annoying. I'd watch the stream more if threedogg was the only one on the channel.
Come to think of it, I might've actually been able to play Rising if Tim and Eric did the soundtrack. It'd be much more palatable as a self proclaimed parody then.


How doth one lose their junior member virginity btw? and how do i go about acquiring an avatar?

You need 300 posts and have to have been a member for 3 months to acquire full membership. To change the avatar, go to the top right and under the arrow you'll see user control panel From there you'll see edit avatar on the left.
You need 300 posts and have to have been a member for 3 months to acquire full membership. To change the avatar, go to the top right and under the arrow you'll see user control panel From there you'll see edit avatar on the left.

thank you kindly. you got a bitchin moniker btw.

It's like he was able to explain every reason I love the game in a way I couldn't.

George Weidman changed my perception of MGS2. If you haven't seen his critical analysis of that one I would highly recommend doing so immediately.


Running around trying to fit in ♬

Wanting to be loved.

♬ It doesn't take much.

For someone to shut you down.

When you build a shell ♬

Build an army in your mind.

♬ You can't sit still.

And you don't like hanging round the crowd.

They don't understand ♬


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Running around trying to fit in ♬

Wanting to be loved.

♬ It doesn't take much.

For someone to shut you down.

When you build a shell ♬

Build an army in your mind.

♬ You can't sit still.

And you don't like hanging round the crowd.

They don't understand ♬

Here have a hug, i think you need one.



Running around trying to fit in ♬

Wanting to be loved.

♬ It doesn't take much.

For someone to shut you down.

When you build a shell ♬

Build an army in your mind.

♬ You can't sit still.

And you don't like hanging round the crowd.

They don't understand ♬

I listen to this often when I have a case of the feels.


Stalking Kojima's twitter.

He'll post a picture of the mosaic any day now.

Any day...

Sending it for him to get during TGS wasn't the best of ideas. He's already busy doing the show. Tora said he's currently figuring out the best way to get it to him.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Before our beneficial exchange, I'd be quick to question why in a hostile manner. But as I read it, I smiled :)

No, but really, how come?


Barring the obvious differences in actual moment to moment gameplay, it's the most quintessentially Metal Gear game since MGS3. Plus, it's so much fun.
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