What are you saying?
It really isn't something like porn or something like that. It's just funny. Look. I'm uploading now what I have prepared to an image hoster. Then I enter, what I have so far, everything here and edit it how I wanted it, with bold text etc and just click preview post, so that only I am seeing it. And then I am going to put the final result to a text document. Upload it, send you a private email with the link of the text document and you can overview that. Then you might tell me what I should remove or if that's ok and stuff like that ok?
Goat potential.
I really hope we get a demon goat boss, in BB's hallucinations or something.
Okay. I'll review it myself. I'll split it into two parts though. I'm going to upload the first part soon. When I'm posting this. And it might actually be too naughty. Then I'm going to remove it immediately.
I would've never thought that we'll get our own erotic novel :3
I would've never thought that we'll get our own erotic novel :3
It really isn't something like porn or something like that. It's just funny. Look. I'm uploading now what I have prepared to an image hoster. Then I enter, what I have so far, everything here and edit it how I wanted it, with bold text etc and just click preview post, so that only I am seeing it. And then I am going to put the final result to a text document. Upload it, send you a private email with the link of the text document and you can overview that. Then you might tell me what I should remove or if that's ok and stuff like that ok?
It really isn't something like porn or something like that. It's just funny. Look. I'm uploading now what I have prepared to an image hoster. Then I enter, what I have so far, everything here and edit it how I wanted it, with bold text etc and just click preview post, so that only I am seeing it. And then I am going to put the final result to a text document. Upload it, send you a private email with the link of the text document and you can overview that. Then you might tell me what I should remove or if that's ok and stuff like that ok?
Why did you lose your gaf gold status? Did you miss your monthly payment?
New phone case came. Really impressed with Redbubble's quality. I love it so far!
Chinner I really do think you scared off Rogue_Agent.
It really isn't something like porn or something like that. It's just funny. Look. I'm uploading now what I have prepared to an image hoster. Then I enter, what I have so far, everything here and edit it how I wanted it, with bold text etc and just click preview post, so that only I am seeing it. And then I am going to put the final result to a text document. Upload it, send you a private email with the link of the text document and you can overview that. Then you might tell me what I should remove or if that's ok and stuff like that ok?
The anticipation is killing me.
Me too. Come on guys, fill the page![]()
Ok, I'm ready. Though I post it on the next page. 7 more posts.
Year: 2015
Colonel Campbell: "2 days ago we got report that our most precious Outer GAF members are lost in the timeline. No one knows where they exactly are.
Your mission is to bring them back as soon as possible, in order to maintain the hype. Hey.. ..are you listening to me? Hey! Drop that ball of wool!"
?: "Ugh.. Colonel, I have no interest in doing this, why do I have to do this?"
Colonel Campbell: "Because Chinner said."
?: "That filthy duck! Send him then! I have no interest in this at all!"
Colonel Campbell: "Unfortunately, he also disappeared a few minutes ago. You are our only chance, there's no one else for this job!"
?: "Fuurrr fuck's sake! How am I even supposed to bring them back if no one knows where they are!?"
Colonel Campbell: "Our intel team is able to recreate the time holes in which each member disappeared. Thanks to the newest version of nanomachines."
?: "How is that even possible?"
Colonel Campbell: "It's nanotechnology, I don't have to explain shit! Your mission will start in 2 minutes. However you'll always have someone with you,
in each time. Sometimes it might be Solid Snake, maybe it's even Big Boss himself. Though it's unclear where you go first or where next.
So stay cautious! In order to bring them back you or either your partner has to interact with a member for atleast 1 second. As soon as
you brought back every member in it's represent time, you'll be warped to the next time. One more thing, it is very important that no
one ever finds out you real name or otherwise we are about to get rekt. For that reason you'll be called "System Error" from now on.
Unfortunately I won't be able to stay in contact with you, though you might be able to contact a younger version of myself. In order to
do that, it is very important to ask him "Where are the Scissors61?". Do you have anything to say before you get sucked into the first
time hole?
System Error: "Yes. I hate you."
Colonel Campbell: "I appreciate your passion. Now go, let Outer GAF come back to live! By the way, they are naughty, very naughty."
System Error: "Tell me something new"-- *zzzZZZZZZOOOOOooooooMMMMmmmmm*
Year: 1964
The Boss: "Snake, try to remember some of the basics of SEX..."
Naked Snake: "Commencing Virgin Mission...now." *zzzZZZZZZOOOOOooooooMMMMmmmmm* "Huh!? What is this thing!?"
System Error: "Hey, you are Naked Snake, right? You need to help me to get my comrades back to my time. ...Dude... ...why are you not wearing any pants?
Naked Snake: "It talks! Ugh.. Well.. I'm called "Naked Snake" Wait.. You need help? Sure I'll gladly help such a nice little kitty like you!"
System Error: "Bitch please, you're embarrassing me! But thank you."
Naked Snake and System Error are walking through the jungle, while Snake's snake is bouncing left and right. Left and right, up and down. As he crouched,
he hit System Error with his snake.
System Error: "You are disgusting!"
Naked Snake: "I'm sorry. But your fur is so kawaii!
System Error ran away from Naked Snake but got stopped by something with dem curves. It was actually Love Deterrence!
Naked Snake: "Woah! Dem curves! Dat booty! Such a hot chick!"
System Error: "Dude, that's Love Deterrence, he's actually a guy.."
Naked Snake: "I don't care. His body is no deterrence to me, if you know what I'm talking about."![]()
Love Deterrence: "Oooohhh Naked Snake!!! Please inject your giant snake into my body!"
System Error collapsed. Naked Snake went behind Love Deterrence, injected his snake into her (him). And they began to moan and to crave for eachother.
Snake's snake began to squirt some liquid into her (his) body. Love Deterrence moaned louder and louder. Snake. Snaaakee. Oh Snaaaaaaaaakee! Yes! Oahh!
Suddenly System Error and Love Deterrence vanished. *zzzZZZZZZOOOOOooooooMMMMmmmmm*
Major Zero: "Snake! You impregnated Love Deterrence! You created a time paradox! Fission Mailed!"
Naked Snake: "Ahhh.. totally worth it."![]()
Year: 2005
Solid Snake: "Am I too late?"
Kenneth Baker: "Oooooo..... Huhuuhuhuh..
Solid Snake: "He's moaning... You're the SextoyTech president Kenneth Baker, right? Don't worry. I'm here to get an autograph."
Kenneth Baker: "Noooo! Not another fanboy!"
Solid Snake looks up. He sees bondage tools. Vibration sound appears. Solid Snake jumps back.
Dildo Ocelot: "Right. Touch those ropes and the bondage start vibrating along with the old man! So you are the one my cock's keep talking about."
Solid Snake: "And you?"
Dildo Ocelot: "Special Operations COCK-HOUND... Dildo Ocelot."
Dildo Ocelot shows off his Dildo tricks.
Dildo Ocelot: "I've been waiting for your solid snake. Now we'll see if the cock can live up to the legend! This is the greatest dildo ever made.
The Cold Single Action Anus. Six batteries. More than enough to penetrate anything that moves. Now I'll show you why they call me... Dildo."
System Error: "Ugh.. what are you guys doing here?"
Dildo Ocelot rejects his Dildo out of Solid Snake's butt.
Solid Snake: "Well, Dildo Ocelot just wanted to show me his tricks. It's so awesome!"
Dildo Ocelot: "That it is. Do you want to join us?"
System Error: "No thanks. I'd rather not. Anyways have you guys seen some crazy people? I mean more crazy than you guys."
Solid Snake and Dildo Ocelot shook their heads. Suddenly a wall began to explode! It was unbelievable! A total of 13 members from Outer GAF gathered together.
From left to right, there they stood. Jimmyfenix, Rean, Spongeboba, Chinner, Sn4ke_911, hammertomb, Gnome Scat, raven777, Pinewood, strafer, Xpike, Opto and Mifec!
System Error: "What the fuck are you guys doing here all together!?"
strafer: "Gangbang. We just had some gangbang, with that guy called "Liquid Snake". You should've seen that System Error. It was like having sex with 100 tentacles!"
Mifec: "For fuck's sake strafer we made a promise to keep this between us. We don't want to make the others jealous!"
Spongeboba: "Stupid strafer ruined everything."
System Error: "Ah yeah right.. So the usual stuff, I see. Well anyways, why did you blow up the wall?"
Chinner: "Sn4ke_911 wanted to show us his sextoy collection though he said that the SextoyTech president Kenneth Baker is keeping those save. That's why we are here."
Sn4ke_911: "That's right! I have everything, in order to penetrate almost anything!"
Dildo Ocelot: "Sn4ke_911.. You're pretty good. Just what I'd expect from the man with the same code as the boss. It's been a long time since I had such a good climax..
But I'm just getting warmed up... What!?"
Dildo Ocelot's hand disappeared.
Dildo Ocelot: "My hand!!!"
The bondage collection got slashed into pieces.
Dildo Ocelot: "Uuunnhh! Ooooof!! Latex catsuit! Can't you even penetrate right!? You were lucky. We'll meet again!"
Solid Snake: "Who are you?"
Deepthroat: "I'm like you...I have a solid snake."
Kenneth Baker: "Ohhh..Ohhhh! That... that latex catsuit...!
Deepthroat: "Gggyyyaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Gggggyyyyyaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! Ggggggggggggyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!"
Xpike: "Wait. He's coming already?"
Rean: "Might be because he sucked Dildo Ocelot's hand."
Jimmyfenix: "I guess that's why he's called "Deepthroat"![]()
Opto & Pinewood: ":lol :lol :lol"
Deepthroat disappears.
hammertomb: "Yo, Solid Snake would you please skip that cutscene with that long conversation with the old man?"
Solid Snake: "Uhh... sure."
raven777: "hammertomb you'll probably get banned later for saying that."
Cutscene skipped. SextoyTech president Kenneth Baker died.
Sn4ke_911: "Nooooo! He was our only chance to see my sextoy collection again!"
Gnome Scat: "What have you done hammertomb!? You'll definitely get banned for that"
System Error: "Alright guys, that's enough, it's time to go back!"
Jimmyfenix, Rean, Spongeboba, Chinner, Sn4ke_911, Gnome Scat, raven777, Pinewood, strafer, Xpike, Opto and Mifec: "Ok!"
hammertomb: "Do we really have to? I mean we could go back to Liquid Snake and get some more time with his tentacles."
System Error: "Chinner, please."
Chinner fultons hammertomb. hammertomb banned.*zzzZZZZZZOOOOOooooooMMMMmmmmm*![]()
apparently the page isn't all that will be filled
an eroitc metal gear gaf fanfic
Guys, I made a starring tab, where I listed all people who'll be part of this story. Though keep in mind, what I am about to post is only part 1, so not everyone will be included. In fact just a total of 15 (including me) out of 54 people.
Fission Mailed!
just got an extract from system..
He's occupied at the moment. You could say, finger-in-the-ass occupied.![]()
What is even going on hahaha.
Love you guys
inb4 people PMing me where I buy my sextoys lol.
Holy fuck
I need to spend more time here