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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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Disregarding the part about being naked, I do think that something will cause big boss and Kaz to fall out and part ways at some point.

Yep. Kaz does eventually part ways with BB and goes on to become Master Miller. I hope that we'll get to see what caused it in TPP.

Well, Big Boss needs to get Miller's trenchcoat somehow.

He'll probably get one of his own by the end. Ocelot has a cool one as well.


I was re-watching the E3 2015 demo, and it again reminds me how much I really like the effect that when Boss takes damage, it looks like a damaged film reel instead of the standard blood splatter + screen going red effect.
Was playing gz earlier and saw something I'd never seen before, I managed to get a guard to investigate one of the spawn rooms, he opened the blue door and went inside. Didn't let me follow unfortunately.


I was re-watching the E3 2015 demo, and it again reminds me how much I really like the effect that when Boss takes damage, it looks like a damaged film reel instead of the standard blood splatter + screen going red effect.

Oh wow they changed the effect from GZ? I need to rewatch it, i never noticed that.
I think it's always looked like that.

I liked the effect in the fob demo, there's vertical blurring and a blinking eyelid in first person like when he's looking at the nurse in the first trailer. I think it's before the defender gets thrown in the water.


Oh wow they changed the effect from GZ? I need to rewatch it, i never noticed that.


I really like it, fits well the the episodic TV feel of the missions.


Does anyone know if Konami made any changes to TPP since Kojima and Konami went on bad terms? (Other than scrubbing Kojima Productions off the record). I hope Konami doesn't change too many things for the worse.


Does anyone know if Konami made any changes to TPP since Kojima and Konami went on bad terms? (Other than scrubbing Kojima Productions off the record). I hope Konami doesn't change too many things for the worse.

Sadly nobody knows, but anyway the game was nearly finished back then in March, so let's hope they didn't change too many things


I really like it, fits well the the episodic TV feel of the missions.
Yeah, I've always loved that effect. I still love the theory that sprung up around it a couple days before GZ launched. Basically it was the Ground Zeroes was a propaganda film created by the Patriots or something. There was a lot more to it, but at the time a lot of people bought into it (and it was something Kojima was crazy enough to do).
No news today that I'm aware of. Tomorrow should be fun though with the embargo lifting.

like i said before still feel like im going into this pretty much blind even tho ive been in the spoiler thread a few times haven't seen anything that I think has ruined the game at all for me


I hope so.
Me too.
I really can't believe how close we are. It's been so long yet didn't feel that long at all.
For me the last few weeks have been a really difficult.
oh mah gerd

just got $100 worth of psn dollars thanks to my birthday

can you say TPP for free?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anth0ny. Hope you have a great week.
can I get invite to outer gaf steam group?

also add me if you'd like

steam name is same as gaf name


like i said before still feel like im going into this pretty much blind even tho ive been in the spoiler thread a few times haven't seen anything that I think has ruined the game at all for me

Well, everyone has their own tolerances.

As long as you're happy with the changes it might make to your experience, and you aren't negatively impacting the experience of anyone else who might not want to see spoilers, then it's all cool.
Give me a synopsis of the story as you understand it, then.

Big Boss, after a bitter spat with Zero, left The Patriots to found his own nomadic mercenary group, called MSF. Prior to the game, he met with Kaz who becomes his lieutenant and business manager of MSF. The KGB intends to hire him to drive CIA out of Costa Rica, and took the job because of a tape that potentially incriminates that The Boss is still alive that was taped by the friend of a girl who the KGB brought along, Paz.

Throughout his mission, he discovers that the CIA are bringing nukes into Costa Rica. He allies himself with the local rebels and expands the scope of his operations. He eventually discovers that everything was planned by a rogue CIA agent who was developing unmanned AI weapons to be the defacto nuclear deterrent force, using the engineering know-how of Hal Emmerich and AI expertise of Strangelove. Big Boss recruits Hal in the process.

Big Boss finds Strangelove, and discovers that The Boss's involvement in all this is because Strangelove, a precious person of The Boss's and also distraught of her death, took advantage of Hot Coldman's AI development offer to "recreate" The Boss in AI form, hoping to find out what her final will and to clear her name as a traitor. He eventually gets captured by Coldman/Strangelove, and Strangelove tortured him to find out the missing piece that was remaining to complete The Boss AI, which was her motivations for defection. Big Boss refused to tell the truth, but his almost irrational will to not change his story even in the face of torture only cemented to Strangelove that it was true all along that The Boss wasn't a traitor. (she already suspected it to begin with)

As Peace Walker was finished and moves towards the location where it would launch a nuke, BB chases it there but was caught once again. Coldman reveals that because of how PW works ( only retaliation ), he needs to upload fake data of an enemy strike before Peace Walker could launch its own nuke. He plans for PW's nuke to destroy MB, and that he was allied with the KGB all along in this whole charade. Unfortunately, the KGB backstabbed him and instead plans for the nuke to strike Cuba. Thankfully, MSF and the Sandisnistas manage to stop the KGB's plan, and the KGB agent was detained. Coldman suffered serious injuries in the skirmish though.

When everything seems like it was going to go over well, Coldman, in his last breath, uploaded false data of an incoming nuclear strike data to the Americans. Big Boss does everything he could, contacting the US to stand down, significantly damaging PW, removing the AI modules, but none of it seem to work at all. It appears like nuclear war was inevitable until at the very end, The Boss AI makes the conscious decision to drown itself to stop the transmission, thus preventing nuclear war.

At this point, Big Boss, who had long suspected it, but had been living in a state of emotional denial because he couldn't come to terms with the Boss's choice/way of life, decides that he cannot be the successor to the Boss's legacy, rejecting it and that he will be his own man, he will be above all those things, and that he will finally be "Big Boss."

Time passes as MSF continues to expand day-after-day, with the KGB agent detained and Paz under temporary protection of MSF. Throughout that time, Huey & Strangelove have slowly been building a Metal Gear for MSF itself, and Kaz recovered the nuclear bomb on Peace Walker and attached it to the Metal Gear. The KGB agent manages to escape a few times, but was captured at all times.

Eventually, it was discovered that the girl that the KGB agent brought along in the first place, Paz was in the fact a secret agent of Cipher/Zero, and that she had been observing behind-the-scenes the occurrences of everything since the very beginning. She reveals that Zero is offering Big Boss an opportunity to rejoin them once more, but with Big Boss's refusal, they have a fight atop Mother Base, of which Big Boss came out victorious and she fell into the sea.

Kaz later reveals that he knew all along that the Paz was actually an agent, and that his intention was to use her and the KGB agent's support to drastically expand MB, evident throughout the course of the PW mission. Of course, what he didn't tell Big Boss, was that he actually struck a secret business deal with Zero all along. The content and purpose of the deal is not made apparent to us, but he presumably did not know then what kind of a rabbit hole he was getting himself into.
Backstory- I used to be the biggest MGS fan. Played MGS1 religiously. Downloaded that MGS2 Trailer on a 28K modem and it literally took like 16 hours to download the one video. I watched it dozens of times. Beat MGS2 probably more than any other game ever.

MGS3, same thing but slightly less so, and MGS4 the same but slightly less again. HERE'S TO GROWING UP and losing a lot of my gaming time :/

Never got to play Peace Walker, but I've watched the various 'movies'. And I just did a normal mission playthrough of Ground Zeroes.

I've watched like, only GIF files of Phantom Pain. And the original hospital trailer back when it 'wasn't' a MGS trailer.

What trailers should I watch before next week? None? Go in totally blind? I know there is some base building aspects of the game and that it's a little bit more mission based, and there is a dog, and there are some levels which are a bit more open. And some character wears a bikini. But should I go in blind or watch something? DECIDE FOR ME, GAF!


Backstory- I used to be the biggest MGS fan. Played MGS1 religiously. Downloaded that MGS2 Trailer on a 28K modem and it literally took like 16 hours to download the one video. I watched it dozens of times. Beat MGS2 probably more than any other game ever.

MGS3, same thing but slightly less so, and MGS4 the same but slightly less again. HERE'S TO GROWING UP and losing a lot of my gaming time :/

Never got to play Peace Walker, but I've watched the various 'movies'. And I just did a normal mission playthrough of Ground Zeroes.

I've watched like, only GIF files of Phantom Pain. And the original hospital trailer back when it 'wasn't' a MGS trailer.

What trailers should I watch before next week? None? Go in totally blind? I know there is some base building aspects of the game and that it's a little bit more mission based, and there is a dog, and there are some levels which are a bit more open. And some character wears a bikini. But should I go in blind or watch something? DECIDE FOR ME, GAF!

At this point when there are only a few days left I think you should go in blind
Finally, got S rank on every op in Ground Zeroes, including Jamais Vu which was a pain. Just gotta unlock the remaining trials and the tapes, 100% doesn't seem so far away now.


Unconfirmed Member
a little computer screen crying his eyes out over a woman he met like 2 days ago. god kojima was in a bad place while making mgs4
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