this should be a staple of EVERY action ga,me with bosses -__-
Are there any character action games with that? I just know Ys, Castlevania and Megaman games have it.
this should be a staple of EVERY action ga,me with bosses -__-
Dont worry about the arms, you're not gonna get them all on your first playthrough.
I got 23/30 my first time through. Not sure which ones I missed.
I'd probably play this sometimes just for all the awesome music.
I got 23/30 my first time through. Not sure which ones I missed.
Guys, I plugged my lamp in and it's just flashing... is it defective?
There are some in optional acts
Amazon still hasn't shipped my damn guide
Nah dawg, it's telling u it's RAVE TIME
So finished the game on normal, and it is a fun game, there is no denying.
Some quick thoughts:
The story was interesting to follow but felt more like a comic story than the typical Kojima epic.
Are there any character action games with that? I just know Ys, Castlevania and Megaman games have it.
Hey all.
My mgs rising LE plasma lamp stopped working. The blue lights at the bottom just flash now, the touch isn't working at all. Anyone?
Might want to call them about it. I actually got my guide in today.
how many stages are left? I just beatsundowner
Yay! Just beaton Hard, no damage. I love this fight. Achievement get!Jetstream Sam
Kinda neat, in the Chapter Select, it actually says "No Damage" above your rank.
Still only got an A rank. lol.
Put in Konami code and started on very hard right off the back. First encounter in the demo area got wrecked by the gorilla thing, bouught defensive offensive to tested against the grab and beat him loving the challenge.
I'm in deep shit (File R-04 Spoilers)Sundowner boss battle and I have no nano-paste, help!
I'm in deep shit (File R-04 Spoilers)Sundowner boss battle and I have no nano-paste, help!
EDIT:wrong boss
This is probably a dumb question but I don't understand how the custom weapons work. Do they just come out during combos sometimes when you have them equipped? Or is there a way to only use that weapon?
The custom weapons replace your kick/heavy attacks
The custom weapons replace your kick/heavy attacks
In the Rex fight early on I remember not taking any perceivable damage but not getting the bonus. I think what actually happened was I got hit by a stray bullet during its sprays and unknowingly healed myself when it dropped some health items.Is it possible to not get the No Damage Bonus in a fight? Or is this a glitch? I don't think I can get an S rank on this fight on Very Hard without the bonus.
In the Rex fight early on I remember not taking any perceivable damage but not getting the bonus. I think what actually happened was I got hit by a stray bullet during its sprays and unknowingly healed myself when it dropped some health items.
Which is kinda stupid. I dunno why they didn't make them a "main weapon" like Ninja Gaiden's weapon selection.
Again another thing they could copy from the king of the Action genre but didn't for the sake of "being different" but just being clunky as hell with it.
So weird to be hacking with light attacks and then doing a huge sweeping attack with strong attack for having that Dwarf Gekko weapon equipped.
My only complaint is the messy camera... And maybe a little more deep combat system, altough I even have grasped the basics in my first walkthrough....
Welcome to action games.
The part where he shakes hands with Raiden... I was laughing...For God's Sake, they completely lost it.
Not an excuse. Bayonetta has pretty much a perfect camera.
And it's not like MGR's camera is totally broken. If it's pulled back a few feet, raised up just a bit, and phases THROUGH the environment instead of bumping up against walls it would've been great.
For what it's worth, the speech of Armstrong is wat and strangely entertaining at the same time.
But that's pretty much the most polished and refined action game to date.
I honestly didn't have much of a problem with MGR's camera, its not that difficult to deal with. It can be frustrating when it gets too close and is hard to locate enemies, but it doesn't happen that often.
IMO Rising's only problem is that PlatinumGames' didn't have enough time to perfect it.
The only cutscenes I didn't bother to skip my second time around. Seriously, that character is up there as one of the more ridiculously entertaining in the series.When he helps Raiden up and dusts him off and then embraces him like a prodigal son I lost my shit. Senator Hulk must come back in a sequel, somehow.
That entire part was entertaining as hell. Even the startThe only cutscenes I didn't bother to skip my second time around. Seriously, that character is up there as one of the more ridiculously entertaining in the series.When he helps Raiden up and dusts him off and then embraces him like a prodigal son I lost my shit. Senator Hulk must come back in a sequel, somehow.
So I pretty much used that framing exploit to get the fox blade and it is soooooo sweet.
what is this blade, and where do i get it?
i just gotafter the playthrough.muramasa
well the camera is not broken, but i felt, that it was less good than in bayonetta.
also the lock-on button didnt work out well.