dopple post -__-
no wooden sword for me, whats special about it?
Has this been posted yet?
Amazon France seems to be listing Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance for PC. They had leaked that there would be a PC version of Sonic Generations this way on the past.
Although seeing GTA V listed there as well for PC makes me doubt that they know what they're doing at all.
Does disgustingly low damage but can dizzy enemies sort of often if upgraded enough. It's really weak though like you can't even zandatsu with it.
ha ha wow, its like the anti-thesis of the Fox Blade in every way!
Last BossHow in the GOOD FUCK do I cut the debris he throws at me, at my wits end here
actually it doesn't, you just don't know how to use it efficiently, nothing wrong with that, its not spelled out.The giant scissors suck as a weapon and the Sai isn't super great, which kind of sucks because the spear is fantastic.
Anyone know why I didn't get an S ranking for the Sundowner battle?
I didn't take any damage, did it pretty quickly. My max combo was 22.
I got an A, which negates the 11 other S's so I have to do the WHOLE FUCKING MISSION again![]()
I feel like the camera is actively conspiring against my attempts to have fun. There's so much to like here, but holy shit the camera is atrocious.
So is there a new game plus? Or do I just start a new file?
you got a no damage bonus for sure?
Anyone know why I didn't get an S ranking for the Sundowner battle? On Revengeance mode ?
I didn't take any damage, did it pretty quickly. My max combo was 22.
I got an A, which negates the 11 other S's so I have to do the WHOLE FUCKING MISSION again![]()
Beat my first run last night on Hard. The game is pretty good albeit short. I wish it actually went on a bit longer and there was a little more variety in enemies but what was there was pretty good. The story was fairly simple and easy to understand but it lacked the character interaction and exposition to really help it. I spent a few hours on the last boss because he hit so hard and I had only 1 Healing pack. I couldn't get the damn cutting down correctly for awhile too, woof. It's a pretty good boss fight though otherwise.
The giant scissors suck as a weapon and the Sai isn't super great, which kind of sucks because the spear is fantastic.
Overall, I like the game but I am a bit disappointed with it because of its length and could've used a bit more variety.
USE BOTH ANALOG STICKS to adjust the guideline
and QUICK CUT with the attack buttons don't try try to pull the analog stick back or any of that nonsense, it takes a few moments to line it up, but its EXTREMELY forgiving.
follow that to the letter, and you'll be fine and you'll get 4 health packs/nano pastes a few moments later when the debris drops.
actually it doesn't, you just don't know how to use it efficiently, nothing wrong with that, its not spelled out.
Final boss: Also quick question, when he starts regaining health, you just have to slow mo from behind right? Or do you have to line that up as well? I thought you just attacked from the back but then suddenly I tried again and he destroyed me.
Struggling with Sundowner. Any tips? You have to perfectly align the blade on the highlighted parts is shield, right?
The charge attacks for the Pincer Blades grant you super armor and knocks enemies the fuck down. The Sai's purple attacks stun everything and make the GRADs a joke.
You need 50 hits for the max combo bonus, which is pretty doable if you juggle him with the launcher and ground light attacks.
Here's a good tip for Revengeance mode S-Ranking: BACK UP YOUR SAVES! Before any boss fight, go back to title, copy your current file onto another file. That way if you fuck up, you can just reload that back-up file instead of doing EVERYTHING all over again.
I BEAT HIIIIIIIIM!!! YESSSS! After an hour, too. Jesus... I swear the first half of the fight you have to get the right pattern you want to do as much damage as possible. It's so RNG at the start it's not even funny.
Once you get the first boulder sequence right, you HAVE to play it pretty damn safe. Stunning him when you can before the first boulder sequence helps a lot, so keep mashing Square and then do a heavy attack right as he's about to be done charging a move. I was able to get him down to 155% health before the first boulder sequence would occur. Getting the QTE also helps get you there but I wouldn't rely on it.
Overall, aside from the huge difficulty spike at the end there I still love the game. Will I try Very Hard? Noooooo, except for unlocking stuff if need be. I don't even want to try Revengeance without fully upgrading Raiden. And even then, I don't think I'm going to play through the story again in full for at least a week. I'm just gonna work on upgrading Raiden via chapter select.
Final boss: Also quick question, when he starts regaining health, you just have to slow mo from behind right? Or do you have to line that up as well? I thought you just attacked from the back but then suddenly I tried again and he destroyed me.
Appreciate the help but this is quickly approaching controller breaking territory for me
Struggling with Sundowner. Any tips? You have to perfectly align the blade on the highlighted parts is shield, right?
4 nanopastess/health packs are the difference between spending 30 minutes on that boss battle and spending 2 hours on it.t
Struggling with Sundowner. Any tips? You have to perfectly align the blade on the highlighted parts is shield, right?
THE FINAL BOSS IS THE BEST FINAL BOSS EVER. I've been slow to complete this game since I've been busy lately, but holy smokes! Just finished it last night and seriously, this is the most delightfully batshit INSANE that Metal Gear has EVER been.
The final boss is a friggin', fighting you friggin'Tea Party nutjob with nano-tech hardening his skin in response to physical trauma, unleashing friggin'barechested in the wreck of Metal Gear ExcelsiusThank god for the last one, though -- Blade Mode just a few of the targets in each row that pops up to split the incoming projectile, and then thwack the boss himself to reap lots of repair nanopaste. You don't have to line up the targets perfectly in Blade Mode, either -- just hit most of them each time and you'll split his projectile, and then spam horizontal or vertical strikes to hit the boss himself. Other than that, simply using dodge (X+Square) to repeatedly circle the boss and backing off a bit when he fires up is key to success. Oh, and using Circle to pick up your goddamn sword when you lose it -- took me a moment to fgure that out, lol.LAVA FLOWS and FIRE WAVES and GIANT BUNDLES OF SHIT.
But holy shit, I wish I could rewatch his cutscenes in game, he really was an obscenely awesome character, the sort of villainous shitface you'd dismiss as absurdist fan fiction if it weren't in an actual game, and yet when it IS in an actual game, it's pure unbridled awesomeness. I'm replaying that shit today, goddamn.
I mean yeah, you want to do the first boulder sequence to get the 4 nanopastes. I'm saying that's what I did. The second, third, or fourth time he does the boulder sequence though I didn't take any chances and just avoided doing them.
Also, it should be noted that on Hard if you have 160% life (fully upgraded through the customization and one extra Endurance from a chapter) can live a boulder sequence if you fuck up; leaving you with 10% life left. So the boulder sequence isn't exactly an OHKO.
THE FINAL BOSS IS THE BEST FINAL BOSS EVER. I've been slow to complete this game since I've been busy lately, but holy smokes! Just finished it last night and seriously, this is the most delightfully batshit INSANE that Metal Gear has EVER been.
The final boss is a friggin', fighting you friggin'Tea Party nutjob with nano-tech hardening his skin in response to physical trauma, unleashing friggin'barechested in the wreck of Metal Gear ExcelsiusThank god for the last one, though -- Blade Mode just a few of the targets in each row that pops up to split the incoming projectile, and then thwack the boss himself to reap lots of repair nanopaste. You don't have to line up the targets perfectly in Blade Mode, either -- just hit most of them each time and you'll split his projectile, and then spam horizontal or vertical strikes to hit the boss himself. Other than that, simply using dodge (X+Square) to repeatedly circle the boss and backing off a bit when he fires up is key to success. Oh, and using Circle to pick up your goddamn sword when you lose it -- took me a moment to fgure that out, lol.LAVA FLOWS and FIRE WAVES and GIANT BUNDLES OF SHIT.
But holy shit, I wish I could rewatch his cutscenes in game, he really was an obscenely awesome character, the sort of villainous shitface you'd dismiss as absurdist fan fiction if it weren't in an actual game, and yet when it IS in an actual game, it's pure unbridled awesomeness. I'm replaying that shit today, goddamn.
It's funny how every day this thread gets a bunch of posts which either go "WORST FINAL BOSS EVER, FUCK" or "BEST FINAL BOSS EVER, OMG" with a bunch of people agreeing with either type of post. I can't wait to get there myself, but it sure sounds divisive! Lol.
It's funny how every day this thread gets a bunch of posts which either go "WORST FINAL BOSS EVER, FUCK" or "BEST FINAL BOSS EVER, OMG" with a bunch of people agreeing with either type of post. I can't wait to get there myself, but it sure sounds divisive! Lol.
Back then, the game was still called Metal Gear Solid Rising, and it was going to take place between Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4. The idea was to make an open world game were Raiden could go explore and undertake various assassination missions. However, the team didnt manage to succeed in combining all the different ideas in a coherent game.
Kojima cancelled the game, and Platinum Games started over. Some elements of the orginal concept were still used though, such as Shinkawas character designs and the Zandatsu and cut at will mechanics.
Kojima has praised the Assassins Creed series several times, and references to the games could be found in Metal Gear Solid 4 (Altair costume) and Peace Walker. Assassins Creed II also featured an unlockable Raiden costume.
The original script for the game, about how Raiden became a cyborg somewhere between Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, still exists, and Kojima doesnt exclude the possibility of it still being made into a game in the future, although there are no concrete plans at the moment.
Fucking impossible. Just went from I love this game to this game is getting traded in within the next hour. Fuck.
He's really tough, but just remember this:It's funny how every day this thread gets a bunch of posts which either go "WORST FINAL BOSS EVER, FUCK" or "BEST FINAL BOSS EVER, OMG" with a bunch of people agreeing with either type of post. I can't wait to get there myself, but it sure sounds divisive! Lol.
dude, are you adjusting with both analog sticks? and hitting the attack button to cut when you get it as close as you can? you don't have to be exact, just in the general direction, the 4 nanopastes you get will get you through the rest,just remember to blade mode cut his back where the red square is to stop his regenerating..
Just bumping this to the next page to hopefully help some people with the last boss.He's really tough, but just remember this:
+ When he charges up with fire, quickly hit him a few times and then back the fuck off since he's about unleash one of several area attacks.
+ If the fire attack is a blast, keep running, because he usually shoots a second one.
+ After most fire attacks -- especially the ones where he's behind a wall of flame -- he'll burst through the flame, closing the distance between you and him in a lunging strike. In other words, be ready to parry.
+ When he's trying to tackle you, dodge with X+Square, tapping left or right while doing so to circle around him. He'll never grab you this way, and you'll stay close enough to keep hitting him.
+ He'll heal himself back to 200% health at least two times during the battle. Stop him with Blade Mode.
+ When he throws his massive projectile -- RELAX, and use Blade Mode. You'll have to swipe it several times, cutting along a string of four targets each time, similar to Sundowner's shields. Thing is, you only need to hit the majority of the targets. Then be ready to hit the boss himself, who will be right behind his projectile -- just spam horizontal or vertical strikes to smack his face. You'll get repair nanopaste this way.
+ When you drop your sword, you can pick it up with Circle.
It's funny how every day this thread gets a bunch of posts which either go "WORST FINAL BOSS EVER, FUCK" or "BEST FINAL BOSS EVER, OMG".
Fucking impossible. Just went from I love this game to this game is getting traded in within the next hour. Fuck.
Just bumping this to the next page to hopefully help some people with the last boss.
+ He'll heal himself back to 200% health at least two times during the battle. Just let him heal.