At least you don't have to redo the entire chapter because the game suddenly decided "hey, fuck you".R-04 is the only one I'm having problems with, and it's fucking annoying me. This stupid fucking Sundowner fight.
I'm so angry
At least you don't have to redo the entire chapter because the game suddenly decided "hey, fuck you".
This is so true.
We've been able to blend audio tracks for so long now, there's no reason this shouldn't be standard.
If you are developing a game with boss fights and you don't have lyrics kick in as shit gets real then you should just take your game and throw it in the garbage. you're on notice, devs
Fuck the fuckin camera in this video game.
At least you don't have to redo the entire chapter because the game suddenly decided "hey, fuck you".
Just spent the last 45 minutes trying to get Gold on VR Mission 1.
Finally S-Ranked R05.
It was actually manageable knowing the scores - I could buff up the other areas to ensure an S.
Now to somehow get a 50 hit combo in File R06. Anyone got any tips on that one? :/
Maybe I don't have enough testosterone in my blood to figure out the final boss,I'm still trying to figure out the best strategy for the first phase. Parrying doesn't seem to have too much of a payoff and running + dash only works with varying degrees.
I'm also completely out of Nanopaste ):
Maybe I don't have enough testosterone in my blood to figure out the final boss,I'm still trying to figure out the best strategy for the first phase. Parrying doesn't seem to have too much of a payoff and running + dash only works with varying degrees.
I'm also completely out of Nanopaste ):
Screw the combo. Go into it with 5 nanopastes, then just make sure to pick up 2 more in the arena and they'll be converted to BP. The nanopastes are I'm boxes in front and behind where you start. That'll get you an S rank if you don't get hit.
I friggin love the care Platinum Games put on their soundtracks.
Not just the quality of the songs, but their implementation in the game.
I friggin love the care Platinum Games put on their soundtracks.
Not just the quality of the songs, but their implementation in the game.
Yeah, they suck live.
If Im mid combo, how do I cancel so I can parry?
Much easier to go no damage up until the first check point then get him down to 30% then ride it out until he jumps off and grabs the pilar to swing at you. When he does two cyborgs appear. Zendatsu at least one of them and no damage the rest until sundowner is dead.You need 50 hits to get the full combo bonus on the Sundowner fight lol.
The combo requirement in general is completely fucking awful, it was the sole reason I didn't get an S-Rank in a lot of the game's fights. The requirement makes even less sense in subsequent playthroughs since you get much stronger, thus kill things much faster <_<
Platinum plz v_v
Yea when you hear it over and over again for three hours on end it gets engrainedOh God does anyone else have the last boss music permanently engraved on their brain?
Yeah, they suck live.
Are there any strategies on RPG mofos that don't consist of rushing straight to them and losing half your health in the process?
Ninja run + heavy attack = slide kick.
Yeah but I eat 1 or 2 rockes everytime before getting close to them.
Or do you mean that I can dodge rockets by sliding?
I found this out the hard way. Shit sucks.
Anyone know where I can find the health/battery upgrades in levels? I can't seem to find it online.
You should be able to dodge rockets by jumping or sliding, depending on the direction of the rocket. Sliding is also an effective way to close in on them when you're within range, to interrupt them while they're trying to fire another one.
For the codec trophy do you have to listen to all of the codecs in one single playthrough or can you go back and listen to the calls you missed while skipping the calls that you heard?
Was pretty sure I listened to as many as I could but I've missed some along the way apparently.
I made a mini-guide for this one.
Don't fast forward through the conversations. D: They are pretty well done.