Pie and Beans
Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I'm sure that Omi Gibson chick will oblige with some ridiculously professional cosplay:

I can't wait to see the high quality cosplay from this.
Mistral please.
Does this game have a similar type of backflip to Bayonetta? (The one that activates slow mo witch time). Would help dodging immensely.
Does this game have a similar type of backflip to Bayonetta? (The one that activates slow mo witch time). Would help dodging immensely.
How do you avoid Ray's horizontal beam? Started up Very Hard with ass Raiden, those fucking Fenrirs. They were everywhere and nowhere
When you ninja run the first beam, keep on running. Fenrirs you can skip past them. If you're going against them head on... pull them back to the first area.
So I got the trophies for beating Sundowner and Sam without taking damage. Sundowner was SO FUCKING EASY, holy crap. Sam was a pain in the ass until I got the blocking down. Pincer's help massively during his sword-less phase. Block > single hit from Pincer for like 10% damage, repeat. The last phase of his fight kept catching me out though due to the shit camera and not fully knowing where to block when he comes at you from the sky.
Anyway,left and while I can do the first and third (the arena fight) segments without getting hit, for some reason I can't block his big kick at the end of the second which initiates the cutscene. I can survive the two minutes required without taking a hit but then he comes at you with this unblockable kick (but glows red?) which I try to block. It then initiates the cutscene and I can't restart the second segment anymore (meaning I have to replay the whole level again each time).Armstrong's
Are you supposed to dodge that kick or is it supposed to happen to initiate the next stage? If so, then what the fuck is happening and why am I not getting the trophy? I literally take NO damage from the first and third stages of the fight.
There's a really easy way to cheese the wolves, slide attack into the RPG guy to try and trigger slow-mo Blade Mode, then when you cut him up click and hold the left stick to move around while still in Blade Mode and start swiping at the wolves. You have infinite Blade Mode as long as you don't release.
There's a lock-on button? That would have been nice to know.
how do people get through the game without ever looking at the control option page.
Next time play the tutorial.
It's also in the manual.
I did.
Also, it's 2013. I didn't even consider it might have a manual. After taking the disc out the box my attention was taken up by the Cyborg Ninja code.
For any Platinum game, check the control options. They use ALL ZE BUTTONZ.
Pick the one with the controller which fits you the best.What version would you guys recommend, or are the differences pretty negligible? Thinking about picking this up this afternoon.
Okay guys, its gonna be a while before I can get this game, but I can't wait.
Can someone please tell me ifJust a yes or noSolidus is in this game?![]()
Can someone please tell me ifJust a yes or noSolidus is in this game?![]()
Damn the patriots!
It's funny how the world goes to shit even moreso with the Patriots gone. :lol
Do I need to collect all the commander left arms/listen to all the codecs in single playthrough or is it OK if I collect them by just replaying chapters?
I'm sure that Omi Gibson chick will oblige with some ridiculously professional cosplay:
It's funny how the world goes to shit even moreso with the Patriots gone. :lol
So is Wolf just the Blade Wolf boss rebuilt by Maverick, or a new unit based on Blade Wolf's design? He kinda came out of nowhere, I imagine it was probably explained in a codec conversation.
Could someone with the guide post some pictures and tell me how good it is compared to the bayo one?
I took some shit photos of the CE Guide. Someone asked, so here they are. I have finished the game 100% now, so it's useless to me, but a nice item to have haha. The blade on the front is shiny *.* as is the Japanese character on the back. It kind of reacted with the camera in a weird way.
So is Wolf just the Blade Wolf boss rebuilt by Maverick, or a new unit based on Blade Wolf's design? He kinda came out of nowhere, I imagine it was probably explained in a codec conversation.
The last boss is actually very doable once I discovered how to, well, dodge. That nice little backstep/slash combo that Platinum didn't bother to inform me I was capable of doing is REALLY FUCKING HANDY.
Like I could have obliterated the game on normal with that thing.
It's Blade Wolf (same brain) in either his rebuilt body or a Fenrir one. I'm not sure which.
Where did you get your guide Nemesis?
You can buy them here (Australia) through JB Hi-Fi, though I forgot to cancel my order after my Amazon one so now I have two ;_;
Didn't know JB had the collector's. I thought I'd be clever and order from Bookdepository but they dicked me by pushing back the release date after the release date and now I'm still waiting for them to send it lol
At least I'm saving a few bucks.
1) You bought the move. 2) There's a movelist.
But congrats on beating it anyway!