Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
That's interesting. I saw the little prompt at the beginning of gameplay in the demo about Combat Basics and never actually followed it, but I did do some codec conversations.

And now you see why games are starting to suck when decisions are based on idiots in a focus testing group. You didn't do the tutorial, then complained on the internet that the game was too hard to learn...


If you return to the title screen after a checkpoint save during a mission, you start at that checkpoint right?

Also what's with this left arm thing? Is it applicable to all enemies or only some? What does it do exactly?

if you cut enemy limbs (legs, forearms) the game gives you extra bp.
Some soldiers will give you dogtags, if you cut their left arm (You know it, because it becomes red in blade mode)


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
if you cut enemy limbs (legs, forearms) the game gives you extra bp.
Some soldiers will give you dogtags, if you cut their left arm (You know it, because it becomes red in blade mode)

What do the dog tags do? Just collectables? Also I guess I shouldn't be going hogwild with square and triangle in blade mode and should actually take the time to aim :lol.


I hope Zavvi dispatches my LE tomorrow. I'm getting worried.
I wish the LE wasn't Zavvi exclusive. I'd rather order from anywhere but them but I need me my LE.
I keep getting emails from them being all 'yo sorry we've not dispatched the game you have preordered'
Been getting them since late jan, like one every few days.


You definitely should.

Bayonetta and Vanquish are both two of the "games of the generation".


Just done my first few missions on vanquish. Seems excellent so far. The controls are superb. Not quite sure about the non existent story but that's a minor gripe when it seems this much balls out action.


And now you see why games are starting to suck when decisions are based on idiots in a focus testing group. You didn't do the tutorial, then complained on the internet that the game was too hard to learn...

I'm talking about a tiny HUD pop up that shows up after the first cutscene in the demo, which is itself after the Blade Mode tutorial. The part where Raiden lands on the beach. That's why I said the beginning of gameplay, not the beginning of the demo. I'm well aware of the "Would you like to play the tutorial?" prompt at the beginning of the demo and I followed it and got the truncated Blade Mode section with some boxes and pop-up targets to cut.

You seem to be on a strange quest to insult people in this thread who aren't actually saying anything bad about a game you clearly love. The tutorial in the demo is trimmed down and as a result many of us missed a key mechanic. It's really not that big of a deal.


Just done my first few missions on vanquish. Seems excellent so far. The controls are superb. Not quite sure about the non existent story but that's a minor gripe when it seems this much balls out action.
I like to think of Vanquish's story like Mario.
Nobody says Super Mario Bros. sucks because the story is non-existent.

Vanquish is basically an arcade game, zero narrative except to contextualize the gameplay.


I like to think of Vanquish's story like Mario.
Nobody says Super Mario Bros. sucks because the story is non-existent.

Vanquish is basically an arcade game, zero narrative except to contextualize the gameplay.

Totally agree. Like I said seems excellent so far. Probably wont play it again until after I've finished revengeance (which is incoming Thursday)but good to know ive got another solid title to play. :)

Not played Bayonetta either. I know I know its crazy talk but I genuinely was in a gaming lull when that was released and from then on never got round to it. Wife having kids got in the way!


What do the dog tags do? Just collectables? Also I guess I shouldn't be going hogwild with square and triangle in blade mode and should actually take the time to aim :lol.

yes collectables.
A lot of people i see on youtube, go crazy with blade mode. I think that's useless, I prefere two precise cuts, one for the arms the other for the legs, but yeah sometimes is fun.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
You seem to be on a strange quest to insult people in this thread who aren't actually saying anything bad about a game you clearly love. The tutorial in the demo is trimmed down and as a result many of us missed a key mechanic. It's really not that big of a deal.

I'm not on any kind of quest. I've been working in and around the games industry long enough to know when a game gets ruined because people are unwilling to "learn how to play." It was really refreshing to finally see a game that offers you tutorials but wants you to learn by doing.

How was this game received? By people who complain that it's too hard, and by games "journalists" who use this as an opportunity to create posts bashing the game's lack of tutorials, or who knock down the game's score because "it's too hard to learn."

The proper way to play the game is taught, how else would everyone who has already beaten it have done so?
I wanted to ask about those chips you are supposed to collect. I kept trying tin the demo but I don't think I got any. You specifically have to cut off the left hand correct? How do you know you got i?


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Done with this broken game. The parry system is fucking garbage.

Also, Armstrong is a cheating mofo.

What's wrong with the parry system >_>? I seem to be pulling it off fine 90+% of the time.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh shit Raiden can double pull cores as a base skill

Oh shit he has a backwards walking animation during walk and talk sequences.

RIP in Peace Moonwalker Raiden


I wanted to ask about those chips you are supposed to collect. I kept trying tin the demo but I don't think I got any. You specifically have to cut off the left hand correct? How do you know you got i?
Only some enemies have left hands worth collecting, and there aren't any in the demo. The full game teaches you about it a little ways in.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wait, I can't equip the Grey Fox skin from the first chapter after the opening despite DLC pre-order bonus? WTF Konami. :|


I wanted to ask about those chips you are supposed to collect. I kept trying tin the demo but I don't think I got any. You specifically have to cut off the left hand correct? How do you know you got i?

In the full game, when you activate blade mode their left hand is a different color, and a highlighted area is where you're supposed to cut. If you do it right, the arm falls off (highlighted in green) then you pick it up. Even if you restart, the hand is already part of your collection.

The easiest way is to run the AR scan (up on the dpad); enemies that have special items like the hands will have a blinking diamond. Data storage will be listed as well.

Li Kao

Ok Gaf, help me here. I just tried the demo and had a cerebral attack, no other way to say it.
I followed the tutorial, I read the fucking dialogs, I'm a good boy... and for the life of me I have been mauled to many times to count by the two ***. And when I passed them, I just had to stop and forfeit at the first boss (?).

I didn't understand the parry system evidently, and should retry with that in mind, but still. The game is a fucking mess camera-wise, and when the camera don't fuck me up I can't seem to memorize this damned control layout.

I'm not bashing the game or trolling, I have been gaming for year and never felt that hopeless. Will mastering the parry system change the game from brick wall to normal experience ?

Serious question here, I just didn't understand what I was doing. And was under the impression that the camera and button layout was fighting me.


Hey guys, how would someone in NA get the EU limited edition figurine?

Wtf we get a stupid lamp??? Well, it's sorta cool I guess.
The game just got here and I'm already 60% done with the install! I can't wait to play. It'll probably make my doing homework a lot more difficult, but I want to at least play a little bit today.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Ok Gaf, help me here. I just tried the demo and had a cerebral attack, no other way to say it.
I followed the tutorial, I read the fucking dialogs, I'm a good boy... and for the life of me I have been mauled to many times to count by the two ***. And when I passed them, I just had to stop and forfeit at the first boss (?).

I didn't understand the parry system evidently, and should retry with that in mind, but still. The game is a fucking mess camera-wise, and when the camera don't fuck me up I can't seem to memorize this damned control layout.

I'm not bashing the game or trolling, I have been gaming for year and never felt that hopeless. Will mastering the parry system change the game from brick wall to normal experience ?

Serious question here, I just didn't understand what I doing. And was under the impression that the camera and button layout was fighting me.

Getting better at the parrying system will make your time with this game much more enjoyable. However the shit camera being so close to Raiden make off-screen attacks inevitable a lot of the time, you just have to get used to it.


So Best Buy just delivered the Xbox 360 version of the LE to me.

I don't own an Xbox.

Screw you, Best Buy, and the horse you rode in on.

you are the third known GAF incident of delivering the wrong version of the LE today

crazy :\

I seem to be the only one so far for whom they haven't pulled the switcheroo
Aww fuck, the first level is hypeeeeee. How can this game top that? Can't wait to get back into it.

EDIT: So I can't use the pre-order code yet. I'm guessing it's because PSN hasn't updated yet. This was a couple hours ago, btw.
you are the third known GAF incident of delivering the wrong version of the LE today

crazy :

I seem to be the only one so far for whom they haven't pulled the switcheroo

That's simply abhorrent. I'm looking at the receipt right now; it clearly says "PlayStation 3."

How can such a major corporation screw up so royally? They'd better pay for every penny of shipping there and back or else I'm going to get unreasonably upset.


It is now in my hands. Nothing will stop me, not even all of these bars that need to fill up for my PS3 to play it.


I hope Zavvi dispatches my LE tomorrow. I'm getting worried.
I wish the LE wasn't Zavvi exclusive. I'd rather order from anywhere but them but I need me my LE.
I keep getting emails from them being all 'yo sorry we've not dispatched the game you have preordered'
Been getting them since late jan, like one every few days.

I'm in the same situation, however, Zavvi have always got bigger packages to me on or before release day. MGS HD Limited Edition, RE Revelations + CCP, and Kid Icarus all arrived well packaged before release so I've still go faith I'll have it by friday. I get those emails too, I wouldn't worry about it.


That's simply abhorrent. I'm looking at the receipt right now; it clearly says "PlayStation 3."

How can such a major corporation screw up so royally? They'd better pay for every penny of shipping there and back or else I'm going to get unreasonably upset.

You ain't kiddin' :(

Did you pay full price for it or get the LE bump on your standard pre-order (like some of us)? If the former, there really isn't any excuse for this nonsense. I think the other two were upgraded so they're slightly concerned about contacting Best Buy after the fact.
Here's an amusing anecdote for you all:

I just got off the phone with a Best Buy representitive who says that the Best Buy Canada warehouse is currently aaaaaaaaaaaall sold out of PS3 LEs, and that they can't exchange my worthless Xbox 360 LE for the PS3 one I payed full cash for. They offered to exchange just the game itself, but screw them. If they're literally going to rob me of something I payed for, I'm not giving them the time of day.

I am unbelievably upset right now. I can't even play my most anticipated game of the year on launch day because some bumbling fool screwed up an order that was clearly wrong in just about the most important way.

I'm going to take a rage-nap now, and I don't know when I'm going to wake up again.
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