Red Blaster
VR missions really show just how fucking trash the camera of this game is
I feel that cancelling is cheap, I always have. If something can't be consistently beaten with the base combos/moveset, something is wrong. I can't be bothered to fight something 50 times to learn every one of its attacks and the exact frames where I need to parry -- I don't have the patience for that anymore.
It's also a problem I have with higher difficulties in general, which basically devolves to: enemies do massive damage/stuns, are faster, and have greatly increased health -- meaning: Get hit, get fucked. It's no fun and it's not challenging in the least.
For Monsoon's really fast flurry when he's glowing, what's the proper way to parry?
Hold toward him and keep pressing square after every hit.
Remash toward/square after every hit.
I've done both and the results are inconsistent.
Any spoilers in the link?
Fuuuuuuuu beautiful. 8x10, right? I'd totally frame that.Ok got all the item collectables now woohoo~
Also have you guys tried the dodge move while Raiden has no sword? Pretty cool.
Just got all the VR missions done with Gold rank!
19 was easily my favorite,
I seriously contemplated tearing off my scrotum and throwing myself in front of a bus during those two missions (18 and 19). So infuriating.
But now that I think about it, 19 was so manageable once you got down a proper strategy. I was just running in crazily slashing shit.
Then again, the end of 19 I swear was borked for me somehow. Four fucking dogs and me being able to take them down one at a time without any interruption? Something was definitely up for me tbh.
I did it first try
18 was more challenging until I learned to use the Sai to stunlock.
I'm watching a Japanese guy use the Sai on Monsoon and it's working in place of the EMP grenade. Obviously, you can't use that the first time you fight him.
OMFG same fucking deal with Mistral, didn't get the no damage combo. Except this time it's ruining my S-rank run of Misson 1.![]()
Hmm. You know, maybe that was my biggest shortcoming with Rising overall. I didn't use Dystopia in the game once.
I understand right now that it's properties are quite useful in the game, particularly VR missions and the like. But it's too late for all that now.
I just abused the slide and kick follow-up to stall Fenrir during that 18th VR mission. It was ridiculous. Also pretty funny how fucking easy the GRAD was following that wave. And the wave of four dwarf gekko? WTF. lol
You can cancel his Plasma Cannon charge by just running up to his face which will force him to attack you. Either he throws those Kunai which you can use to stun or kill the Hammer dudes or he'll attack which you can easily Parry.
Is it possible to do unlocked difficulty modes without your upgrades carrying on?
on very hard now but I feel to overpowered crushing bosses in less then a few minutes
Mind blown that you can parry Monsoon's Magnet Wheel of Death. This guy is teaching me shit and he's only had the game since Friday in Japan.
Mmhmm. I wrote this several pages back - well, I wrote my own strategy.
Basically used the kunai as a weapon against the hammer dickheads, so I could focus on Fenrir himself (as he was the one giving me the most trouble). Then just kept baiting him to do the plasma cannon, then running up close, slide kicking, and hammering him with L'Etranger. Rinse and repeat.
Seriously though, during that dwarf gekko wave I was seriously having palpitations (having just beaten the asshole I spent hours trying to top) and expected something else to jump out and just kill me.
I had a strange glitch where I kicked mistral off the oil tanker and she fell into oblivion...I was stuck fighting dwarf geckos for five minutes before I restarted
I hope you followed the wise man's advice in this thread earlier. Back up your save for bosses.
Except with Mistral, the dwarves sometimes drop auto-replenishing health pick-ups. Definitely didn't grab any?
Cancelling is in, like, almost every single action game ever. I don't know why you have such issue with it - it's built into the combat system. It's not accidentally implemented by the developer. The tools are provided to you by the person who crafted the game, what's your issue with it?
I'm not telling you to fight something 50 times or whatever - you don't have to make this a game of trial and error as well as memory / recall. Just use logic. I honestly don't mean to sound like an asshole when I say this - but you need to think quickly and react appropriately. Some people aren't equipped to do this on the fly, while others require repetition and trial/error to learn patterns. I guess you fall somewhere in between?
This might sound really fucking random as well but sleep on it and take a break. Multiple times I've been having a hard time and then woken up the next morning and absolutely slayed the situation. It might help you. Sleep is the consolidation of everything we've learned throughout the day, you know![]()
On the odd occasion where I do slip, my *general* rule with parrying (especially in a situation like Monsoon where perfection isn't as necessary as say, surviving or taking no damage) is to parry immediately after I hear and see my first parry connect.
So, um, what is the idea with the Zendatsu in's fight? Pass the first part, but fail the second part because there's no hint on what you're supposed to do there. Might as well run rings around that fight and avoid doing that shit if there's no bonus for it right?Sundowner
So, um, what is the idea with the Zendatsu in's fight? Pass the first part, but fail the second part because there's no hint on what you're supposed to do there. Might as well run rings around that fight and avoid doing that shit if there's no bonus for it right?Sundowner
The hinges of the shield are blue cut them
I wonder how many people did the that fight but never saw the 2nd stage of it
The hinges of the shield are blue cut them
I wonder how many people did the that fight but never saw the 2nd stage of it
Oh, I see. Though that part seems waaaay too quick to manually blade mode those two in Zendatsu while also avoiding the damage.
I did it just dodging their attacks and leaving the helicopter alone. The stupid sequence where you have to avoid debris seems more annoying that doing that for the fight, but I didn't no damage since I'd go into Ripper mode and accidentally hit the shield at times.![]()
The game also has a "HEY IT'S THAT DOG" moment at the end, whenI knew I thought Sam was familiar.
The game also has a "HEY IT'S THAT DOG" moment at the end, when.Wolfy appears with Sam's sword
Just wanna pop in and say every boss theme expect Ray's is godlike.
I don't usually listen to this type of music, but man it's soooooo good.
I'm also experimenting with subweapons now, which can also be enhanced. Any input guides for them? I fully upgraded them but I am not sure how all the moves work. It seems the pole has a forward-forward attack and back-forward attack, and there's a spin-around-the-pole move, Matrix Reloaded-style, but I'm not sure how I'm doing it.
How are people using unique weapons in the VR missions? I can't select anything.
Press left or right on the dpad. Some missions don't allow you to change weapons btw.
Nah, I'm not going learn to do any cancels or shit like that. If a player has to learn and rely on something like taking advantage of cancels/invincibility frames... something's wrong with your game. Things like that should not be nearly required to play a game.
Be aggressive? The thing constantly fires machineguns, heavy munitions, and the stupid fucking slow-ass-rockets-that-stick-around-for-way-too-long. I try to do anything other than run away from those? Hit. Stunlocked. Every time.
I parry like a madman but the game decides to just fuck me over or not do anything at all sometimes, not even allowing me to block. The GRAD does that clearly telegraphed downward headbutt thing -- it's completely random whether I parry it or even block it, it doesn't let me. Same timing, same direction, same everything, different results.
That's the main thing I hate about games like this; inconsistency. I do the same thing 100 times: I get 100 different results. Maybe my controller is messed up?
Thanks!Move lists are under "help" or "data" or something in the start menu. It'll only list sub-weapon inputs for the one you have equipped.
I'm not really digging the Pincer Blades. They're really slow and only do one move it seems. I mean it's good for air juggles, but why bother with them? The Sai and Polearm is far better.
Do you mean just hitting X and Square at the same time to do the sidestep dodge? And if you tap left or right, you will circle-dodge the enemy in that direction.I remember it being in the demo, but can't find it in the actual game:
How do you dodge roll? I bought the upgrade, but nothing seems to do it.
Use them with dodge offset.