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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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revolverjgw said:
It looks extremely varied. There are
the middle east portions that we've all seen of course, urban combat... MGS3-style jungle/forest/nature stalking is back... looks like there will be snowy or at least colder areas... there have been shots of a mansion interior that looks atmospheric... a European city with nice architecture... the game doesn't take place in a single self-contained area like Shadow Moses or the Big Shell, it's a globetrotting adventure apparently.

Ya that rocks to be a globetrotting adventure.
Truly, I want it to have all the "enviromental" philosophy of MGS1 & MGS3: facilities, houses, snow areas, jungle, steppes, rivers, mountainous areas, urban combat zones, swapms, lakes, etc....
Because it is the last chapter and because it has the best graphics among all the present MGS games, I'd like to have as much as edaphic/environmental variety as possible in this one.....
I am asking too much?


Costanza said:
Can someone make a pre-release spoiler thread and get that shit out of here? This is getting ridiculous.
Agreed. I don't want anything in this thread that isn't released by Kojima Productions.


Costanza said:
Can someone make a pre-release spoiler thread and get that shit out of here? This is getting ridiculous.

Yeah...well I suppose I shouldn't be checking this thread out to begin with. Something is bound to slip.

Actually someone mentioned the ending to GTA4 in the OT forum in some random thread, ruining it for me...I suppose I should stay away from GAF if I want an entirely unspoiled MGS experience...
Costanza said:
Can someone make a pre-release spoiler thread and get that shit out of here? This is getting ridiculous.

The spoilers from that guy that had the game were being discussed in that screenshot thread.


Is that Denholm in your avatar? From the IT Crowd? I almost didn't recognize him with the patch and 'stache :D
islewarrior said:
The difficulty in writing a review of this magnitude is the constant struggle to remain objective. There is so much good to say about this title and so very little negative that its one-sidedness might seem a bit unfounded to the reader; I assure you I will do my best in giving as balanced a perspective as I can without giving away too much information. The game undoubtedly captivates from the moment you place the disc into the Playstation 3 and does not let up for its thirty hour duration. Following an opening that literally left me rattled, I found myself having to put the controller down for a few minutes in order to properly gather my thoughts. Like any title affiliated with the name ‘Kojima’, Metal Gear Solid 4’s comprehensive story, exotic art direction, Hollywood-esque cut scenes, memorable characters, sharp dialogue, and overall quality surpasses anything yet seen on the Playstation 3, and quite possibly the past decade.

As many of you have seen from the dozens of Metal Gear Solid 4 trailers in the recent months, the Middle East has become a war-zone for private military companies vying for power in the region. Shells explode around you, tracers whiz by your head and soldiers gasp their dying breaths all while you take control of Solid Snake, the rapidly aging war-vet and his robotic sidekick, MKII. Stealth fans will take quite a liking to Otacon’s prototype robot; he’s an absolute blast to operate with the Dualshock 3 (MKII is no longer controlled using SixAxis) and is incredibly useful to reconnoiter areas out of Snake’s view. Snake also makes excellent use of his Octocamo suit, which blends into most any texture in the game’s expansive levels. For those who’d prefer to stand out like a sore thumb with guns a-blazing, the cover system proves advantageous and exceedingly useful. To summarize, the only film I can recall that has this intense an opening forty-five minutes is Saving Private Ryan.

its comments like this from reviewers that has me intrigued. it is not very often that you read about a huge emotional component in a video game.
this game could end up being very special. the kind of release that advances how games are designed and played.

Thanks for taking the time to give some serious impressions man the game sounds incredible and I look forward to your review.
Darkpen said:
To GAFers going to SF:

On friday, I'll make a thread for the official meetup:

We should try to meet up before they start making a line or something (hopefully, it won't be something like Kojima and gang being there all freaking day from morning). I want to have us organized and together in line. The reason for this is for a potential photo opportunity that has all of the GAFers together, perhaps behind kojipro.

And most of all, I want us saluting.

If someone's bringing a friend that isn't part of GAF, that'd help a lot for picture taking.

EDIT: I know everyone will be busy playing MGS4, but please try to find the thread. It'll be spoiler-free (hopefully).

I'll definitely be there. I live pretty close to SF so I can get there as early as we need to.
Oh man the cutscene in that video was amazing. Holy shit. Hearing
Snake say "Vamp..." just like in MGS2
jusssst about made me shit my pants.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Fuck these spoilers :mad:!
gahhhhh the black is scaring me.

Has anyone noticed the amoutn of FUD going on about MGS4 at other dumb places on the internets. Like people claiming it has 7 90 min cutscenes, the mandatory install is to install the cutscenes to the hdd. And for some reason since the PS3 uses blu ray it the install sizes should be smaller than 360 because the it has more space on the cd.....

Its the PATRIOTS I swear.


DemonSwordsman said:
gahhhhh the black is scaring me.

Has anyone noticed the amoutn of FUD going on about MGS4 at other dumb places on the internets. Like people claiming it has 7 90 min cutscenes, the mandatory install is to install the cutscenes to the hdd. And for some reason since the PS3 uses blu ray it the install sizes should be smaller than 360 because the it has more space on the cd.....

Its the PATRIOTS I swear.

They're trying to control the flow of digital information, only allowing content they see fit...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
... there are vids out now too -_-?


Seiken said:
... there are vids out now too -_-?
It's an "exclusive preview" of the game that was feature in a brit TV Show called Playr on Bravo channel (not the same American Bravo, it's sort of a Spike TV channel in UK).


instead of whining about spoilers how about you, y'know, don't highlight them. they're not to blame if you're so weak you can't resist them.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Zenith said:
instead of whining about spoilers how about you, y'know, don't highlight them. they're not to blame if you're so weak you can't resist them.
Get out of here.
Laurent said:
The second act of the game : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtGaodMD-2E

IT'S SPOILERIFIC, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE DON'T WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That cutscene in the video was actually on TV in the UK on the Playr show on Bravo (where it was captured from). Not too spoiler-ish really, nothing plot related.

Edit: Beaten, damn!

Was gobsmacked when they showed it though, nowhere's safe from MGS spoilers :lol
It's getting hard to resist reading the spoilers. Oh well. I'm almost done with MGS3 (just got tortured by Volgin) and I may replay Uncharted for the billionth time. That should eat up 5 days to make the days go by faster. :lol


stephendedalus said:
Props to the OP. Best OP in the history of OP's.

MGO related quandry: I feel terrible leaving Frog Unit for Fox Unit during the beta... I would like to return to Frog Unit and redeem myself by scoring many points and logging many hours... but only if I can be forgiven for my double agency! I AM SO SORRY FROGGIES! I HAVE BETRAYED THEE! Seriously though, I have felt bad since the beta went kaput. I only did it because the Foxes needed an extra player for the Konami match... which we didn't even play. Weep :(

So excited for the MGS4!

My heart will always RIBBIT.

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
11 fucking days :mad:


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
BeeDog said:

Wanna spoon to make the days fly by?
Just don't tell me any spoilers in bed, ok :(?


Seiken said:
Just don't tell me any spoilers in bed, ok :(?

I'll whisper some "svenska vaggvisor" (
Swedish lullabies
) instead. I might let the Youtube spoiler slip by as well!

If some Swede that works in a shop is reading this, help me grab a copy of this early and I'll pay in natura.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Kagari said:
Bah, I hope you're so tired when you start playing the game that you'll miss the intro :mad:
Oh man, I almost highlighted the spoilers at the top of the page from ____ thinking it wasn't anything big. Good thing I scrolled down first. People with spoilers, this thread isn't for you.
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