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Metal Gear Solid 5 Peace Walker |OT| Peace Walking & Ad-HOC Partying

Crazymoogle said:
In the AI Pod, it's like a shopping spree. Just pull as much stuff out as you can before time expires. The number of carts there is based on what parts of the enemy you attacked. If you didn't hit much beside the AI pod, there won't be many carts and you'll just be waiting for time to expire. (There's nothing else you can do in the pod.)

Blueprints are needed to start off, but then you need different team size requirements to make each edition. So, you can't use smoke grenades until you find the blueprint, but once you do, each level requires different counts of one or more team sizes (not just R&D, although they are typically the most important.) I think you can get some blueprints just from beating missions or sending out the troops, but typically you would need to go back to a specific mission to look for a blueprint.
I know you can't make the weapon/item without the blueprint, but I don't understand how you get the blueprints. Where do I look for them?
Blu_LED said:
I know you can't make the weapon/item without the blueprint, but I don't understand how you get the blueprints. Where do I look for them?

They are items you find on the ground during missions. (So you need to find the item and beat the mission to keep it, I think.) Usually says "CNFDTL" or something. It REALLY helps once you get NVG because items become super obvious with those on.

That being said, it's alright if you don't have the RPG, the LAW is pretty similar. But if you really want to know, the RPG2 is in
extra op 30
. There's another rocket weapon you can only get from outer ops, but I'm not sure when/what op is required for it.


more money than God
TenshiOni said:
There's a secret ending.

How to unlock it:

Complete Zeke and capture Zadornov six times. Do extra ops in order to make those Zardonov missions appear.

If you haven't got the true ending you're missing out on a HUGE twist.
I've seen the ending, what's the "huge" twist, though?
Crazymoogle said:
EDIT: Question of my own...how do I go about farming armor parts? Have never, ever received a single one.

To get parts, do not hit anything except the AI pod. Basically its the opposite of getting the AI discs.

EDIT: Missed the 'armor' part :/ I'd like to know how to get them too :D
did anyone else have to use the walkman in the fight against Paz? the music seriously made me sick after about 30 seconds so I restarted the mission with the walkman equipped and fought the whole thing that way. i can't tell if it was supposed to be a joke or not, but i'm not sure why they would be making a joke at the very end of the game like that. very strange.


autobzooty said:
did anyone else have to use the walkman in the fight against Paz? the music seriously made me sick after about 30 seconds so I restarted the mission with the walkman equipped and fought the whole thing that way. i can't tell if it was supposed to be a joke or not, but i'm not sure why they would be making a joke at the very end of the game like that. very strange.
You don't like jpop ? While I'm not a fan it made me smile :D

In other news, I've S ranked every missions/extra ops solo. Clock time says 105h... (been playing since day one japanese release). It's time to do the same in coop now :lol


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Drac said:
You don't like jpop ? While I'm not a fan it made me smile :D

In other news, I've S ranked every missions/extra ops solo. Clock time says 105h... (been playing since day one japanese release). It's time to do the same in coop now :lol

Any tips for 4 skulls duels against armored vehicles? Getting my ass handed to me there. Same with bosses "II" encounters.
semiconscious said:
1) do not target the part you want. damaging it only gets you the related boards, & reduces the chance of getting the part...

2) farm pupa. took me forever, but i finally got'm...

Thanks for the tips mate i'll try that out.

Also about the rail gun, I'm assuming I get it from
Chyrisis (the flying one)
No one seems to be healing in my sickbay. I still have Amanda in there and her health keeps going down. My Medical Team is LV. 17 and I keep adding members to the Med Staff but no one is healing?

I keep getting messages that Amanda wants to leave sickbay but I want her healed first. I don't get it. How long should it take for someone to heal?


TTP said:
Any tips for 4 skulls duels against armored vehicles? Getting my ass handed to me there. Same with bosses "II" encounters.
Well the thing with the armored vehicles is that they all follow almost the same pattern. So after the 10 first it gets quite boring but here is some general guide lines for S rank :
First equipment.
I'll take that you don't have fulton mines, sleep grenades and fulton canon (even if you have this one, don't use it as it makes too much noise). Obviously use sneaking suit with MK22, smoke grenade, card box or assassin box if you have, night goggles, rations and that's about all you really need.

Now there is 3 maps where those missions take place, and 3 types of vehicles (oh god this is going to be long :lol )
- First map
-- Transport type
The most easy one as troops will always come out of the vehicle which just drive around the map. Just get behind it longing the left side. You can easily put all the guards in hold up and fulton them as the transport just continue to advance with you now following it closely. Now and then it'll stop so grab your smoke and aim in the middle of the left side of the vehicle or just behind it (depends on the model your fighting against). If the commander say something, throw it, take your night goggles and wait for the troops to be confused by the smoke. Get behind them, hold up everyone, fulton, and repeat until there is no one left. If you're short on fulton, you can wait for the vehicle to turn and roll over the hold up troops to kill them (no kill for you so S rank still possible).
When no one's left, shoot the commander with your mk22 and don't forget to equip your ration, I can't count the number of time I had to retry because of this stupid mistake.
-- Tank type
Fucking horrible, as troops will come from random point on the map and sometimes the tank will aim behind him, but the pattern is close to the transport type but you just repeat the first sequence, no smoke trick here. After holding up the first 3 guards, you can cqc throw the last guard under the tank so it kills him (oddly enough, you still have to hold him up after the throwing or the tank won't kill him...), getting you one less guard to fulton ! This may be done with the transport vehicle but be careful when you throw, you character will move a little, and it's really easy to be run over... and as you probably won't have ration equip at this moment... After you took care of a group of 4 guards, go hide in your box. Assassin box is better as you can cqc them if they get curious. You can make the tank kill its troops the way as the transport type.
-- Heli type
Even worse as the helicopter just fly at random but its field of view is actually really short. Here you do a mix of transport and tank pattern. Troops come from every where but the walk the map close to each other so you can throw a smoke in the middle to hold them up. Just be careful of where the heli is looking as you're making your approach. Then just snipe the pilot, you might as well just show yourself so it stops moving to try to shoot you, it'll be easier to aim this way.

-Second map
-- Transport type
Exactly the same as on the first map, no change here.
-- Tank type
huuuuu I hate those. The tactic is also quite the same but keep your distance as it turns around frequently. Be careful not to hide behind the wagon the tank is going to shoot.

-Third map
--Heli transport type
Yes there is 2 types of heli, some will drops troops and for other the troops will come from the north west access. Also some will shoot random rockets and when the game wants to punish you for no reason they will hit you, otherwise you're safe. Now for the transport type, as you begin just throw a smoke where all the 4 soldiers are standing (again, be aware of where the heli is looking) and fulton them. There is 2 places where it can drop new troops, where you took care of the first 4 and on the other side of the map. If you're fast enough, the heli will always drop its troops on the first place. As you see the heli coming down, throw your smoke just below, the new troops will be confused by it as them touch the ground. Wait a little for the heli to get away and fulton them. Repeat and take care of the pilot.
-- Heli other types
Those can be the easiest one, as the guards come from one place and you can take care of them without being wary of the heli as it can't see you there. Same start as for the transport heli, then go to where the guard will come out. Wait for them and throw a smoke at they (this can be a little tricky as they move fast, get the timing), hold up, fulton, repeat, take care of pilot, mission complete !

If you don't have enough fulton for the heli mission as you can't make it kills its troops, just wait until you have the fulton mine. After the hold up, you can put the mine in the middle of the troops and shoot it with your mk22 from safe distance, you can also do that for the other vehicle types.

As for the bosses, first you need some good fire power and the item to call for more ammo, and the suit with 3 weapon slots.
For you can take 2 rocket luncher and one machine gun/heavy machine gun. Its pattern is really easy, I can kill him without using one ration.
If it stops and stay low, it's going to use its electro gun of machine gun, strafing left and right as you throw rocket will be enough.
While it's cycling around the map just move left and right to evade bullets.
When it stops and stand up, it may shoot at you with a powerful laser (don't remember what it says but after one time you'll now) so just run the hell out of the way around him, it shouldn't be able to hurt you.
Or it may throw mine everywhere. If it does that, switch to you machine gun and shoot the mines close to you, as next time it's going to stop it'll make them explode.
Really not a difficult boss.
Now I'm sorry but I don't really have any strats for him :lol Just get your guided missile luncher and shoot at it until it goes down ! Don't forget you can also take Bon curry with ration, that'll double your survivability.
This one is quite easy. Just go down and shoot with 3 rocket luncher will moving constantly around it. If it uses its main cannon, just run below it to its other side. Missiles won't hurt you if you just run from you current position. If it uses its chainsaw thing, just lay down. Once it stops moving at 40% health, get on top (with ration equipped, even if it shoot everything it's got, you'll still get on top) and finish him. You can call for supply here if you have the grenade thing. If you only have the mine version, you have to get down to call for supply. On top if it uses machine guns, just lay down. Missiles, just move to a difference location (because of that, never stay in the middle so you can switch safely from back to front) and you'll be down in no time !
-Peace Walker
Take a machine gun with you so you can shoot it's mole missile thing as they start going in the ground and shoot its head when it activates the anti missile thing. Really the only problem you could have is if your power output is not high enough to stop its nuclear missile lunch. If that's the case, just come back later when you have better weapons.


Is it possible to ever get an A rank for just going on a shooting spree, killing everything you see?

I tend to enjoy the game alot more when everything is dead around me


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Drac said:
lots of useful tips

Thanks a lot for the deep post! A lot of helpful tips in there (never though about using the smoke grenade, for example).

One question tho. Does the vehicle driver always come out when there are no more reinforcements? Cos I'd swear it occurred to me to kill/fulton everyone and the driver wouldn't come out until I damaged the vehicle a bit. Sometimes he never comes out and I'm forced to try and destroy the thing.


TTP said:
One question tho. Does the vehicle driver always come out when there are no more reinforcements? Cos I'd swear it occurred to me to kill/fulton everyone and the driver wouldn't come out until I damaged the vehicle a bit. Sometimes he never comes out and I'm forced to try and destroy the thing.

That's because you've been spotted. If you do it in a perfect sneaking way, the pilot will come out the second the last soldier is fultoned/killed (silently of course). That's why those missions can be horrible as it's really easy to play perfectly the first 10 minutes and then screw up when only 4 guards are left.


Great Post Drac!

I knew about the smoke grenade thing but it's a real pain in the ass sometimes. I just run out of fultons!! Like, I want to do a no kill run but when I run out of fultons I try to execute the fallen with a silenced weapon, but there is no knife so there is no way to dispose of them quickly. I hate waiting for the tank to run them over. The later tanks have like 40 soldiers, what can you do besides bring buddies?


Except waiting, there is really nothing you can do if you don't have the fulton mines. And bringing buddy will actually make it worse as there will be more soldiers :lol Well if one of your budy have the bandanna with the fulton mines, that's another story :D (yes, unlimited fulton power !) If you're fighting a tank you can do the little trick I add, throw the last guard in the tank and hold him up so he's killed.


I just got fulton mines, and they are great, but fricking trial and error to actually hit soldiers with. If I had the bandanna, the whole goddamn field would be covered :lol


Have a fun! Enjoy!
KTallguy said:
I just got fulton mines, and they are great, but fricking trial and error to actually hit soldiers with. If I had the bandanna, the whole goddamn field would be covered :lol

When do you get the
I want that! :D


KTallguy said:
I just got fulton mines, and they are great, but fricking trial and error to actually hit soldiers with. If I had the bandanna, the whole goddamn field would be covered :lol

Bummer but you can't :( It seems there is a limit on how many mines you can put on the field. The older ones will disappear. I can't confirm it as I have just tried it one time but that's my first observation.

For maximum fulton mine efficiency, you can do what I add >
If you don't have enough fulton for the heli mission as you can't make it kills its troops, just wait until you have the fulton mine. After the hold up, you can put the mine in the middle of the troops and shoot it with your mk22 from safe distance, you can also do that for the other vehicle types.

The first time instead of shooting it I just walk myself on it to make it explode and I was moving my psp stick as fast as I can so I could flee and not be spotted by the new soldiers :lol Then I gave it some thinking.
autobzooty said:
did anyone else have to use the walkman in the fight against Paz? the music seriously made me sick after about 30 seconds so I restarted the mission with the walkman equipped and fought the whole thing that way. i can't tell if it was supposed to be a joke or not, but i'm not sure why they would be making a joke at the very end of the game like that. very strange.

i could barely finish the 'control tower' mission with that terrible song playing when you fought the helicopter and thats just great that there is more of this crap music coming up...so much for having a 100% good sountrack...konomi should leave that type of music for the credits only...come to think of it that 'la-la-la' stuff with the AI's is kinda annoying too
So does the PSN version of Peace Walker have this stupid installed features disabled when in sleep mode crap? It should just give you a prompt when it comes out of sleep mode to re-enable it.

I honestly am wishing I bought a Go because I'm probably not gonna want to carry UMDs around anyway. Every game I have except for Peace Walker (which I got in the bundle) I've got off PSN.
Can someone answer my question about the sickbay and why my staff is not healing? I have a level 17 med staff and it seems like no one is healing when in the sickbay. One dude died already and Amanda is still in there since I got her about 7 missions ago.


criesofthepast said:
Can someone answer my question about the sickbay and why my staff is not healing? I have a level 17 med staff and it seems like no one is healing when in the sickbay. One dude died already and Amanda is still in there since I got her about 7 missions ago.

Amanda stays there for a while...I think until the end of Chapter 4.
Salaadin said:
Amanda stays there for a while...I think until the end of Chapter 4.
Shit really? But I've gotten messages from her saying she's ready to leave and i could move her if I wanted. I'd just prefer her to be healthy. She isn't even gaining any health at all. No one is. Arrow is always pointing down next to their names (decreasing health).


criesofthepast said:
Shit really? But I've gotten messages from her saying she's ready to leave and i could move her if I wanted. I'd just prefer her to be healthy. She isn't even gaining any health at all. No one is. Arrow is always pointing down next to their names (decreasing health).

You can move her but her stats will decrease. Her telling you that shes better is just her acting tough. I kept her there until the game took her out because she was healed.

Whenever I felt my teams slacking some, I just went on some quick fulton runs and captured a bunch of guys. Youll get a lot of crap but theres some decent ones out there. Even a few Cs or Ds in medical would help.


Question: Just how do you send your troops to Outer OPS? I still haven't figured it out and I'm about 10 hours in. >.<

I'm halfway through chapter one, I think. Will I unlock it later on or am I just not seeing something obvious?

Also, is there a PDF file of the manual somewhere. I'd love to give it a read as the digital version doesn't have the manual.


Drame said:
Question: Just how do you send your troops to Outer OPS? I still haven't figured it out and I'm about 10 hours in. >.<

I'm halfway through chapter one, I think. Will I unlock it later on or am I just not seeing something obvious?

Also, is there a PDF file of the manual somewhere. I'd love to give it a read as the digital version doesn't have the manual.

The Outer Ops icon appears in the top middle when your at the motherbase. If theres nothing there, you havent unlocked it yet. Keep playing. It unlocks through the course of the story.

Once you have it, just select Dispatch, choose a mission, and select a team a team. If you dont have a team set up, youll be asked to where you can then pick from any soldiers currently in your combat unit as well as any tanks or choppers youve captured by tranquilizing the commander. You can have up to 8 soldiers/mechs on each team.

Be careful though. Team members can die here and mechs can be destroyed. Injured teammates will be sent to sickbay to try and heal. Mechs needs to be removed from the Outer Ops team (press square on the setup screen to remove them) when they get put back in storage and fixed up.
I didn't have a lot of time this weekend, I got to the
Helicopter Battle at the Waterfall of Death
, but damn this game is really good, also the battle against
was amazing! The Ashley Wood cutscenes are much better than they were in MPO and the graphics are probably the best I've seen on PSP. I can't wait to play some more MGS5!!!


Drame said:
Question: Just how do you send your troops to Outer OPS? I still haven't figured it out and I'm about 10 hours in. >.<

I'm halfway through chapter one, I think. Will I unlock it later on or am I just not seeing something obvious?
Nah, it will unlock eventually, the game will tell you.. you'll have six options at the Mother Base menu at the end.


GoncaloCCastro said:
I didn't have a lot of time this weekend, I got to the
Helicopter Battle at the Waterfall of Death
, but damn this game is really good, also the battle against
was amazing! The Ashley Wood cutscenes are much better than they were in MPO and the graphics are probably the best I've seen on PSP. I can't wait to play some more MGS5!!!

The cutscenes are nice. I love the interactive parts too but just wish youd get more of a warning. Sometimes Im really into them and then Im all like "Shit I have to push a button!"


Drac said:
After the hold up, you can put the mine in the middle of the troops and shoot it with your mk22 from safe distance, you can also do that for the other vehicle types.

Great tip! I will try this out tonight!


The (spoiler about a certain weapon)
EM Net
is awesome, but apparent'y you can't S rank a mission if you use it :lol .
it basically allows you to cut out the middle men and just fulton the tank.


the MGZEKE battle is such unbelievable bullshit. the missle strike misses every single time, it's like marking the target doesnt even matter.
nvm - beat it without those worthless platforms.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned a million times or not but I just finished
Date with Paz
and I got an S rank. After that I
checked the model viewer for the ladies and they were all in swimsuits :D


Had the
Metal Gear
battle this morning.
Gotta love the overall story of the game, they are building a super high-tech weapon that can single-handedly bring down the world order, yet a single dude with a rocket launcher can best it in a fight.

suikodan said:
How can you hold up someone? I tried approaching someone while "aiming" but never had a "freeze" when near the enemy.

Its finnicky. Sneak up behind them, get very close, then lower & raise your gun again to cue the stickup animation. Even then, it sometimes doesn't happen.
lawblob said:
Had the
Metal Gear
battle this morning.
Gotta love the overall story of the game, they are building a super high-tech weapon that can single-handedly bring down the world order, yet a single dude with a rocket launcher can best it in a fight.

Well to be honest
he had a lot of rockets :p
lawblob said:
Had the
Metal Gear
battle this morning.
Gotta love the overall story of the game, they are building a super high-tech weapon that can single-handedly bring down the world order, yet a single dude with a rocket launcher can best it in a fight.

More like 3 rocket launchers and a ton of supply drops.
OneMoreQuestion said:
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned a million times or not but I just finished
Date with Paz
and I got an S rank. After that I
checked the model viewer for the ladies and they were all in swimsuits :D

yes, that was a surprise for me too :0
OneMoreQuestion said:
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned a million times or not but I just finished
Date with Paz
and I got an S rank. After that I
checked the model viewer for the ladies and they were all in swimsuits :D
I still don't know how to finish
Date with Paz
, I skipped it then played other missions. but I'd like to know how to finish it, plz.
Solid warrior said:
I still don't know how to finish
Date with Paz
, I skipped it then played other missions. but I'd like to know how to finish it, plz.

you have to setup your team talk in mission preparation and talk to her. like peace, good, i'm counting on you etc.

anything positive. do that and repeat those messages several times until they don't work anymore. this is how i did it.
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