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Metal Gear Solid V SPOILER THREAD| [EXTR3ME] Such a lust for conclusion, T-WHHOOOO


So someone on reddit found out that on Skullface's chopper when you confront him in Mission 30, it shows numbers that are a chemical ID for Acetophenazine (A antipsychotic drug) above "XOF" followed by a camera effect mimicing a moment in Fight Club.
Considering the fact Skullface's chopper has a Diamond Dogs Pilot, and the containers all marked with a Diamond Dogs logo only in that area, the mystery continues to deepen.

This is on top of the allusions of the game (And launch trailer putting Skullface's head on venom) attempting to draw Parallels between Venom and Skullface.


Looking at the structure of chemicals and compounds and all that just makes me realize Motherbase was designed after chemicals, it makes me want to know if there is a structure out there that fits Motherbase's layout and what it would be if there was.


So someone on reddit found out that on Skullface's chopper when you confront him in Mission 30, it shows numbers that are a chemical ID for Acetophenazine (A antipsychotic drug) above "XOF" followed by a camera effect mimicing a moment in Fight Club.
Considering the fact Skullface's chopper has a Diamond Dogs Pilot, and the containers all marked with a Diamond Dogs logo, the mystery continues to deepen.

This is on top of the allusions of the game attempting to draw Parallels between Venom and Skullface.
#NeverBeGameOver what a thrill


She gone, bro.

Just keep playing side ops and make sure you've listen to all the yellow tapes. 46 will pop up eventually.

omg so i just killed her once in the repeating hardcore mission. Is she away forever doenst matter what you do or can you still play her?


So I just finished this and I loved it. I avoided most pre-release marketing and tried my best to avoid discussion post-release but I did hear that people were getting more negative on it. That's a shame, I loved it all the way through. I really liked the story too, even if there was odd pacing. The twist and ending were really damn cool. It is a shame that 51 was cut, but I'll live.

tbh everything after MGS3 and before MG1 really didn't need to be told, so this is just icing on the cake.

I assume by now there are some good fan-reviews/analysis/discussion type stuff out there. Anyone want to share what they think is worth checking out?

edit: Also why do people keep talking about chapter 3? the game didn't end on a cliff hanger.
So I just finished this and I loved it. I avoided most pre-release marketing and tried my best to avoid discussion post-release but I did hear that people were getting more negative on it. That's a shame, I loved it all the way through. I really liked the story too, even if there was odd pacing. The twist and ending were really damn cool. It is a shame that 51 was cut, but I'll live.

tbh everything after MGS3 and before MG1 really didn't need to be told, so this is just icing on the cake.

I assume by now there are some good fan-reviews/analysis/discussion type stuff out there. Anyone want to share what they think is worth checking out?

edit: Also why do people keep talking about chapter 3? the game didn't end on a cliff hanger.

Personally, I'm partial to Super BunnyHop's analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO4Tusk_V2k

People keep talking about Chapter 3 because a Chapter 3 title card exists within the game files, and MGSV is a glaringly incomplete game.



i finished mission 45

fucking ;_;

i can't believe quiet bailed venom snake out like that at that cost

good night, best war buddy :(

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
With no wrap up at the end, except for a cutscene where BB tells you you are me and i am you... how is that good storytelling?

Not necessarily good or bad. It's a twist, a story telling device. It reframed the journey we've taken in an interesting way. Lot's of stories do exactly what you describe in the exact same way you describe.

The real manipulator is Kojima. As he has stated that he tries to betray gamers expectations at all times.

Haha! No argument here! Maybe... maybe that's the point then?


So what is your opinion on the story now that you have finished it? You were raving about how good it was prior to beating it, but now that it's done I'd like to know if your opinion on it changed.

My opinion? I didn't know you cared.
It was icing on an empty cake box.

Now, let's be fair, it wasn't an empty cake box. It had a few scattered bits of weird looking, unsatisfying cake.

Then some people in this thread grabbed those pieces and mashed them together, claiming: "Look guys! It was a dinosaur cake all along!"

And then the reasonable among us replied: "It obviously wasn't meant to be a dinosaur cake, you're just shoving a bunch of pieces together to try to get it to resemble that."

Only to be met with: "Look, this piece right here looks exactly like a dinosaur head, why would this piece look exactly like a dinosaur head if the cake wasn't meant to be a dinosaur?"

And then we'd get sucked into an argument over whether one piece of the cake did or did not resemble a dinosaur head, completely taking the focus off of the real issue: the box contained a few bits and pieces of poor quality cake.

Man, that one really got away from me.
So someone on reddit found out that on Skullface's chopper when you confront him in Mission 30, it shows numbers that are a chemical ID for Acetophenazine (A antipsychotic drug) above "XOF" followed by a camera effect mimicing a moment in Fight Club.
Considering the fact Skullface's chopper has a Diamond Dogs Pilot, and the containers all marked with a Diamond Dogs logo only in that area, the mystery continues to deepen.

This is on top of the allusions of the game (And launch trailer putting Skullface's head on venom) attempting to draw Parallels between Venom and Skullface.


Looking at the structure of chemicals and compounds and all that just makes me realize Motherbase was designed after chemicals, it makes me want to know if there is a structure out there that fits Motherbase's layout and what it would be if there was.

Yup. The Big Shell. Lol.

The Skull Face stuff is intriguing. Throughout the game I thought he might be Big Boss' evil side (back when I thought Venom was the real Big Boss).


I don't understand how people expect a fictitious world to all tie in perfectly. The series started in 1987? I think Kojima did a great job at even attempting to connect all this together. He is super creative and he gets slammed way too much.


I don't understand how people expect a fictitious world to all tie in perfectly. The series started in 1987? I think Kojima did a great job at even attempting to connect all this together. He is super creative and he gets slammed way too much.

He hasn't done a great job. You could throw a rock into a room of writers and you would hit someone that would do a better job at writing the MGS games after 3.


but can someone tell me what i can do to unlock it. ? All the things youve to do to unlock it i did. :(

Motherbase is completly bulid. Or do i have to build the first fob base as well completly?


He hasn't done a great job. You could throw a rock into a room of writers and you would hit someone that would do a better job at writing the MGS games after 3.
I disagree. I enjoy the goofy nonsense. It's what make metal gear, metal gear.


Can we send the Doritos pope to ask Kojima exactly what his plan was for Chapter 3? Surely with all the marketing he did with Kojima he could get an answer?
Spoiler thread but nevertheless, anyone know a good LP of MGS 5? :D

MGScanlon V on Giant Bomb is good if you don't care about a full in depth playthrough.

Two Best Friends Play has a pretty in depth Let's Play going on.

And Stephanie Joosten (Quiet) is a doing a let's play too on her twitch channel.

All of which are really entertaining in their own ways.


Yes. i did watch Episode 51. A big reason why i don't get people giving this game a close to perfect score in the first place. Its incomplete. The arch of a big theme and occurrence in MGS story is incomplete. Even if its one mission.

Gameplay wise i understand the praise it gets, and it deserves it. But people need to point out the BS from what is good in the game. It also makes for interesting discussions here.

The whole medic being wiped out is interesting. I never thought of it in that way. In my mind he is the medic through and through. But i'll have to look at it in that light.

Edit: Joel works tho because he does change. We see him before and after. He was loving, went through an implied hell. Lived in both sides of the coin in an unforgiving world. Ends up protecting what he grows to love. Lots of subtle and powerful emotions in there.

Agreed generally. However I felt the story was still good on the whole - it was just very flawed and truncated. What was there was still great imo, it just suffered from... the phantom limbs of a story. I mean, was that intentional? Clearly not re Ep 51 etc, but maybe it was intentional more generally - the fans are never going to be satisfied with a story resolution (he already did it with MGS4), so Kojima gives them the ultimate Phantom Pain.

I still thought it was good, but you and others are totally free to disagree. There were a few heinous aspects in there, but for me the positives outshone the negatives.

(Don't want to derail - but Joel doesn't change. In the first instance he's a parent who'll do anything for his child (will sacrifice anything). At the end of the game he's a parent who'll do anything for his child (will sacrifice anything – indeed, the human race) It's a through-and-through character study of one man who only has one priority in life, and that never changes in the end.

There's an argument in narrative theory/criticism that there are only two stories in the world: somebody changes, or somebody doesn't change. You can frame that in basically any plot or context anywhere. Obviously it's a generalisation.)

That wasn't the first time you've implied we should forgive a failing as typical Kojima.

I didn't mean to imply anything in that post, but OK. Perhaps I have said that before. Didn't mean to in this context - I agree with you.


From what I am gathering people were expecting classic character appearances and a possible SS voiced by Hayter appearance at the end apart from the supposed downfall of BB which when I think about it how was it even going to be a downfall when he returns back to the US government later as the head of foxhound. The game is clearly leading up to a remake of MG1 and MG2 especially if anyone reads the guide that Kojima had a big hand in making apparently.

Edit: I can't stress it enough but many people analyzed every frame of every trailer one million times, it's easy to be disappointed when you build a story in your mind then in the end get mind fucked by what you got lol.

I agree with this.

People's expectations are secondary to the quality of the story.

It's not that it's different, it's that it's bad.

I don't agree with this. It's deeply flawed, but I wouldn't call it top-to-bottom bad. There are plenty of good ideas and some fantastic moments which are up there with the series' best. I think all the tapes are gold, too, I love them all. Infinitely better than CODECs imo.

All of GZ is really well done. The opening is Kojima's best work.

Agreed. Imagine if all of TPP was of that quality.

Wait why does Big Boss have a Diamond Dogs logo on his leather jacket if he's going on to build Outer Heaven?

This is a bit weird yeah - I think it's basically because that outfit is like Venom's version, so it has your base emblem on it.

MGS2/4, for whatever its detractors were, still felt like MGS games with MGS narratives/storytelling.

This shit felt like Splinter Cell with a boring cutscene containing some characters you dont care about once a hour.

MGS2 felt like an evolution of MGS narrative/storytelling

MGS4 felt like a fucking pile of shit I never wanted to play again, bar the highlight of Shadow Moses and the tunnel crawl. It felt like a sick parody of MGS, a corruption of what really made the series good, like a supreme overindulgence. Gorged itself on its story so much it was just an amorphous lump of rancid meat.

Absolutely awful game - ironically with some of the best gameplay ever. The narrative and pacing absolutely ruined it and flew directly in the face of MGS1-3. I would choose the MGSV approach over the MGS4 approach until the end of time, even if it means we get a shit narrative.

Well Kojima heavily suggested it will in trailers and interviews. "The missing link", "In outer heaven men become demons", teasing Solid snake, etc. Everyone is upset because kojima with his own words set everyone up for disappointment. It's not like everyone is getting the idea of this being the game that bridges the gap between MGS and MG1 on their own.

That would be a failure of the marketing, not a failure of the game.



I'm fully on board with MGSV fluffing its story in many ways - however I don't think the 'Missing Link' stuff is really relevant. Plenty of media throughout history has mismarketed itself, and even done so far worse.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I asked, didn't I?

Yeah. Pretty much the same as before.

I liked it a lot.

That isn’t to say it is the best plot in the history of video games evaz!11!1, my favourite story in a video game, or even the series, but it certainly wasn't as bad as everyone lead me to believe.

There is very much a beginning, middle and end, I'm not sure why people thought there wasn't. Actually, that's a lie. I think it has to do with the way the game unravels itself.

Amongst the very valid concerns, I get the sense that a lot of the more nonsensical complaints are part of the inevitable hype backlash with big name games, and in some cases due to the perception that the twist nullifies all the player’s hard work. Regarding the latter: I don’t think it does, I think the twist actually celebrates your hard work throughout the series. I really liked it. The twist is part dumb American Soap Opera ploy, part clever post-modernist revision, and 100% Kojima (he gives us what we ask for, never what we want). The implications it has for the series are really interesting and I say that even as a bonafide MGS lore junky.

The game definitely lost momentum around the end of Chapter 1. For a little while I felt it could've ended there (even though it would've been pretty unsatisfying) but then Chapter 2 turned out much more interesting for me. It totally grabbed me, even though I found the pacing suffered a bit.

Tying in with how the game unravels, I think Kojima putting the pacing in the hands of the player the way he did was a brave if ultimately unsuccessful experiment.

Story-wise, the team turning on each other over the course of Chapter 2 was the high point. It's never really been explored in MGS before and I found it to be the most interesting and satisfying strand. I particularly loved how the whole Huey thing turned out. You could see the veil being pulled back on his character, even without the tapes.

Skull Face’s presence still being felt after his death was also really well played and very topical, though I thought his actual plan was a little too convoluted for my tastes. Plus we were robbed of another potentially great boss fight…. although part of me thinks that could well have been the point.

The heavy reliance on tapes was a mixed bag for me: disappointing that so much of the plot was relegated there, but at the same time some of those tapes have the best writing in the entire series in my opinion (Skull Face/Code Talker Tape 2, anything with Zero in it etc.).

My biggest issue overall is that there weren’t many ‘character’ moments. The story is pretty much all plot. With Kojima going “Show, don’t tell” with regards to character motivations (no big, emotional monologues), we learn some stuff about the characters through their actions, but I don’t think he quite managed to pull it off. Still, I appreciate the attempt.

Oh, and Mission 43 is one of the very best moments in the entire series, but I guess that's gameplay related.

TL;DR It’s way better than MGS4.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
My order:

1. Mgs 3
2. Mgs 1
3. Mgs v
4. Mgs 2
5. Mgs 4

What's sad to me is how Solid never got to shine post MGS:
- Mgs 2 was Raiden.
-The best mgs , snake eater, was all about big boss.
- Mgs 4 you're dying and you have a dumb looking mustache instead of the man beard Big Boss has
- solid snake is barely mentioned in TPP

Mgs V ending just fizzles out, the whole time I thought there would be an awesome boss fight or something. The multiple credits didn't help either


He hasn't done a great job. You could throw a rock into a room of writers and you would hit someone that would do a better job at writing the MGS games after 3.
Or you could permanently injure one of them writers by hitting them in the head with said rock. :p


Or you could permanently injure one of them writers by hitting them in the head with said rock. :p

After which they'd be physically and mentally damaged enough to be transformed into a duplicate of Kojima via hypnosis and surgery; and continue to write the rest of the series under his name. It's already happened once, with Fukushima - we can only pray he recovers some part of his true self before it's too late.
My order:

1. Mgs 3
2. Mgs 1
3. Mgs v
4. Mgs 2
5. Mgs 4

What's sad to me is how Solid never got to shine post MGS:
- Mgs 2 was Raiden.
-The best mgs , snake eater, was all about big boss.
- Mgs 4 you're dying and you have a dumb looking mustache instead of the man beard Big Boss has
- solid snake is barely mentioned in TPP

Mgs V ending just fizzles out, the whole time I thought there would be an awesome boss fight or something. The multiple credits didn't help either

MGS2 was all about making Solid Snake look like a magnificent golden man-god, it put him on a massive pedestal throughout the game. You just didn't get to play as him. And while I get why people don't like it (and its probably very much intentional that they feel that way) I like Old Snake.

Plus there are always the MSX games, the AC!D games, and Ghost Babel. I'd say Solid got his moment to shine, but it's very obvious that as the series progresses Big Boss became Kojima's pet character and it does reflect on how the series developed.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
MGS2 was all about making Solid Snake look like a magnificent golden man-god, it put him on a massive pedestal throughout the game. You just didn't get to play as him. And while I get why people don't like it (and its probably very much intentional that they feel that way) I like Old Snake.

I like Old Snake a lot, fruity moustache and all, I just hate the game.


Yeah. Pretty much the same as before.

I liked it a lot.

That isn’t to say it is the best plot in the history of video games evaz!11!1, my favourite story in a video game, or even the series, but it certainly wasn't as bad as everyone lead me to believe.

There is very much a beginning, middle and end, I'm not sure why people thought there wasn't. Actually, that's a lie. I think it has to do with the way the game unravels itself.

Amongst the very valid concerns, I get the sense that a lot of the more nonsensical complaints are part of the inevitable hype backlash with big name games, and in some cases due to the perception that the twist nullifies all the player’s hard work. Regarding the latter: I don’t think it does, I think the twist actually celebrates your hard work throughout the series. I really liked it. The twist is part dumb American Soap Opera ploy, part clever post-modernist revision, and 100% Kojima (he gives us what we ask for, never what we want). The implications it has for the series are really interesting and I say that even as a bonafide MGS lore junky.

TL;DR It’s way better than MGS4.

Yeah, baby. Especially that last thought.

The way I see it, Chapter 1 is like a shorter-than-usual typical MGS game. Chapter 2 is like a follow-up miniseries, giving some added value and tying off a few loose ends (plus awesome twist).

My list:

1. MGSV = MGS3
2. MGS2
3. MGS1
4. MGS:pW (in fairness, I never finished it, I did like it though)


5. MGS4

And heck, if I looked at sheer adventure and 'stealth game' infiltration qualtiy, MGSV beats out MGS3. But only just. MGS3's cutscenes still don't help it.
All wonderful games, though. Only MGS4 left me salty, but even then I couldn't deny how good it was.


Neo Member
Just finished Episode 46 and listen to all the TRHTH tapes. OMG. I'm so confused:

1. Why Zero wanted to hide BB and Venom in a safe place? Were they not enemies eventually?

2. Kaz rejected BB at the end right? I assume that after many years he trained Solid in order to kill BB?

3. BB was building Zanzibar land (the real outer heaven) while Venom leaded Outer Heaven ?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
1. Why Zero wanted to hide BB and Venom in a safe place? Were they not enemies eventually?

No such thing as absolute enemies. Think of their relationship as Magneto/Xavier; Ideological enemies but still deep down under that old friends.

2. Kaz rejected BB at the end right? I assume that after many years he trained Solid in order to kill BB?

He would take part in training him but so would BB when both are in Foxhound. I don't think it was specifically to kill BB, but he certainly says that he wants the LET kids to be "stronger". Maybe that's what that means, I dunno.

3. BB was building Zanzibar land (the real outer heaven) while Venom leaded Outer Heaven ? This will make sense if the theory about BB falls in coma after zanzibar land unitl the end of MGS4 is real

I think the ending said that BB was off to build the first Outer Heaven, suggesting that he later hands over control to Venom at some point.

Yeah, baby. Especially that last thought.

The way I see it, Chapter 1 is like a shorter-than-usual typical MGS game. Chapter 2 is like a follow-up miniseries, giving some added value and tying off a few loose ends (plus awesome twist).

My list:

1. MGSV = MGS3
2. MGS2
3. MGS1
4. MGS:pW (in fairness, I never finished it, I did like it though)


5. MGS4

And heck, if I looked at sheer adventure and 'stealth game' infiltration qualtiy, MGSV beats out MGS3. But only just. MGS3's cutscenes still don't help it.
All wonderful games, though. Only MGS4 left me salty, but even then I couldn't deny how good it was.

You are good people.


Neo Member
No such thing as absolute enemies. Think of their relationship as Magneto/Xavier; Ideological enemies but still deep down under that old friends.

He would take part in training him but so would BB when both are in Foxhound. I don't think it was specifically to kill BB, but he certainly says that he wants the LET kids to be "stronger". Maybe that's what that means, I dunno.

I think the ending said that BB was off to build the first Outer Heaven, suggesting that he later hands over control to Venom at some point.

You are good people.

Thank you!
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