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Metal Gear Solid V SPOILER THREAD| [EXTR3ME] Such a lust for conclusion, T-WHHOOOO

All the MGS playable characters are intended to be player avatars to some extent, it's why they keep acting like idiots and repeating things and such.

Kojima loves to copy movies and he saw Mad Max and thought it would be super awesome mondo cool to have Snake be like that, he fucked up and it come across as Venom being an awkward weirdo.

This could make sense, seeing that Kojima met with George Miller earlier this year. I don't even if this could be considered a coincidence. Probably not, since it's been in development for 5 years...


Junior Member
Is it always the same though? Because that makes me wonder, if you make an older looking avatar, if it changes the birthdate based on skin or whatever.

Because this (my avatar) is not the face of a man in 1984 who was born in 1932.

...But that would make the character 52, which is kind of amusing since there was a whole thing about a soldier being numbered 25 who might have been Venom, along with the 2+2=5 thing.

I think it's the same for everyone looking at a couple of different videos on everyone.
You never saw Paz? Did you ever visit your medical platform? Do the wandering Mother Base soldiers side-ops to get more from her.

Did you play Mission 46: Truth? That's the actual ending in the game, then watch Episode 51 on either Youtube or on the Collector's Edition Blu Ray.

there's no more substantial story stuff. Go to the medical platform second or third level you'll see a door you can enter for paz.


Ummm....the venom stuff is mission 46.

Sounds like he did play M46. He said he did 1-50, except for the three he listed.
uhhhhhhh hmmmmmm. My missions list says


Do I need to do 40, extreme quiet fight to unlock 46? Any tips on how to do that? Or was it catch more old base soldiers I think an earlier post mentioned that?


This conversation bores me.

Let's talk about important things, like Quiet's amazing lips, or what water tastes like when she drinks through her boobs.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
uhhhhhhh hmmmmmm. My missions list says


Do I need to do 40, extreme quiet fight to unlock 46? Any tips on how to do that? Or was it catch more old base soldiers I think an earlier post mentioned that?

You don't have to do any of the non-essential story missions. Just do side ops until the missions open up. That's how I finished chapter 2. Eventually, you'll get some tapes and 46 should open up. It's essential that you play 46.

Also, if you want to do the Extreme Quiet fight, use DD to mark her, and then call a tank in on her head.
Are there any big story beats I'm missing? I never saw a "end of chapter 2" and I never saw Paz I heard she was in this game. An uh, even the OP says it, but there no way to get Quiet as a buddy again?

Hm and I think I just saw a post saying Venom isn't Big Boss? I guess I missed that story part too. How do I get that?
Oh and the first thread before the game came out said there was a Quiet torture scene where you hit buttons or something, never saw that.

01) Make sure you unlocked the final story-based "debriefing," Mission 46: "Truth - The Man Who Sold the World." It supposedly becomes available after listening to all the yellow-dotted cassette tapes in your iDroid and requires some grinding through side-ops or reprise missions in the main list. Some users claimed you need to build Mother Base to completion, but I managed to access the mission without needing to do so.

02) Quiet is permanently gone from the game once you've finished Mission 45.

03) Paz appears inside a room on the second floor of the Medical Platform. You'll need to finish all of the wandering MSF soldier missions in the side-ops menu to complete her side-quest. After you've been a mission, you can return to hand her a memento, but you can only visit ever twenty-four hours in-game time. You'll have to use a phantom cigar or depart/return from the ACC to unlock the next cutscene. As a friendly tip on the chance you're looking to experience her portion of the story for yourself, the last photograph needed to finish her quest is pinned along the hallway leading to her room.

04) There aren't any interactive torture sequences unlike its predecessors. In fact, Kojima explicitly stated he wouldn't allow players to engage with such an act in response to another major title,
Grand Theft Auto V
, that did exactly that several years ago on a poor scale in the commentary department.


You know with how BB rejects the clones as his children and just sees them as men, I find it very doubtful he told Solid that he was his daddy.

Only way I see it happening is if BB said it as psychological warfare to stop Solid from burning his ass to deatth.

Well of course he didn't. Solid Snake didn't learn he was a clone until Liquid told him in MGS1.
Well of course he didn't. Solid Snake didn't learn he was a clone until Liquid told him in MGS1.
Two different things bruh.

He says in MGS1 that Big Boss told him he was his dad, then Liquid tells him he's a clone in MGS1.

Which is why I said it makes little sense for BB to say that since he rejects the clones as children, if he was gonna reveal anything it would be telling Solid he's a just a clone.(unless as I guessed he said it to fuck with Solid cause BB's an asshole)
So here's something, Ocelot knew that Man on Fire was Volgin during the hospital sequence. Ocelot says 'Wait a minute.. Back from the dead huh?' while Man on Fire chases us on his Unicorn on Fire.


I think it's the same for everyone looking at a couple of different videos on everyone.
This is creating a problem in my mind, I mean we saw the Medic's face in GZ, he wasn't that old. If you look at the face under Ishmael's bandages, it's literally GZ Medic's face. (Which I assume is suppose to be a mask hiding Big Boss's beard and hair like the one Kojima wore)
So that's Ishmael/GZ Medic's face with someone pointing out similarities to Big Boss which no longer matter.

But in TPP, suddenly the Medic never had a face and the face you create for him is "How you have lived until today" apparently, right before his face is reconstructed into Big Boss's.
So unless you decide to create an older looking Venom, him actually being older than Big Boss is nonsense, Big Boss also having your face from GZ is also nonsense, but who even knows.
Kojima is a man obsessed with detail, he always has been, he can make mistakes but his obsession with little details has always been unbelievable, so I'm now only getting more confused.


doesn't the doctor in mission 46 kind of fuck up a lot by showing venom his real face and saying that's who he is?

Yes, he does.

But he's a lowly plastic surgeon. Ocelot and Zero could have informed him better.

"Don't show him his non-Big Boss face and for god sakes don't let him see his name at the back of this postcard."


Yes, he does.

But he's a lowly plastic surgeon. Ocelot and Zero could have informed him better.

"Don't show him his non-Big Boss face and for god sakes don't let him see his name at the back of this postcard."
I was visiting my brother today and watched him play the prologue on the new rig he built. We were laughing at how the doctor keeps terrifying poor Venom.

"Now try not to panic, but... YOU'VE BEEN IN A COMA FOR NINE YEARS!"

*Venom starts spazzing out*

"Nurse, nurse, give him the good shit!"

*Venom falls asleep*

*Venom wakes up*

"Now try not to panic, but... YOU'RE MISSING YOUR LEFT HAND!"

*Venom starts spazzing out*

"Nurse, nurse, give him the good shit!"

*Venom falls asleep*

*Venom wakes up*

"Now we're gonna change your face, hopefully I don't get choked the fuck out and the hospital invaded by a fire demon"


And then fails to mention this to Venom until Chapter 2 lol.

I was particularly surprised how nobody mentions the floating psychic kid ever, even in tapes, until Chapter 2.

Huey's all like, "HOW DOES SAHELANTHROPUS MOVE!?!?!?!" and there's this floating psychic kid hanging out near the machine and nobody says anything.


also i skipped out on portable ops, peace walker, and ground zeroes. i'm trying to make sense of everyone's wants after mgs 3 leading up to mgs. please help out as i think i have most things wrong:

the boss wants to protect america and goes to extreme lengths to do this, including going down in history as a traitor and making her apprentice kill her. this sets in motion a shitload of stuff for the next 50 years.

big boss rejects the idea of ends justifying the means and tries saving the world through his own superhero spinoff group where he's in charge (again no 1970-1975 stories for me to understand this better). i assume that he uses the boss's death to find a better way.

zero on the other hand thinks the boss had some pretty good ideas, and uses the philosopher's legacy recovered during mgs 3 (it's been some time) to kickstart cipher. i believe he thinks he can keep the world safe on his own. skull face is a bad guy and really obviously a bad guy, but for some reason he's a person zero trusts a lot. skull face incapacitates zero and takes over cipher with the intent of creating a world he thinks the boss wanted, uniting it under a common enemy (which is what she became to the united states), which is also english (?)

to counter this, zero goes to extreme lengths to fight skull face and comes up with a plan to keep big boss safe by using a lookalike. by the time big boss wakes up in the 80s, it's been a long time and he actually flatlined after the helicopter crash, so he changes his tune and comes around on the 'ends justify the means' bit and goes along with zero's plan. big boss's plan is basically zero's plan from this point onward, believing he can save the world if he can control it. venom snake just wants a place free of nations. big boss twists it around a bit, which leads to outer heaven being a potential superpower and a threat to the world.

big boss sends in solid snake because this guy is a dumb rookie and will get captured in a way that benefits outer heaven. instead, solid snake really starts to fuck shit up. i'm not sure where kaz miller fits in during metal gear, but it seems this is when he turns against big boss? ocelot is nowhere to be found. solid snake kills venom snake, and big boss sets up camp in zanzibarland where big boss tries again but with feeling. big boss dies here a second time.

and then mgs happens and liquid snake wants to rule the world because he's superior (it's also been a long time since i've played mgs), but this is all a way for ocelot to get back at the patriots or something, a plan that he uses nine years later to bring the patriots down in mgs 4. at this point the ideals of the boss, big boss, and zero have all been lost to time and people are acting of their own interests.


Kojima isn't a native english speaker and interpreting that quote literally assumes a certain understanding of context and difference in languages that 99% of the people going after that quote lack.

I don't even like Quiet all that much, but let's not take rough translations, especially on Twitter of all places, like they're gospel.
He probably didn't mean it that heavily at any rate. I can see it being really more like he MEANT to say something along the lines of "you'll understand why she's like that when you play the game" and made word choice that made it sound a bit... melodramatic.


Yes, he does.

But he's a lowly plastic surgeon. Ocelot and Zero could have informed him better.

"Don't show him his non-Big Boss face and for god sakes don't let him see his name at the back of this postcard."

i know that venom was being hypnotized, so i wonder if that's supposed to explain the discrepancy between the start of the game and the end of it. like maybe he was asleep every time he freaked the fuck out and it gave them time to overwrite his memories.


also i skipped out on portable ops, peace walker, and ground zeroes. i'm trying to make sense of everyone's wants after mgs 3 leading up to mgs. please help out as i think i have most things wrong:
Here's my solution, watch PW on youtube, and play GZ as it is the other part of MGSV that was made to go with Phantom Pain to begin with and I can't fathom how you skipped it.
(No one cares about Portable Ops, not even Kojima)

Good lord, nice catch.

Teen Liquid.


Here's my solution, watch PW on youtube, and play GZ as it is the other part of MGSV that was made to go with Phantom Pain to begin with and I can't fathom how you skipped it.

the reception to gz was not what i was expecting so i decided to skip out on it. i actually have peace walker, but i never played it. it seems like a proto phantom pain.


Junior Member
the reception to gz was not what i was expecting so i decided to skip out on it. i actually have peace walker, but i never played it. it seems like a proto phantom pain.

Reception in regards to what? I think everyone liked the game but all agreed that the asking price was a tad high for what was on offer.


Reception in regards to what? I think everyone liked the game but all agreed that the asking price was a tad high for what was on offer.

yeah that was basically it. i felt like i didn't need to pay $30 for it, so i didn't. the phantom pain is kind of the complete opposite - got it for $40 and there's a shitload of stuff to do.


Because future mention is a way to measure importance in the storyline. Basically, if everything Venom did amounts to nothing anyone cared about, why is it important?
Big Boss in this game is characterized as a man who literally runs from his demons and a man who's ambitions for revenge change the course of the world. I see Venom's role in this as liberating Big Boss completely from his past (with exception of Ocelot, EVA, and the clones.) Using a phantom to fight phantoms.

Venom is incredibly important in the grand scheme and like The Boss before him, is sent to die. Venom and The Boss share a lot of similarities actually and I've always seen Venom as the last vestiges of The Boss separated from Big Boss. The ending of the game kinda plays out like a twisted version of MGS3's ending. Big Boss once again sacrifices someone close to him. First time it was for the sake of the world but this time it's for the sake of the world HE'S building.

Big Boss personifies the quote "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


Big Boss in this game is characterized as a man who literally runs from his demons and a man who's ambitions for revenge change the course of the world. I see Venom's role in this as liberating Big Boss completely from his past (with exception of Ocelot, EVA, and the clones.) Using a phantom to fight phantoms.

Venom is incredibly important in the grand scheme and like The Boss before him, is sent to die. Venom and The Boss share a lot of similarities actually and I've always seen Venom as the last vestiges of The Boss separated from Big Boss. The ending of the game kinda plays out like a twisted version of MGS3's ending. Big Boss once again sacrifices someone close to him. First time it was for the sake of the world but this time it's for the sake of the world HE'S building.

Big Boss personifies the quote "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
I mean, he's the man who sold the world, so that sounds about right.
I would definitely agree the final scene is too truncated. They should have made the link to MG1 far more overt. It feels like it's trying really hard to be confusing/obtuse in the final scene before VS walks into the shadows. I think it's reasonable to go by what the game implies, though. The series has implied plenty of important plot points in the past. (... Or maybe it hasn't. And that was always part of the problem. Good stories do it, anyway. It allows more freedom for meaning and discussion.)

I think the Liquid and Ocelot things can be 'explained away':

- Liquid does spend time in the Middle East. Literally one day/evening during the OKBZero mission (lol). Srs, there are so many things mentioned in the games, he probably spends time there elsewhere. Where is the Episode 51 island located actually?
- I think the Ocelot angle is covered fine – in an MGSV tape he says torture is all about precise, directed use of threats or pain to get the information you want (how he approaches Huey). He tells Kaz to stop when Kaz is getting bloodthirsty. That's not what it's about for him. But when we see him next (in canon) in MGS1, he is not being himself. From MGS1 he is being a spy, in-character acting as a bloodthirsty intel operative. He "loves torture" from MGS1 onwards because he is playing a violent, vitriolic character. A villain. (Not because he really does enjoy it.)

in MGS3 ocelot calls torture 'the ultimate form of expression'. that does not sound like someone who considers it merely necessary for intel. It sounds like someone who is obsessed with torture. was he faking then as well?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
i'll describe the defintion of irony to you the same way my grandfather did to me : irony is when you shoot bullets but they heal people or touching a piece of iron that but it feels like cotton

That was my roundabout way of saying yes, TPP did nail those themes.


in MGS3 ocelot calls torture 'the ultimate form of expression'. that does not sound like someone who considers it merely necessary for intel. It sounds like someone who is obsessed with torture. was he faking then as well?

Everything MGS3 Ocelot did was an act intended to throw off any party interested in the Philosopher's Legacy, and he took that constructed persona on to Portable Ops' ending. The torture fixation, the gun twirling, the hand gestures, being shown up by The Boss, the more blatant displays of affection towards Big Boss; they were all planned from the beginning to conceal his true self.

I remember someone making the connection between Paz and Quiet awhile back due to their early concepts being similar.

Peace & Quiet

Harhar Kojima.

I can imagine Kojima drooling into Shinkawa's ear, slowly bringing his hot, fetid breath closer, as he comes in to say the fateful words:

More erotic.
Found and finished 46. Thanks all. I fast forwarded through all the yellow tapes then did a side ops. Currently waiting through the credits to see if there's anything after. In giant bomb, I like how Drew figured it out from the start.

Still gotta run around and find Paz's door though. Medical building is confusing there's two or three towers with floors/doors
Talking about a theme doesn't mean that they are properly explored. Do I need to link to both mine and SuperBunnyHops's analysis videos to explain why the story and themes are a hot mess?

Yours, sure. I didn't agree too much with Mr. SuperBunnyHop on this one, though.

As a Latam located person that has seen how both spanish and english language changed so much our culture, and is still doing it, how it erradicated cultures, made both Zero's plan to control the context and subconcious of people through language, and SkullFace's plan to erradicate English so the world would be "free" made more sense. To me it was even too clear unlike past MG games.

That main theme was fairly well explained and explored, it didn't need more.

But I will gladly watch you analysis and see your point.


Gold Member
Found and finished 46. Thanks all. I fast forwarded through all the yellow tapes then did a side ops. Currently waiting through the credits to see if there's anything after. In giant bomb, I like how Drew figured it out from the start.

Still gotta run around and find Paz's door though. Medical building is confusing there's two or three towers with floors/doors

Medical platform's layout is confusing for sure. The door is on the third floor, it's the only one with a blue light and a soldier standing guard next to it.


Yours, sure. I didn't agree too much with Mr. SuperBunnyHop on this one, though.

As a Latam located person that has seen how both spanish and english language changed so much our culture, and is still doing it, how it erradicated cultures, made both Zero's plan to control the context and subconcious of people through language, and SkullFace's plan to erradicate English so the world would be "free" made more sense. To me it was even too clear unlike past MG games.

That main theme was fairly well explained and explored, it didn't need more.

But I will gladly watch you analysis and see your point.

MGSV: A Phantom Plot (A Critique of MGSV's Story)


Ch. 3 "Peace" has been unlocked. Turns out Paz survived after all! She covered her eyes when the bomb went off and elbow-dropped the water when she landed in the ocean. They slapped an IV on her and she's A-OK. Time to rescue Venom from the final moments of Outer Heaven:



I remember someone making the connection between Paz and Quiet awhile back due to their early concepts being similar.

Peace & Quiet

Harhar Kojima.
Wait, so does this mean there were originally going to be two snipers, and one of them was going to be Paz?

Paz & Quiet... Peace and Quiet... Oh man, it's terrible but I love it.


Ch. 3 "Peace" has been unlocked. Turns out Paz survived after all! She covered her eyes when the bomb went off and elbow-dropped the water when she landed in the water. They slapped an IV on her and she's A-OK. Time to rescue Venom from the final moments of Outer Heaven:

Guest starring Pequod.

Together they'll torture Huey until he's only barely able to fulfil his canon obligations; with the help of the Strangelove AI.
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