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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future


It's just Kikongo, but you're going to want to bee-line the next few story missions before doing anything else. Time moves forward with every mission, so you want to get this resolved quickly.
What is the mission number where
they find cure/peeps stop dying?

Chapter 25 question


To anyone having trouble with the

Use an anti-material weapon. You can defeat them in 2-4 shots. They don't count as kills, and you can still Fulton them.

I already beat the
, but this will be beneficial when I replay missions. Where do I get
anti-material weapons? Do I need blueprints or just R&D development?
I just wanna say this game is amazing. I was initially disappointed because it was really different from the rest of the series, but once I accepted the fact that this was not the game I expected and valued it for what it actually is, I've been having a blast.

I'm 35 hours in (I usually played 1 or 2 hours a week at most before this), with 19 main missions and about 18% completion. After all in a weird sense it starts to sync in that all of this stuff that you play through (not just see in cutscenes) makes you really feel like you're creating that legacy people attribute to Big Boss. Like when you get an S rank or something and you hear "they'll be telling stories about this one."

The craziest thing though is coming to this thread and seeing people's approach to the gameplay. Things I would have never thought of like escaping via fulton/container, or using D-Horse for cover.

This might not be the game I asked for but it sure has been a pleasant surprise.


Nope. The tradeoff is that now if you knock them down facing up/they wake up facing up you can just hold them up and they will automatically turn over.
Sorry if I missed a response to this so far back, but this is only half true. You can tell soldiers to get down while they're standing and they don't have to face you while on the ground. You can also put your gun down and do commands or circle behind than once they've been held up. I always tranq, then kick than awake with a gun in their face, chat for a bit, then send then home for canon fodder.
Sharing some OCD.

The Bandana with the new Sneaking Suit:



and the Bandana with the Ground Zeroes Sneaking Suit:

Perfect match with the latter.


Post mission 31 spoilers:
Am I crazy or can you see Code Talker whenever you lift off from the main motherbase platform? Every time I go to the area I see him from the helicopter, he's never there but I always see him when I take off. Am I just getting really unlucky with running into him?


worth it to build the FOB to send more combat mission fodder to get stuff?

no real interest in the MP stuff. guessing I can just build it and go offline to not have people invade me?


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I know there are other cutscenes with quite and heard she even has a side story, how do you unlock this?
Got DD recently, and took him out on a few missions. He definitely makes things more managable. I love this game though. The amount of viable options you have is staggering. There is one side op that has you taking out a tank infantry with two tanks on opposite ends of the field, and about six soldiers of various sorts in between. In previous tank like missions I would simply ride around my horse launching rockets at it till it blew up. But this time I used the help of DD to stealth kill/stun the soldiers while keeping out of sight of the tanks. I then snuck up to each tank and plastered a bunch of C4 all over it. I then proceeded to blow them both to smitherines with the simple press of a button. Soooooo gratifying. My favorite part of the game is surveying the situation and then deciding on how best to act.


Metal Gear boss fight in mission 30-ish
is fucking rough if you've never invested in any heavy weapons or explosives.
Got DD recently, and took him out on a few missions. He definitely makes things more managable. I love this game though. The amount of viable options you have is staggering. There is one side op that has you taking out a tank infantry with two tanks on opposite ends of the field, and about six soldiers of various sorts in between. In previous tank like missions I would simply ride around my horse launching rockets at it till it blew up. But this time I used the help of DD to stealth kill/stun the soldiers while keeping out of sight of the tanks. I then snuck up to each tank and plastered a bunch of C4 all over it. I then proceeded to blow them both to smitherines with the simple press of a button. Soooooo gratifying. My favorite part of the game is surveying the situation and then deciding on how best to act.

Just wait till you can Fulton the tanks instead. :D

Metal Gear boss fight
is fucking rough if you've never invested in any heavy weapons or explosives.

I can't even imagine that mission without rockets.
So I'm trying to
Open up gun customization by extracting the legendary gunsmith. I completed that side op, and from what I've heard there are a couple more of them that should follow, but they haven't popped up. Am I doing something wrong? Is it a bug?


worth it to build the FOB to send more combat mission fodder to get stuff?

no real interest in the MP stuff. guessing I can just build it and go offline to not have people invade me?
You have to do it anyway to get past the FOB tutorial (I think there's a way to skip that on the PC? Or maybe I'm misremembering things).

FOB increases your max staff capacity and is the easiest way to level up all departments since early upgrades are cheap.

If you don't want to get invaded, just stay offline at all times - the only downside is that you need to be online to upgrade FOB platforms.
At least you can still dispatch the additional 2 groups of soldiers on missions while offline.
worth it to build the FOB to send more combat mission fodder to get stuff?

no real interest in the MP stuff. guessing I can just build it and go offline to not have people invade me?
Build all of them for only, what... $40 or something?

There's a bunch of FOB locations exclusively in the for real money category.
So I'm trying to
Open up gun customization by extracting the legendary gunsmith. I completed that side op, and from what I've heard there are a couple more of them that should follow, but they haven't popped up. Am I doing something wrong? Is it a bug?

There's 3 in a row.


I'll tell you what I've told everyone else.

Get in the D-Walker. Equip it with gatling guns. Smash through the chainlink fence on the airport's perimeter. Get to the truck. Hop out. Fulton it. Hop back in.

Annihilate the Skulls.

Also equip a shield on your back


You have to do it anyway to get past the FOB tutorial (I think there's a way to skip that on the PC? Or maybe I'm misremembering things).

FOB increases your max staff capacity and is the easiest way to level up all departments since early upgrades are cheap.

If you don't want to get invaded, just stay offline at all times - the only downside is that you need to be online to upgrade FOB platforms.
At least you can still dispatch the additional 2 groups of soldiers on missions while offline.

yeah didnt know that

built 1 FOB and all bases leveled up



So I'm trying to
Open up gun customization by extracting the legendary gunsmith. I completed that side op, and from what I've heard there are a couple more of them that should follow, but they haven't popped up. Am I doing something wrong? Is it a bug?

You'll have to return to ACC for new ones to pop I believe.


I just got the cinematic for the Battle Gear thing. Is it something that progresses on its own, or do you have to do side ops or other shit for it to finish?



I approve of the rocket arm.

I was telling my mecha-loving friend about this game and we were joking about how it's totally a missed opportunity if Kiefer Snake doesn't yell 'ROCKET PUNCH' when firing it.

And of course he fucking does. I'm in awe.

I just wish the flight controls were inverted. Lame!


I'm trying to do some clean up with S-ranks and side objectives but Mission 13 is proving to be pretty annoying.
Why does it reset you to right next to the facility after blowing up the tank? Ugh, I was pretty much on the other side of the map to set off the c4 so I could get both the S-rank and the exfiltrate before the path is sealed off objective but nope, I'm warped right back to the facility. Really annoying. Do I need to use the chopper to escape to get that side objective?


I feel so stupid doing Episode 22. I should know this layout better but I can't find my way to the commander for the life of me.


To be honest I haven't really been utilizing the bionic arms during my playthrough....

I hardly ever use sonar function, the knock sound is barely used because the enemy has to be very close to hear it, stun arm is good sometimes against bear or behind enemy but it's too slow to activate, rocket arm and hand of Jehuty is one level one so it's not really effective because of it's short range.


worth it to build the FOB to send more combat mission fodder to get stuff?

no real interest in the MP stuff. guessing I can just build it and go offline to not have people invade me?

that's what I did. You get a pretty huge staff capacity increase for building it. And guess what...it's not enough. I can't even imagine how long I'd have to grind to get my R&D to 50 with just a single unupgraded FOB, let alone max everything else.

I mean I could just say fuck it and go online, but I'm not planning on playing this much after next week. I'm close to the end and honestly kinda tired of it, as much fun as it's been. But what if I pick up the game again 6 months down the line? Will my entire base be empty after months and months of undefended raids? Actually, hell, what happens if I backup my saves and restore them after some bad stuff happens with the FOB?

To be honest I haven't really been utilizing the bionic arms during my playthrough....

I hardly ever use sonar function, the knock sound is barely used because the enemy has to be very close to hear it, stun arm is good sometimes against bear or behind enemy but it's too slow to activate, rocket arm and hand of Jehuty is one level one so it's not really effective because of it's short range.

Sonar is great in conjunction with Quiet in general. She can't see inside buildings, but it can. It's also perfect for finding KO'd enemy soldiers after she does her thing with a tranq sniper, can't miss out on more extraction opportunities.
You'll have to return to ACC for new ones to pop I believe.
That's the thing. I have. I've done lots of missions and side ops since then, returned to ACC and mother base many times. It shows that I've completed the side op, but the other ones just haven't popped up.


That's the thing. I have. I've done lots of missions and side ops since then, returned to ACC and mother base many times. It shows that I've completed the side op, but the other ones just haven't popped up.

there's probably a side op in the same area that's overriding it from appearing. I don't know what the priority list is but you need to clear the side op that's in the same zone
So, uh, that scene with Quiet where
she and Boss dance in the rain
. Below you can find my three part reaction to that scene in .gif form as it played out. I... that's enough Metal Gear for me for tonight.





Also what's the best way to gather fuel resources? I'm going to need another 300k ish to fully upgrade mother base at this point and gathering it by hand isn't going to cut it. At what level does the Base staff start mining and processing resources at a non-terrible rate? I'm at 35 and they mine/process about 2000/1200 at whatever the tick rate is for that.


That's the thing. I have. I've done lots of missions and side ops since then, returned to ACC and mother base many times. It shows that I've completed the side op, but the other ones just haven't popped up.

This happened to me, although I wasn't trying to get the next one to pop but it did after I did another side-op forgot which one it was though.


yeah didnt know that

built 1 FOB and all bases leveled up


Have you done the mock infiltrate mission yet? Still haven't gotten invaded and been online this entire time but haven't done the mock mission, which might be keeping my PF grade low and unnoticed or others can't infiltrate you until after you do the tutorial attack.
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