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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future


Dumb question, but to progress to the end of the game, how many side ops should I need to keep my mother base properly developing?

I'm currently on Mission 17, and I've only finished 9 side ops.
It's entirely up to you. Sometimes you will get some important Side Ops (yellow ones) and you need to do that to advance the story.


A little help please... So I fought
around mission 9 or 10 I think...
and I haven't been able to get her as a buddy. I'm on mission 18 now and I have not seen her in the medical prison. I shot her with a machine gun to beat her so I don't know if that matters.
any help would be appreciated!

Did you
shoot her when you stood over here? Thats the only part which matters.
Just finished this myself. First tough mission in the game for me, and only because of the later part you mention.

Story mission tactics spoiler, but not overall story spoiler
I don't mind the escort and the cutscene before had me on the edge of my seat. What became an issue was the enemies that trigger to follow behind you. The kids AI seems to stop and pause at pre-determined spots even when they are in "Go" mode so outrunning the guys behind isn't really an option. Even the chopper is ok but the guys that come from behind made it annoying.

Given the general gaming history of escort mission frustration, I wish they had taken the design a bit safer. Just eliminating that following-wave of enemies would have done wonders.

Still somehow managed to get an S-rank on it.
I S ranked
by just using Quiet with her tranq sniper rifle. Just tell her to go scout attack in front of the kids, by the time you eventually walk every single enemy is sleeping. Never even put the kid down or shot a single round. Quiet with that tranq is almost over powered.
I'm in mission 17 and heard there was a true ending to the game. (I hate it when developers do that in a game) can someone tell me or pm what to do without spoiling the entire game?


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
not quite done the game yet however I am getting there, Ill leave my full impressions later but for now it is a great game, but it does not feel like a great metal gear game. Do I love tackling objectives my way and adjust my style of play to whatever I want, absolutely. But metal gear seems like a franchise that needs to be confined just a little bit, especially the story. I miss the cutscenes, not mgs4 long however I am tired of doing mission after mission saving pow etc and getting barely any substance to it. great game but not a great metal gear game, miss the cut scenes, dislike the tapes, and so far the story seems really weak. Maybe it is because the lack of the cutscenes however.


Where? Don't tell me it's in one of those screens when you first launch the game?

They're so annoying, I just click next on all of them without reading them. I think the majority of players are doing the same.

It's the first screen that they show that.
She's not in the medical bay? Check the 'brig' tab under the staff management option. She usually joins your party after mission 21 and above afaik.

I think that
is on a timer.
I got her around mission 15ish. I did every single side op you can (A lot of times even the ones where it shows a check but you can redo them). She was at full bond level by episode 18 for me.


Yeah I did. I guess I will just have to play a little further. I'm on mission 18.

If you shot her, then she's dead.
so you need to replay the stage and when you reach that part
you don't shoot, just wait a few seconds and Big Boss will put the gun down.


so for some reason i haven't been able to equip an Item to the right-most slot (like, pressing right on the radial menu) all game. is there a particular reason for that? it's getting kind of annoying having to put shit on diagonals when there's a perfectly good slot that just has a lock icon over it for no discernible reason


tranqing didn't seem like it was doing anything. What mission is it that I need to replay?

You can do the fight doing damage to her normally, but after the fight when you stand over her, dont pull the trigger. I believe its mission 11.


Alright, so the (mission 31 spoilers)
Metal Gear boss fight is pretty cool in its setup, but isn't it just another PW boss fight? Seems like another bullet sponge tank (with a couple parts you can apparently damage).


I think that
is on a timer.
I got her around mission 15ish. I did every single side op you can (A lot of times even the ones where it shows a check but you can redo them). She was at full bond level by episode 18 for me.
I just kept doing the main missions but that's good to know.


Thank God for that timely sandstorm that let me sneak through the Skullface mission when I was stuck.

And thank God I found Gloria for my chopper loudspeaker! Fucking beautiful. ;_;


She said yes!



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Some of the names of the soldiers you recruit in MGSV sound like rejected bosses from Mega Man X.



was a freaking mess. I got spotted like a thousand times and had to use checkpoints like crazy. Fuck escort missions.
I have no idea how I even managed to get an S. The game was either feeling way too generous or it just pitied my plight and decided to give me a pat on the back.
was a freaking mess. I got spotted like a thousand times and had to use checkpoints like crazy. Fuck escort missions.
I have no idea how I even managed to get an S. The game was either feeling way too generous or it just pitied my plight and decided to give me a pat on the back.
I experienced the same thing,also even for the s rank
Had the FOB tutorial get stuck multiple times so from now on I'm just going to play the rest of the game in offline mode. Sounds like a dodged a bullet there to be honest, not having any interest in doing attacks myself and how it just drains your resources due to other people attacking.

(Spoilers for story around mission 25)
The quarantine stuff was just the most tedious shit, I have like 400 soldiers and I need to go through all of them and check if they speak a specific language? And then I of course have people on combat deployment/in the brig/wherever and they pop back into the general population and once again I need to go through and find them. Fuck off.


I can't for the love of me get into this game. I love the lore, the characters, I love how smooth it plays, I hate how much distance I have to travel from point to point in a mission, I hate how when you are discovered sometimes you have to repeat huge chunks.

I really want to like this game but I just can't. I've just finished Mad Max and I enjoyed that thoroughly, returning to MGSV feels awesome because of the 60 fps, but I don't know, I'm not feeling it.

Any advice, maybe I'm not doing something that would make me enjoy this more?

Currently on mission 12, done all the subquests that were available to me.


I experienced the same thing,also even for the s rank

Ranks mean nothing. I did the harder version of the "take out vehicles for the rebels" mission by taking one out, laying down, then making stuff for 20m, came back to my game, ran out of the hot zone, B rank.

That is not a B rank game, that should be the lowest for pitiful effort.


I can't for the love of me get into this game. I love the lore, the characters, I love how smooth it plays, I hate how much distance I have to travel from point to point in a mission, I hate how when you are discovered sometimes you have to repeat huge chunks.

I really want to like this game but I just can't. I've just finished Mad Max and I enjoyed that thoroughly, returning to MGSV feels awesome because of the 60 fps, but I don't know, I'm not feeling it.

Any advice, maybe I'm not doing something that would make me enjoy this more?

Currently on mission 12, done all the subquests that were available to me.

When you are discovered don't just give up and then repeat everything. Just go crazy and murder everyone when that happens, that's a legitimate way to play this game.


I'm pretty much done at 57 hours in, and I want more. The gameplay is so, so wonderful but the story was completely lacking for a numbered Metal Gear Solid. Kojima was definitely cut off. He bit off more than he could chew, and Konami grew tried of delays and having to keep writing checks. Nonetheless it was a great swansong for a series I just can't get enough of.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Got an S on that one in like 20 including no relfex perfect stealth and etc.

I fultoned some guys quick and got up to the interrogation area before the one prisoner made it up there. Threw a smoke in the middle of the group of 8 guys and then tranqued the ones with masks on. Ran into the smoke and cqced everyone else. Sent 12 people into the sky in seconds. Base was pretty much empty so I grabbed the Intel after sending the prisoners home and ran towards the Viscount. He was still being slowly walked to the base so I got his guard tranqued and sent them both to the sky.

I was rescuing everyone, and then I heard over the comms that they were about to execute the interpreter. DD immediately tagged the soldier and the interpreter. I run like a bat out of hell across camp with DD in tow. I run into the room, and right as the soldier is about to point the gun, I grab him, choke him out, and fulton him out of the area.

「待たせたな?」/"Kept you waiting, huh?"

She said yes!

Dammit, my emblem is Naked Chick too! No fair. :(
I can't for the love of me get into this game. I love the lore, the characters, I love how smooth it plays, I hate how much distance I have to travel from point to point in a mission, I hate how when you are discovered sometimes you have to repeat huge chunks.

I really want to like this game but I just can't. I've just finished Mad Max and I enjoyed that thoroughly, returning to MGSV feels awesome because of the 60 fps, but I don't know, I'm not feeling it.

Any advice, maybe I'm not doing something that would make me enjoy this more?

Currently on mission 12, done all the subquests that were available to me.

Sounds like your playstyle is very much stealth all the time, or atleast slow and methodical. I'd utilize d-horse just to get to places quicker and speed up the missions. You can take your time, but you are rewarded if you complete missions efficiently.


I was looking through some of the weapons you can make and some of them have level 60 requirements. This seems utterly ridiculous. I'm around level 40 for most of different divisions and that's with about 50% A+ rank staff members. Do S Rank soldiers start popping up once you achieve Hero rank or something? Otherwise those weapons seems impossible to get.
last night I did the (spoilers for event during Mission 7-10 'range' or so)
event, and
gotta admit.... I really never liked her as a character... not really a fan of most of Kojima's female characters, really, other than Boss, but Quiet seemed even more.... gratuitous by even his standards. But I gotta admit, the cutscene in in the helicopter with the jet was pretty awesome and I felt a surprising about of empathy or compassion between Snake and Quiet.... totally didn't expect that.
mission was a lot of fun too haha my very first S rank I think.

I'm enjoying the 'living world' even more now that I'm done the first 10 missions and just headed to that first important side-op. It was kinda cool that when the "Russians are now reinforcing their troops, sending in better skilled soldiers/better equipment", they also rebuilt a lot of the comms equipement.... was that story related? or just coincidence, and that happens over time?

that one village in the south-west had all its comms dishes, aa sat, etc rebuilt, at the same time the guards started using night vision, etc, and I started to get Dispatch missions to stop their supplies of night vision, flashlights, etc.

pretty cool little detail, very Snake Eater: demolishing ammo or food supply sheds to change the equipment of soldiers.

I got into a pretty big firefight with about 6-9 of them (not sure because I play with Markers off), and between more accurate shooting, more accurate mortars, and night vision, they almost killed me even though I was a solid 150m away light cover at an elevation advantage. a pretty fun shootout.

i'm really enjoying just general free roam, and trying or experimenting as unique or creative approaches as possible. i set up a pretty cool C4 trap where I placed mines every 15 feet or so along the bridge (the relay station), with C4 at the comms dish about 50 feet past the bridge, and then climbed up on the mountainside directly across from the bridge... set the C4 off from cover and it alerted all the guards on the other side by the tent and fire (where that prisoner for Honey Bee or whatever first was) and when they went to check out the comms dish explosion, the mines hiding at the base corners of the base killed a bunch haha had a few more mines placed along the only cover to flank my cover too

i haven't tried much with vehicles yet... really need to try that 'distract the driver with sheep/hop in the back' trojan horse approach to a mission


When you are discovered don't just give up and then repeat everything. Just go crazy and murder everyone when that happens, that's a legitimate way to play this game.
I do that, But it feels cumbersome. IT feels like its more work to kill everyone and then rune and hide than it is to just not get caught.
Sounds like your playstyle is very much stealth all the time, or atleast slow and methodical. I'd utilize d-horse just to get to places quicker and speed up the missions. You can take your time, but you are rewarded if you complete missions efficiently.

I try to at least be as stealthy as I can because of what I mention right above.


That child Soilder escort mission in MGSV gave me a heart attack. Fucking stupid kids are slow as shit.

You feel it too, dont you?

Thinking and mulling about that mission - I think its very brilliant.

I was shaking and sweating like a madman when I knew I'd have to take the kids to the helicopter, and fulton wouldn't cut it.

Bring in an enemy chopper, and my chopper that was blaring 'DANNNNNCINNG WITH TEARRRRS IN MY EYESSSS' in the distance. Even when I took out the soldier around me, my hands were literally SHAKING when I was loading the kids into the helicopter. I've never felt so tense in a video game.

The highs in the game are soooooo good.


Any tips for the extreme version of the Code Talker mission? I can't get past
the Skulls, but maybe it's just my tranq sniper not cutting it. Should I get a lethal sniper rifle for them or try to sneak past them?

I don't get why you can't modifiy every mission with Extreme, Total Stealth or Subsistence rules. I guess Total Stealth and Subsistence can be done manually but including the option seems like such an easy thing to do.
was a freaking mess. I got spotted like a thousand times and had to use checkpoints like crazy. Fuck escort missions.
I have no idea how I even managed to get an S. The game was either feeling way too generous or it just pitied my plight and decided to give me a pat on the back.

Yep, same here. In general, I feel that this game is at its best when it stays open-plan. When you're given the option to play however you like it's sublime, but any time it tries to force you down a certain path I start getting frustrated.
Quiet and I had already cleared out the whole area around the mine, and I could easily just have had the chopper land right in the middle and loaded everyone straight on. Instead the game insists I travel down a shooting gallery and spawns dudes behind me. I ended up dying about four times and just hating life by the end, but of course the game's dopey ranking system gives me the S-rank for it :p
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