Apologies, guys. This is what happens when you have both OT and Spoiler thread tabs open next to each other.
Oh yeah, does anyone elses controllers lag out while playing this? Like for a little while it'll become unresponsive or hold directions longer than you actually hold it?
Only started happening while playing MGS, but I've only played this for over a week so I don't know if it's the game or my PS4 having issues.
Nope. PS4 here too.Oh yeah, does anyone elses controllers lag out while playing this? Like for a little while it'll become unresponsive or hold directions longer than you actually hold it?
Only started happening while playing MGS, but I've only played this for over a week so I don't know if it's the game or my PS4 having issues.
Yes, this happens to me on XBox One, the sound will stutter for 3 seconds, and the game will become a little choppy, and the controls behave as you describe. It's an annoyance more than anything, it happens maybe once or twice an hour. I figured the game is pinging the server or something.
Nope. PS4 here too.
Does this game have any anything similar to the Carl Gustav M2 Fulton recovery in Peace Walker?
I just finished Chapter 1.
To those that have beaten the game and unlocked the... should I even bother? I'm really not very into this anymore and my stamina is pretty much sapped for doing the same mission objectives OVER and OVER at this point (extract, kill, or follow), and with the unlocking oftrue endingI just don't feel the need to go on. Is it worth it or should I just YouTube the endings and shelve it? I mean are there still interesting places to go and see and enjoyable scenarios to encounter, or is it just going to continue to be rehashes and grind work?repeats of older missions (subsistence and extreme)
Hm, staying connected or disconnecting?
I've been calling the "pick-up" option every time I wanted to get back to the helicopter for 30 hours. Didn't realize till today that I can just hit pause and select "Return to ACC". smh
I think it's time for a dailer reminder of MGSV travel lifehacks!
1. Return to ACC after autosave anywhere in the field.
2. Cardboard box travel exists by taking invoices from the orange box platforms in the bigger bases.
3. Once you can fulton containers, jump on top, fulton, and then hold on to exfiltrate on top of a container.
So basically, after completing a side op press pause and Return to ACC. After completing an objective in a mission (or side op) find a container and exfiltrate yourself by hopping on top. If there's no container, leave the hot zone and then return to ACC.
I'm hoping for confirmation on a surefire auto save method as well.I'm pretty sure you can also force an autosave by going in to Combat deployment and then go return to ACC.
I'm pretty sure you can also force an autosave by going in to Combat deployment and then go return to ACC.
Maybe take a break and see how you feel? If your interest continues to wane then you'll know to stop, if you get the hankering again keep playing. Chapter 2 isn't better quality than Chapter 1 so if you're already feeling burned out it probably won't get better. There are a lot of cutscenes back at Mother Base, though.
Err... sorry if this has been asked before, but how do you grab on to something you've fultoned? Playing on the PC with an Xbox controller.
So mission 16...I ended up just bombarding the hell out of the tanks and snipers via bombing the hell out of them. Then I just rocket launched the hell out of the scull guys
Hardest mission so far. How did you guys approach this?
If it works in Spain id love to have it!Free UK PSN code for Ground Zeros if anyone wants.
First to reply gets it... And the code.
Got it with my pre order but already had the game plus it was free on PS+ so meh![]()
Appears to be OK...can I back my save up somehow?
If it works in Spain id love to have it!
Edit: Just looked it up and they seem to be locked by region; but thanks anyway!
Appears to be OK...can I back my save up somehow?
PS+? Cloud. Or USB.
I believe it only effects how fast the helicopter arrives when calling in Air support
Did you actually equip the upgraded chasis? You have to go into customize on your iDroid while in the ACC to equip it.
Free UK PSN code for Ground Zeros if anyone wants.
First to reply gets it... And the code.
Got it with my pre order but already had the game plus it was free on PS+ so meh![]()
I was curious why a side op mission I have completed has a checkmark for it but it's still selectable.. Is this a bug or is it so some side can be replayed ?
oh for fuck sake. I was doing an S-rank run on extreme Code Talker andThen I get invaded and for some reason I thought I should go deal with it.I'd beaten all four skulls without being detected and made it to the mansion.
I turn up and my security dealt with the guy in a matter of seconds, and I lost my checkpoint in the mission. Now I gotta' restartI wish the game made it clear that this would happen... and the official guide didn't say as much either.
In FOB it's total BS that the defender can respawn after you kill him. He even gets an invincibility period.
I don't think this mode was tested well at all. Anything beyond one strut is way too hard, especially with an actual human, and what you get in return is not even close to good enough. It takes forever for shit to be converted into usable resources, too.
Good - hopefully this is a good deterrent and people move away from this mode.
The less fun it is and the fewer people that invade as time goes on the more safe I will feel in building a fob lol!
I'm like 40 hours in and have never once called an airstrike.
I am probably doing something wrong, but how does one use the electronic vehicle capture mine? I can't get it to work.
Has that PC bug where using quiet on mission 29 and 31 can wipe your save been fixed?
Alright thxIt's not just a PC bug and no
oh for fuck sake. I was doing an S-rank run on extreme Code Talker andThen I get invaded and for some reason I thought I should go deal with it.I'd beaten all four skulls without being detected and made it to the mansion.
I turn up and my security dealt with the guy in a matter of seconds, and I lost my checkpoint in the mission. Now I gotta' restartI wish the game made it clear that this would happen... and the official guide didn't say as much either.
I'm really early in the game, but I was just listening to old MGS music a little bit ago, and it got me thinking: is there any iteration at all of the classic MGS theme anywhere in this game? I know it was featured in MGS4 in an edited form due to the plagiarism scandal, but I haven't heard any talk about it showing up here at all.
Good - hopefully this is a good deterrent and people move away from this mode.
The less fun it is and the fewer people that invade as time goes on the more safe I will feel in building a fob lol!