Just keep doing those side-ops, but be warned of doing side op 150.
Is there a non-spoiler version of why I should be warned doing it? Do I lose something after?
Just keep doing those side-ops, but be warned of doing side op 150.
Sorry misclicked. Meant 43.
What is everyone's favorite Snake uniform?
What is everyone's favorite Snake uniform?
How can I get mission 45 to appear?
I've justlistened to the tape explaining that Huey added the beta rays to cause the radiation, although there isn't anything after that?
Is there a non-spoiler version of why I should be warned doing it? Do I lose something after?
yup. i was running after them, so there was no time to lay out traps. gonna try shooting next time. was too afraid to alert them.
1.) It auto-leads to Mission 45 which is incredibly frustrating so make sure you're armed to the teeth and ready blow shit up before doing it too.
2.) (vauge spoiler)Yes, you do. In fact, once it triggers you'll know why.
Sneaking suit and bandanaWhat is everyone's favorite Snake uniform?
So I should do that side op last?
Sneaking Suit and Splitter w/ scarf.What is everyone's favorite Snake uniform?
I'm contemplating just spoiling myself at the moment. The game is long, I'm forty hours in and I just completed chapter 1 and now I'm hearing the game goes on for another 20+ missions or so. Most of which just seem like hard mode versions of missions I've already done. It also doesn't help that there is next to no story at all and so many missions play so similarly.
Does chapter 2 get any better? The preview made it look interesting, but with the way they spaced out the story in chapter 1 it doesn't give me high hopes.
What is everyone's favorite Snake uniform?
When do I start finding S+ soldiers? Never seen one above S. I don't know what factors are involved but my heroism is 750k....
When do I start finding S+ soldiers? Never seen one above S. I don't know what factors are involved but my heroism is 750k....
Sooo... Quiet is not supposed to be humming over the radio all the time, right? Literally the second the previous transmission ended, she started a new one. Over and over and over. It was like she got stuck in some kind of a loop and it happened with several different outposts.
Sooo... Quiet is not supposed to be humming over the radio all the time, right? Literally the second the previous transmission ended, she started a new one. Over and over and over. It was like she got stuck in some kind of a loop and it happened with several different outposts.
did you 100% GZ?
Just keep doing those side-ops, but be warned of doing side op 150.
probably the GOAT sneaking suitI still really like the GZ suit.
It will lead up toWhat do you mean by that? I shouldn't do it?
Each mission is seen as an episode.Guys, I just started the game, got to Mother Base for the first time.
Loving everything about it, but...what's up with all the credits? I mean: ALL THE TIME.
It's like that the whole game? It's kind of annoying.
It's way Kojima found to give it back at Konami?
Great now I'm out of golden crescent so no more tranq ammo. Water pistol it is then.
Rather offtopic but the motion blur on its legs looks totally out of place, pretty weird I always thought the game had some top notch motion blur for some reason (being all cinematic etc) o:i love d walker. its a cool mech.
For some reason tho.. when i swap to the non walking mode... with the wheels. it goes super slow.
Still. epic looking. A screen from mine.
I love the uniforms with scarf, they look really stylish and fitting for the two areas.What is everyone's favorite Snake uniform?
She always has a target. So it's by design that the game will play the same 5 second audio on loop for as long as you're clearing an outpost? I guess it's DD all the way then.
I might be wrong but I think she only hums when she's not scouting or providing cover fire. I think the hum is just "I'm neutral give me orders"
Rather offtopic but the motion blur on its legs looks totally out of place, pretty weird I always thought the game had some top notch motion blur for some reason (being all cinematic etc) o:
Have the effect turned off myself so I wouldn't really know.
I love the uniforms with scarf, they look really stylish and fitting for the two areas.
Are you sure you are reading that right?
There it is :\ to be fair I have put a few hours into the game... and only recently started going lethal.
Codetalker's tapes remind me of something out of Kung Pow.
Yep, you can at least skip the ending episode credits.Guys, I just started the game, got to Mother Base for the first time.
Loving everything about it, but...what's up with all the credits? I mean: ALL THE TIME.
It's like that the whole game? It's kind of annoying.
It's way Kojima found to give it back at Konami?
Yep, you can at least skip the ending episode credits.
To be fair, Kojima has always had his name all over these games in the past. I mean, come on, he's an actual guy you can rescue in Ground Zeroes.
I get loads of S rank soldiers, which is fine and I don't really need any higher, but I'm curious as to why no higher appears. Might be that there's a cap at S rank, or that I just need 1m before any at 300k and have an occasional s rank pop up every now and then
go try and infiltratethere is always at least 1 S rank soldier there for meokb zero
They get added periodically during the story. I only saved the original 7(?) from the main part and Kojima. I really only noticed Kojima and no one else.
Code Talker can turn a 30 second conversation into a 8 minute cassette tape.
I gave up trying to figure that bullshit out for myself and just watched a video guide. I also love how the chopper circles around the platform before it lands. Like, wtf Peq, c'mon.The target practice on the R&D platform. Holy shit that mission is a clusterfuck.
Fell off the platform trying it for the tenth time and it brings me back to the command platform. Thought I'd take a helicopter ride right to the mission start, and my god that thing takes the longest route possible. I'm pretty sure it would have been faster walking there, haha.
Code Talker can turn a 30 second conversation into a 8 minute cassette tape.