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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future

Guys, I just started the game, got to Mother Base for the first time.
Loving everything about it, but...what's up with all the credits? I mean: ALL THE TIME.
It's like that the whole game? It's kind of annoying.
It's way Kojima found to give it back at Konami?
Do yourself a favour and avert your gaze during the start of each mission. The credits spoil who is gona appear in the mission. Very annoying.


The target practice on the R&D platform. Holy shit that mission is a clusterfuck.

Fell off the platform trying it for the tenth time and it brings me back to the command platform. Thought I'd take a helicopter ride right to the mission start, and my god that thing takes the longest route possible. I'm pretty sure it would have been faster walking there, haha.

I love that the R&D target practice is the first one that becomes available and is the hardest one by a country mile. I tried it a bunch of times and was super frustrated, couldn't complete it. More MB TP missions opened up, but I insisted on doing them in order, and I was dreading how hard the others must be considering the first one was this hard. But after like 10 tries I still couldn't beat it, and eventually I said screw it and moved on to the others... and was gobsmacked at how simple and straight forward they all were. Fucking Kojima, he just can't help being a troll.


That prologue was long as hell but I'm enjoying the game thus far.

The only annoying thing is all the credits everywhere. I mean, we get Kojima You the man.


Gold Member
Man, doing a Red Dead Redemption and just horseride through the desert with Sins of the Father on the Walkman is pretty neat.
That prologue was long as hell but I'm enjoying the game thus far.

The only annoying thing is all the credits everywhere. I mean, we get Kojima You the man.

Yeah, I don't like the credits cause on certain missions it totally spoils what character/characters are going to pop on during the mission.
I'm about 20 hours in, mission 11 or 12, and I can call the tedium setting in. So much of this game so far has just been doing "stuff" but I don't really feel drawn to do that stuff. It's not as bad as GTA5 where I felt like any of the stuff was boring or aggravating. It's just passively uninviting.

I've been reading and listening to other sources literally gushing about how this is one of the best games ever (Giant Bomb is unanimous in their unrelenting praise outside the quiet stuff) and I kept thinking I was doing something wrong

I know not every game appeals to every person but I felt like the odd one out. It's a very fun game and when I'm playing it I am not getting frustrated or bored, but it's not claiming the spot as the #1 game I have to be playing at all times. Seeing others feel the same kind of resets expectations and lets me feel better while playing it.

I understand this is weird

Can the dog ever permanently die? Little idiot ran in front of a car I was driving and I lost some bond and felt like a real asshole, and I've seen him get fucked up by gunfire but he keeps on truckin

I'll bench him if I can lose him because I don't want to have to deal with that
Can the dog ever permanently die? Little idiot ran in front of a car I was driving and I lost some bond and felt like a real asshole, and I've seen him get fucked up by gunfire but he keeps on truckin

I'll bench him if I can lose him because I don't want to have to deal with that

I don't think buddies can die. Usually they just get fultoned out if they take too much damage and you lose some GMP for it.


Getting super pissed off with these conversation triggers required for certain mission tasks. No idea what's going wrong, but it's taking hours just to do one task because it's buggy as hell. Guess I'll just be sitting in a box for a few hours hoping for the best.


So I met
today. Really not liking the
stupid fake British accent
. His appearance in trailers just made him look so cool.


I'm about 20 hours in, mission 11 or 12, and I can call the tedium setting in. So much of this game so far has just been doing "stuff" but I don't really feel drawn to do that stuff. It's not as bad as GTA5 where I felt like any of the stuff was boring or aggravating. It's just passively uninviting.

I've been reading and listening to other sources literally gushing about how this is one of the best games ever (Giant Bomb is unanimous in their unrelenting praise outside the quiet stuff) and I kept thinking I was doing something wrong

I know not every game appeals to every person but I felt like the odd one out. It's a very fun game and when I'm playing it I am not getting frustrated or bored, but it's not claiming the spot as the #1 game I have to be playing at all times. Seeing others feel the same kind of resets expectations and lets me feel better while playing it.

I understand this is weird

Can the dog ever permanently die? Little idiot ran in front of a car I was driving and I lost some bond and felt like a real asshole, and I've seen him get fucked up by gunfire but he keeps on truckin

I'll bench him if I can lose him because I don't want to have to deal with that

You're coming up on some awesome metal gear-y stuff. stick with it, boss!
I know not every game appeals to every person but I felt like the odd one out. It's a very fun game and when I'm playing it I am not getting frustrated or bored, but it's not claiming the spot as the #1 game I have to be playing at all times. Seeing others feel the same kind of resets expectations and lets me feel better while playing it.

I think it's all about how much you enjoy the core "game" of it. The objectives can be pretty simple (rescue this guy, kill these guys, find this thing, etc.) but what makes it fun for me is just doing it however I want to.

I totally know where you're coming from though, I just could not get into Spelunky for the life of me and it was talked about NON-STOP on podcasts I listened too, especially Idle Thumbs. Part of that could be just having the game overhyped for me, when I hear too many great stories other people had playing the game, I find that my time with the game is rarely if ever that exciting. Games I know I'm going to enjoy I usually try to avoid getting too many impressions or reading too much praise of them beforehand, I skipped like half of the last Bombcast because of spoilers and just not wanting to know about certain missions or ways they completed them.


So does anyone use the D-Walker buddy on the regular? I tried it out for a good while clearing out some side ops, and while it was good fun, I don't see it as that beneficial. You also have to change up your typical Metal Gear playstyle too. And it's a bummer you have to get off anytime you want to fulton.

But are there people out there that use it often? It's probably pretty good for a kill everything style. I imagine it'll probably be useful in MGO too.


It's usually when she has a target, is what I've noticed, which kinda goes with "neutral". When she's humming and you press L1, you can always tell her to "Fire / Shoot now", if she's not humming, you cannot tell her to "Fire Shoot now". I think you can always tell her to cover you.

I have to check, but I usually set her to COVER ME since I got her the silenced tranq rifle, and I don't think she hums when she's in COVER ME mode or SCOUT mode.
So does anyone use the D-Walker buddy on the regular? I tried it out for a good while clearing out some side ops, and while it was good fun, I don't see it as that beneficial. You also have to change up your typical Metal Gear playstyle too. And it's a bummer you have to get off anytime you want to fulton.

But are there people out there that use it often? It's probably pretty good for a kill everything style. I imagine it'll probably be useful in MGO too.

I would use it more if it didn't have such a large GMP cost to deploy. It is indeed made for being in combat alert because despite the supposed modifications that are supposed to make it more stealthy, you are easily spotted riding it, it's essentially armor that protects you, and the twin tranq guns are meant to be continuously fired (and of course it has its gatling gun too).


Quiet end story spoilers
does her speaking English at the end mean the parasites will kill her? Didn't really get it to be honest,

Nose Master

Do all tranq'd guards bug out when you spray them in the face with the water pistol? The ones on MB immediately stand up and get annoyed, and then on the next frame they're laying back down asleep. >_>;


Anyone bothered with the health regen in the game? I mean, I don't think the game needed a in depth health and stamina system like MGS3 (although, i'd love it, imagine having to feed on scorpions and goats in Afghanistan, heal your wounds, etc) but the fact that health is pretty much gone is a bit of a bummer to me.

Again, it's one of those things man, that really makes me disappointed with this game.

I'm all over the place with MGS TPP, first 50 hours I was in heaven, after that (pretty much after chapter 2 started) then my experience is just going downhill. Still GOTY for me, but with some tweaks and additions MGS TPP could easily be the game of all time.


Quiet end story spoilers
does her speaking English at the end mean the parasites will kill her? Didn't really get it to be honest,
A few words won't trigger the parasites. The problem is of course knowimg how much "a few words" are. Quiete didn't want to risk anything. Plus she broke her vow and was thus maybe breaking it in the future and endangering Big Boss.


I think it's all about how much you enjoy the core "game" of it. The objectives can be pretty simple (rescue this guy, kill these guys, find this thing, etc.) but what makes it fun for me is just doing it however I want to.

I totally know where you're coming from though, I just could not get into Spelunky for the life of me and it was talked about NON-STOP on podcasts I listened too, especially Idle Thumbs. Part of that could be just having the game overhyped for me, when I hear too many great stories other people had playing the game, I find that my time with the game is rarely if ever that exciting. Games I know I'm going to enjoy I usually try to avoid getting too many impressions or reading too much praise of them beforehand, I skipped like half of the last Bombcast because of spoilers and just not wanting to know about certain missions or ways they completed them.

In the nicest way, I'm expecting a hell of a lot of revisionism from many media outlets and podcasts in coming months on their absolutely gushing overloads.

"I mean yeah braah, we called it the best game ever made by God himself and that it's story was the best evvva executed perfectly at the time, but we fucking called it - it's story and execution of key elements is severely flawed and we didn't buy into the hype like all the other guys didz - we wouldn't betray our audiences by pandering to the Metal Gear herd like that"

and I think the games good, if a very flawed overall package
So does anyone use the D-Walker buddy on the regular? I tried it out for a good while clearing out some side ops, and while it was good fun, I don't see it as that beneficial. You also have to change up your typical Metal Gear playstyle too. And it's a bummer you have to get off anytime you want to fulton.

But are there people out there that use it often? It's probably pretty good for a kill everything style. I imagine it'll probably be useful in MGO too.

You can get a Fulton gun I believe, that lets you tag people from a distance. Restricts you to an A rating in missions though. I unlocked it but haven't used it yet.

Not a huge fan, I like the spotting capabilities of Quiet and DD too much, I suck at spotting people in the bush and can use all the extra help I can get.

To be fair I haven't given the D-Walker a lot of use.


I love the uniforms with scarf, they look really stylish and fitting for the two areas.

I actually think all the Naked variants look really good. He looks like a bonafide badass topless with the straps for all his weapons going across.

On topic though, the Ground Zeroes sneaking suit is my jam. So much more subtle and understated than the new sneaking suit, which is badass and stylish but doesnt feel at all like it was made for 'sneaking'.

Give me the GZ sneaking suit at night and send me into an airport or oil processing plant any day.


Yeah, they showed far too much of that episode in the trailers.

Not only that episode, sadly. E3 2013, E3 2014, E3 2015 and launch trailer featured nearly every single plot point/excerpt from every single cutscene in the game.

I think the only thing you could not expect were Code Talker's work on parasites and Huey being an absolutely despicable person, yet the only one in the story who can see how full of bs the entire squad of Diamond Dogs are

Not really, lots of previews and stuff were all red herrings. They were all cut from the game so technically they didn't spoil anything :p

[endgame spoilers]
What was a red herring? That Solid Snake appeared in the game? That Skull Face would actually feature in any major way, when they included almost his entire climactic speech in E3 2015 trailer?
There is an achievement for developing 300 items I believe...does this just mean develop everything in the game, or are there more in the game? They are starting to get super expensive
Is anyone else playing this game with absolutely no HUD (I have my ammo counter on contextual, more games need this!), no marking/highlighting, and no reflex mode? I've found that the game is much more immersive, challenging, and thus more satisfying for me if I play without any assists.


There is an achievement for developing 300 items I believe...does this just mean develop everything in the game, or are there more in the game? They are starting to get super expensive
There are more in the game. I haven't even finished everything and I got the cheevo for days, before I even finished the story.
When does the missions get more interesting. I am currently up to mission 5 or 6 and I'm just not getting gripped. The way the story is being told via cassette tapes is dull and the missions aren't great. When does it get good?


When does the missions get more interesting. I am currently up to mission 5 or 6 and I'm just not getting gripped. The way the story is being told via cassette tapes is dull and the missions aren't great. When does it get good?

If you're expecting anything like the older MGS games you're going to be disappointed. The's not much story to the game.
Just unlocked Mission 29 so I'm gonna use D-Walker for what will most likely be a bloodbath.

Do have a question regarding the current situation at MB:
I didn't really know how to initially deal with the disease that was spreading at MB. I thought of putting people who spoke Kikongo into Quarantine since the initial batch spoke the language too. Yet, people keep dying and Quarantine has over 200 people. How badly did I fuck this up?


I would use it more if it didn't have such a large GMP cost to deploy. It is indeed made for being in combat alert because despite the supposed modifications that are supposed to make it more stealthy, you are easily spotted riding it, it's essentially armor that protects you, and the twin tranq guns are meant to be continuously fired (and of course it has its gatling gun too).

Didn't think to fire the tranq guns continously, but I prefer headshots anyway which is hard to pull off in the D-Walker. Especially with no FP mode.

You can get a Fulton gun I believe, that lets you tag people from a distance. Restricts you to an A rating in missions though. I unlocked it but haven't used it yet.

Not a huge fan, I like the spotting capabilities of Quiet and DD too much, I suck at spotting people in the bush and can use all the extra help I can get.

To be fair I haven't given the D-Walker a lot of use.

Ohh the spoiler is very interesting. I'll use it a lot more for side ops considering ranking doesn't matter once I get that.

The water pistol actually does something?

I beat a boss with it...

Mission 20 spoilers
Fire Volgin. Felt fucking great but it took a while.


Neo Member
So I just finished mission 41 and got the cutscene where
Eli leaves with the metal gear
, how far am I from the final mission?


The core gameplay is still good, but I've done all the side missions I want for now. There's only so many times I can infiltrate Nova Braga Airport to extract a prisoner/soldier/blueprint before the motivation leaves me.

I'm actually kinda itching to go back to Ground Zeroes for a bit (didn't play that much). :D


Is mission 14 bugged or something? I can't complete all the tasks because these idiots wont interrogate the last prisoner.


Oh fuck! I just filtoned a tank with someone in it... didnt know that was possible!! And all this time I destroyed them with RPGs...

Is mission 14 bugged or something? I can't complete all the tasks because these idiots wont interrogate the last prisoner.

Tranq the prisoner they bring at the third outpost they visit

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Just unlocked Mission 29 so I'm gonna use D-Walker for what will most likely be a bloodbath.

Do have a question regarding the current situation at MB:
I didn't really know how to initially deal with the disease that was spreading at MB. I thought of putting people who spoke Kikongo into Quarantine since the initial batch spoke the language too. Yet, people keep dying and Quarantine has over 200 people. How badly did I fuck this up?

Symptomatic people can't be saved. The ones you have quarantined are saved. Or so I understand.
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