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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future


Finished chapter 1. That chapter 2 preview :O

Question about the credits (character spoilers):
I saw voice/mo-cap credits for Paz and Zero. I know Paz is in the game and I just haven't done her side op arc yet (plus she was in the ch. 2 preview) but did I miss Zero somehow, or does he also not appear until chapter 2?


The fuel resource struggle is real. I need 20,000 to upgrade my platforms again and I only have 11,000 fucking christ. Just finished missions 16 and 17 how do you grind fuel?
Yeah, I'm really enjoying having them off. The first thing I did when I turned it all off was take on a tank unit, and I thought it was going to be hell but it wasn't. I can't help but think there should have been one of those "Are you new to MGS?" questions when you started like in 3, with this being the setup for experienced players.

You're so right about all of the stuff cluttering the screen, and you still have the markers on the map if you need them. Trial records telling me how many times I've been shot? Gone. Orange triangles? Gone. Superhuman senses? Gone. You still get the audio cue, but you don't know where it's from so you pay attention to your surroundings (you should do anyway). Same with damage direction. If only you could turn off the blood splats and just have the screen turn red.

I do recommend that people try it, especially if you played 1-4.
yeah mostly the same...I leave on damage direction since it sort of makes sense that if you do get hit, you probably have an idea the general direction. but definitely detection direction is off, I found that a little visually annoying and actually distracting -- found it easier to pay attention to enemies noticing or searching for me with the extra clutter gone. trial records are still there mostly because i free roam a lot and they don't seem to appear very often or effect gameplay, but i could probably turn them off and no really notice... I think it's just interesting to keep a running tally of headshots or CQC takedowns but really insignificant either way.

by far the biggest ones were the Markers, followed by Reflex and Detection Direction, and then also the Item HUD being removed really helps clear up space in your corners, too.

I've been thinking sometimes about removing crosshairs but I like shoulder fire and I feel like they give you a better representation of actual shoulder fire since you should still have a decent sense of aim -- I wish we could customize them to make them smaller and more transparent. I liked in GTA V you could basically just make it a half see through dot.
The fuel resource struggle is real. I need 20,000 to upgrade my platforms again and I only have 11,000 fucking christ. Just finished missions 16 and 17 how do you grind fuel?
at that point, maybe alternate between the Central Base Camp and the Angola airport... far north-west corner and north-eastern gate corner wall just north of the gate, respectively.


So on the optional missions for the prologue, it says I have to complete the mission without the Man on Fire attacking once. If he does hit me, can I just restart from the checkpoint, or do I have to start the entire mission over?

Also, am I correct in saying that this game punishes you for restarting a mission, but not from restarting a checkpoint? That seems way backwards.


Just started. Probably a dumb question, but: once you capture an outpost or other location, does it stay captured and free of enemy soldiers, or will it always become repopulated with enemies after you reload out a certain amount of time passes?


Just started. Probably a dumb question, but: once you capture an outpost or other location, does it start captured and free of enemy soldiers, or will it always become repopulated with enemies after you reload out a certain amount of time passes?

They repopulate. Just gives you a heroism bonus.
yeah it affects all your resources since if you have X resources, they're sort of evenly split across various platforms on both your MB and FOB(s).... you cannot control either. so if you're going to create a FOB and especially a Base Development platform, then make sure you defend it -- the easiest targets to raid and steal resources from are people are create a FOB and then do nothing to it, and they have like 20-40K resources from their 'total pool' just sitting there guarded by like 8 C-D ranked soldiers in shirts and pants ;p

it can affect your units too in the same way but security unit is for other platforms but your main command platform does seem to draw from your combat unit too (?) if they're killed by an other player, they'll probably just be injured in the sickbay but they can die, too; if they're fulton-ed, they're gone unless you put them on a Direct Contact

so, it has no really effect on your actual walking, move, missions, etc... no affect on how you see or act in mother base. but it can affect that stats meaningful to SP like your resources or units.... so if you are going to create upgrade an FOB, especially if you build a base development platform, then you really really should upgrade it and try build at least 2/4 or 3/4 because then your biggest resources 'collection' of containers will be on the second strut... if it's 1/4 you'll have like 12 of 15 or so containers just sitting there right in the corner by where the invader enters. so, at least upgrade your command and base development platforms and add security devices/heavy armor/snipers in towers

well it's the same sort of upgrades... so I think it's +15 per unit for unit platforms, just the same as MB... and your MB as a 'global' score for things like Material Processing, Weather Forecasting, based on both MB and FOB(s) so FOBs are sort of the way you get A or S rank for some of your base abilities. Also, R&D level goes up a lot faster because you can now obviously have more R&D people, so using FOB really let's you unlock R&D 40-60 items a lot sooner in the story.

If you ignore FOB, you could probably easily only be at R&D 35-45 by Mission 30 and even below R&D when you beat the game, but if you build up your FOB right after Mission 22 and free roam/infiltrate FOBs a while before progressing the story a bit, you can probably get over R&D 50 by Mission 28-31.

and FOBs really really favour defense... you do get shit stolen but if you upgrade base development to 3/4, set it to highest security, it's pretty darn hard for invaders to steal much stuff and your bonuses to your global base stats, resource generation, etc should easily be a net sum... there's a bit of an investment cost where if you're going to do FOBs, you really should sink another GMP and resources to upgrade/place security on it, and that can be expensive, but in the long run it's worth it I think because once you make back the costs, your GMP and resources rates (not to mention R&D leveling) will be a lot faster
Just wanted to say awesome post and thanks for all the great info! :)
Thanks I'm also still learning though... I'm a big Snake Eater fan but also a big XCOM/4X strategy fan, and this game is basically like the perfect combination of open world survival and infiltration with base and army management. So, I'm loving the FOB stuff, too, in a sort of 'keep it in perspective' complimentary sort of way. I mean, it's not a good main online MP mode (that's what I hope MGO does) but I think it's pretty interesting as a complimentary-to-SP thing.

I do need to clarify one detail I made though, which I learned last night...

Every unprocessed resource actually has 2 types: MB Resource and FOB Resource. That's why where are so many numbers on your Resource list. The first is the number of your MB Resource, e.g. MB Fuel. This is stored at MB and totally safe from Invasion. But the other (in brackets) is your FOB Resource, e.g. FOB Fuel. These are purely all stored at your FOB, and can be fully stolen. Lastly, Processed Resources (from either your MB or FOB source) are all stored at MB, so once you process your FOB Unprocessed Fuel, it moves to MB and becomes MB Processed Fuel and cannot be stolen.

The game seems to determine between MB and FOB Resources mostly based on where you get them. E.g. If you steal a container from the Angola airport, it becomes MB Unprocessed Fuel; but if you still a container from a rival FOB, it becomes FOB Unprocessed Fuel.

And, that means that Resources stolen from rival FOBs remain 'at risk' at your FOB, while Resources stolen from Afghanistan or Angola are not 'at risk' because they're stored at your MB.

There may be some overlap... I felt like I have more FOB Resources than I've stolen from rival FOBs... so, maybe, say, 10-20% of your resources from SP are put on your MP base, and similarly your MP-stolen resources put, say, 80% on your FOB and 20% on your MB. But I'm not sure... I will test it by just keep tracking of my totals in the Log (it does really nice 'summaries' every time you return to your ACC) and see if I can isolate whether 100% or, say, 70-90% of resources from Afghanistan and Angola go to Mother Base, and how much if any is stored on your FOB.

So, I think the point is that actually the Resource risk is significantly smaller than I think many of us had an impression... For the most part, it seems like basically your Resources from SP is rather safe from MP invasion... all Processed Resources and MB Unprocessed Resources cannot by stolen -- it's just your FOB Unprocessed Resources at threat (during the period of processing based on your Materials Processing rank).

Which means while soldiers and especially your Security unit are still at risk, I think people can try enjoy the FOB a little more (or at least not be scared to connect online and at least create a basic one) without such a worry that they'll never be able to afford item upgrades. The stuff you steal from Afghanistan and Angola should be mostly safe.... I think. Still testing this stuff out haha.
I really don't like the (post Mission 25 spoilers)
sickness storyline from a gameplay perspective. I mean, it'd be fine if it didn't actually kill off some of my staff. The quarantining process was slow and very tedious. I had like 1000~ staff by that point and going through them all looking for that K-language was so annoying. I feel like I've missed some, too. And getting constant updates that my staff is dying isn't helping... Should I just speed through the main missions now until I think I read Mission 29?
I really don't like the (post Mission 25 spoilers)
sickness storyline from a gameplay perspective. I mean, it'd be fine if it didn't actually kill off some of my staff. The quarantining process was slow and very tedious. I had like 1000~ staff by that point and going through them all looking for that K-language was so annoying. I feel like I've missed some, too. And getting constant updates that my staff is dying isn't helping... Should I just speed through the main missions now until I think I read Mission 29?

yeah, just keep going through main missions
Does anyone know where to find these DD staff?


On PC, and I was playing with a mod that changes the FaceID on any person. They're kinda like Gold/Amber Fox and the Canines being male-female twins of each other, but as I recall they were only obtainable with a GZ save.

Since I can't permanently change a face on staff (yet) I wanna know they are even obtainable since, well, they look cool.


Junior Member
How am I ever going to get 48,000 fuel resources? It feels like it'll take me to the end of the game (I just finished chapter 15).
So I finished Mission 45 last night... or early this morning, rather. Mission 46-50 is tonight, and I have such a lust for conclusion :D

So, impressions and spoilers for Mission 45 and earlier below:

The first thing I kind of have mixed feelings about post-Mission 31, in the sense that the actual 'game missions' really did sort of end at Mission 31. Everything after is mostly just challenge modes and a couple of bonus missions (with no real multi-mission narrative). So, expecting 19 more Missions, I'm disappointed in that sense.

But.... if Mission 31 really was the end of the 'main game' then if you view Missions 32-45 as as sort of end-game bonus content, it's pretty cool. And, had the game ended at Mission 31, honestly, I'd have been pretty satisfied. Missions 28-31 were amazing and ended on a perfect high note. I was totally satisfied and while the very ending of Skull Face and Man on Fire were anticlimactic, I was mostly pretty damn satisfied. So, I'm not sure I have a problem viewing post-31 as bonus stuff, similar to the 'true ending' of Peace Walker.

So, I'm sort of mixed yet... I felt conclusively satisfied by 31 but also it seems obvious that it wasn't meant as an ending because it left more things open than closed. If Man on Fire (with the Third Boy) and Skull Face had more of a climax and conclusion, and Eli just didn't exist, I think Mission 31 would have been a good ending, and I'd feel pretty satisfied with everything after 31 as bonus content.

Still pretty satisfied, and I mean I've put almost 150 hours in. Obviously it's doing something great. I love the core gameplay and the more I reflect on Chapter 1, I think the more I like it.

As for post-31, some impressions of various missions:

Mission 33 [Subsistence] I feel like re-done Missions should not have been given new #s, and just been given the option to replay every Mission as either Subsistence, Total Stealth, etc. I really really enjoy the Subsistence missions and I think I'll try emulate a lot of missions like this in the future. Would have been cool if the game just automatically let you play any mission (and then get a stat or unlock for doing so) like this.

Mission 44 [Total Stealth]
Pitch Black
speaking of Total Stealth, holy fffff was I scared about this
because it's such a huge mission, but I ending up acing it on my very first try haha I got incredibly lucky with 1 perfectly timed tranq snipe from Quiet though,

i play without Markers and after I placed the C4 and almost to the sluice gate controls, I came around a corner and I was just fucked, screwed up and I knew I was probably too far away charge CQC, they all had helmets so I probably couldn't headshot tranq before gunfire and I had my handgun out so I probably couldn't use Hand of Jehuty in time; my instinct was just charge to CQC but I felt I was done, zero chance to make it hahaha then then Quiet tranqs him! just perfect lol I didn't even know she had her crosshairs on him, felt like I could never repeat just how lucky all my timing was my first try haha

Mission 40 [Extreme]
Cloaked in Silence. god this was tough at first because no matter what I did, I could never stealth and 'get the jump' on her with a rifle... but then I figured out that rockets actually disorient her sense of where you are, and cause her to lose alert to your location -- furthermore, if you ping pong her 'rocket-avoiding jumps' or disorient her enough, you can cause her to jump literally right beside you, making her an easy shotgun headshot target (do that twice and she's done) and an easy S Rank on my first time beating it

Mission 43
just... wow... if any mission justified an actual sort of multi-mission narrative, it was this one. i really actually felt emotional, maybe i've just played too much and begun to care about Big Boss and the Diamond Dogs too much, but I really felt bad doing it, and the ending was pretty emotional :(

and Mission 45
that was pretty harsh... when the soldier unzipped his pants, after the ending and tapes of Ground Zeroes, I half believed Koji was going to let that develop. but her reaction to them was pretty damn brutal nonetheless.... gameplay wise, I didn't think it was that bad. took me just a few tries, though maybe it helped I had fully upgraded heavy armor and my rocket launchers were fully upgraded, too? i had no idea there was a tank fight haha I thought it'd be a short sniping SIDE OP =p I just always wear heavy battle armor especially in outdoor cutscenes. I found it pretty fun actually :D and even has someone that went into MGS V really dislike Quiet's design, I found it pretty emotional :( she had a couple dumb events but Cloaked in Silence and A Quiet Exit were pretty amazing

and tonight, 46-50 and a lust for conclusion haha 150 hours in now, excited to see how it finishes (or doesn't finish based on the spoiler thread title) but I think I'm satisfied enough by Chapter 1 and just the core free roam gameplay that I may be more OK with Chapter 2 than others, we'll see tomorrow I suppose :D
Chapter 2 end game stuff

I just unlocked
Side OP 150 and Mission 46, what am I supposed to do first? I thought I'd have to do 45 before 46 but nope.

Also holy fuck Episode 43 and some of the newest tapes have been AMAZING.


It's done GAF. 215 hours later. That would be 100% were it not for that god damn blueprint glitch (fix it Konami). I can't remember the last game that got me obsessively hooked like MGSV managed to. Well done, Kojima Productions.


banda is my fav. ALMOST feel like SS


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Chapter 2 end game stuff

I just unlocked
Side OP 150 and Mission 46, what am I supposed to do first? I thought I'd have to do 45 before 46 but nope.

Also holy fuck Episode 43 and some of the newest tapes have been AMAZING.

Do whichever one you want. Just keep in mind one of them has lasting consequences.


Mission 23 "Voices" spoilers below.

Can't fulton the kids? OK, time for tedious hopper extracts for everyone! Just found out the flare grenade goes to nearest normal LZ rather than super close to where you drop it. This should be fun and time consuming.
to get bandana,
Complete the Side Op that makes you retrieve the AI Pod.

damn, long way to go.

i have another question, if i want to extract
the skulls to power up my parasite suit,
can i just extract them and abort the mission or do you have to complete the entire mission each time?


Welp I just faced my first hacker online and won! Woooooo! Fuck hackers!!! Dude had unlimited bullets and unlimited Heath! BUT HE COULD DO NOTHING AGAINST A BUM RUSH AND A PUSH TO THE GROUND FULTON!!!!!


In the C2W mission, one of the optional objectives is extract a shipping container, but I'm pretty sure I already got them because there's none here. What do I do?


Man, I hear a lot of complaints about mission 45 but nothing could prepare me for this bullshit. This is one of the most extreme difficulty spikes I've ever come across.
It's clear how much I enjoy the gameplay when I've already finished the game, got 100% completion and 98% of the trophies (thanks broken servers/online nonsense for that one, at this rate i'll never get a FOB) and I'm still playing the game. I even got almost everything developed and have nearly maxed out materials (except precious metals)

I still wish Konami would fix this error 10012 crap so I could platinum though....


trophy: when is the best time to
construct a nuke? i'm currently working on S ranks and tasks. i'm at 88% game cleared. thanks.

If you're working on S ranks, then you should wait. Making the nuke will deduct 50,000 heroism, which affects the ranks of the solders you'll find in the field.
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