Well they sell those also in MGO. I am really on fence of buying new FOB after reading your recent posts as your frustration comes from having new 2nd FOB(?). To be honest I kinda got off the hook already since I have everything developed aside from the newest stuff so I don't really have anything to do aside from stealing nukes.
Yeah, and I'm perfectly okay with silly MGO hats. Unfortunately MGO has its own set of issues to work out before I think enough players will get into it to want to buy stuff. And Konami hasn't really shown any commitment that it's here to stay.
As for MGSV, up until this month's update it was probably my game of the year. But now that it's required to have a 2nd FOB in order to unlock everything the game isn't even on my radar as a contender. I feel sorry for anyone who began the game after November 10th. They are getting a poorer experience. Up until that day I had never been invaded or needed to generate these absurd amounts of resources. Just everything about it is so scummy. I almost wish the game sucked from the start, because the whole reason I even subjected myself to this was because of how great it was and I wanted to continue to mess around with the new weapon and gear.
I've never felt I was nearing a complete 180 from loving to hating a game before.
Edit: Also to answer my own question from earlier, it doesn't seem FOB generate resources while I'm offline. Thanks Konami, for letting people steal my resources when I'm at work/sleeping/obliging other adult responsibilities, but not letting my online base generate while I'm not playing.
Edit2: Most of my frustration right now is coming from trying to retaliate to get my stolen resources back. Resources are all I care about. I don't care about my stolen staff, I don't care about taking nukes, I don't care about 'winning' the infiltration. I just want the resources so I can continue upgrades. But the people stealing my stuff have fully upgraded 2nd FOBs. The only previous FOB experience I have is grinding 2/4 Mosquito struts, which doesn't prepare me at all for the 4/4 level 48 player FOBs. Every time I retaliate I am completely destroyed within steps. And I can only manage 2 hours a day average to play, which I'd rather spend doing things I enjoy than learning the nuances of FOB invading which I do not enjoy.