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Metal Slug animated gifs are fucking awesome so post your favorites. 56k WARNING!!!

Further to earlier discussion re: Metal Slug 3, while I think it's a great game, I still consider Metal Slug 2/X my favourite. It's just that little bit breezier and less of a slog.
The attention to detail with the spritework is impeccable. There are a ton of 'pointless' animations, including different idle animations based per character and per environment if memory serves. Example:


Makes me sad SNK never got to make a Metal Slug with a KOF XII / XIII style rendition like they originally intended to, especially now with their move to 3D models...

Übermatik;210511890 said:
Sadly can't find a gif of Sol Dae Rokker firing, but these are kinda close:


Also the animation for wiggling around in snowman form... just, er, imagine this gyrating a bit:

This MS3 boss is my god damn bane. Those randomized orange colored shots are infuriating.


What's the best way to play these games if I have a PS4? Is the recently released Anthology good?

If you just want to play Metal Slug 3, it's available by itself on PS4 (for a pretty high price) and it's better than the version included with the recently released PS2 Anthology for PS4.

The Anthology has a lot of input lag, but it has all 6 (7, if you count 2 and X as different) games.


Gunforce 2 is pretty comparable and IMO even more impressive at some parts. It's an older game but maybe on a better hardware?



What's the best way to play these games if I have a PS4? Is the recently released Anthology good?

I've played nearly every version of these games that I could get my hands on.

To answer your question: No. 480i original emulation on PS2 further emulated on PS4 and rendered in 1080p is not going to look or feel right. This original PS2 release also had slight input lag which has only been exacerbated in the PS4 version.

If I were you, I'd buy the anthology to support SNK but then download Roms and play on Final Burn Alpha on your PC. You run the games in overclock mode in Final Burn Alpha so that there's no slow down as well - this is key for enjoying Metal Slug 2 which had severe slowdown issues on AES/MVS hardware.

Personally, I do play on MVS, but FBA is the next best option, if not a better experience.

The best version of the games that you can presently purchase is the PSP Anthology running on PS Vita or possibly PSTV (but I do not own a PSTV so I cannot comment on how it looks).

There's no loading time on Vita and the games look and play spectacularly when turning off the bilinear filtering and throwing the game into original pixel mode.

I haven't tried the steam versions so I cannot comment on them. But, skip anything on Wii (including virtual console), PS3, Xbox 360, and PS4.

Wii versions of Metal Slug are especially bad because they lack hit flashes on boss fights so you never know if you're causing splash damage from grenades and explosives which makes these versions downright unplayable. Good Metal Slug players rely on these techniques to cause a ton of fast damage to bosses.

I'd also skip Metal Slug Complete which was a DVD version of the Anthology for PC which forced bilinear filtering on all games giving them a blurry look. The emulation of Metal Slug 6 is especially bad in this compilation with sound effects really not sounding correct at all.

So to sum up, there are three ways of playing the games I'd recommend: 1. Original Neo Geo hardware of some kind, 2. Final Burn Alpha or some other emulator of equal quality, and 3. The PSP Anthology but played on a PS Vita.

Of course Metal Slug 7 on DS and/or Metal Slug XX on Vita are also both worth picking up.


It's an older game but maybe on a better hardware?

Gunforce 2 looks great, but ahahahah, no way. The game has much less refined animation and slowdowns a lot more. The neo Geo absolutely crush the the M82 board the game ran on.

Incidentally, a few years back, two French gamer managed to get ahold one of the former Irem/Nazca employee and made a very in-depth making off video about MS and Gunforce 2/In the Hunt. I posted the interesting bits from the Metal Slug portion in another thread, but I can also do the Gunforce 2/In The Hunt one if there's any interest.
I saw my friend playing Metal Slug 3 and I honestly thought it was a remaster or something because the animations were so damn good.


Gunforce 2 looks great, but ahahahah, no way. The game has much less refined animation and slowdowns a lot more. The neo Geo absolutely crush the the M82 board the game ran on.
According to MAME info, the game runs on "Irem M-92G system hardware" running with a double V33 and V35 cpu.

I don't know how that compares to a Neo-Geo though.

Also yeah, the game seems to slow down a lot, just like Metal Slug 2 did. But overall, i think it looks "busier" than any Metal Slug game, having even more sprites and effects on screen at any moment. It's a bit too chaotic at times.



Gunforce 2 is pretty comparable and IMO even more impressive at some parts. It's an older game but maybe on a better hardware?


I love GFII, but the difference is very much a deliberate aesthetic choice. It's incredibly cluttered, and it's often hard to follow the action.


Why can't we get a new metal slug arcade title that uses what Guilty Gear Xrd uses engine wise. Hand drawn instead of sprites.

Give it to me, these gifs are just making me want to power on my MAME pc :(


I remember noticing the hilariously sexist death animations from the corrosive acid in the bug stage in Metal Slug 3. Male characters would just melt right away, while the female characters would have their clothes melt off first.


The general consensus is 3 > X > 1. Make sure you get MSX, since MS2 vanilla is pretty bad.

Personally, mine goes 1 > 7 > X. They're the perfect length and difficulty.
Metal Slug 1 is my favorite, too. Perfect length and it doesn't turn into an insane quarter muncher at the very end, like MS3.
Never heard of this game before! Looks cool. I'm googling it now.

How are the PlayStation/Saturn ports?

The PSX version is the best. It's basically a straight port of the arcade version with less slowdown and a new soundtrack.

The Saturn version, on the other hand, has tons of slowdown (more than the coin-op) and terrible CGI sequences for some reason. And for better or for worse, I don't think it has unlimited continues or a level skip, which can be an issue since the game is hard.


I fucking love when Marco yells into his walkie talkie randomly while you're playing like in this first gif. It's so random and unnecessary but feels so smooth when it happens. I don't even know what triggers it.


Plus, here's two (nearly) perfectly looped gifs for those who are into that sorta thing:




These animations are glorious. I don't recall seeing any games with this quality of animation being released recently.


Metal Slug 3 is my favorite. I guess it's worth noting the PS4 version is cross-buy/save/play with the Vita. Did an entire run of the game on the PS4 while I played co-op online with someone running it on their Vita on the other end. Worked great.


I would love an action-rpg with the Metal Slug artstyle and animation. A Zelda 2 or Monsterworld type of game.


Unconfirmed Member
These animations are glorious. I don't recall seeing any games with this quality of animation being released recently.
That's the sad part about modern games that feature "retro graphics" as a celebration of old games' style, because plenty of those old games actually manage to look better.


These animations are glorious. I don't recall seeing any games with this quality of animation being released recently.

I don't really think we'll ever see something like it again.

This one right here blows my mind every time. It's like, Akira-levels of detail in hand drawn goodness. Just look at the little shock wave they drew along the ground of the explosion... fucking insane.


This thread re-inspired me to grab a few more animations.

Ostrich Slug (No Gun)

There's a burned-in marker for the weapon on every pose except for it's running animation.


I fully believe that the Metal Slug games are some of the best looking games ever. They are just full of amazingly well animated and designed sprite art that won't ever look dated.


Do we know the names of these miraculous pixel artists?

Nah, they've chosen to remain anonymous it seems. We have their pseudonyms from the credits, but only a few team members came out with their real names, and when pressed for information on other members, they were tight lipped.


Never heard of this game before! Looks cool. I'm googling it now.

How are the PlayStation/Saturn ports?
Made by the proto Metal Slug team, and the closest to MS of their gams IMO.

Both ports are great. Saturn has more animation frames, some bonuses (a crappy FMV intro and extra arranged soundtrack) runs slightly faster and slows down when the arcade does. PS1 has cut frames but less slowdown and bonuses.


Do we know the names of these miraculous pixel artists?

The PSP Anthology has an interview with the following staff. I'm copying this verbatim including the capitalization of letters, spacing, and punctuation:

-Kawai, the team boss and development manager, but was not involved in actual development

-MeeHer, Lead Designer

-AKIO, Graphic Artist, basic design of characters and machines, animation, supervision

-SUSUMU, Graphic Artist, work on overall scrolling and supervision

-CANNON or MAX-D, Graphic Artist

-TOMO, Graphic Artist

-KUICHIN, Graphic Artist

-Andy, Programmer

-SEEKER, Programmer

Lol, no actual names, true to Japanese credits from the arcade era. Even their pseudonyms are fugginnn badasssss. Maybe I should start telling women my nicknames are "CANNON" and "MAX-D" haha.


That's the sad part about modern games that feature "retro graphics" as a celebration of old games' style, because plenty of those old games actually manage to look better.
Most devs who use "retro style" graphics also use very low detail and fat pixels in general. IMO it's not because they care about the art style, it's because it's cheaper to make this way. This whole "artistic direction" to me is just an excuse (most of the time).

Metal Slug is (i assume) a very high budget 2D game. So you are not going to see the same quality from cheap indie developers, ever. Sure, some have managed to create some very nice art and animations (Rain World is probably the best atm) but nothing touches the SNK level of detail. I mean, Rain World has some FANTASTIC animations but they are not hand drawn (they are real-time procedural or something like that) and the models are mostly silhouettes with minimal detail.

Also, even in their best looking games, most indies seem to use very low resolution assets on purpose, that "simulate" fat pixels i assume. This is not how Neo-Geo/CPS1/2 2D games looked like. Heck, not even NES games... That fat-pixel style looks more like something from Colecovision or some very old early 80's arcades.

To me this is very sad because after Neo-Geo, i was expecting amazing 2D art and animation from more powerful machines. Today you have something like a PS4, that is what, 1.000.000 times more capable than a Neo-Geo? And you have, what, 20+ GBs of storage instead of 80MB Metal Slug 3 needed? And yet, the best looking 2D game in it's library is still that Metal Slug 3 port. It's pretty sad.

Lets hope Cup Head changes all that. But even that isn't really pixel art, is it?
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