You act like the Switch doesn't exist and isn't in competition with Sony and MS. There is more to gaming than just Sony vs Xbox. You also just came out and said it, MS needs/wants ABK to be more competitive.
It's so absurdly dumb. MS not getting ABK only prevents fanboys from dunking on Sony fanboys. Nothing about owning an Xbox will change when it comes to ABK output, they've lost nothing other than shit talking points. MS has so many resources with Xbox, they're just mismanaged as can be and pathetic in their output.
People should be mad at Xbox for repeatedly shitting the bed for no apparent reason. It's embarrassing to see people straight faced boast about gamepass and the fact that Xbox controllers take AA batteries.
What is it with the continual hate for Xbox controllers and batteries? Are people seriously that hurt by having to buy some rechargeable ones that end up lasting longer then the PlayStation controller's battery? How is this still an argument that carries weight to it?
Microsoft does indeed have many resources, and I'm not arguing against internal revision to realign development mentalities. What I'm arguing against is the CMA decision, which is based on an industry that "may" be worth €1 billion by 2026. Maybe, if people actually shift to that consumer style and the infrastructure is available to do so. Right now, and I really can't see it changing in less than three years time, that isn't there so the decision is based on hypothetical stretches.
Would the content library be massive for Xbox and Microsoft? Most definitely, can't argue against that. However there would be severe cannibalism if Microsoft decided to foreclose any IP's of significance that can move the needle in game sales. It'd be like setting on fire truck loads of money to pamper a brand that doesn't need it, instead the association is key. That's how CoD got so big and is why Sont focused so much on it, because it is PlayStation now in the eyes of the consumer.
I didn't ignore Switch, and know very well Nintendo is actually the number one in console space. However Nintendo operates on an entirely different stratosphere of thinking, and you can't deny that at all. Heck even the CMA agrees there. I will just be very interested how this all plays out in the coming remainder of year, as we have some big titles coming from Sony that will continue to bolster their lead. Whether that upsets the industry or not, who knows