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Microsoft to release three versions of Xbox 2


Mrbob said:
This is the inquirer. Take news with HUGE grain of salt.

Now, I wouldn't be surprised if there were two versions of Xbox Next (Xbox Next HD and Xbox Next PC). But the difference between Xbox Next and Xbox Next HD is too negligible to make two models.

Well, if only a small percentage of the total userbase actually uses the HD in the Xbox (mostly DLC for Live users), then it makes sense to put out a base model and save a ton of money on the vast majority of consoles sold.


Interesting and scary at the same time.. I don't think this is impossible but Microsoft has to be very, very careful with this.

Also, if they want to release within a year, they must make Halo 2 playable on Xbox Next. I just can't see how they could dump Halo 2 so quickly. Full BC or just some game-specific stuff (like mentioned in the other thread), but Halo 2 must be playable on the then-current Xbox system in December 2005...


Time to pack the bags XBox and Sony fanboys, Revolutions now has the road cleared to success! :D

HEHE!, I don't like this idea either. Who in their right mind buy a low end PC to play Xenon? Why not buy the cheaper Xenon and save money for a kickas$ PC?

Would you play the Xenon PC on a monitor or on a TV?
If Sony is able to launch the PSP at 19800 yen, then I see no reason why Microsoft wouldn't be able to launch the Xbox Next with 3 different hardware SKUs. Viva insanity!


Doth Togo said:

According to reports streaming in from some loose-penned European press, Microsoft will release three different versions of the Xbox Next. The standard Xbox Next will be a basic gaming console. The Xbox Next HD will include a hard drive. Then, about a year later, the Xbox Next PC will be released as a fully-functioning Windows Media Center PC, all in a package smaller than the current Xbox. It is slated to come with a wireless mouse and keyboard and a CD Burner. This should cause some healthy consumer confusion next year while making things difficult on developers.

"Fully-functioning windows media pc"?? DAMN, windows media pc u can record and rewind live television, also can then record those shows to a DVD. If this is true, it would be awesome. :) depends on how much it costs to determine how successful it is.


I like this idea just for the reason that most games will support a mouse and keyboard then. I think it's a pretty good idea especially if you are a pcgamer.


GameFan Alumnus
If true, I like this idea. It makes everyone happy. I just hope developers choose to support the HD with custom soundtracks or downloadable content, instead of ignoring it because some of the audience doesn't have it.

TCR for 3 SKU's shouldn't be that bad. It would just be another couple sections to worry about. More of an inconvenience rather than a "nightmare."


That's a fucking bad idea. If Sony ever jump into the "versions" way of doing things, this will all shit the console world. Welcome the "i can't this game fully even if i bought it" phenomenon. Please leave this crap on the PC world (aka Dark side of the force).
Sony is already doing this. It is called the PSX, which is pretty much a media center that can play PS2 games.

A lot of bitching in this and just overall confusion.


So, the rumored theory that Xbox was a Trojan horse for Microsoft is true now. Xbox was just a device to bring PC Gaming to everyone's living room and with the rumored Xbox Next PC & XNA this will now happen. Bill Gates' whole plan was to eliminate videogame systems and replace them with Console PCs. I really hope now that Sony or Nintendo just crush them in the next system wars, but I know that would not happen.


WordofGod said:
So, the rumored theory that Xbox was a Trojan horse for Microsoft is true now. Xbox was just a device to bring PC Gaming to everyone's living room and with the rumored Xbox Next PC & XNA this will now happen. Bill Gates' whole plan was to eliminate videogame systems and replace them with Console PCs. I really hope now that Sony or Nintendo just crush them in the next system wars, but I know that would not happen.
So Sony's plan to take over your entire house is better?


WordofGod said:
So, the rumored theory that Xbox was a Trojan horse for Microsoft is true now. Xbox was just a device to bring PC Gaming to everyone's living room and with the rumored Xbox Next PC & XNA this will now happen. Bill Gates' whole plan was to eliminate videogame systems and replace them with Console PCs. I really hope now that Sony or Nintendo just crush them in the next system wars, but I know that would not happen.

Settle down, this is just a rumor.


MS kinda openly stated that the XBOX is their way in the living room. Really thats no secret at all. That's also where XNA fits in. They eventually want everyone to use XNA for games. Then different console platforms will be obsolete and you're gonna buy a console like you're buying a DVD player now. SONY obviously isn't going along with that, and there is really no way around SONY here. So i don't know if they really thought this through.


Mr_Furious said:
Confusing and segmenting your userbase is NEVER, I repeat, NEVER a good idea.

Unless I'm grossly misunderstanding the idea, all the versions of Xbox 2 will play the same games, so there's no segmenting involved.


WordofGod said:
No, but I will take Sony any day over Microsoft.
so you can really over pay for basic consumer electronics!!

Woohoo for an even larger monopoly!! We will force you to watch Sony movies, on a Sony TV, using Sony blueray, with Sony Music artists that you can listen to on your Sony MP3 player, which you can then plug into your Sony Car stereo, and then get to work to work on your Sony computer with a linux distro made by Sony.

I'm sorry. While I don't agree with everything Microsoft does, at least they aren't trying to control every asset of entertainment from the production to the viewing.


element said:
so you can really over pay for basic consumer electronics!!

Woohoo for an even larger monopoly!! We will force you to watch Sony movies, on a Sony TV, using Sony blueray, with Sony Music artists that you can listen to on your Sony MP3 player, which you can then plug into your Sony Car stereo, and then get to work to work on your Sony computer with a linux distro made by Sony.

I'm sorry. While I don't agree with everything Microsoft does, at least they aren't trying to control every asset of entertainment from the production to the viewing.
Dont forget you'll have to save everything on a SONY Memory Stick® :p


element said:
so you can really over pay for basic consumer electronics!!

Woohoo for an even larger monopoly!! We will force you to watch Sony movies, on a Sony TV, using Sony blueray, with Sony Music artists that you can listen to on your Sony MP3 player, which you can then plug into your Sony Car stereo, and then get to work to work on your Sony computer with a linux distro made by Sony.

I'm sorry. While I don't agree with everything Microsoft does, at least they aren't trying to control every asset of entertainment from the production to the viewing.

I dont want either company in control of the living room but Sony is much better than Microsoft. I do not want Microsoft in control of the videogame market ever!

Deku Tree

What would this do for MMO console games introduced in the middle of the console's lifespan? Say the sales numbers for the xbox HD are low and those for the xbox NO HD are high. Do they release a FFXI type HD pack for the xbox NO HD? Or do they release it and limit themselves to the smaller xbox HD audience?


I hope they completely ditch the version without Hard drive. They're promoting costly CGI cutscenes, long load times, smaller environments and lack of backwards compatibility. I see on Halo 2 where they have several 350MB files on the X, Y, and Z partitions totaling over 2GBs. Will MS include over 2GB RAM to compensate? I don't think so. I hope that it's scrapped.


Deku Tree said:
What would this do for MMO console games introduced in the middle of the console's lifespan? Say the sales numbers for the xbox HD are low and those for the xbox NO HD are high. Do they release a FFXI type HD pack for the xbox NO HD? Or do they release it and limit themselves to the smaller xbox HD audience?

they release it and require that those who want to play it either have the XBNHD or the regular XBN with a larger memory card (1 gig @ $90). If you consider memory cards as an add-on, then they'll need an add-on.


Unconfirmed Member
Memory Card devices (Flash etc.) are not suitable replacements for a hard drive, not at least for the purposes of caching (too slow).

Also current flash technology suffers from a highly limited maximum number of writes, adhoc storage of smaller amounts of data, written to infrequently is generally the recommended use.

If the units are not upgradable and interchangable I think it's more like that games would be written for the lowest common denominator, not only due to technical constraints, but also from a business efficiency perspective, publishers & 3rd parties are going to want to reach the largest userbase possible for the lowest achievable outlay. Economics 101.


Freeburn said:
Memory Card devices (Flash etc.) are not suitable replacements for a hard drive, not at least for the purposes of caching (to slow).

Also current flash technology suffers from a highly limited maximum number of writes, adhoc storage of smaller amounts of data, written to infrequently is generally the recommended use.

and there you have your answer.


This flash device in the Xbox Next better be big. Like a couple gigs. Actually. I'd love to see a HUGE flash storage device (40-60 gigs) but I know this won't happen.


a 8 gig flash drive (Not flash card) would be cheap to manufacture. Most cost comes in when you're compressing bytes into a small space. Since Microsoft would be manufacturing the system themselves, they could constantly revise the drive details themselves to lower costs at any time during the console's manufacturing run.

However, the media center edition should have an 'extra' 60+GB hard drive locally. It could be used excusively for caching and could help the performance of PC games and the OS itself (Playing back media files and other operations).


I can already imagine the beauty of this idea. Xbox Next PC connected to Live and Microsoft deleting everything they consider illegal (translation: everything they don't like). I'll pass thanks.


Che said:
I can already imagine the beauty of this idea. Xbox Next PC connected to Live and Microsoft deleting everything they consider illegal (translation: everything they don't like). I'll pass thanks.
Look at XP. Microsoft does not do things like that to their users. Stop grasping at straws, lewser


Settle down guys, Sony's plan of record is pretty much exactly the same.

I don't know how valid this xbox rumor is, but last I heard Sony wants to release several different versions of PS3 as well -- Game Only, Game with BRD recorder, and a home server version with hard disk and other stuff.


DopeyFish said:
Going on Live with a modded Xbox is against the terms of use.

I bet you have many things on your PC which are against "the Terms of use". Nobody deletes them though. That's cos you have your privacy. A word Microsoft obviously dislikes.

Ranger X

Freeburn said:
I think it's more like that games would be written for the lowest common denominator, not only due to technical constraints, but also from a business efficiency perspective, publishers & 3rd parties are going to want to reach the largest userbase possible for the lowest achievable outlay. Economics 101.

Exactly. And it's also exactly why it's a bad idea. I really don't know what Microsoft is thinking. This sounds (again) like a move an industry leader could pull off, not someone aspiring the lead and as far behind Microsoft is from Sony.

bad move 1 : early launch
bad move 2 : 3 models with differents options

What's the third bad move now?


Che said:
Look at Live. nuff said.
They do not harm any content on your Hard drive, unless you renamed something as the origional files and a Xbox Dash update overwrites the old files. The most that would happen is you being banned from Live. You're still able to play your Xbox, your retail games and games on the Hard drive, the unsigned files, everything. They don't delete or touch the files on your hard drive. You lose functionality accessing their online services, like Windows XP pirated users and Windows Updates.

Stop making stuff up :lol
Redbeard said:
Unless I'm grossly misunderstanding the idea, all the versions of Xbox 2 will play the same games, so there's no segmenting involved.
I guess it all depends on what "added functionality" actually is. Some games may be developed with HD in mind and even the added benefit of backwards compatibility may be a factor significant enough to segment the userbase. Ultimately, I don't think both models can sustain themselves in the marketplace in the long run and Microsoft will be forced to discontinue their least popular option, therefore potentially aborting support for the "added functionality" (depends on which model). Releasing 2 versions of the same console hardware, day one, may confuse consumers causing them to shy away to a "simpler" alternative (when available).

But then again, this is nothing more than a rumor from The Inquirer, of all sources so whatever. History has proven that confusing the market by offering too many options by any one hardware company results in bad things.


Hollywood Square
open_mouth_ said:
Wow, you pulled your "COCK" out of your Ass?

You just FY(ourself)UTA

This is what qualifies as an insult on these forums nowadays? Where are my old foes, like GhostofBillGates, who would spout psychological babble and such.

This is like shooting fish in a bucket. A very, very small.


I for one am definitally on board for the Xbox Next PC, assuming it is coming out.

there are alot of things about having 2 or 3 versions of Xbox 2 that will dismay gamers, like not having a HDD in the basic model. I don't have time to think too much about it or discuss it but I understand some of the arguements even without reading this whole thread.


Xbox Next (Base Model) @ $249.99 to $299.99 price point released on Nov 11, 2005.
Includes the advanced IBM and ATI processors along with high level sound system to ensure a powerful next-gen system that should allow for even more advanced games than those seen on PC's for ~2 years, at least. Fully HDTV compatible as well. Has hi-capacity expansion (or memory card) slots allowing for portable and accessory storage cards to be purchased for game saves, faster loading, downloads, etc. These memory cards will start out at over 512mb of storage each and retail for approximately $40 to $60. PS2 and Gamecube games, for example, function fully without the use of memory cards, but if you want to save your game or replays, you *have* to have a memory card (less cost of the system but more post-purchase revenue for the manufacturer). Wireless controller support from the get-go is still up in the air, but imo, it should be standard. Xbox Next Base will be very sleek and small universally and will either be black with hints of green or a darker silver with hints of green and black.

Xbox Next HD @ $349.99 to $399.99 price point released on Nov 11, 2005
Inclues all the features of the base model plus a few important extras. Not only does this unit have a memory card expansion slot as well, it will also have a larger built-in storage disc of some sort (5+ gigs I presume). It will probably also include progressive scan DVD support, media extender functionality, and backwards compatibility, hence the higher cost. So, for developers, developing for the Xbox Next won't require any real special customizations for either version since they're both essentially the same, except for those little extras some hardcore fans are pining for. Games will be developed so they can be played without any sort of hard-drive, *but* they will also be made so that if a hard-drive is present, then saving, caching, downloads etc. (at the discretion of the user) will be fully functional. The XBNHD will only be slightly larger than the base unit, if at all. Down the road Microsoft will have the option of releasing an Ipod-like device that fits conveniently in the expansion slot and can be filled with music from the Xbox Next hard drive or from the internet through Microsoft's live service. Movies and TV shows could be possible in the future for download onto portable devices or for viewing on XBN like a tivo service of sorts.

Xbox Next PC @ $649.99 to $899.99 price point released on Nov 11, 2006
This unit will essentially be a media center PC using the latest Microsoft OS and give the user even more options (DVR, PC, downloads of movies, music, etc, internet, communication via videophones, television, etc. or essentially a media center hub!) in addition to having a built-in next-gen gaming console. PC games and other software can easily be installed and used and Microsoft can license out it's OS+ XBN technology to PC manufacturers for them to include this functionality in their media center PC's to create a sort of standard Allard was speaking of (or at least move in that direction). Microsoft would subsidize the cost to manufacturers so, while they still lose on each unit sold, they will be the ones gaining with game and live service royalties. Microsoft has successfully created a dual revenue stream (game royalties and online) that will help them become profitable in the long run, imo. To play Xbox Next, the user would just select that option from the boot screen and then the unit would function just like a regular Xbox Next HD unit. The standard Xbox controller (which would come with the unit as well) would have to be used to play the game. Because of XNA, games could be made to work one way on XBN and then they could also be installed (probably a PC version) on the PC side of things of the XBNPC or on regular stand-alone PC's and played online against (or in conjunction) with Xbox Next players. An Xbox Next game will not be the same as a PC game and it will not work in a PC and vice versa. If there are "ports", they will have to be just like they are now in terms of plug-and-play for the XBN version and installation for the PC version.

I don't think I've hit everything on the mark in terms of what will actually happen, but I think this is the most logical extension of Microsoft's tentative next-gen plans. It will not only allow them to release a mass-market next-gen console for the masses, but it will allow them to release a slightly more featured unit for the hard-core crowd at the same time without really alienating anyone and without having to eat alot of the costs themselves for features some users won't even use or care about. If the consumer is clearly educated on exactly what is being offered (which Microsoft has lots of experience in), then things should go very smoothly. And in Japan, where Microsoft has had it's hardest challenges, the smaller, streamlined unit will go a long way to win over some new customers and you just know Microsoft will learn from their abysmal first outing and come out with many more advanced Japanese-tailored games made by Japanese developers. Add in the slew of high quality western games that XBN is sure to have, and more Japanese gamers may actually consider giving the western console a try this time around.

I like just about everything you said here and I largely agree. however Xbox Next PC pricing needs to be more like $599 to $799, less than the cost of what more expensive PSX model originally cost in Japan.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ill be on board with an Xbox Next HD .. but there is no chance in hell im gonna get it at launch.. not after all those great promotions this gen .. ill be perfectly contect staying back a gen for a year or two ..


but Sony is much better than Microsoft
why? What has Sony done that makes them so much better then MS?

Buys out smaller companies to give an unfair advantage to themselves? Check for both Sony and Microsoft.
Buys out larger companies to give unfair advanages to themselves? Check for both Sony and Microsoft.

What makes Sony an angel compared to Microsoft?
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