Bought gold edition, put in season pass code, gave me a copy of the game and no season pass. Uttt ohhhhh.
These screens with gold crap... gaming woooo!
Bought gold edition, put in season pass code, gave me a copy of the game and no season pass. Uttt ohhhhh.
Huh, the loot stays for me after death. Also SoM didn't have loot.
I didn't consider the runes in SoM loot. Just physical icon representations of upgrades for the same weapons.The runes in SoM were absolutely loot.
We really gonna argue semantics on what loot is?
To me, loot is your prize for doing something in a game. In SoM killing captains gave me loot AKA runes.
I am guessing you need to play the original first?
I am guessing you need to play the original first?
I am guessing you need to play the original first?
How do I deal with much higher-leveled orcs?
Like, I'm level 4 and I'm ambushed by a level 12, most of my hits miss.
The game is so good. Shadow of Mordor feels like a demo now.
Is the story good in this one ?
Try different techniques. Use the glaive, vault over them, if you have an execution use that, use wraith stun (tap the wraith drain button) and get in a few hits, shoot them with arrows, lure them to a barrel and shoot the barrel with arrows, give them the slip then stealth stab them... there are a lot of options.
I'm sorry but that's freaking amazing hahahaI used to be unbeatable on Shadow of Mordor. I'm dying alot on this. Last fucking Uruk adapted to 2 of my moves which made him almost impossible to kill, and to add salt into the wound the son of a bitch decided to humiliate me by walking away and laughing at me rather than finish me off.
Trying to decide whether to get this or Evil Within 2. Both look so good.
Does the game feel like Lord of the Rings? How is the soundtrack?
Also, did they change the controls from Mordor? I hated that I couldn't run and move the camera at the same time (since you had to hold A). Why do something like this?
I've had the game since friday and put in around 35 hours (jesus), you guys are in for a treat. Still in Act 2, but already in my Top5 for the year.
Lots of cool nemesis story so far, favorite one: I stumble across this mystic assassin orc WAY above my level and it takes me around fifteen minutes to take him down using a graug, drakes, and lots of sappers that I can call in as a set bonus of an equipped legendary gear set. As I dominate him, naturally I cannot recruit him since his level is too high, so I shame him to level him down.
Next time I meet him: he ambushes me, only his level is even higher and he does this speech that he embraced my shaming and feels even prouder because of it (he has, at this point, my hand mark tattoed all across his body). So i beat him again and shame him again, and this time he becomes "deranged" and a blubbering idiot. Using SUPER shame, a special shaming skill aquired later, his level is supposed to go down drastically, but of course that doesn't happen and he becomes a "dangerous maniac" , an even stronger, but mentally impaired, version of himself.
Since then he ambushes me time and time again, blubbers unintelligible gibbberish, and fucks my world up. I love him.
Be ready for people to tell you to use that ridiculous "claw grip" lol
Does the game feel like Lord of the Rings? How is the soundtrack?
Also, did they change the controls from Mordor? I hated that I couldn't run and move the camera at the same time (since you had to hold A). Why do something like this?
Is the story good in this one ?
Im on phone, cant see the difference, which one would you say is best?Quick and dirty Pro comparison:
Favour Resolution
Favour Quality
The game looks stunning in motion by the way.
Im on phone, cant see the difference, which one would you say is best?
Oh alright, I have a 1080p TV, so Im guessing me going with favoring quality is the better choice. ThanksFavour resolution looks great on my 4K display and havent encountered any framerate issues yet.
The open world is great fun but man... the poorly structured narrative is such a let down. The character motivations and conflicts are very sketchy, made even more complicated by the (on the surface) interesting idea that Talion and Celebrimbor have opposing agendas. Unfortunately this means you're doing missions with only a vague idea why you're supposed to give a damn as a player. You'll be watching a lot of portentous dialogue of people rubbing against each other without caring which side gets their way / betrays the other / whatever. Shelob as a story axis still makes no sense to me. I'm sure someone can patiently fill in the blanks with a lot of explanation but I'd rather just have a story engine that runs on its own momentum and energy without requiring meta-knowledge.
Coming off games like The Witcher III, Horizon Zero Dawn and Divinity OS 2, games that have a very organic relationship between what the protagonist cares about and what you as a player are doing moment to moment, the shortcomings are glaring to me.
dayum that was fast lol
Yeah, if you're not invested in Tolkien Lore you're gonna have a hard time with the main storylines. You better know what Nazghul are or what a Palantir does. The in-game index is extensive and accessible enough, but still.
You better know what Nazghul are or what a Palantir does.
There's the exact same system in Mad Max. And it was before BoTW.
So no, they indeed lifted the system from another game. But i doubt Zelda is the one since Mad Max is a WB game.
The 4K Cinematic Pack renders cinematics at 4K resolution.
Experience the epic story of the Bright Lord and the war for Mordor brought to life in breathtaking detail.
I used to be unbeatable on Shadow of Mordor. I'm dying alot on this. Last fucking Uruk adapted to 2 of my moves which made him almost impossible to kill, and to add salt into the wound the son of a bitch decided to humiliate me by walking away and laughing at me rather than finish me off.